👇 Copied from the succinctly well written post from last year.

If you, as a man, or, really, as a person, feel like the world is too heavy to carry on your own shoulders, talk with someone! Your family, your co-worker, some random guy on the internet; anyone! It doesn't even matter much if they do actually care. Just talk your heart and mind out if you need to do so.

Silence kills more than words can ever do.

Happy Men's Mental Health month!

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1 week ago*

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Did you know June is Men's Mental Health month? :)

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A what now??😯
Obviously...I had been waiting for someone to post about it!😤
Its not about a date for me, Im a humanist! I care for all always🫂🌏
🥔🥔Im just a humble Starch enthusiast🥔🥔


1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Happy Men's Mental Health month! Life is hard but you don't have to carry the burden alone. Please speak to someone if you're having a rough time. As someone who really didn't want to try therapy and who also took 3 different therapist's to find the right one for me, it really works - please don't give up! You deserve good things. Big virtual hugs to everyone who wants one!! <3

1 week ago

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Awareness Bumpity! ^_^

6 days ago

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Therapy helps yall, just sayin'. Although make sure you have a good one who actually listens to you and works with you and not at you.

Here's a giveaway:
ATOM RPG Trudograd

6 days ago*

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TY for the GA, added!

5 days ago

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Its kind of sad how mens mental health is kind of not cared about by society but hopefully we can change that

5 days ago

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Best wishes for July, wish you all the best as well as the strength need to take a step a day! Final Bump.

Games have walkthroughs, our life doesn't. But that doesn't mean we remain lost. This mini roadmap is a fun way to conquer July.
And wish you a better half of 2024 ahead :)

17 hours ago

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meaning you're gonna close this one?

anyway, thanks so much for hosting.

17 hours ago

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i think i'll keep it open, just so its visible to whoever that wants to revisit it and maybe host it next year.
And thank you for pumping the thread with GAs!

17 hours ago

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