You should schedule a checkup with your doctor where they can check your blood pressure and cholesterol. Unless you've been eating healthy and exercise regularly, you probably have significant heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. Luckily some of it can be reversed by eating a healthy diet low in saturated fat, getting to a healthy weight, and exercising regularly.
EDIT: Here is a video about How Not to Die from Heart Disease.
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Yes, everyone who doesn't exercise and doesn't eat healthy probably has significant and detectable heart disease. It's the most likely way we are going to die.
Do you notice you've changed around the words from what I wrote? You changed eat healthy to vegetarian, and then you removed the word probably. What you are doing is called a straw man fallacy.
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not everyone who eats unhealthy and doesn't exercise has a significant and detectable heart disease. Many people who eat unhealthy and don't exercise are at increased risk of heart disease.
1) have vs at risk
2) everyone vs many
Eating unhealthy can cause a whole slew of other issues, not exercising can cause a lot of other issues, and the combination is certainly a bad idea, but there are plenty of people who are perfectly healthy despite eating garbage and not getting exercise.
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There is no healthy people, only under-examined.
If you really want useful advice - ask doctors for one. And not just once, go for a medical examination once or twice a year, so that you know if your health getting worse.
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Yeah, hoped it would be only for quarantine time, but is seems it's still kinca actual...
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And here I mostly see people wearing masks with their nose out... I mean, come one, why you even bother to wear a mask then? Put it in your pocket, it will protect you no less than when you wear it with your nose out of it...
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Well major difference, are you overweight, do you got physical issues?
You won't die from gaming late and waking up later, what about those people with nightshifts? Unlike some chinese kids that didn't even sleep with gaming for 30 hours in a row, yeah that might cause problems.
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2020 has been a stranger year so of course, the anxiety surrounding us is bound to get to you.
This being said, worrying about death doesn't mean your health is bad enough to kill you. Sleeping better is always a good thing, as it does affect your body in ways most people can't imagine, but there are a lot of other factors that contribute to heart issues.
Whoever your Mom knew who passed away, they weren't you. Sleeping late is not enough to kill someone. That person may have had a lot of things you don't: congenital heart disease, a family history of heart issues, smoking, cholesterol, diabetes etc.
So I wouldn't let it get to you to the point it's going to make you sick. Sleep better, eat as healthy as you can and don't worry too much.
Once the Covid situation is a bit safer where you are, see a doctor and ask for a checkup. It'll make you feel better and will help keep an eye on things. Talk to your doctor about your anxiety too. There are some thing you can do.
Now, breathe. Play a fun relaxing game (I recommend A Short Hike that really got me through my own Covid-and-isolation-related anxiety but anything colorful and open-aired will do) and don't think about it for a while. Then try to sleep a little earlier tonight.
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How old are you? Are you overweight? Are you feeling ok?
I'm not gonna pretend like I'm a doctor or anything but having a screwed up sleep schedule takes time to affect your health, I've been a mess for over a decade and it was stress and dengue the things that eventually got me hospitalized a few months ago, and I had an intestinal obstruction so I recovered after a week.
Health's just weird.
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How old are you?
Heart disease only increases with age because it's a chronic buildup. You're more likely to die from it when you're older only because it's had years to progress and slowly thicken your arteries.
Everyone should worry about heart disease no matter what age.
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It's not like every single person who spends all day on the PC ends up with heart disease, you need to also be screwing up your health some other way or have a predisposition to it.
My dad has heart disease but a look at his lifestyle quickly explains why. He wouldn't walk 5 blocks but instead take the car, he's spent at least half of his life being overweight, he smoked when he was young, etc.
If you just live your life normally that stuff is less likelly to happen, you don't need to be athletic or keep a super strict eye on what you eat, just avoid greacy stuff and walk instead of driving. Oh, and don't do stuff obviously awful for your health. Having a messed up sleep schedule won't kill you.
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Life is an infection which spreading by sexual activity and the death ratio in it is 100%.
