Oh god Huxley, i thought i was the only one who knew about that game. (Goddammit Webzen)
Well, if you have people to play with i would go with Defiance (haven't played it though)
Speaking about MMO's, What do you think about GW2?
EDIT: Still, if i were you, i would wait for a bit till Defiance gets a discount.
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Dude, Huxley was like my Holy Grail for the longest time, the waiting, the anticipating, the sleepless nights, the night-terrors, the longing, etc. Then it just faded away, along with my hopes and dreams and other things that fade. Shame, was an awesome concept.
I have GW2 and I enjoyed it, group of us pre-ordered and when it dropped we all started playing but I was the only one who stuck it out, they didn't like it - fast forward some time I got bored with it, and they picked it back up. It's something I get back in on here and there but I don't commit too much time to it.
Meanwhile, I've been playing Warframe a lot. Awesome game.
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I've been hearing a lot of good things about Warframe, i might try it if i have time.
Also, you should check Hawken if you haven't.
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Hawken! I was looking at that too. Ever tried Blacklight: Retribution? The mech suit mechanic is an interesting take on that kind of shooter.
Speaking of games taken before their time - Black Prophecy had its moments. Shame it couldn't survive.
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Oh yeah, heard about that one too. I might check it out.
Black Prophecy :( dat space mmo
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I was gonna lookup Huxley, but then you wrote Webzen. Mu anyone?
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I think Huxley did make it out in S. Korea, but finding info about how long it lasted proved to be one of the more difficult things. Was basically 3 factions, 2 of which were playable, and the third was a kinda bug/alien faction that would show up randomly. It was a fps w/ rpg elements, and you modified your weapons like how you'd upgrade swords/etc. at a blacksmith or so. I'm being a bit vague since its been a long time now. The game had a ton of up-talk surrounding it, and then it just dropped off the radar. It switched publishing hands twice I think, then was swept under the rug, the websites had removed all evidence that they had even associated with the game to begin with. I think nowadays only thing you can really find on it are old web articles talking about how great its going to be. Heh.
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I head that Defiance is broken and such, look for reviews if you like the game go for it that's my advise. If money not an issue for you go for the game you like more, I would say that Defiance is a bit expensive for an MMO and does not worth the 60$ and the deluxe edition gives you timed items? That's hilarious and I wouldn't go for it, my opinion only ;)
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Yeah I hear ya both, it might have just been me but the whole beta test wasn't very clear, I got the code but couldn't get into the game because the beta test wasn't up yet, then before I knew it, the game is released. The game intrigues me, and I'm not keen on a $60 price tag for something super unplayable or that I'll burn out on, and unfortunately these days you have to take reviews with a grain of salt.
I mainly try to judge off gameplay videos, but those tend to get lost within all the "Let's Play!"s. and whatnot. I'll look around for a few different ones.
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That'd be cool, I might take you up on that. I'm not a stranger to the occasional random bug in a game, so given that they are relatively few and far between it shouldn't be a problem for me.
Watching a few videos now.
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Yeah. $60 for an at release game is not a bad price at all. Especially since their micro-transactions are cosmetic and/or don't have a large impact on gameplay itself (Certainly not pay-to-win). As for the deluxe edition giving you timed items, I'm not sure what's wrong with throwing in temporary experience and money boosters along with the other items/titles that aren't on a time limit.
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You don't see an issue with throwing timed items and I do, from what I seen you get few more weapons and some more slots in your inventory, but then again, might those gun better than others which gives you an advantage and by all means I call it a pay to win, but then again, it's your opinion only, I would not buy the game at all, not that I'm not into MMOs or because of the price it's just because of what I've seen in-game.
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Depends on what you're looking for. The games you listed are very different genres, and both are pretty darn good games from what I've heard! I've played Defiance a bit and would be more than happy to talk to you about it if you'd like.
[Edit] The storyline in Defiance is very well done. They're already talking about doing major patches, released this coming week and a couple weeks after. Trion tends to push some crazy content for their games and has a great track record (from my experience and what I've heard from others) with listening to their customers. In fact, because of a couple of the issues with taking down the servers for updates and patches they were doing in the first week, they gave all their players a bunch of bonuses. Not to mention they have stated that they are planning on doing a -lot- of content updates (free, not just paid DLCs).
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Heh, yeah I know, but I'm looking more for entertaining than to satisfy a want for a certain genre, and those two are the biggest appeals for me at the moment. I've got a couple fantasy (swords/knights/classic rpg-classes/etc.) games I'm playing at the moment, and I'm looking for something to mix it up a bit.
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Yeah, I definitely understand that. I haven't played The Secret World myself so I can't give my two cents about it, but I have some friends that really enjoyed playing through the content. I've heard a lot of great things. I'm sure that I would really enjoy it, myself.
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Can you tell me a bit about the character/equip/weapon customization?
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Character: While you choose a "class" at the beginning, it pretty much just dictates what weapons you start out with. You choose "Perks" as you level, which give you small bonus' like more crit while crouching, less damage after your shield regenerates, better item drop rates etc. (These you can change out whenever -as long as you aren't in PvP. You can eventually unlock all perks, though you can only equip so many at a time depending on your Ego Rating.)
Equip: You equip 2 weapons, a shield, a grenade type, and a vehicle at any time. You may swap these out at will (Again- as long as you aren't in PvP). You are also able to equip different "Loadouts" which are preset up gun/perk combinations. More Loadout slots unlock as you level.
