Sorry if I posted this in the wrong category-a mod can move it if I did

Hi all
The problem(if you can call it that way) I have is next:
I have about 35€ for spending on this autumn sale on steam-EU here,so please no suggestion on VPN or similar
I mostly play hack/n/slash RPG like titan quest,path of exile,etc.-racing like grid,TDU2,etc.-FPS like bioshock,RAGE,etc. - TPS like alan wake,dead space,etc.
So,could you visit my steam profile & help me choose what should I buy from my wishlist-other then I want to buy DLC(ragnarok) for Titan Quest,I'm lost what to choose
OOOOOOOOOOOOr,should I wait another month & buy games on christmas(since games will probably be on a similar or higher discount then)
Help me :)

6 years ago

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From your wishlist I can recommend:

  • Tropico 4
  • This War of Mine
  • Frostpunk
  • DOOM
  • Stardew Valley
  • Fallout: New Vegas

I've played myself all of above games and I liked them a lot. It'd be hard for me to pick just one as all of them are exceptional in their genre, so I'd suggest to go discount-wise if you have no better idea where to begin.

Have fun!

6 years ago

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Hmm, it's tricky to narrow it down. I can only speak for those I've actually tried out, but I'd suggest Dying Light, Fallout 4 and Prey (on the FPS category). They are games with a great longevity, that are worth it in terms of fun and hour/value.

In the survival genre, Subnautica, but definitely wait for another discount (they had a nice one a couple of days before this sale).

6 years ago

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DOOM is beautiful FPS.

6 years ago

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I'd wait for the holiday sales and you should be able to get Subnautica, Hellblade and Fallout 4 (maybe even GOTY). Those three would be my recommendation, offering a nice and interesting mixture.

6 years ago

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I'd say DOOM's a safe choice if you want some shooting shenanigans, but the discount's not that huge so maybe that's a wait. And I would suggest Hellblade, although it's pretty narrative-heavy if that's not your thing or what you're in the mood for.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Vikings - Wolves of Midgard is surprisingly much better than its 54% reviews score. It's not new diablo 2. But if you search for another diablo like and like vikings, it's a nice discover.
This war of mine is a safe bet.

Or you can wait for holiday sales and get stardew valley and subnautica, both safe bets too. For sure you would enjoy these two.

6 years ago

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From your Steam Library I do not see Witcher 3. Go get the Game of the Year Edition. I think the price is very much fixed at $20 or 60%, you need that in your life. Then you can use the rest for the Ragnarok DLC which I'll say is a great choice. With both of them, your holiday is pretty much occupied. Witcher 3 probably won't go much lower and its well worth the price. I cant say for Ragnarok DLC.

I can't guarantee anything about cheaper in the Winter Sale however from observation of the last 2 years the Winter has the most discounts for most titles. Some titles do not get discounted, some titles gets more discounted during their anniversary sale than winter sale.

Conclusion is, if you're planning to play out the games and enjoy the holidays, buy now? If you're not planning to play it straight away then you can wait for the next sale. Witcher 3 and Ragnarok looks to be in decent discounts for me and I think they'll wont go down further. However, I'm not Gaben so I cant tell you for sure.
Best wishes on you Game Adventure, my Friend! Cheers, Cruse~ :D

6 years ago

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Dying light + This war of mine + Hellblade would be my choices.

Have fun =)

6 years ago

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Buy Fallout New Vegas Ultimate or the witcher 3

6 years ago

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Thank you ALL for suggestions-already got hitman(2016) first season,F1 2011,Hard reset,TQ ragnarok DLC,Dead Rising 2 & Tropico 5 for about 20€
Went to reddit/SteamGameSwap/ & bought games I wanted from there.
I know it's a bit risky to buy there(since you can get scammed),but,so far,everything went perfect for me(knock on wood-hehe)
I will probably spend the rest I have that way since you can get a bigger discount from people there.For instance,full first season of hitman costed me 8$(practically a steal)

6 years ago

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