We can't do anything about it, just delay it. Sitting at PC all day is bad, take breaks, use indoor bicycle.... But getting heart problems just because you stay awake for long? it has nothing to do with that if you still get enough sleep.
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Worrying will probably just make you axious as you don't have elements just your mind imagining the worst.
When I was living upside down (going to sleep at 8am and waking up at 17h) for a few months, my doctor gave me a product to put in my tea so I can fall asleep easier. Usually they say to slowly put you back into a healthy schedule so go to sleep first 1h before your usual bedtime and so on.
I can't answer your question as I don't know you, never saw you, never saw a medical file of yours and mostly I am not a doctor. So I'm just talking about my experience :)
Just do what you can, I think scheduling an appointement with your doc' for a check-up and trying to go back a normal schedule slowly will help, doing some sport will help you feel better and fall asleep faster. And yes it's super annoying at the beginning so maybe start small there too for exemple a few squats. At least that's what I would do in your place but do as you please of course :)
Edit: To help you get asleep easier there are tricks like:
-don't use your bed for other things than sleep.
-Stop screentime 1 or 2 hours before bedtime.
-Relaxing settings can help: candles, hot shower, lovely pyjamas (yup I'm a girl), a relaxing music (for example Marconi Union- Weightless is a song created specially to relax but it may not be your cup of tea)...
-If you have a lot on your mind before sleep (to do list, anxiety) just write the stuff down without thinking about what you write just put it out, don't read it again, it's a way to clear your mind.
-An other way to clear your mind is meditation (that's not as easy at it sound but it's super effective to fall asleep and if it doesn't work just read a very boring book haha)
-Having a tidied room can help to relax and feel in control of your life (so fight your current anxiety).
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Yeah recently i've gone from sleeping at 6 am to sleeping at 4am (it's a big improvement for me). But thinking about what happened to the guy that passed away is what's keeping me from sleeping, i guess i should just get over it and try no to think too much about it
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Your sleep schedule has no effect on your health as long as your getting enough.
If your doing 10hr thats more then most people that I know. I went over a decade with about 5hr a night, sometimes less. I moved cities and jobs several years ago so I'm much closer and have better hours. I try to get about 8 hours, normally its 6.5-7.5. Moving and jobs had nothing to do with hours, it just worked out that way.
Moms always want to make sure your healthy. I'm sure I'm an old man compared to most here but my mom is the same. 😄
If your having problems. Go see them or schedule a call. Here in Canada they started vid conferencing with doctors if needed if someone wants to talk to a doctor but it might not be good idea to come in. They can determine if you need to come in. I've not done it, but its nice to have that option if needed.
If your good but concerned for the long term, the go in and get yearly checks once thing are back to normal.
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You could actually ask your mom for help with dissecting your lifestyle and checking out if there are some really harmful things, figuring out why you do certain things, and if anything can be done better. 2 heads are more than 1, and she knows more about your lifestyle than any of us here probably.
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First of all, you should accept the death as an inevitable and upcoming event, don't fear it, it's something natural that happens to everyone.
You can't live if you fear something that WILL happen eventually, it could be a heart attack, cancer, an accident, or 1000 more other things.
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I think this place is not a good place to get health advice so you should really get in touch with your doctor. But i am a pharmacist and i can give you a little bit peace of mind. DO NOT take this as a medical advice. This just some information on the internet. Heart diseases are usually secondary stuff. Unless you have some genetic problems on the family, heart diseases won't just pop up. If you have you should get regularly checked. Before that you usually have other factors like high colestrol or high blood pressure etc. Also this depends on age, weight, smoking, eating habits, exercising, stress etc.
So that being said this is a complicated matter and you might give yourself pyschological stress over this. Number 1 rule, don't search stuff online. Keep in mind that you have not trained for it and you can't diagnose yourself. Just go talk with your medical advisor and get a check up to see where you are. Nobody can tell you anything until you get checked properly.
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Unless you have some genetic problems on the family, heart diseases won't just pop up.
