I am not level 8, but have bump. for your nice giveaways. Public giveaways are not always easy, but sometimes you meet really nice users. But I also do mostly forum or group giveaways.
If you are on the search for a Group with a lot of interaction, feel free to visit https://www.steamgifts.com/group/bARJa/writehistory . The giveaways don´t get every time 5 entries, but everytime nice comments to history facts. Main rule is: entry is only allowed if you make a comment of a history event or participate in the discussion
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That is a creative idea! I think I saw it on another giveaway a few weeks back if I am not mistaken. It had a random history fact attached to it, so I'm pretty sure it was :D I don't know if I could be creative enough to find good history tidbits, and I don't even know what history is real history!
Many things I thought I was taught correctly in school here turned out to be either wrong, or up to debate. Still, it is good for people to be aware of some facts that are not in question. There are plenty of things we know for sure are about 99% accurate! I wish you luck on the group, and I might consider, since I am already in so many groups right now. One more couldn't hurt, right? Whether or not I decide to join up sometime, great to mix it up with something different! All the best luck on it!
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Good point! You cannot have a discussion without having some sort of information out there to discuss. Great to have a theme to get things going from time to time if it makes things interesting. I like learning new things, and it's probably good to learn something new every day like they say, whoever exactly they are. :D
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Yeah... it's kinda crazy. You just never know. Once somebody wins, that's it too. I'm pretty much required to send my giveaway, so I think my chances are better if I do a regular public giveaway either in the form of forums/invite only with special codes and whatnot to try and create an anti-cheat/bot filter, or go sgtools (too much work for me right now), or raise the level. I guess the odds are better at higher levels for people that enter, but also it lowers a lot of chances for good people under the threshold, so it's kinda all over the place on what is best. I have a group I started called Lyme Sucks, but I haven't invited anyone yet. I wanted to do giveaways for people who were really kind in my own thread on my lyme stuff, but I don't know when I'll be ready to do that with funds being tight right now. Being sick sure is expensive! Plus the fact that work is nearly impossible on top of it. Vicious cycle. Sorry for blabbing... I think I only did public giveaways too up until around level 4 or 5 if I recall right. I found a bundle group thanks to a friend, but yeah, most all were public for the first little bit.
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I find that normal, I believe in the punitive sanction of judiciary system, so, when someone do something shitty and get punish for it: they should be treated with the same chance as everybody else. One can argue that the punitive sanction for non-activated/duplicate win are not harsh enough (while the redacted drama is plenty) but that's an other subject ^^
Oh, you're the the Lyme awareness Op, right. I remember you saying that you where living of gouvernemental aid. But may I ask from what country ? One with full social security or nah ?
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Well, even full SSI doesn't give much if I never "contributed" to the machine here. I was bitten young, so I tried working only once for a little bit, and part time. I'm getting some assistance, but it is very low amount. I can't even cover my supplements and vitamins and herbals right now, so I pick what I think is best. The US doesn't grant much of anything in most states unless you worked a reasonable amount of time, for the SSI/SSDI. I guess what I am going after (I have hired attorneys, but the case is moving very slowly, as most all do) will fall under a SSI here. Not enough to live on... but I have friends and family that help. Without that, I would not even have a place to stay. It's kind of sad how little is spent on the poor here - most all of the poor I encounter are disabled in some way, but the idea is that they are leeching off the economy by propaganda that has been spread by the rich.
I think that's the real danger - interest creates debt slavery on the opposing side. Won't get into my views, but we (poor/disabled) do not make enough to live on, even if we make disabled status. We are guilty until proven innocent, as far as that part goes too. Why is it so hard for somebody to get these bread crumbs that are being tossed down by people that have enough money to give everyone plenty of money if they really wanted to do so.... According to one thing I read, Americans have spent enough on the F-35 here to give every homeless person in the US a $600,000 mansion...
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Thank you again for your giveaways buddy! :3
I really tried public giveaways, I've made 400+ of them with a lot of level 0,1 and 2 but I got so many very wonderful winners and re-rolls that I transitioned most of my public giveaways (except the high level ones) to level 2 SGTools giveaways and I'm not going or looking back to those early days.
