I was on SteamTrades, and just updated my trading topic. While browsing through other topics to find people I might be able to make an offer to, I found a topic about people that had been scammed by a "DarkMageTM", and wouldn't you know it? Guess who adds me on Steam a few minutes later to try and "trade" with me! Naturally, I couldn't let an opportunity like this pass me by:

12:33 AM - MarioFanaticXV: Hello?

12:33 AM - Dark Mage™: hi

12:33 AM - Dark Mage™: im from steamtrades

12:33 AM - Dark Mage™: can u link me to your psot?

12:34 AM - Dark Mage™: post

12:34 AM - Dark Mage™: i closed it

12:34 AM - MarioFanaticXV: Okay. How do I do that?

12:35 AM - Dark Mage™: give me the link

12:35 AM - MarioFanaticXV: How?

12:35 AM - MarioFanaticXV: What do I do to give you the link?

12:36 AM - Dark Mage™: copy the link

12:36 AM - Dark Mage™: and then paste it

12:36 AM - MarioFanaticXV: Oh, I think I've done that before. But I can't remember how. I'm not very good with computers.

12:36 AM - Dark Mage™: oh

12:37 AM - Dark Mage™: i will find it

12:37 AM - Dark Mage™: no problem

12:37 AM - MarioFanaticXV: Okay.

12:38 AM - Dark Mage™: i want orcs must die

12:38 AM - MarioFanaticXV: What will you give me for it?

12:38 AM - Dark Mage™: i can give you wind commander key

12:39 AM - MarioFanaticXV: Which one? I already have most of them.

12:39 AM - Dark Mage™: Privateer

12:40 AM - MarioFanaticXV: Okay. Can you show me your rep?

12:41 AM - Dark Mage™: yeah

12:41 AM - Dark Mage™: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DarkMagg/

12:42 AM - MarioFanaticXV: Okay. You go first?

12:42 AM - Dark Mage™: i prefer if you go first

12:42 AM - Dark Mage™: i have like 5 pages of rep

12:43 AM - MarioFanaticXV: Mmm, okay, let me get the key.

12:43 AM - MarioFanaticXV: URA5-CAML-053R

12:44 AM - Dark Mage™: nice

12:44 AM - Dark Mage™: do u want your key here

12:44 AM - Dark Mage™: or in email

12:44 AM - MarioFanaticXV: Oh, don't worry, I know what's really going on. I saw a topic about you on the SteamTrades forum. I just wanted to waste a scammer's time.

12:45 AM - Dark Mage™: im scamming 3 persons right now

12:45 AM - Dark Mage™: im not wasting my time

12:45 AM - Dark Mage™: don't worry

I then went ahead and blocked him and reported him to Steam. I didn't expect to get such a blatant admission from him, but now Steam should be able to look at the logs if there's any doubt.

12 years ago*

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URA5-CAML-053R Nice key you got there :)

12 years ago

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Why thank you.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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This is a bigger win than I first thought - Dark Mage didn't notice what the key said.

12 years ago

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He also didn't seem to notice that I gave him a key when the actual copy of Orcs Must Die! that I have is in fact a tradeable copy (something I forgot to mention for this topic, but was clearly stated in my trade topic).

12 years ago

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Thanks for the translation... I was trying to figure out what type of camel he was and was getting no where.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I hope you reported his actual steam id, not the one you can customize

12 years ago

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Yeah, I used the link in his profile. And surprisingly enough, the one he linked me to actually IS his profile, not someone he's imitating.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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In the chat, I clicked "View Steam Profile". I then went ahead and used the in-Steam Report Violation link. That reports their profile, not their nickname.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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Nice. Be sure to let us know the outcome, I always love to hear about jerks getting what they deserve.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Same here +1

12 years ago

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+1 but somehow I think Steam will take a long time... lol I hope not in these circumstances though.

12 years ago

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yes yes yes

12 years ago

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Next time give the scammer 5 invalid keys at once and say that one of them is working but you're not sure which one. At least it will lock up their steam for an hour.

