Well, no. There are no spanish language files in that version of the game, so you can't legally get it in spanish.
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heres a tip - if you cant do it through the game, its probably illegal.
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Under End-user License Agreement you agree to before installing any game.
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Contracts =/= law.
Laws are signed into effect by government.
Breaking a contract is called "breech of contract" and is illegal because there is a law in the US making most cases of it illegal. If you're not in the US, then US law doesn't necessarily apply.
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It's somewhat a contractual agreement. You can even remove the somewhat.
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You're supposed to get those from somewhere, right? You didn't pay for them, so you shouldn't be able to get them. Simple as that. Russian copy costs less for a reason.
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Well, that's kinda... douchy. My copy is the so called "russian", even though I didnt bought it there, and I paid full wester european price (5 euros). So by your logic, if I would be interested in that, I could use some other languages in my version?
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"russian" NV comes with english, czech, polish and english languages. They just labeled eastern european as "russian". Generally, if you don't buy the game from your own region in your own store, you're on your own. The game might not have the language you wanted, the game might not run in the region you're in and yes this is douchy, but that's the only way to combat people abusing regions with lower prices to get the games a little cheaper.
You know, if you're going to step into the grey areas of the subject, it's nice to research it beforehand to not to run into situations like OP's.
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It doesn't really bother me much, because I got all languages I wanted, but still, it is a bit unfair that Poland gets the same version as Russia, while we pay almost twice more than you. To be fair to the rest of the steam community, russian copies should be tradable only within russian users of steam.
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"fair" is a strong word; there will never be one fair system. It's going to leave some people on the sidelines and they will be pissed. I don't see why I should be punished by not being allowed to trade my steam games (that have english language in it) just because I live in Russia and I bought them cheaper (especially with the current state of the economics). Eventually, Steam will get to all the countries with a lower average wages than W.EU and US and will adjust the prices accordingly but alas we're not there yet.
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Or he can try and trade it to someone who can use it. Try putting it up on a trading block if theres no solution, im sure fallout vegas ultimate wont be a hard trade.
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Actually the problem is a bit more complicated because 1C and their developers in other countries of East Europe (fuck you Cenega) haven't negotiated with Bethesda about DLCs and possibility of even buying from other sources than developers (for example steam sales)
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Fuck you Cenega? Bad news but Cenega cant block games on steam, regional pricing and avability is controled directly by Bethesda. They are blocking Skyrim, Rage and other games for us, noobs.
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Bad news but if 1C don't want to negotiate about prices, they won't be negotiated by anyone because they own Cenega and other Eastern Europe developers. Besides that Cenega is hated for a reason (especially for attitude "we can't do anything, even if we weren't trying")
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But why would they try to make someone else put there games on steam if they have nothing from it? If Bethesda would want to have there games available on steam in our region, they would. But its not because they want to make more money.
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im going 2 try and search it 4 you.
I didnt find any mods but im sure you can fix it if you have access to another copy.
CaspianRoach theoreticaly he could obtain it illegaly? Is it that the spanish language was not licensed in the ultimate edition or fallout vegas in general?
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He can get them on the Internet, sure, just google for Fallout New Vegas spanish translation files; but — they replace some of the core files in the game meaning you won't be able to install patches on it and it's probably not the latest version.
If he had a usual EFIGS version he would have no problems, but he got Eastern European, so yeah.
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leaning device, say it aint so, tell a joke to cheer him up, do 80,000 voice overs in the spanish language and then convert them to files.
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lol, well its a great time of the year on steam for plenty of that.
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The wierd thing with NV is that despite the fact that I live in Poland, in my account history next to New Vegas is "(RU)". It did kinda scared me, and I thought that it's some kind of steam store bug, but since I can use english and polish, I believe that valve just called central and eastern european version "RU", no matter where you buy it.
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And they figured no one would notice or complain? Wow thats kinda crappy.
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Oh i got it.. Well he should be able to trade it to someone and not take a loss.
maybe there is some sort of mod which is done is spanish that he can use.. I searched online but nothing on the 1st 2 pages .
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If you buy the game from your region, you get your language. I don't see nothing wrong with that. At least they had the courtesy of leaving english in, which I'm grateful for. Localization firms that cut original english outright are the worst.
F:NV (Ru) includes English, Russian, Czech, Polish.
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Yes but when its an online purchase things can get a bit hairy if one doesnt fully examine the product, even then theres a chance of getting the opposite of what the descript says. Either way its not a loss, he will be able to trade it im sure so as long as everything is in order .
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Im sure if havent reported many issues and around this time im sure a lot of mistakes happen, very possible they will help you. They did just make 76 billion dollarsthis past week so maybe they are in a good mood . You should be alright
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I bought New Vegas Ultimate for the PS3 and it came in spanish (I'm in venezuela so it makes sense), i watch every movie, series, game EVERYTHING in english. When fallout started and the voices in spaniard spanish... shudder.. oh god, I still remember the horror!
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Hmmmm, Yes you have a point there.... Well i played metro 2033 russian language and english subtitles. That was fun.. Are there subtitles in engish and maybe that might help? Ya just write the ticket and hope for the best.