In just over 2500 SGTools giveaways I have had 2 very wonderful and dishonest winners that were re-rolled by SG support and also suspended.
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Also I just want to add that making SGTools giveaways isn't difficult and doesn't take much more time compared to regular giveaways.
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feel free to blacklist me
Why? Because I cant enter ga? It's not like I need to have every game ever made xD
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One person told me that I'm blacklisted because I make too much ga (seriously) because it means that I can buy games for myself, and other person said that I have too much games already and don't need more. Fun fact: you beat me in both fields xD
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I have also heard of winners getting blacklisted after a win so that it creates one less person who could win something later. Some creative ways to use it I suppose :D
That is kinda funny though about the "too many giveaways" thing. Even if somebody bought everything they wanted for themselves, and never entered a giveaway, they are still being charitable by giving lots of stuff away. If on the other hand they enter stuff, well...
I don't know why you would if you could just buy everything. Maybe it's fun for some, and they get addicted to the chance of winning, or collecting/hoarding like Super... :cough cough: fabs :cough: Even then in those cases, that kinda stirs things up to create more interest in the site if there is giving away, since everyone being stagnant would create a dead gifting economy.... Can enter more with better chances at a higher level, though most stuff is not at higher levels. I thought that was sort of the point in the first place (at least from my perspective) to give away stuff here. I guess not a large percentage goes past level 0 or 1 though, considering how many people are registered - that number would be a bit skewed since people may not have stuck around as well.
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Well actually i am missing that point, you mention having problems with lower levels, but not why then a (more) majority of your giveaways wouldn't be public ones but for higher levels or even invite ones you invite through something like SGtools or just a puzzle.
It's not like you pick groups either with a fair amount of members to have a chance in yet claim to love most of us still.
Thanks but i find it would be hypocritical for me to enter.
And yeah having Lyme must suck, and with enough trees and animals around it's easy to get (unless you live in a crowded city).
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Well, I joined too many groups, I suppose, and I am spread a bit thin. Many require things to keep my ratio in check, so I donate a lot to them for various reasons (some give benefits to the top contributors each term, or I'm just keeping my head above water). Nature of the beast. I don't have a ton of giveaways to spare after all that, so that's it pretty much. I am surprised I did not save these for some other groups... I do have a lot to trade, but I'm not 100% sure which keys work, even though I have a lot that I plan to try trading. I can figure out if a key works without being indebted, like if a giveaway ends and both sides do not agree to cancel amicably if it is too expensive for me to replace a key. Hopefully that makes sense.
It should be the message, the act of giving, and not the prize that is what love is about... Right?
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Keeping enough puzzles for my jigidi thread (and i wish i could do more public ones too but people appreciate the jigidi's and atleast anyone is open to solve them) i know about not having much to gift (then again you managed alot so far) but it's why i specifically never enter such groups, i even passed down on an invitation or 2 for the simple fact i was never 100% i could keep it up, being able to sent stuff.
If you have so much trouble keeping your head above water, is it maybe not smarter to leave some atleast, stay in 1 or 2, then you also might have some extra for more public or puzzles unless your chances on winning in such groups are higher priority for you.
On the other hand if you did more public ones or invites through puzzles, people will recognize it and sometimes might even grant you a whitelist.
Many did that before with keys not sure, posting a thread with an invite giveaway in which they agree to have it removed if a key doesn't work.
I disagree with you, if i had a million and i only give it to my few closest friends and family (like it's similar to small groups, and thus get your level 8 mostly through that) or if i shared my million with people i didn't know. Who is more generous in that case?
And yes it's better then not giving anything at all i guess. None of this is meant as condescending and just my view on it.
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Oh ironic to see you here..
Dear spiff00, It's more about the kindness you would give to someone you don't know, like giving the homeless guy on the street some money or an extra tip to a waitress, yes i believe that takes more generosity then giving something to a relative but in that it has so many aspects too like is your family rich or not, do they really need it etc etc.