12 years ago

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I'll keep that in mind.

12 years ago

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... that's a great idea.

12 years ago

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Haha, that's a pretty good idea.

12 years ago

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Using 5 duplicated keys at once can lock your Steam account?

12 years ago

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Oops meant to say invalid.

12 years ago

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Not lock the account completely no. It will block him from activating any keys for an hour,

12 years ago

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+1 amazing idea

12 years ago

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Have an Internet cookie

12 years ago

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Are you still complaining that SteamGifts is a shitty site compared to PlayBlink in your threads on ST?

12 years ago

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I never used such a vulgar term. All I said was that PlayBlink has more respect for their userbase than SteamGifts does, which is pretty much undeniable. SteamGifts doesn't allow regifting or trading, whereas PlayBlink does.

Now some people will say "That's so that whoever wins the game is someone that wants it!" which sounds nice and sweet on the surface, but when you think about it, what happens if they trade the game away? TWO people walk away with what they want instead of one. So what they're really doing is making it so only one person can be happy instead of two.

And what if they wanted to enter a contest to win a game for a friend? Recently I won a contest on the GOG forums for an extra Humble Indie Bundle 7 key, which I was hoping to get for a friend so they could play Dungeon Defenders with me; and we've been doing just that. So yes, I think that overall, PlayBlink is a better website that SteamGifts. And granted, PlayBlink has its flaws too, every man-made construct does, but comparatively speaking, it's better.

12 years ago

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The annoying thing about playblink.

1) Pay to win.

The guy who made the site is doing it for profits. UNLIKE CG.

2) Annoying time wasting minigames.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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1) It's not pay to win. I've paid nothing and have won three times on PlayBlink. If you're referring to contributor levels, is that really any different from contributor giveaways here on SteamGifts?

1.5) Okay, I don't really care one way or the other about that. If someone makes a bit of money off running a website, good for them.

2) I will admit, the minigames could be implemented much better.

That being said, I don't think point two alone is enough to tilt things in SteamGifts' favor.

12 years ago

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1) "If you're referring to contributor levels, is that really any different from contributor giveaways here on SteamGifts?" Yes. It's VERY different. As I recall. When you do it on playblink you only get it for like 5 days or some crap. PLUS you are paying the guy to get the special point crap so you can enter actual good giveaways.

1.5) The point is, from the start you can tell he was obviously doing it to make money and not for people.

Meh, I don't see how us not being able to trade games it bad. It prevents people from just entering expensive games over and over to just trade them (Sure their chances are low, but it could still happen.)

12 years ago

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There are two ways to "level" at playblink.You can submit games or donate to the site. Both of them give you points to gain a contributor level. The pay to win aspect comes into play because donating is the only way to get access to the charity giveaways. The charity giveaways also tend to be far better than the regular giveaways

12 years ago

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The charity giveaways is what I was talking about it being pay to win, and how the guy is in it mostly for the money.

Doesn't only 25% go to charity...?

12 years ago

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Actually, this is just based off of dialogs when we went through the mod crisis, but it was my understanding cg does in fact make some money for himself off ads and what not (and he makes giveaways with credit he gets from gmg/gamersgate ads, etc).

And I personally enjoy the minigames :P

12 years ago

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It's more of how pretty humble(/modest? I tired.) he is about it though. I mean the ads are pretty small and don't take up 30%+ of the site. And he doesn't even enter games. (Though I imagine he might be gifted by people for his having the site up, but I wouldn't know. Maybe he turns them all down.)

Don't get me wrong they are fun for a little bit. But after playing them 8+ times in a row, it gets kinda annoying... it's the reason I stopped using that site really. lol

12 years ago

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Same here, I can't stand it anymore. Just imagine if the site was as streamlined as SG, and I entered as many giveaways on there as I do here. So much time wasted...

12 years ago

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iirc CG said he makes a living from this site.

12 years ago

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No way? :O

12 years ago

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No need to be sarcastic. You said "The guy who made the site is doing it for profits. UNLIKE CG."