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They do sell us something that have no cost. Isn't that bad to get at least one copy cheaper. People get their money by working. And work isn't that easy for the most. You can't blame people to use some ways to get something cheaper at least once.
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when your not sure of something, ask in private.. this way asking a question doesnt get you in trouble, even it is something that you dont know and dont mean harm, private 1 on 1 is always a better way because some people enjoy brownies and just cant help themselves to getting people in trouble when it was just a matter of asking a question and the wrong person seeing it.. Im sure someone wont deny you that 2 minute courtesy.
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but in other news the Big Red O is on sale, your choice of hats or no hats, tired of world war II games you say well maybe espionage is a better fit for your gaming needs and if thats so well the tom clancy everything but the kitchen sink bundle is also a great deal, 4 thats right 4 good games for the price of 1 poo game, after your done with this quad pack you will have all the tricks of any master spys trade at your disposal so now stalking ex girlfriends or the girl next door can be done with ninja like stealth that even makes solid snake do a double take.. So what will it be? Are you man (or woman) enough to put the big pants and step into the battlefields of Red Orchestra? No care packages to spy the sky with in this game and if you bring that runa and gun style with your from call of duty you will go far, far up on everyones Sh*t list and bots will be the closest you will get to online play as well as a girlfriend. Or do you have what it takes to speak 9 different languages, travel all around the world doing missions while hanging upside down, using cat like moves evading laser beams as if they were telephone polls,meeting gorgeous girlsalong the way who would eat your face for a green card , do you have what it takes for this? yes you say well what the hell are you hanging around on steam for. i can hardly speak 1 language and couldnt couldnt get laid in a womens prison w/ a handfull of paroles.. So there you have it 2 games which i know im getting which will help push my debt even further in quicksand. If these 2 dont get your blood pumping you are either dead or , well theres always bastion man boy and lego sponge bob loaded w/enough pre-teen dlc that will make your head spin, back in the high chair and being hand fed in no time or you can just take the easy route and have popularity make the choice for you and buy call of doodi, nothing screems "i couldnt shoot a tree if it was on top of me" quite like a treyarch special. Just remember one thing, some devs wont see a penny because they no longer have rights to their ideas, some depend on the money to put food on the table and usually free dlc and visiting open forum chats will be their way of saying thank you for enjoying or work.. How fast can one sink? well prototype 2 has yet to make it to the p.c but unfortunately they closed their doors, its must have felt great to see your work to do better than projected, stay at the top of the charts in a few countries just to have it come crashing down in a blink of an eye.. They cant even speak their story because of clauses. Sale almost over , just picture the paid dlc on top of dlc on top of dlc on top of a clone of last years game, picture all the money , i know i do and what have they given me for being "loyal" more ways of feeling their game is incomplete w/o buying the next map pack in essence it is incomplete and in reality guns arent demanding my pockets to turn out to them but why is it that i can spend half the money and get something thats not owed , by a small fish but it would be moving mountains just to get a propper patch from a company that can buy and re-build the space program and write it off as a hobby. Thats how they got there, take no prisoners approach. Also why some devs wont even know we bought their game and liked it because they have become so far removed from their own creation. But there are some who are surviving from those who already know the deal. If you got everything you wanted, maybe spend the last 2 bucks to where it needs to be most, those who fight for the freedom to design games with their soul and not from some corperate business suit.. i did buy RED O for a friend and clancy for myself, both good choices as far as quality but one choice was me also saying with my wallet "more please, and please dont stop"
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Quite bad situation i would say. Only russian, cesky, polski and english for RU tagged copy :/. But what's wrong with english version? You know... There is a lot of games where only english language is on. And a lot of people who is not native english speaker do play these games. Games aren't philosophical treatises. There are some rare words, maybe, but well... they are rare. 87% of the game content can be understanded if a person just passed his last school exams.
But anyway it's quite annoying, though. Try to contact steam support to revoke this game and put it back to library. Then talk to this guy and ask him to trade games back. If he will not agree to do that - contact support again and explain them everything. But don't say them that you traded to save cash because of cheap russian games :) Just that fact of trading and being fooled&uninformed by this guy about details.
Also, never try to trade Max Payne 3 - only for RU region if bought in Russia. Ask someone you know or use google if you gonna trade with a russian guy. Some games can possibly have another "sweet additions" you can be uninformed about. But generally it's ok in most situations.
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The point is that the ROW (unedited) version of the game has the other languages, why not the Russian version?
EDIT: Also, he's simply asking if there's a way to make it French and you butt in with a completely unrelated topic. He could play it in English, but he wants to play it in French. Hence the thread. Your comment is irrelevant, pointless, and annoying.
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False. Only some specific games are region and languagelocked, the majority of them are the same as the english store copies. They even have the same subID. As for Dead Island, a large batch of CD-Keys for it was stolen or something along these lines and re-sold by thieves and banned by the publisher a little times after that.
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I trade with a russian guy to get fallout new vegas ultimate. But when i added to my library i see that this russian version didn't have spanish language, only russian, english, cech...
Someone can help me to change the language changing any file or editing a config file??????
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