How many that can afford it with families that have it good (a roof and food) won't even give a glance to someone else like that?
Gifting to people you don't know or family, one isn't lesser then the other, not claiming that, i meant more the act of it, maybe generous isn't the right word, meant it more as in kindness or whatever you call it.
Or people that can't even afford it really but still give to strangers, like 1 person here with a very small income and still decided to gift, they deserve alot more respect then people getting to a higher level like this (same as like asking devs for hundreds of copies, it's not less nice but it's different then people who level up normal).
All in all not many will boast about giving in real life, and that happens somewhat private, so okay lets drop comparing it with that, as this is a public website, but here if someone makes a thread to kinda boast on how about they reached like a level 8 mostly due small closed group giveaways, then it's not really the same generous as someone that made a bunch of public ones or even through puzzles, is it?
Again as i told you before, personally yes i don't get it why people go to a public place then just to create such an eltist thing for themselves, but to each their own.
But I wasn't the only one who shared similar views in your own thread, and yes i adressed mine, but suddenly after that you somehow did a lot more public ones all of the sudden, after months of a majority of small group ones (so don't go like it's all coincidence and you had it planned)..
Both op and you (about an issue related with gifting in too many groups) made a thread in a public place, then expect you can find anyone answering to you, even if some are opposite of what you find, difference is unlike you, op doesn't take offense in it.
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You're really not making much sense but it looks like you're somehow insisting that despite the fact that I've done more public giveaways for more real CV and won less than you, you are the "more generous" because of the way you choose to create your giveaways.
Also, isn't it a bit silly comparing this to giving to homeless or other unfortunate people? This is a luxury product we're talking about after all. If you're going to be that particular about how one should gift here maybe you should consider stop giving games at all and instead spend those resources gifting to real charities where the gifting counts for something?
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You are the one not making any sense, i never denied you haven't done public giveaways too, till a point (as a certain group of people do here) then for some reason you went exclusive and decided to do more then 75% small group, few level 6+ and higher and invite giveaways, again for months in a row.
When i asked you simply as to your reasons you never gave 1 answer that would make sense.
And then all of the sudden while several told you the same thing and then suddenly like magic you can do a bunch of public ones again. Just because you won less and someone else more you can't really blame them for that either.
Never did i once say i am (more) generous, some people would just even call it bundle trash what i give away and dislike me for that. But i am broke as what, and i am blessed with tremorgames and i believe in karma and giving back, and do my damndest best where i can. i am not generous,i just try to give back where i can.
And i can't just give games to charity can i? Just like people automatically think if someone got plenty of games, that he must be loaded, no it's not always black or white, but grey. Or like someone could have lost a job in the meantime.
Don't put words in my mouth for those two things.
Even so if you don't like the comparing with that, even if you are right with that, it does not tear down 1 brick of the fact that a certain group, like you included, is keeping an eltist exclusivity and you never once tried to waylay it with valid and good counter arguements but instead you try to find attacks in the other person, just as here, it wasn't an offense to you either but somehow it keeps hitting a nerve with you.
As i was done in your thread, don't pick it up here again, op was done, i accepted it, you decided to make a fuss again.
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Again snide remark, Since when is sharing a view, jugmental? Op kinda asked himself why people might have blacklisted him, i gave my reason (group not the level thing), he took it as it was, i left it be, you jumped in..
But i do think it's just common decency yeah to not create solemnly giveaways for such small groups, but it's just that, an opinion, not a demand, nor rule, nor accusation, nor anything else.
Clean up your own act first (i'll be curious if you suddenly now keep those public giveaways up again) then you can be fascinated with it.
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Individual? Check your thread again and count how many others said something about your group only thing.
Fascinating? Nah, definitelly not and if you think i am fascinating you really need to find a better hobby or subject of interest and something worthwhile is definitely missing in your life.
But It's very fascinating of you how you can judge one's character (speaking about judgmental) based on 1 thing sticking out you read on the internet. I speak what's on my mind (which i should have done when i kept being bullied for years in school), if that's here or in real life, even if it's that doesn't fit in your frame of mind or someone elses.