12 years ago

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I was being serious. Is this really his job? :o

12 years ago

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How does that translate to a "lack of respect" for the userbase? It's simply a different philosophy on what the site is about.

12 years ago

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More respect for their userbase? Are you kidding? What's the point of entering for something you don't want? What's mature about that?

Also I don't care if you friend wants a game or not, they should enter the giveaway themselves, if you see a giveaway and you tell your friends to enter for you that wouldn't be fair would it?

Also you also gave negative reputation on the guy who defended steam gifts for "spamming" even though you brought up the subject. Way to misuse the rep system.

12 years ago

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"More respect for their userbase? Are you kidding? What's the point of entering for something you don't want? What's mature about that? "

If you'd have read my post, you'd know.

"Also I don't care if you friend wants a game or not, they should enter the giveaway themselves, if you see a giveaway and you tell your friends to enter for you that wouldn't be fair would it? "

If you mean in the sense of multiple people entering with them intentionally conspiring to obtain multiple entries for a single intended entrant, then yes, I'd see something wrong with that. However, if someone sees a game and goes "Oh! Such and such might like that, that'd make a nice surprise if I could get it for them", that's entirely different. Not all my friends use SteamGifts, PlayBlink, the GOG forums, et cetera, and I like to be generous.

"Also you also gave negative reputation on the guy who defended steam gifts for "spamming" even though you brought up the subject. Way to misuse the rep system."

They were abusing the site and spamming threads. That's not a misues of the rep system, as it's meant to report abuse.

12 years ago

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If you want to be "generous" then why the hell don't you buy it for them? If your friends don't use SG or PB or GOG then introduce them. It's BS to enter for someone else.

12 years ago

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Because I had already spent a lot of money on Christmas gifts and didn't really have anything left on Paypal at the time. And it seems rather egotistical for me to demand my friends use a site just because I do... If you prefer people just be selfish, then go take your Bah Humbugs elsewhere.

12 years ago

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People won't appreciate the gift if they're allowed to just trade it/sell it. There wouldn't be a diverse amount of games on Steamgifts anymore and people would feel less inclined to make giveaways.

I've never heard of Playblink, but it sounds like a terrible site.

12 years ago

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"People won't appreciate the gift if they're allowed to just trade it/sell it."

Tell me... Have you ever sold or traded anything that's ever been given to you? Anything at all? Do you think that doing such was unappreciative? Did you apologize to the person who originally gave it to you? Did you feel guilty over not keeping the item forever? Have you made amends for the heinous crime of making sure that it went to someone who would put it to better use?

12 years ago

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NOT the same thing. You are not talking about 'keeping the item forever', you are talking about not even PLAYING the gift, just taking it and turning around trying to pawn it off.

Also, this isn't a random gift that you didn't like and wanted to get rid of, this is a gift you purposefully entered a draw to win.

Here is a better concept - IGNORE the games you don't want to play, use your points to enter giveaways of games YOU ACTUALLY WANT.

How is this complicated?

12 years ago

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Am I to understand that you've never exchanged a Christmas or birthday present you got? And you're still ignoring the fact that even if it is just "pawned off", that's two people that walk away happy instead of one.

12 years ago

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Again, not the same thing. If I get something as a surprise gift that I don't want/need, then I would ask the gifter for the receipt to exchange the item.

When you enter a giveaway, it's not for a random/surprise gift, it's for a specific game that you knowingly entered to win just for it's trade value.

That would be like me ASKING for an XBOX for Christmas, and then taking it to a pawn shop.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I am compelled to agree with ageofarmageddon on this one.

12 years ago

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+1 Couldn't be said better than this.

12 years ago

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No, it'd be more like winning an X-Box in a random contest then trading it for a GameCube or a PS2. That being said, whether it's a surprise or not is beside the point. You can't tell me you've never gotten rid of anything you've had before. Stop dodging the question and trying to change the subject.

12 years ago

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In other words, "damn more people are agreeing with this guy than me, better think of something witty to say with an aggressive ending."

