I own Psychonauts and Brutal Legend, might pick it up for Spacebase DF-9, but the rest just seems kinda meh.
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I recently picked it up in a trade, it's pretty fun, I'm liking it at least. :)
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Well I do like heavy metal, both the music and the comic. How is the gameplay? Most of the videos I can find are...lacking. Is it like a hack n' slash that devolves into a harmonix game? Or is the music just cutscene/story related you don't "play" the music?
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I like the idea of how the battles and such worked, some reviews found it jaring but i don't get that. watch a chunk of lp or something just watch out for spoilers. maybe try a multiplayer video for that reason.
the only complaint I've got is the end stopped way too short out of nowhere, its like you go from act 1, act 2 and then suddenly act 3(which the game has been hyping up the whole time) is a cutscene a bossfight and the game is over. you were clearly gearing up for more and it just ends for some reason right in the middle. like they ran out of budget/time and said "lets wrap this up" half way through
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Since you like heavy metal, you really should get it and will most likely love it! ^^ Someone once called it "a love-poem to the heavy metal genre" and this sums it up pretty good ^^
Purely looking at the gameplay, its good enough to be fun to play, but there are lots of better games out there. I does not evolve into some harmonix-game, you just have short and simple input-sequences when you are casting the bigger spells, but the gameplay never evolves around that feature.. but instead it turns into some kind of RTS-light, where you drive arount with your tourbus, set up your stage and send troops over a battlefield and try to conquer strategic points and destroy the enemy stage.. there are some great ideas in here and its really fun for a short while, but gets far to prominent in later parts of the game.
TLDR: If you like Heavy Metal, you will get a whole awesome heavy-metal-world to explore, formed by the eternal firebeast "Ormagöden" out of the four elements: Blood, Metal, Noise and Fire! The story and characters are great, but as a game, it is only just "good enough".
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Brutal Legend is simply awesome. I loved the open world exploration, the (at times mindless) hack and slash nature of the combat, car upgrades and cutscenes. A few gripes I have are that I could not really get into the hang of the RTS part and kept failing it many times - and finding all the collectibles or whatever you call it all over the map are starting to get annoying because there's a fuckton of them :/
Still I eventually finished the main story even though I kept getting distracted by secondary missions...
And, being a metal fan who's rather disappointed and disgusted at the way the current state of POP-py crap is going, the soundtrack is awesome too! Classics like Megadeth's Tornado of Souls/High Speed Dirt, early Sabbath and a few gems (imo) like Brocas Helm :O
Oh, the so-called 'harmonix' sections? They're just small solos that're rather easy to execute, you only do it maybe once in a while - the one you'll probably use the most is the one to summon your car!
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I have both Psychonauts and Brütal Legends. Both games are preatty good i think. I have completed Brütal Legend a few month ago and started it over on Brütal difficulty recently. It's still fun to play.
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meh, bundle sucks for me, nothing here that wasn't in their other bundles which i already have. and they've got that obnoxous $16.74 tier thing and continuing that unrealisticly high bta as an alleged average (but thats permenent and no new news)
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not sure, their blog someplace I think?
yeah its fixed tier, but when they first set the beat-the-arbitrary it was allegedly based on the average of all bundles preceeding the one they fixed. alleged because to the best of my memory I had rarely seen one at or above 6 at the end but plenty closer to 4, and definately remember questioning the choice of 6 at the time, it seemed like it must have taken some creative weighting. also I think i remember it being lower at first and slowly creeping up after lackluster bundles while still being called average until rounding up to 6 but not sure.
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shouldnt us who bought the humble double fine bundle and got the space base df-9 prototype already have the space base df-9 alpha? if not i dont like double fine anymore.
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Why should you get the alpha/beta/early access to the full game? You got the prototype made during Amnesia Fortnight 2012. Same would be the case if an of the other prototypes (made in just a few weeks) would make it past the prototype state.
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Pointless is in the eye of the beholder. Personally as a gamer who's interested in the creative part of game-creation and who has a girlfriend who is a game developer it's kind of a awesome deal to get an insight in how "bigger indie-developers" work, how they create ideas and how much the team is able to do in just a few weeks time.
It's also quite interesting to see if any of the prototypes will end up being made into a real game and being able to in a way "choose" which project that might have the chance to evolve into a released product.
If however one is not interested in playing prototypes (early demo/showcases), getting an exclusive inside look on the creative-side of game developing or "have a minimal say" in which projects that evolves and which one that might not leave the drawing table at all (or being integrated or transformed into another project later on) then things like this and the Mojams are kind of pointless.
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sorry, i mean...relitively pointless from what I assume to be the perspective of the guy i replied to(who wanted the full game when/if it came out because he supported the prototype/alpha) (but not to other people such as the guy who will reply to me :D) (and because of the uncertanty of text i'll clarifiy that isn't a sarcastic :D)
unrelated to that but just because it came up: unfortunately do these random poll prototypes ever go anywhere? off the top of my head that promising one with the wasteland train thing died on the drawing board after the bundle? did any of them live? I honestly forgot to follow up later.
edit- but on continued consideration I think costume quest was one, so sometimes yeah nevermind
edit- but that was one of the preexisting ones i think? still its cool i guess and definately has its fans else it wouldn't have any buyers
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I see your point about using the word pointless then :) And I'm sorry I sounded harsh or anything like that :)
Sometimes and sometimes not I would say. From the last public amnesia fortnight Hack n Slash and Spacebase DF-9 will be made into full games due to the reception of the prototypes.
Autonomous was also worked on after the prototype and released as a free "expanded version" for the leap-controller. This one was probably just DF playing around with the Leap-controller but they still did work on that prototype after the "amnesia".
So3 out of 5 games from the last public amnesia have been worked on (and been or will be released this year, if everything goes according to plan) Black lake and the white birch being the two currently not being worked on (at least not announced). I would personally love to see both of them being worked on or at least used as a foundation to a new concepts, cause they were both kind of interesting.
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if you ignore the prototypes that were in the last bundle as a bonus and leave off both bundle's tier 3 they're exactly the same.
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I have all these games except Spacebase obviously. I enjoy them all. Brutal legend is pretty decent, but there are a lot of battles and I got sick of them. As it has been mentioned all of these games have been in past bundles. I've seen Brutal legend in 2 indy bundles in like the last 5 or 6 months.
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I own everything except DF-9, and even here I have played prototype. So now I am thinking about buying and gifting everything but DF-9.
Brutal Legend is totaly worth 6$. If you don't have it - buy it. Even if you don't like heavy metal. The game is just too good to miss it out.
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Costume Quest
Brütal Legend
Spacebase DF-9 (Early Access Game)
So I have none of these games, I heard brutal legend was meh...
Probably pick up t1, but idk what do you guys think, t2 worth it? Ever heard of Spacebase DF-9?
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