help me petition for a thank you button like some torrent sites do :P
but if you don't talk much, why in need of a group?
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That would also require a "Fuck you" button for giving away a shitty game.
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Why not? It's fun and it's free!
What I'm trying to say is that this whole discussion is pointless. Stop caring about stupid shit.
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Here we go again. Yet another person trying to justify their lack of comments.
The reason for posting it and whether or not anyone actually reads it, are irrelevant. The fact that you actually bothered to post it, says it all. It's the very least you can do for someone who is giving their game to strangers.
I always include the giveaway creator's name because it makes it a little more personal. It shows that I know who's giving away the game rather than just carelessly trying to win.
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But why do people care so much about:
a) being thanked
b) comment ratio?
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A) Because people have different expectations and some like being thanked for their giveaways
B) Because people like seeing others reaffirm their opinion in a particular action
We should move on from "but why?" and onto "let's agree to disagree" in regards to this debate, or we'll never get anywhere.
e: Not meaning you, but others who vehemently defend their side of the debate and insist on mandatory "thanks". Any thread relating to this topic eventually turns into something from /r/politics or /r/athiesm, where one side is clearly in the right and everyone else is undeniably wrong.
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I think I've already answered your part a) here.
As for the comment to entry ratio, it's more or less the same story. People and in particular, private giveaway groups, want to see that the user isn't only on Steamgifts to get free games. They want them to participate in the forums and show their appreciation for giveaways entered. This is something the user chooses to do, and if he chooses correctly, he can gain some respect.
I hope that helped.
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a) So people give away games here, because they want to be nice and give others a chance to win a game. Then they expect simple "thanks". And then they complain about just "thanks". That's not the right attitude.
You're giving something away, you don't expect anything back - that's how it works and you should be happy about it.
b) Respect shouldn't come from a quantity of useless comments. You're right, the action of thanking someone is positive, nice and by doing so people should gain respect. But here "thanking" lost it's purpose. Simple "thanks" is not enough, people have to be creative just to stand out of hundreds of empty "ty comments". Again, that's not how it should be.
People can get recognized by being active in the community (forums, chat, popular groups etc.) and then, depending on their actions, get respected or not by others.
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"Then they expect simple "thanks". And then they complain about just "thanks"."
I'm not sure where you got that from :S When the giveaway creator forces people to write thanks, or even tells them to write thanks, that defeats the purpose of writing thanks. So...........I agree, that's not the right attitude.
I also never mentioned or assumed that the quantity of "useless comments" determines someone's respect on the site. I said comments, so that would include primarily forum activity. Now, writing thanks isn't about standing out, it's about actually bothering to show your appreciation despite your likelihood of not winning anything at all. It's doing something that almost no one will notice but at least you can say you did it.
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I get a little sad when my giveaway ends and I find out that the person who won didn't even bother leaving a simple thanks in the comments. Then after you send the gift, sometimes it's worse. I've had people mark the gift as received without even a single reply or acknowledgement. I've had people say thank you and not mark the gift as received. I've even had a person add me and tell me to "give them game." I was going to block that person, thinking it was just another beggar but turns out he won my giveaway 14 minutes ago and I was too slow to his liking. LOL
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Shit happens. We all have to deal with stupid people. Nobody said life will be nice and easy :-)
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I don't see this as "justifying lack of comments" at all.
I see your points, and I agree with them. But I very rarely comment a giveaway myself. I'd much rather show my gratitude if I win and actually talk with the guy/gal giving it away. It feels a lot more personal to me, and I'm quite certain, to the giveaway creator as well then a simple "Thank you Jonex". A thank you button would in my eyes do the exact same thing. And if people really want to make a personal comment, the possibility could still be there.
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Sorry for my demagogic flaming approach to the discussion then.
And I don't really know you solved much either to be honest, I mean even if that exists most of the people take their time to comment. I don't really know what % of the users has that installed but I'd bet it's not a majority.
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I brought it up to prove that there is a solution to the issue they've raised, in order to further the discussion away from plain old "laziness" to something more substantial - with the goal being that we'll reach a mutual understanding on why some of us prefer a different approach to commenting on giveaways.
