Anyone up for some skirmish co-op missions on heroic difficulty? it's a bit frustrating doing it solo hahaha

10 years ago

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Hello, I have the game but I am not sure if I can take it so hard, but, we can try if you like. Have a nice evening.

10 years ago

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sweet! I checked your profile though and it doesn't have the game in your list. Do you play with a different account?

10 years ago

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No but why I would lie about it? XD

10 years ago

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no reason lol. It's just that I checked your profile to see how many hours you've played the game and I didn't find it there hahaha

10 years ago

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we can try and play one day if you like it add me.

10 years ago

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Last time I tried it it was frustrating. Mainly cause you all have to be on the ball and really communicating to each other as every unit you buy in doesn't necessary go to you. So the game devolves more into 50% swapping/trading units, 40% yelling at idiots to stop requisitioning useless crap when you are all trying to save for a tank and 10% maybe actually playing.

10 years ago

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this is why it is better to play with friends isn't it?

10 years ago

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We did lol but found ourselves assigning someone as quartermaster to manage units :P

10 years ago

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not a bad idea

10 years ago

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I... know this is a very old thread. But do you still play this? Want to give coop missions with someone a go, I'm not quite pro, but I've enjoyed some time with the older Men of Wars (never done multiplayer though, but lanned a mission once with a friend and that was nice).

Preferably with some voice comms like teamspeak (I have acces to a ts3 server) or steam voice chat.

Edit: If someone else is interested, that'd be fine too of course. :)

9 years ago*

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