We are talking about keys that once used, are not tradeable. An entry into a giveaway is the "ASKING" part, it makes total sense.

12 years ago

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Argument ad populum is a tactic for those who have no way to counter what their opponent is saying. I'm not trying to be "witty" here, I've simply been presenting counterarguments which are being ignored.

PlayBlink doesn't use keys. And besides, that's a problem on Steam's end, not the user's. Also, look up Law of First Sale, which Steam clearly violates.

12 years ago

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Steam isn't selling games, they are selling subscriptions to games and services, look it up. And to your "dodged" question, two people should walk away happy in the case of SG gifting, the gifter and the giftee. Regifting is really an ass thing to do and I would stop giving games away if that's all anyone did.

12 years ago

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If you won the Xbox in some kind of promotional raffle at Best Buy? Sure, do whatever you want, it was just a corporate promotional item.

Items being given away here, however, are from regular people. Usually people who are looking to share a game they like with others. Maybe they want to discuss the game with the winner later on? Maybe they want to find a potential co-op buddy?

Regardless, no one wants to gift a game only to find out the winner went and sold the game. A game they had no intention on ever playing.

Please stop acting as if the site's gifters are nothing more than slot machines.

12 years ago

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"If you won the Xbox in some kind of promotional raffle at Best Buy? Sure, do whatever you want, it was just a corporate promotional item.

Items being given away here, however, are from regular people. Usually people who are looking to share a game they like with others. Maybe they want to discuss the game with the winner later on? Maybe they want to find a potential co-op buddy?"

I really don't see the difference, to be honest. I've never had any of the people I've won games from ask me to discuss it, and if that was their stated purpose for the give away, I'd stay out of it unless I intended to do such with them. That being said, you can't honestly say that's what the majority of the giveaways here are like.

"Regardless, no one wants to gift a game only to find out the winner went and sold the game. A game they had no intention on ever playing."

Actually, I'd be happy to hear that two people went away happy when I only had one gift to give.

"Please stop acting as if the site's gifters are nothing more than slot machines."

I never made any sort of claim. Now, people like you personally who are trying to attack charity, I kind of think of you as a one-armed bandit, but I realize that not everyone here is selfish.

12 years ago

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How am I attacking charity in any way? Where did that even come from?

Whatever, point is, there are TONS of games being given out here everyday. You will never have enough points to enter them all, so why not just find the games that you would actually like to play and enter for those ones?

Why is that so hard? Forget about trading, or winning for others, or anything else and just ask "Would I play this game?". If the answer is "no", then skip over it and use your points elsewhere.

12 years ago

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You're a one armed bandit robbing from the children's heart foundation! You monster!

12 years ago

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You said it's wrong for someone to give something away if they got it as a gift. Trading isn't the only thing you've attacked, but regifting as well. IE, charity.

And you know what? Despite the fact that I disagree with this rule, I also respect it. Your question assumes that I'm not already doing what you've said. But you know, sometimes there are other reasons for wanting a game than to just play it yourself, reasons I've already mentioned, which you've tried to demonize. And in essence, those reasons more charitable than "I want to play this game".

12 years ago

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Hahahaha! Regifting = charity now? Nice.

I love how you think taking a game that someone else is giving away for free and then trying to either regift it (so that you look good instead) or sell it (for your own personal profit) somehow makes you a paragon of charity.

In the immortal words of Charles Brown: "Good grief..."

12 years ago

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Check out the juicy conversation I've been having xP Apparently I believe that generosity should be banned.

He's completely delusional.

12 years ago

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Haha yeh I've been reading that one as well. I hope this guy's friend's and family only ever give him cash gifts!

12 years ago

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Of course they do, that way he can get something he wants.

12 years ago

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You say that like only getting cash when people give gifts would be a bad thing. It sounds like you're trying to "curse" me or something, but I'm just not seeing it...

12 years ago

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If gifting it is wrong, you're attacking the person who gave it away in the first place. And if selling it is wrong, you're attacking the people who sold the game to be gifted in the first place. You can't have it both ways.