Nearly half of American adults have heart disease. Half the population isn't a genetic anomaly.
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I don't think neither of us have enough knowledge to talk about this and this is not a place to talk about it either. You do not know people's medical histories and you aren't adding anything useful to conversation with this. So sorry i won't continue. But please don't tell random nervous strangers they can have a disease without proper knowledge.
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Well yeah but the advice some of you folks give me here is really good, maybe it's not an expert's opinion because as you said you don't know how i live or who I am, but reading these put me at ease, as well as putting this issue out of my chest as i have somewhere to talk about it other than with my family
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This is kind of a sensetive topic so can easily go wrong. That's why i am careful with it. But I am glad you can find some ease. As i said psycological side of things can be harsh on yourself if you dig too deep. I have a friend with similar concerns and because of that i totally understand your concerns too. Just try not to overthink. I know it is easier said than done but this is the most benefical way for your health. Hope you feel much better.
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You seem to be talking sense. Obviously you don't know how to Internet right.
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As long as nothing is oozing out of you, you're probably fine.
Doctors are human like everyone else and can only do so much. Some take kickbacks from drug companies. Some make glaring errors. Many use WebMD when nobody is watching. You are going to die eventually and no doctor, no vitamin or exercise regimen is going to change that.
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I am not a doctor but... I would say that circadian rhythm (when you sleep) is probably a very minor factor for physical health but there are potentially factors relating to mental health (lack of socialization) vitamin d deficiency (due to lack of exposure to sunlight, unless you take supplements). IMHO, the greater risks that are generally related to these kind of things (but may or may not apply to you specifically) are in no particular order:
I don't disagree with the advice of preemptive health checkups with your doctor but many people in the US also do not have health coverage and may wish to avoid unnecessary visits. If this applies to you, I would still recommend at least one initial visit but you can also supplement somewhat with home monitoring: inexpensive blood pressure testing units are often available from the pharmacy section of grocery stores/dedicated pharmacies/retail stores (kroger/walmart/target/etc). cholesterol tests are harder to do from home; home testing units do exist but are often much less accurate. still they might be a general gauge that you could use in between more accurate tests from either doctor's office or even independent labs which can sometimes offer tests that are cheaper than an office visit with more accuracy than a home test.
My biggest gripe with regard to home testing in the US is for blood sugar monitoring: there are multiple different, incompatible testing strip / device formats available which all using proprietary standards. Considering that for many diabetics, this isn't a nice-to-have but a critical thing for life, it really grinds my gears. This is one thing that I wish the fed government would lay down the law and demand a single open standard and compatibility between all of different brands' devices and testing strips. IMHO, unlike maybe other government-related health topics, there is little to no financial roadblocks preventing this and it would be very simple to implement a law requiring a regulating body (which could even be comprised of people from the various manufacturing companies) to dictate the standards and the government could even collect taxable income in the form of fines/penalties should companies fail to adhere. //end rant
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When you lose health, your avatar turns red XD
But seriously - the only way to be sure is to see a medic :)
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What do the call the guy who graduated last in his class from Med School?
They call him Doctor, the same thing they call the guy that graduated at the top of his class.
Doctors, like any other profession, are varied in their skill and competence.
Just don't do what Trump suggests and drink bleach! ;)
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First or last, doesn't matter; he graduated and he is a doctor, he knows medicine better than others.
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But I definitely prefer having a doctor, or mechanic, or hairstylist, etc, that is competent, no matter what professional expertise I am paying for.
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Trump didnt even mention bleach in that speech so yeah, dont be a moron and drink bleach because others said that the US president apparently told people to drink bleach.
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Sorry, my apologies, he said ingesting disinfectants and UV light on the inside of the body. You know his uncle was a great doctor so he inherited that great medical knowledge he has.
Also don't take hydroxychloroquine just to stay healthy.