Don't like it? Don't go on the internet.
You didn't give one simple valid counterarguement for your group reasoning, because simply you don't have one and it bugs you.
Please can you just ignore me whenever you do see me post?
I actually do have things that fascinate me way more then these discussions with you.
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A bump for your giveaways (although I definetelly cannot enter).I can actually understand the level restriction pretty much, since it is annoying, if people don't say thank you or don't accept the key for ages. Here is an explanation, why lower levels do not say thank you that often: There is no direct way to message the user and (at least for me) it took some time to find out to put my thanks comment directly in the comment section of the created giveaway.
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I was the same at first - I did not even consider thanking others for some reason at first. Somebody came along that I haven't seen for a long time... and they sort of instilled that in others as being very important. Just speaking up and reading descriptions became important to me thanks to their guidance in these areas. It sounds funny, but they really did make me think about it... It's led me to a few secrets here and there. Anyway, that person has won 0 giveaways and was level 10 in a very short period of time giving away a lot of stuff.
They didn't enter stuff - only gave away. They also blacklisted for not reading descriptions if they asked something of entrants... heh. They messaged me and let me know about it on one occasion that I would have been blacklisted when I didn't reply to a description. Can happen to anybody... It's definitely taken some getting used to for me though, so it makes a lot of sense where you're coming from.
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Many thanks for those high level GAs - Amphora really looks awesome. :)
I dropped the amount of public giveaways as well. I don't automate anything so they just caused too much extra work frequently and getting automated messages upon entry of some users (the same message on up to 50 GAs at the same time... why the heck do people something like that?) in return kinda felt wrong.
I read your lyme awareness thread several times and really feel sorry about that. The amount of ticks and their geographical extension in germany keeps increasing every year due to global warming.
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I've heard about that! There are some areas with a lot of wilderness or forest-like environment as well, from what I have heard. My area is supposed to be even worse this year thanks to that very same thing you mention (the global warming topic). The mice here are more plentiful, and survived better due to the lighter winter, so there should be more ticks in theory as a result. This area is the biggest for lyme in the USA. I came here on purpose to get treatment, since doctors seem to take it more seriously... Anyway, let us hope that there can be more done in the future for lyme, or it could get uglier with each year. Over 230,000 reported new cases in Europe - just the reported ones, I believe, last year, and more here in the US I think, at around 300,000. Also, around 700 peer-reviewed published articles with patients having chronic lyme discussed. Something has got to give eventually, I think.
As for myself, I will be strong, personally. I know there are people suffering far worse than I am. It is kind of sad being able to recall those healthy times though, but I have to move on and fight for now. It's all I can do, and what most of us have to do each day with all sorts of struggles.
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Thank you for the great giveaways, Superfabs!:)
Sorry to hear that they wouldn't give you those extra slots for your Cake Day thread! I'm not sure why they wouldn't approve it, as you are a member of good standing after all!
Lyme disease. Ugh! I remember I had a wood tick nestled in the back of my ear! Thankfully, we were able to get it out (took two tries, because the bugger decided to break in two and try and stay on my ear!), and I did not suffer any complications from it.
It was a wood tick, not a deer tick, so perhaps that is why I lucked out?
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I think any ticks can carry it nowadays. There is Dog, Deer, Lonestar here that all can potentially cause it. I'm not sure if the chances are much higher though with deer ticks around these parts though. Lonestar can be pretty bad too, since it carries STARI. I don't know much about the wood tick though, to be honest. I'm just glad you are not sick in any way from that.
You're welcome as well! Always glad to hear from you, and wishing you many good times ahead!
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Thank you!:)
Well, I had gotten the tick decades ago, so perhaps it wasn't as prevalent as it is now? (Weird. I typed prev into the Google search bar, and it showed preventic collar, prevent ticks, and preventing tick bites as possible choices. I guess that is what I get for doing a previous search for 'wood tick', eh?;) )
Yikes! STARI looks pretty nasty! It sort of looks like something that you get with certain spider bites!
