Hey, (belated) congratulations on your fifth SG anniversary! Thank you for your contributions and overall for being a "great guy" (these are the words used by Tzaar in the Mafia III thread from a couple of months ago). I won't forget your generosity and I hope that others appreciate it too.
All the best for your next five years, within and outside of SG..
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In know what you mean. This place can get you down at times. Has left me wondering what's even the point. And yet 5 years is a huge milestone. I remember you from the anti-Nazi thread you made some time ago and all the ridiculous flak you got for going to to the trouble. As clichéd as it sounds, good people of conscience like yourself are what keep this place alive and worth coming back to again and again, even if the site has changed with the times. Keep fighting the good fight, Amano and thank you for all the great gifts! Herzlichen Glückwünsch zum fünfjährigen Jubiläum auf SteamGifts :D
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Happy (belated) cake day. :D Five years is really impressive. I'm sorry to hear you've had so many bad experiences with people on this site. I did mainly public giveaways for awhile, and I suppose I was luckier with my winners. Thank you for the amazing giveaway to celebrate your fifth cakeday too, even if it ended up not working out as planned. :)
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Happy Cake Day one way or the other. Here's a blue heart to celebrate it: 💙
And hey...I made a train today. It's kind of funny. You should come take a ride. 😉
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I had to delete the Yakuza 0-giveaway because the key was EU-only, although nothing of any region restriction was mentioned to me when I bought the game.
(FateOfOne and me found out that the european store where I bought the game showed no information regarding any region lock to its european customers because, well, the EU-only key is not region locked to european customers -.- If you were accessing the store page from outside of the EU - which I didn't, of course - you were told that "the product is not available in your country".)
The new giveaway is Styx: Shards of Darkness and I bought it as a "Steam Key Global", so fingers crossed that this time the store will not eff me over.
Please accept this new giveaway as an apology that the old one had to be deleted.
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Edit: I am not in a bad mood, I am really not :D I even bought Yakuza 0 as a giveaway to celebrate my half decade :)
So, today is my 5th cakeday. I registered on this site on August 15th, 2013. 5 years ago. Time flies.
At first, i was totally overwhelmed and it did take some time to figure out how this site works. I had way less money then, didn't know about bundles and it took really long to climb the ranks. Leveling up felt like an achievment.
Oh boy, how did that all change!
Now I am earning a decent wage, am an expert deal and bundle hunter, my library exploded and collecting games has become a habit. A kinda meta-game in itself.
Leveling up means nothing anymore because there are hardly any games left for me to enter.
My experience with SG in those years? Well.. Meh. The site changed. Shovelware or however you want to call it floods the site. It's logical, because in this SG is a mirror of the current state of PC gaming in general and Steam in particular.
Quality of SG users has also declined. There are still a lot of jewels around but it is harder to find them in the puddle of mudd. There, I said it. And this saddens me. Anyone still around who still remembers the OddLama and his giving sprees?
Well, here is an obligatory giveaway which is very likely to end up in the hands of a leecher with many not activated games who only does region locked giveaways, can't say Thank you and will insult me when I don't send the key within minutes after his win and who will resell the key and claim I never send it.
Public giveaways nowadays. Only for masochistic people.
SG community never ceases to amaze me, not even on my cakeday ;) (Pictured comment was posted on my Steam profile mere minutes after this thread went live. Must be an alt account)
I wanted to give feedback if the winner was of the category I cynically described, but I can't give this feedback without calling him out, sooo...
Unfortunately I had to delete the giveaway :( I bought the key from Voidu and the store page didn't mention a region lock because I bought the key with a european IP-address. But if you visit the page from outside of the EU, you get a warning regarding region lock. Which I could not see. Duh. So my key is EU only and I only found out about this after the original and the re-rolled winner both could not activate the key :(
Here is a new giveaway for all your troubles with the old one, this time it should really be a ROW version.
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