Weapons: You can add mod slots to weapons which allow you to equip mods (eg, can add more ammo, increase fire rate slightly, change the weapon bloom etc). Weapons themselves have slightly different stats and may give different status effects to enemies (Or in case of a specific type of weapon, may heal/shield allies).
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Agree with Aly. Trion does have a amazing track record with free content updates, at least with Rift as I have never played world of tanks or whatever their other game is. Most other MMO's out on the market would have pushed out 2 or 3 paid expansions for the amount of free content rift has give players.
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Didn't know that about Rift. I played Rift back when it first came out. Somewhat out of intrigue, and partly to get away from WoW. The whole we're-not-wow aspect felt so shoved down my throat though, only to start it up and it screamed at me "WoW but sandbox! Hey do what you want! Any Class! Look at how Not-Wow we are!" so I dropped it and moved onto other stuff.
I might give it another go at some point, the new expansion seems interesting enough (even with the unspoken inklings of wow-mimicry).
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defiance isnt a bad game atm. I'm not very far in but so far it is a nice change. Granted you have replaced the go kill X bunnies and bring me their butts with "miners are trapped by these mutants, help them". It also does have fairly common world events called arkfalls which can be fun and give you decent loot.
Same story with The Secret world. it was recently on sale on Steam so thought I would pick it up since it is now f2p. Game so far is interesting but again I havent got very far in it. Standard mmo fare with the quests but I do enjoy the skill system they have in place. Will be going back and forth on this and Defiance.
GW2, I havent played in a few months. For a f2p game(minus the box cost) it is rather fun. If you have played mmo's in the past, trying to get past the no holy trinity of tank, healer, and slower/crowd control can take a bit of getting used to. Each class in the game can switch out their abilities depending on the situation based on the current weapon equipped. You never have to worry about outleveling a zone and missing out on content for the area as the game will automatically delevel you if you are too high for a zone so you can experience the content as it was meant to be.
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Yeah I've tackled GW2 for a bit, really enjoyed it for a time but something just took me away from it for a while, and it lost that significant allure that it had at first. I still dip into it here and there, but not as frequently as I used to. I will admit it had a lot of cool features I enjoyed such as the deleveling. Shame more games don't employ some of them.
World events are nice. Sounds like it's taking a cue from Rifts with that (not surprising given the same company). The concept behind The Secret World was awesome to me, and for the time that I played it, it really appealed to me but the debate came to be getting back into it, or looking for something fresh(er). Thanks for the input though, I'll take what you said into consideration.
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I played defiance throughout the alpha and beta pretty heavily, and really was never impressed by it. I tested to, you know, test. A few days after it launched, the friends of mine who actually shelled out $60 for it all purchased TSW with me and we're playing it now. While TSW doesn't have the greatest combat system in any MMO out there, the skill system and story carry the game so strongly. It's also half the price at $30 without a sale. Defiance might be worth checking out in a couple months when they've fixed it and it's $20.
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Defiance is coming along nicely. The patches they are releasing are addressing some bugs. The lag you get sometimes can be a pain but nothing to rage over. I know I wasn't too impressed with it during beta but went ahead and shelled out the cash for it. The game seems much better now especially since you actually get loot from arkfalls(this was disabled in beta)
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I've read about the lag, and it seems people are split on it - some say it doesn't kill the game while others have written it off as unplayable due to it. Is this something they'll be addressing at some point?
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I have ran in to almost no lag at all. I know they had a much rougher launch on the console side of things, so perhaps the lag issues you are hearing about are stemming from there? I could be incorrect and maybe there are problems on PC, but I haven't seen it personally. Maybe during certain hours I'm not around?
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I haven't played The Secret World (though I'd like to) but I will say I've been having a lot of fun with Defiance. While it does have its issues it's a very competent shooter at it's core and that is what is really important. (They have also been releasing a lot of really quick hotfixes addressing the major problems and have a major patch coming soon. They've also pushed back the first DLC to get more patching done which I think is a really good sign that they care about the game.)
I've put a good 50+ hours in. I've finished the story and side missions as well as all the minigames/challenges. I've also done a handful of Arkfalls. I have yet to do any PvP (open world or competitive) and I've only done 2 of the co-operative missions so I still have a lot to do before it gets repetitive.
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Interesting case you make here. I'm curious about the DLC's and the frequency with which they intend to put them out so I'll look into that. I really enjoy shooters, if not for the classic rpg's from earlier consoles, shooters would be the only thing I'd play, and games that combine them with rpg elements are just chocolatey goodness, so the game does have my appeal.
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Defiance and The Secret World are very different games.
Defiance is a shooter-exploration game. Go around and kill stuff.
The Secret World is an exploration-puzzle game. Find out about things, solve mysteries, research answers.
Both games do various things to break out of the "traditional MMO mold," and they do it in various ways. Both of them are excellent, so you really need to decide on what kind of game you'd rather play--one which is focused on action, or one which is focused on figuring things out.
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These are two games that have interested me for a while now. I got to play Secret World back in beta, but I never got a chance to try out Defiance though what I've seen of it really appeals to me (echoes of the would-be Huxley come to mind).
I recently quit an mmo that got stale, and was looking for something else to take up my time, so I was wondering if anyone here had any thoughts or experience in either of these?
Keep in mind, lets not worry about the price, that's not an issue to me (though I'd rather not get both considering I'd only really be devoting time to 1).
So what do you all think?
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