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Very true as well. Lyme didn't really make a big debut until the 80's, and even then it was kinda rare. I am amazed I got it as early as I did, around 1994. Bad luck... combined with the area _ deer booming population there + what else was going on then. The whole mycoplasma patents that were done 30 miles from the place I was bitten... it's a rather unfortunate series of events that didn't play in my favor.
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I sincerely hope they find something in the near future that will be able to fix at least some of the symptoms and allow you to feel better than you are right now!
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That would be awesome! I'm trying antibiotics for a little while. There are a lot of things out there, but it's hit and miss, and expensive to try... so for now, the antibiotics will be what I'm going to try over the course of however long my doctor will prescribe them for my mycoplasma. Luckily I have some help this time, since the anxiety and depersonalization was too much for me last go, and I had to stop. I was worried for my safety, if I did something I didn't know or expect to do. Glad I can try the main antibiotic again for the myco... I tried others for a good while, but they didn't seem to help the mycoplasma or lyme, unfortunately.
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I hope to have some nice whitelist ones sometime soon as well! I haven't really been up to snuff in that area lately. I've created a Lyme Sucks group that I'll invite contributors for my lyme topic to eventually... no plans yet on when or what I'll be doing, but I'm sure it'll line up at the right time.
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Thanks Superfabs for your excellent high level appreciation GAs :)
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Pfft, I didn't want them anyway! :P
Just kidding but to be honest I would probably not have entered since I rarely do with non bundled giveaways. Thank you for sharing some nice unbundled games anyway :)
Edit: Forgot to say that although I can't really say that I love you, from the little I know, you do seem like a pretty cool guy
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I don't personally use SGT, but I have no problem with others doing so. I'm totally sympathetic to those dealing with "undesirable" winners. So, have a bump. )
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LEVEL 8+ required. Why am I doing this?! Who knows... I rarely do public giveaways these days because... well... various reasons over time, especially when created at lower levels. No offense to you if you are a nice user at a lower level, and you cared to stop in and actually read this (that in itself is quite the accomplishment, and I congratulate you!!) - feel free to blacklist me because you can. I pretty much purged my own, and it's not worth the time it takes to actually add anybody and then manage it... I am already too busy as it is running in circles and ending up at the same place I began to worry overmuch with such matters. I believe karma takes care of these things, so there is no reason for me to try and force my hand in matters that are out of my control anyway. Blah blah blah.
Anyway... I don't get a lot of courtesy for whatever reason from some of my lower level giveaways as much as higher, but higher level giveaways are not immune to this either... at any rate, I still love you! I'm also in too many bundle groups these days, since they are a bit nicer and close-knit after getting used to them... and I like my experiences so far in most, though sadly they are not perfect for me, and I've had to leave one that didn't fit me personally after some rule changes I did not sign up for.
I'm not here to necessarily denigrate anyone at lower levels, but I figure it is worth an explanation. Why did I even make a topic... I never do, ever since I was not given bonus slots on my cake day train after year 1 (I had no idea I couldn't go over 100 giveaways in a 24 hour period, so I requested more slots for the event, and was denied by support for whatever reason - cake day sort of crept up on me and I wasn't quite ready for it, so it got delayed). Hey, I guess this is the first one aside from my awareness thread on lyme. Nasty disease... causes all kinds of illnesses if left unchecked. If you don't believe in late stage lyme, I have a stack of medical reports, tests, and records the size and width of a set of encyclopedias (okay... not quite, but almost) that would say otherwise. Please try to enjoy the health you have.
Whimsical giveaways from me for anyone interested that meets the requirements. No sgtools checks for silly rules or anything like that. If you're 8+, based on contributions, you are good to go!
In case you missed the title of the topic, and didn't care to read anything above: level 8+ requirement.
Please feel free to comment here or on giveaways. I enjoy reading from all of you, and I try to reply most of the time.
I felt like going a little mellow, and throwing in a few Labyrinth songs I like in my gibs, since I was listening to an album of theirs earlier.
Red Goddess: Inner World
Tales of Symphonia
Vaccine War
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