This. I mean, I appreciate the charities, but that doesn't mean that they're not trying to maximize profits too. Humble Bundle is both very good and very bad.
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You mean, this?
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Do you even know how illegal that is? No one is that stupid to do that.
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I beg to differ. Look up a movie on YouTube called, "America: From Freedom to Facism." In it, a man admits to not having paid income tax in 11 years. Shortly after its posting, the guy was stuck in jail for 20 years.
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Well, if Humble uses the same default split percentages all the time, you could work out Humble's cut based on the charity's cut, assuming everyone left the split at the default. Obviously this isn't perfect, but it seems like a reasonable first guess.
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Not really exploiting, people supported them by splitting some of the money towards them, it was a choice right?
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Thanks for the pointer, but unfortunately, there's not much information there. It's basically, "we tried something new, some stuff worked better than others, we're listening to feedback, and we raised a bunch of money for charity." I would have liked to see more from them -- what exactly where they testing here, what things worked, what didn't work and why didn't it work, what were some of the most common feedback and how do they plan to address it? I guess it's going to take some time for them to read all the feedback they got for 2 weeks though and understand how it fits in with what they want to do before that can give us some results from their experiments.
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I'll repeat myself. I think they tested disguising sales as bundles. I don't know if it worked for them or not, but I certainly don't like it.
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Pretty much this. They've tested us to see how high they could push the prices up.
Particularly I don't like how HB locks things behind fixed prices, it's becoming less and less PWYW.
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That "Total War" bullshit was bullshit. One game, for six bucks, or a pack of all the games for a little bit off as well. Sounds like a Steam Daily Deal to me.
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"Particularly I don't like how HB locks things behind fixed prices, it's becoming less and less PWYW."
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I have some conclusions of my own.
I like the idea of daily bundles. It probably gets them a lot more concentrated traffic and if the BTA tier does well, then they will make more money faster but not assuredly overall.
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I don't actually like it because being able to pay so little turns some people into entitled little shits that will scream bloody murder the moment a bundle comes out that isn't dirt cheap. Kind of like with the daily bundles, most of them were very good discounts, but so many people complained and whined because they were more than a few dollars.
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My two big problems were the following:
Tier 1: artwork. It's really nice. I love artwork. But hey, how many players think that "Maan, I have the game, I definitely need the artwork for 1$". And how many players will look at that, and say " 1$ tier? for a f****n artwork?" Artwork or music is great. But they should use it as a bonus, not as a base.
Tier 1: games bundle (yes, I'm looking at you, Hammerwatch and Total War Bundle). Tier 2: game bundle, that's tier 1+ some other games.
So essentially if you buy a higher tier, you'll get multiple copies of certain games. Like, 4 pieces of T.W:Napoleon if you bought Grandmater pack. That's just a joke.
And, finally, it's a little disappointing, when one of the biggest strategy-series' bundle have a 75-80% off (not counting the multiples in!) and some players are crying about highest tier being...50$ maybe (don't remember). They just need to face facts: if you want to buy for example a spaceship, even with -99% off it would costs quite a lot. But it's still fuckin' cheap in it's own type. For me that incident made it clear that humblebundle's cryboys/girls are actually cheap players, who want massive-massive amount of games for as low as possible - if something's price is reasonably, yet incredibly good (max discount usually -90% at sales, -75% is great compared to that), that makes them go nuts.
For next week's bundle I want a tier 1: full origin (1$) and Tier 2: everything on Steam, including everything that is or ever will be in greelight for 3... no wait, that's too much, 2!! dollars. Thanks for reading.
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well there is one big flaw in your theory, if its for charity then the person who decide to donate should decide the amount so the claim "humblebundle's cryboys/girls are actually cheap players" isn't relevant because there are players who chose to pay above 100$ some even above 1000$.
they should decide if they are doing it for charity, or profit.
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That doesn't work, people pay $0.01 and the devs, Humble, and charity get ripped off.
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People also pay $100 with a BTA and a minimum, and there are no leeches stealing games to sell later either.
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I meant that there wouldn't be if there was an actual decent minimum, but I didn't word it well.
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Humble have become masters of bullshit. So much meaningless PRspeak in that blog post. "Banter in the humble community" = Universal disappointment.
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It's not a response at all. It's just a huge speech bubble and the 'for SCIENCE!' bit makes it almost sarcastic. Thousands of blind sheep will still throw their money at them 'for CHARITY!', so I just shut it.
