Quite underrated MMO is The Secret World, has no subscriptions but you have to pay the base game (wait for sale)...good setting in our actual world with lots of mysts, secret societies, conspiracy theories. :)
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Indeed, this is a fun one. The only one to get me to actually play for a while. Granted, I stopped after 19 hours, but that is about 18 hours more than any other MMO I played.
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if you're willing to wait and really like beat'em ups, there's the upcoming Dungeon Fighter Online Global. F2P and under better management.
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It happens though with the upcoming Beta everyone taking part (it's open) will get a free costume set. And this version promises to be generally easier going than nexon NA's.
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Do you have to use the epitome of items to have fun? Of course not. Do you have to trade? Of course not. Can you find easily friends there? Of course you can. Can you find many free loaders? Of course you can.
In the vast majority of the MMO i have ever played i never paid a single penny. Yet the fun lasted in most of them for a year or two. Why do you have to spend anything on them?
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It's not, you can buy pretty much everything for standard credits.
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you're wrong i just bought expansion, have max lvl, all account unlocks unlocks such as races, bag slots etc (with help of sub friend ofc, because of cash limit for preffered acc 350k, he bought me expensive acc unlocks like companion trek etc, and i pay him back in few days), 1h daily quests and you can raid for week or so if i good remember, and if sub is party leader in dungeons you can do them as manny as you like (f2p 3x drop last boss in dungs, but when sub is party leader, your f2p party members limit don't count :]) didin't play it for pretty long i think its time to check it back :D
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Awesome game! Even for non-subscribers, like me.. :)
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I had been playing SWTOR for a while, but its hard to find cool or nice guys these days. If you start to play you will find some of the annoying chat around the Imperial Fleet and Dromund Kaas. Politics, Feminism and other topics are the daily bread.
Overall, if you find a nice guild, the game turns fun :>
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That's just the empire. I never encountered anything like that in republic chat.
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I'd recommend Guild Wars 2. It's regularly $20 or less at this point, but there's no subscription fee or limitations on your account. There's a cash shop, but it only contains convenience upgrades (character slots, bank tabs, infinite gathering tools), cosmetic items, and minor temporary boosts (+50% drop rate bonus for an hour when you can get a permanent +100% or greater drop rate bonus for free without trying too hard, +5% to a single stat for an hour), all of which can be ignored entirely, and the cash shop currency is purchasable with in-game money. The community remains active, with minor/moderate content updates fairly regularly and a few hints of a full expansion in the works.
The best part of GW2 is that everything works to make playing with others as seamless as possible - everyone gets their own loot and gathering nodes are instanced, so other players will never impede your personal progress. There was also an update a few months back that basically got rid of servers for everything except one specific PvP game type - outside of that game mode, people from all servers in a region are placed in the same maps, so you will never be in an empty map and can always get help with a difficult event.
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Guild Wars 2 is a great deal at 20 bucks like it is right now, far more fun than most of the F2P games. I got it for 50 way back, and never regretted it.
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+1 for Guild Wars 2 :) buy to play game but rly rly great :) i love doing world vs world :D
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If you are looking for serious MMO dont get GW2. Its fun but after you complete the game at 100% there is absolutely nothing to do there due to the Anet retarded updates policy (instead of releasing big update or a expansion they are sticking to shitty written Living Story...a content that you can complete in 3 hours. I quit the game, logged in just to unlock the content and piled it up. After 2 months I had content for...maybe 7 hours. lel. Also, if you wont unlock the content in its release date, you have to pay for it)
sPvP is bad, WvW is good but I doubt you will play one mode forever. Class balance is a joke (it looks like that even devs dont know how to balance this shit), builds system is crappy - using any other gear than Berserker is a failure (tho they did some changes to traits for better - but hey, it cant be for good so in exchange they screwed up traits and skills unlocking)
Oh yea, I should mention Gem Store. Pretty much absolutely everything goes into Gem Store. They dont care about adding lots of new gear with new skins into game bcus why they should care when they can just throw 80% of skins into Gem Store
Overall if you have friends to play with this game is nice. But dont get your hopes too high. Anet made this game from easy-MMO into a MMO for braindead monkeys (there was a joke that they will add a magic button - after pressing it a dev will arrive to your home to hold your hand why you are playing...) but as a new player you wont notice the changes. Vets left this game, vets of GW1 left long ago. 2 years have passed and this game is pretty much still sitting in one place and that is a joke for MMO genre (Overall all the content they have added in those 2 years doesnt even pile up to one big patch/expansion for other MMO's)
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TERA: Rising is my go-to free-to-play MMO. I find its story fun and engaging, even if its endgame currently suffers. However, next week it's getting a major expansion in North America called TERA: Fate of Arun which is supposed to contain a lot of late- and end-game content, so I'm looking forward to that. Those changes are already present in its Korean version and from the look of the website have also already been pushed out in Europe. Not sure about Japan.