Neither seem achievable right now.
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In case you got the wrong idea, I was referring to this comment.
I would ask you, why not thank them twice? If you're prepared to thank them after winning the game, why not thank them for giving you a chance to win? If anything, it would inspire them to make giveaways in the future if they see comment thanks from people who enter. There's really nothing to lose by doing it, it's a simple courtesy that takes up 3-4 seconds of your time.
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It absolutely does supersede typing thanks. But...................................................................why not do it anyways? Why not show your appreciation in more than one way?
This argument has been made several times on this site, and it always boils down to simply being lazy.
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Problem is, the lazy argument has already been solved.
So now it's a matter of principle. I don't want to say the same thing everyone else does, so I often don't comment at all because I have nothing of (perceived, from my perspective) value to offer. If I win, I do the best I can to thank the creator by what means I have.
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Linking a thank you script (twice), isn't exactly a good idea for the site.
Being lazy is a matter of principle though. Most of the thanks you's aren't even read by the creator, but at least those people did something. The way I see it, your "thanks comments" have potential value to the giveaway creator, so that's enough to justify taking 4 seconds of my time to write them. It can be interpreted as a selfless action.
In the end, they're potentially beneficial with no negative outcomes. Sounds like a reasonable idea to me.
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I believe that commenting on giveaways with a simple "thanks" buries the interesting and different comments and does not further the interest of discussion.
I do see the value in thanking the giveaway creator in the comments field, and when I do comment, it usually comes with some form of gratitude. Not always, because sometimes I've already thanked them elsewhere and I don't feel the need to repeat myself in a minute. But if my small thanks means pushing a future comment detailing a guy's interest in the game down to specific mechanics to the 4th or so page, I would rather not comment and let them have center stage.
It's like commenting on forums. I don't want to add a useless comment that'll enlargen a thread for no real purpose, although sometimes I do because this forum doesn't have strict regulations against a no-content post. In other forums, I don't post unless I have something to contribute to the thread. I apply the same logic to giveaway comments, because there is potential discussion to be had and I don't want to derail that.
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"Public giveaways" don't usually contain anything worth reading. At least, from my experience they don't. And even if there was something of value, I'm sure you won't be ruining a discussion by saying thanks lol.
The forum is quite different. You're writing things that you expect people to read and respond to (in most cases). You have a good attitude towards the forum, that's pretty much how everyone should treat it. The Steamgifts forum is well monitored, but doesn't want to feel like there's strict control. After all, most people join this site because of the free games. Staff don't want to give people another reason not to take part in the forums.
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No, but there will be less eyeballs on it if it was pushed back several pages. I've seen some of the most insightful and touching comments on some public giveaways, and they're usually buried several pages in. If there was a 'thank you' button instead of people posting 'thanks' en masse, then those comments would be read and people would reply to them.
That's why I don't comment with just "thanks". I used to, when I first came to this site, but then I noticed that discussions could be had, but don't due to people not noticing these comments.
Slightly offtopic: If we could track replies to our comments on giveaways, then I believe more people would use the comments section for conversation than simply thanking the creator. But I don't believe in cg adding that functionality anytime soon.
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If those really are insightful and touching comments, then they belong in the forum, not in the comments section of a giveaway. Hell, you should open a thread where you can display some of them for other's to appreciate if they really had that affect on you.
Like I said though, I haven't really seen any that justify the avoidance of writing a thanks comment.
Although the comments section on giveaways isn't the place for any meaningful discussion, I do agree with you that the replies should be linked to those comments. Discussions are a positive direction for any online community :)
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They belong in the giveaway because it's the giveaway creator that raised the question, or because the game in question being given away caused the topic to rise. The forums shouldn't be the only place for discussion on this site. There's the Steam group chatroom, and there's also the giveaways' comments section. Neither should be discounted.
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I never said it should be the only place, but if there's something worth saying, put it in the forum. That way, more people will see it and a more thorough discussion can be had. I personally haven't been in the group chatroom in a long time. Far too busy in there sometimes.
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I would do so if I thought it mattered at all to the contributor. I would glad add them on Steam and chat with them as interactive human beings if they cared (and they did not think it weird of me).
