Im really sorry, i lost my little buddie too almost a month ago , still crying randomly when i remember him... A little collage that my gf did some time ago
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Ah man, I totally feel your pain and I'm sorry you lost a family member like that ...
My cat passed away five years ago (this month in fact) from old age. I had a vet come to the house and look at him, but she said it was just old age and there was nothing that could be done. I laid on the floor with him that whole last night he was alive, petting him and talking to him to ease his passing. When I woke in the morning, still on the floor, he was snuggled up next to me, and he was gone. My dog (a Yorkie) who had just turned one was also curled up on the floor him him, and spent the next several weeks wandering around the house looking for my cat ... My cat was 17 years old when he passed away. I miss him all the time. :(
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I feel you. I am sorry for your loss. When my dog died years ago I cried for the first time over a death.
I wish you all the best.
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I haven't had any pets for a while, but I had a few over the years and it's always heartbreaking to lose them. They are Friends.
I'm very sorry.
The one I remember the most is my old chinchilla, he was such a cutie. He would always gnaw his wood houses and make a sand mess with his baths, that cute bastard.
I can still feel his fur on my hands. And him nibbling my fingers.
Now I need a pet.
Have a chinchilla gif.
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I'm so sorry, it's terrible to lose a friend, especially considering he was relatively young... And I don't know how I would have coped if my cat had left me in such an unexpected and unfair way; I guess I was lucky, she died calmly in my mother's arms at the age of 20. It happened more then a year ago, and it still gets to me from time to time; no wonder, she'd been with me since I was 9, and we loved each other dearly. I still see her in the corner of an eye often. Probably my favourite picture of her:
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Yea, actually just in the past days I was talking to friend, saying how my cat will get to live for a long time. And then this happened, the most unfair thing that I can think of. I sure would have loved to spend at least a few years more with him. You were lucky, she was a beauty.
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I'm sorry for your lose.
I too recently lost a beloved pet as well as a friends pet whom I was very close to.
Here's a Key for anyone to Heaven Island, as it seems the only key I have appropriate for this situation.
Edit: Not that it has anything to do with Heaven or pets..just the name is all..
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I feel deeply sorry for your loss. Losing a dear friend, be it a person or a beloved pet, is always a hard situation. I hope you'll be able to find consolation.
I've lost my first kitten around 2,5 years ago. He was just an usual stray cat, somewhere about 5/6 months old. We took him in because he was very sick. He refused eating and had severe troubles with even moving his legs. Turned out that he was deeply poisoned and nothing could be done at this time. He passed after a week of constant visits to many different vets.
My current cute ball of fur, Vanes, is one of my very joys of life. She's a rescue cat that got into a car accident, but managed to shug it off with just a broken tooth. She's just your regular indoor cat, that loves petting, sleeping wherever it's warmest and ripping my hand to shreds.
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I'm very sorry to hear that... I also lost 2 kitties (one was so close to be 1 year old!) because of a road accident. Only one of the same litter is left (some were give away) and he's such a lovely creature. We deeply care for him, especially because we fear whenever he's outside.
So I feel for you and I'm really sorry. hugs
Here is a photo of similar cat that we have:
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Sorry for your loss :/
I have 4 other cats (here's all 5 in one pic, VERY RARE PHOTO!!! XD), but the one in the pics below is my baby.
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I'm not really sure. She's a mix, like her mother(s) were.
When I went to get her (found via an ad in the newspaper), she was being raised in a dual-litter. 2 momma cats both had a litter of kittens at the same time, but one momma cat couldn't produce enough milk, so they kind of joined the 2 litters and raised them together. I got 2 kittens, and Mitzy's (the one pictured above) sister, Chloe, looks completely different.
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Aw, very sweet looking cat. I'm sorry for his misfortune, and yours. My first childhood cat died of kidney failure when I was only 9, then our next cat lived to be approximately 20 y.o., until she got a tumor on her spine. (Not my avatar cat.) I haven't had a pet since (though I've had roommates with cats).
I love your avatar, BTW.
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I'm sorry. Your cat was gorgeous. I hope you have a lot of good memories with him. A few years ago I lost my cat that I had gotten from a family member, and we had spent 8 years together before we had to put him down since he was 15 years old. He was my baby ever since I had gotten him when I was 8. Now, I have two kittens that we got two years ago. The top one is my brother's derp of a cat, Furby. The bottom one is my beautiful cat, Neko.
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Such beauties, I also have another cat looks like your brother's. Rescued her from the street 1 year ago.
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Aweh she's pretty! They do look a bit alike, besides her fur being more fluffy :3
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My cat just died today, I was leaving for work, I found him outside, dead in front of my house, it appears he was hit by a car long before I found him, he crawled with his last breath back home and died in the rain, which makes it even sadder. He was my best buddy for a lot of years, about 10, his name was Suru, which means grey in my language. I live in a village we usually don't keep cats inside but every chance I got, I brought him inside to stay with me, like 2-3 times a day, so we both spent a few good hours together each day, sometimes he came by himself, usually when the weather was bad outside. Meowing at the door, he made such nice and delicate meow sounds. Once in a while I started whistling and for some reason he liked the sound, each time he came purring. He was so proud, always keeping his chest out and he had such a nice personality, independent and confident, sometimes even indifferent but I liked it, because he resembled me, he also knew when to ease up and act lovely. He always let the other cats eat first, he always ate last. I love him so much, he left me heartbroken.
But let's not make it just about my pet and just about this sad event, let's make a pet appreciation thread, tell me about your pets, anything you wish. Like what you love about them, or their usual routine, pictures, stories, anything. And please appreciate your friend and pet him like it's the last time you are seeing each other, wrong things can happen each day because the universe has such dark sense of humor.
If you're interested, here's a picture of him. (before the accident)
PS: Dyscourse giveaway in his memory
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