12 years ago

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Gifting or selling a GIFT are BOTH wrong. I'm not trying to have it both ways, I'm saying you shouldn't do either.

If you get a gift, you should activate it to YOUR Steam account and PLAY IT. If you don't want to play the game, DON'T ENTER.

You can trade and give away things you BUY YOURSELF.

I have nothing against trading/selling your own items, just don't do it with gifted items.

12 years ago

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i agree

12 years ago

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I can safely say that I have never sold or traded anything that's been given to me. It completely goes against my morals. Most gifts are more important than simply finding a use for them. Or finding out how they will benefit you. Sometimes you have to learn to accept the gift and the reason why someone gave it to you. Whether it sits on your shelf and collects dust or gets put to full use, it doesn't matter, as long as you show as much appreciation as possible by keeping it.

For example, when someone gives cash as a present this is because they don't know what to get you or don't know what you'll appreciate. When someone actually bothers to go out and buy something specific, you should show the courtesy of keeping it. You're no different than how you started off after all, you only gain. Gifts shouldn't always be about what you want.

Now online steam gifts are somewhat similar but the difference is you choose to enter these giveaways. If you were allowed to do whatever you want with the game after you've won, people may as well create cash giveaways....

12 years ago

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So you're saying it shows more appreciation for something to just sit on a shelf and be wasted then to trade it to someone who will actually use it and care for it? I have to say that such just looks selfish, to be quite frank.

Besides, you're talking ethics, not morals; morals are not personal. You can claim morality doesn't truly exist or that your view of morality is different from my view, but you can't claim to have "personal morals".

12 years ago

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lol I'm the selfish one because I want to keep something and not use it? Selfish is suited to you and your idea of neglecting what was given to you because you want something else. The idea of giving it to someone who will "use it and care for it" is how you try to justify getting what you want rather than accepting what you have.

Morals, ethics, you can call them what ever you want. It doesn't change the point I'm making. I'm referring to what's right and what's wrong.

I'm surprised we're still continuing this discussion given the amount of opposition you're facing.

Have a nice day :)

12 years ago

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Considering most of my opposition is stuff that basically amounts to "lol, no u", I figure I can focus on those that at least seem like they're trying to make a legitimate arguments. And besides, I've heard all these arguments before, and know how to counter them pretty easily.

And yes, hoarding things you have no intention of using when you could give them to someone else IS selfish; I mean, it's certainly not on the same level as scammers, but it's still a type of selfishness. Instead, you should give, sell, or trade them for something you can actually utilize.

12 years ago

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Having any opposition at all, let alone 5 or 6 users, is quite embarrassing.

When it comes to Steamgifts policy, there is no counter argument. Anyone who disagrees clearly doesn't belong on this site.

lol just seeing how much you've changed the initial argument is quite funny. No doubt you've noticed your lack of an argument and therefore need to turn me into the bad guy. A man who hoards games and doesn't share with anyone mwahahahaaaa. "HOARDING GAMES ISN'T SELFISH! HAR HAR HAR!" Now you can be the winner!

Funny but completely innaccurate.

In fact this banter has gone on for so long that I think you should just go back to playblink with your gift trading policy and I'll stay on Steamgifts amongst the more appreciative individuals.

12 years ago

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Having opposition is embarrassing? Well, I suppose if, like yourself, you don't have a way to defend your statements, then it may be. But the fact of the matter is that every idea has opposition. If you looked hard enough, you could find someone that doesn't believe breathing is essential to life. They'd be wrong, of course, but they'd still oppose you on the idea. Would you find that embarrassing?

I'm not arguing whether or not it's policy. You're right, it is their policy. And I respect that policy while I am here. However, it's a bad policy, one that's harmful to SteamGifts itself and its community.

Turn you into a bad guy? You made yourself into one when you said that generosity, trading, and other such things should remain banned.

And why can't I just use both? Both have their flaws, both have their advantages. Unlike you, I can look objectively at the sites I use and admit this. I'm not so insecure that I have to pretend that every website I use is somehow perfect.