I am reading your arguments and I understand that you are firm on your opinion of my laziness. I don't see myself convincing you, nor you me. Good day.
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I'm sorry that I've come to that conclusion about you. I just don't see any other significant reason why you wouldn't comment. Like I've mentioned a few times already, there are many potential benefits and no negative outcomes from writing thanks.
Good day to you too :)
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The issue of thanking in giveaways "robotically" as you put it has been discussed many many times before... to no real resolution. As for being quiet, I can understand that. I stalk the forums a lot more than you'd think from my comment/entry ratio... I just don't say anything a lot of the times even when thoughts come to my mind because I have personal issues that prevent me from doing so (and by issues I mean like mental issues, not technical).
I can't say much about contribution since my own is not very great but I certainly do think you have merit in raising the point of valuing quiet contributors too. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the populace is a social one (yes, even the stereotypical "nerdy gamers"); so while some empathetic individuals may agree, others might find it harder to understand.
Don't quite know what my point is other than to say.. yeah, I get what you mean lol. Even posting this is kinda difficult for me.
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"I just don't say anything a lot of the times even when thoughts come to my mind because I have personal issues that prevent me from doing so (and by issues I mean like mental issues, not technical)."
That right there, is exactly my 'problem' as well. I can be very social sometimes, but my personal issues prevent me from it most of the time.
You basically said everything that I wanted to say, but you've beaten me to it.
Good job on speaking your mind! c:
And to the OP, I actually like the idea of a SG group for silent/introvert people.
I'm not sure how many are out there, but I think it could work if you could get someone who knows how to manage a group like that.
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so if you guys don't chat to each other, it'd just be a group to try to win more?
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I agree, you could probably find groups that will accept you because you contribute so much. There was one group I was in where the rules say that you need to chat and I asked if it's okay that I don't and it was okay.
Still, I don't much feel the need to be in groups. Why do you want that? The only SG related group I'm in is Cherry Poppers. You might want to join that as a popper, considering that you enjoy giving away games. No chatting required.
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Aye. We tend to speak with our presences, not with words. Thus chat room stays quiet most of the time.
For mastaninjax, there are groups that do not require active presence nor such activity in general. Unfortunately I cannot recall every rule of every group, but if you are interested, just keep checking groups' recruit threads. Making your own is also an option but a bit more demanding one.
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Well opening your own group of silents is a decent idea, but talking online is a good way of breaking out of opening up a bit.
Well good luck.
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I know how you feel, MNX :) I'm a rather quiet person, too. Why say anything if there's not much to say? :) I started chatting a bit more on SG, though, once I met some interesting and fun people :)
However, I do try to leave 'thank you' posts in the giveaways I enter - because I know I always read the comments in my GAs, and I would feel sad if no one said anything there. At the same time I try to make them at least a bit personal, and always take part in the small 'tasks' that giveaway creators sometimes post for fun.
The "quiet" group seems like fun, by the way :)
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I'm the same really, I'm fine with talking to people over the forums but I hardly ever go into steam chats and what not. I'm not a sociable person and a lot of the time I can't be bothered to talk to people, it requires effort! If I have something in common with that person and we can strike up flowing conversation then I'll usually talk to them again but I hate small talk or forced conversation. I often get people (read old ladies) talking to me on the street, while they are nice...I really don't care! If I wanted to talk to you about something completely random, I'd come and talk to you. They always do it when I obviously have headphones in which is surely a sign of 'I'm listening to music so I don't have to talk to you' :(
TL:DR, I'm grumpy, have a strong dislike of people and very socially awkward.
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Your avatar belies your true nature as a talkative loudmouth who loves pink. Or maybe some of that's purple. Colours are hard.
And yes, headphones are magnets for talkative old people.
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I prefer to think that it either shows my love for P.Bubs and how awesome she is or that I like pink and purple but I will shout at you if you're being a dick!
Well I'm glad it's not just me and my headphones that attract talkative old people! I get people with clipboards come at me too. I've learnt to dodge them pretty well now though and often find people to hide behind so they get caught instead >:)
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Lol we do are alike :)
If you create that group be sure to invite me.
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