The main selling feature of TERA over other MMOs is its active combat, reminiscent of combat from western RPGs such as The Witcher 2, which is much more involved than something like Warcraft's 'click to get bacon' style of play. You need to aim, you need to dodge, you need to be on your game constantly, otherwise you'll get crushed like a bug.
There are two main levels at which to play: free and elite. Elite is US$15 a month in North America, but I've played the entire game free without any problems. All the monetized stuff is either purely cosmetic or purely meta-convenience-based.
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Whats the difference between playing on the European and NA server? I'm asking because i'm thinking of trying out Tera, but i never considered playing on another regions server. Is the company itself bad or are there problems with the game, servers or players?
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Google Gameforge opinions for yourself..
Every game that Gamefail touches is ruined. This company doesnt care about anything. In every "their" MMO patches are delayed compared to NA, customer support is non-existant, servers are crappy as fuck, GM's (if there are any...lel) are doing whatever they like (including banning players for riddiculous reasons), forums are ran on potato servers, devs are cutting out game content to sell it in cash shop, cash shop is 3x-6x times more expensive than NA, devs are not putting single items in shops (instead you have to buy a retarded RNG box that have crappy chances of giving some good skins/items/whatever)....and more. As I said this applies to every MMO Gamefail touches
Also, as for TERA, EU version is "censored"
So either play it or NA or dont play it at all. I wanted to try it but my pings to NA were way too hig (300-500)
Oh yea, here's the old list (from two years ago) about EU Aion
Just change the game name to any GF game and change the year to 2014 - you have a up-to-date "whats wrong" list
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Thanks for that, i had no idea Gameforge does stuff like that, that sucks.
I actually googled the censorship in Tera it seems only some Elin armour is censored and it seems its censored in NA as well, so besides Gameforge itself there is no difference and as i don't plan to buy anything from the store if NA servers are unplayable EU version will do fine if no other option is available
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i play the na servers and am from europe and play fine dont worry and yeah gamfail sucks so dont even go there xD its a great game u have tons of stuff to do while goin on main story lots of side quests huge maps lots of mounts combat sistem is awsome so yeah ... give it a try.... 1 thing thou huge download xD and after u donwload do yourself a favor (if downloaded from en masse like me use the happy cloud installer and as soon as it finishes go to happy cloud folder search tera folder cut and paste somewhere else and use launcher in that folder) or u might experience problems with happycloud launcher
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Well, for me playing on EU wasnt a real option. I also didnt planned to use the cash shop (tho I was mad as fuck when I was playing Aion and I compared Gamefail prices to NA prices) but that doesnt matter, I saw Gameforge logo and I already knew that it would be barely playable
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I too am looking for a fun MMO, but I would like one without grinding outside of raid. I only enjoy the raiding / dungeoninng part of the game not the "do this quest 1000 times to get some faction to like you so you can buy their enchant/buffs". I was playing rift before but the grinding requirement just to get enough stats for a raid put me off. I would like to be able to play other games and have other hobbies outside of raiding and dungeoning. Can anyone recommend anything?
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@OP, you obviously want an MMORPG. But since you like MMO generally, i would recommend you check the MMO Stretegy games from the link below
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It could have be a decent game if it wasn't so pay to win
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I thought about guild wars 2 but I read they don't really update anything and there's no raiding. I might go back to wow, I think at least they cater for casual raiders now with the new LFR system, and I don't recall having to grind much in the way of rep.
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Guild Wars 2 is a great game , it doesnt have an expansion, but it receive litte mayor updates every month, now its a much better game than when it came out, but dont expect to be as long as WOW, you can "finish" the game in 6 Monts - 1 Year but for $20 its awesome .
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You heard right. The content they have added in 2 years doesnt even pile up to one WoW expansion or any other MMO big patch
The game is nice but after you finish it there is absolutely nothing to do there (unless you love to wait 2 weeks to get a content that can be finished in 3 hours...I quit the game, waited 2 months and piled up the content - got smth like 7 hour gameplay...joke of a MMO update)
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Neverwinter is fun if you like action combat system and nothing too complicated. Or you can try SWTOR which is good fun and don't let people tell you you can't enjoy the game for free because you can get almost everything for standard credits, even species unlocks and other stuff.
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