12 years ago

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Oh dear, I'm noticing a trend with your responses. You seem to enjoy twisting things into what you want instead of responding to what I wrote. For example, you've done it twice in your latest response making inaccurate assumptions about me. I'd really like to know when I said that generosity should remain banned. Where do you come up with this stuff?

Your example of not breathing because it's embarrassing is a stupid idea and quite frankly..............embarrassing. Congratulations.

The real winning statement by you is the grand finale here:

"Unlike you, I can look objectively at the sites I use and admit this. I'm not so insecure that I have to pretend that every website I use is somehow perfect."

Where you came up with this I have absolutely no idea, but clearly you're feeling the pressure.

We're very much done here LOL.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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I'm curious as to what this has to do with anything I said. And I don't just want myself to be able to trade them, I want everyone to be able to.

12 years ago

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He basically won the thread. Bask in the hilarity while it's so fresh.

12 years ago

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You are full of poisonus darts today uh?

12 years ago

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Had a fucking great laugh.

12 years ago

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I'll never understand Steam scamming. I mean, I undertand real life scammers, but VIDEO GAME scammers? Just how needy are they? Well, I sort of am, but I'll never reach THAT low.

12 years ago

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They feel like they have nothing to lose by trying. No morals, no courtesy, no life. He was trying to steal an Orcs Must Die off him ffs.

12 years ago

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Scammers- Steam or otherwise- are just like any other sort of thief. They're sad, pathetic people who see people above them and would rather tear others down instead of trying to build themselves up.

12 years ago

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There's definitely not a rule for calling out people in the forum or anything...

12 years ago

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Except he didn't link a SG account anywhere, nor is there any evidence that this "Dark Mage" is even a registered user of SG. So I fail to see how this violates ANY of SG's rules...

12 years ago

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This is how i troll scammers. http://puu.sh/1JsRJ

12 years ago

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haha XD nice one.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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It's so pathetic how that actually works on some people.

12 years ago

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Will definitely use this. It should be a staple weapon for use against scammers.

12 years ago

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Can't open :/ where does it lead to ?
Edit: nvm , opened it somehow.

12 years ago

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It would seem even more legit if you capitalized though :/

12 years ago

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i hate people who scam or try to take advantage of others...

really great to see that some people take their time to actually report them... :D
and yes, it's a great feeling to take the piss out of a scammer...

12 years ago

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I tried to trade my unusual, and at least 7 scammers added me till I sold the item, I mean seriously, even few from same country as me. But I don't think reporting them will do anything, at least it will take too long for Steam to do anything, best way is to report them to steamrep, still, there are people who don't know about steamrep, and they get scammed if they don't have enough experience to notice who is scammer and who ain't.

12 years ago

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Life's a bitch, ain't it?

12 years ago

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Indeed it is. But well, you learn on mistakes, got scammed once, and never again :)

12 years ago

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thank you kind sir

12 years ago

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Dark Mage also tried to scam me. Karma, man. Nobody escapes.

12 years ago

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Valve is allowed to read your private convos? :O

12 years ago

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unlikely, at least. not without permission.
They may keep logs for "in case" they are necessary

12 years ago

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Does it still exist Wing Commander CD keys?

12 years ago

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They're not CD keys; when you buy a gift on GOG, it gives it as a key. They're not really any different than Steam keys except that they're for GOG.

12 years ago

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I'd love to see this conversation over at Steamrep, so everybody who trades with this fu..er knows, who he's dealing with
Edit: Nevermind, he already has 4 threads under review

12 years ago

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Nice fake key :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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what kind of fake key is that???

12 years ago

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Got a friend request from him today. He didn't do anything to me, but I had no idea he was a scammer until I used Steamrep for the first time today. I immediately de-friended him, but now I have a mark for friending a scammer. It's not permanent, is it?

12 years ago

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nope, it disappears as soon as the database updates (i think its every 6 minutes or something)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by MarioFanaticXV.