2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Mayanaise has given you good advice.

I'd review your email before you sent it if you'd like. You write it up as best you can, and I'll review it for clarity and tone. Just cut out the account names and other identifiers I shouldn't have.

2 years ago

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never had issues with humble and i dont really understand what your problem is all about.
never heard that they ban accounts just because you didnt use the keys, that sounds quite fishy.
you either traded keys or sold them.
and about the ToS, they are usually in the right lower corner on the majority of websites / shops. nothing wrong with that.

and to compare humble with north korea or the udssr/cccp which are now countries with their own leadership btw (more or less) is just outrage

2 years ago

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I do not understand which part of the ToS you've been broken, according to HB. Reselling for example was against the ToS right from the beginning or at least since I am around there (before 2019). I acknoledged people, who had trouble with HB using the gifting-option to much, which is easily bypassed with generating the key and send the key directly to a winner of Steamgifts or a trading partner.
I guess you might follow Mayanaises adivices and see, what you can do. Hope you get your keys back.
Although I can understand your anger, your comparison is not even close to be valid. It's capitalism, it was never meant to be humanitarian.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

2 years ago

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Charging wouldn't be valid, if you don't receive any service. You should contact your bank to cancel or refund the charging.
If they confont you with an offense to their ToS (I am sorry to say that), it is not "at will", even though it seems to be unjustified for you. They still need to provide you with an explanation of what you've done "wrong". If you have that explanation, you can try to work things out, by argumenting against it (propably in the way Mayanaise discribed). I don't want to be misunderstood, as if was batteling for HB, but I do not understand, what went wrong with your "purchase". Especially, if you were banned in 2020 and did your last purchase in 2019. It seems that what ever you did with your first account passed over to your secong, when they found out, that the same person owns it.

So, you need to find out, what they say, was the rulebreaking and try to argument against it, if you did nothing wrong. Wish you good luck!

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

2 years ago

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