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You shouldnt do any medical treatment without consulting with a doctor. Like he also mentioned. If I remember correclty he didnt even say ingest disinfectants either. He mentioned disinfectants knocks out the virus in minutes outside the body and if they could do something similar inside the body so it gets inside the lugns and clear the virus out or something like that. (Note something similar)
His poorly wording was funny by itself so it doesnt really need to be refrased into something that wasnt even said in order to make it look like he told people to kill themselves. But hey, media bias who want people to be driven into hysteria.
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Sorry again, here is the clip :
He said injecting those into the body should be looked at. That is a dumb statement however you look at it.
He has the bully pulpit, he should not be using it to speculate about medical treatments in his so called big brain. He should use it to convince people to wear masks and social distance and to follow the recommendations of his own medical experts. Many follow his words, right or wrong.
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I tend to agree. The US seems to legislate away the risks of being stupid. Idiocracy just might be our future.
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every place has its problems. I live in the US; my personal take is that if we could ditch the bi-partisan system and have multiple smaller factions that have to work together for their constituents instead of two polar opposites that essentially just negate each other, then we'd probably see a lot more progress on many fronts. I think there is a lot of urban- vs rural- ideology disguised as left / right too. But don't want to get into politics too much (sorry, just very burned out on politics lol plus this thread is about medical and trying not to stray too far off-topic)
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If you fear death more than ever, then sleep earlier (10-11?), making sure to sleep ~8 hours a day. Basically live a better lifestyle (do what your mom say) If you say that's not possible, then you don't really fear death.
says the person who is typing this at 2:45am and wakes up at noon almost everyday as well
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not saying mom's wrong; but moms are just people too. i think she raised a valid concern and is trying to look out for her kid but haven't seen anything indicating that she is an expert either (not that any of us necessarily are). but for instance, i have seen anti-vaxers and lots of homiopathic health hippes who still care about their kids health but give less than stellar medical advice. don't think that's what's going on here but that's not to say that all online advice is useless either. guess i'm saying: trust but verify
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Dont worry dude, just because someone else passed away due to heart disease does not mean you have it. Having better lifestyle is definitely a plus and it gives you a higher chance of being healthy, but even that is no guarantee that you will be healthy.
Even people with best lifestyles get sick, even terminally sick.
You will be all right, dont worry, and dont think about it.
Of course, improve your lifestyle if you can and nothing is standing in your way, there is no harm in that, but dont worry, you are all right :).
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Frankly, I don't think that asking random people on the internet is a proper way to solve your issue. Sure, we can give our unprofessional opinions, but even if you find someone with a proper qualification here, they won't be able to help you. There's a good chance that you're actually ok despite your lifestyle, but a doctor is the only one who can either reassure your or help you improve your health.
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I wouldnt ask random people on the internet either. One of them could turn out to be a PossiblePsycho.
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how to know if your healthy...
go to the all page of giveaways and if you see more then three f1 2018 giveaways you may want to seek medical attention immediately.
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Most of it is genetics, some of it is environment, and the rest is activity level and diet.
Good luck, but you would get more info from a simple blood test than asking here.
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So basically my mom warned me about keeping my lifestyle as it is because unfortunately someone she knew passed away from a heart disease, and she told me he had a similar lifestyle to mine (Basically staying in the computer till 4 am and waking up at 2 pm)
I've tried to not think about it and not worry but i'm now afraid the same may happen to me, as i don't know currently if i have a disease of some sorts because i never go to the doctor. And with the coronavirus going around in my country i doubt i can go for them to check my health.
What should i do? I've tried recently to better my lifestyle (sleeping earlier) but all of this is making me very anxious. I fear death now more then ever before because i feel like we both shared the same life conditions, so i'm pretty nervous right now.
Oh and yeah here's a giveaway
EDIT: Thank you so much for the answers, I don't worry that much about my health right now, with your answers i can confirm that while i may not have the most healthy lifestyle it isn't as bad as i was thinking, i'll take some of your recomendations (about sleeping, do physical exercises and try to eat better).
Once again thanks so much for your replies, your help is appreciated.
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