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I actually liked the idea of a daily bundle. I didn't much care for most of the bundles though.
First, there needs to be at least a game in the first tier. I'm not buying a bundle where I have to beat a set price, or the average, just to get a game.
Second, I'm a Linux user, and there was a surprising lack of Linux support in the daily bundles.
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Only the first day was a bundle. The other 13 days, well... yeah... The same as a steam sale (apart from the fact that a steam sale is probably better). And I didn't like the tier1 artwork pieces of crap.
I remember the first humblebundles. No minimum price, if you bought early you always received the games they added. And they even gave you a complete earlier bundle for free. Those were the times :D
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If I were to react as cliche as you and everyone else does, then I would cry and complain while stomping my feet and declare the current Indie Royale a shitty bundle. I saw that you bought it and liked it but I find it to be quite uninteresting, and since I'm going to follow in the example of others and my opinion is the only one that matters -- then it is a shitty bundle, period.
^^ Sadly, this is the mentality of a lot of people and it's just downright retarded. Just because you don't find something interesting or to your personal tastes, it doesn't mean that someone else doesn't. Many people have become so spoiled and entitled with all these bundles that quite frankly, it's disgusting.
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well if you look at the humble bundles objectively, they have gotten progressively less and less "good" in terms of pricing, and in terms of reward tiers. However the total MSRP price of those games included has generally gone up, with the inclusion of AAA game publisher bundles.
DRM free used to be one of their selling points, but that is mostly not the case anymore, and many of their cross platform "commitments" are not as universal as they used to be. weighing each of those options to your own personal value scale can put the humble bundle in a steady decline. With the daily bundles, there were hardly any DRM free options, and many of the games did not include cross platform support, also the increasing PPG or MSRP total can lead to a very negative perception if one values those things over the content provided for those. I can understand the hate personally, but wish people would act less childish about it.
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Well, when you start from a minimum of $1 and no price tiering, of course the pricing is going to get worse. It's the only direction it CAN go, especially when you factor in the limited pool of games that will be both willing to get bundled and that people are highly interested in. Eventually, they're going to run out of titles that spark people's interest the same way, and companies/products that are willing to be put at a $1 minimum (in an environment with key resellers sharking around).
While your point about DRM is pretty valid, this and the price tiering is a 'necessary evil' to keep the bundles coming, and any new games on the offer. The alternate is to end up like indiegala or groupees where the majority of games offered are unpolished desura chaff or lower quality unknowns, which would only generate even more disproportional anger. It also bares noting that a new bundle/deal every day for two weeks is an absurd amount of bundling, with the most frequent sites managing one every two weeks or so. Quantity often causes a drop in quality, which when coupled with Humble's attempt to snag some better quality products by offering developers the security of a tiered price slot? It makes sense to me. Sure it wasn't as successful as they hoped, but it's far from the big bad devil people are all chanting that it is.
"Humble didn't personally tickle my taint, therefore they are evil money-hungry idiots who are destroying bundle life, boycott!" is a hyperbolic strawman that is becoming a reality with some of the attitudes floating around.
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Bundlestars and Blink Bundle are releasing great bundles so if Humble keeps on experimenting with crappy bundles, I'll simply stop buying them.
There are people who enjoyed these crappy humble daily bundles though, may god have mercy on their souls
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People want games as cheap as they can get them (screw what they are) so they can trade or make steam cards they also want everything to be made for them specially while parroting bs they have heard elsewhere online so they can feel like they fit in.
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Na, the 2 week bundle idea was great by itself.
The problem is that the "bundles" if we can call them like that, were too damn expensive in comparison with the regular sales, also there were not exactly the best bundles ever too.
The main problem was being over expensive. Despite of having a "decent" salary (for a third world country that is), i can only afford to spend on a regular basis around 15 dollars a week on games, which i think is a decent amount (considering a 400+ game library, i dont really require that many games anymore). maybe 35-40 once a month. But how many bundles do you expect me to get when they are all 15 bucks or more each?
On top of that, you have bundlestars, groupees, indiegala/royale, blink, pwyw. They were offering decent bundles, decent amount of games, decent prices.
so yeah, not everyone of us are rich, in fact, im pretty sure most of us are nearly broke, but still manage to save some spare dollars to support the industry we love. The cost of all 14 bundles combined, im pretty sure its more than the amount of money i have invested on my library since last 6-7 months.
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Well, the humble bit is long gone, the problem lately is that they're not even really bundles.
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