Collecting things are fun!
What was your favourite game/s that you have purchased? :D
Collecting is not for everyone but I just love opening packs etc its just fun to see what you can get!
Lmao, I always have to shameless promote ;)
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Well csgo cases are the same feeling really! Yours is just the digital version!
Man I'm the exact same, I've not went back to DD because I lost one of my guys and I got so annoyed because he died and I couldn't search the rest of the dungeon...
I seriously need to play ESO. It's installed and ready but I'm not ready to become addicted haha!
FFX was my first FF I've finished and I don't think I've ever loved a story so much that I cried at the credits because it was over...I need to replay it again. An incredible game!
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Oh thats really cool! I'd love to see them! What are you favourite games you got when you collected? I used to collect football stickers etc when I was a kid, it was so cool to complete the book and stuff :D
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I used to collect quite a lot of things. Had a obsession with pokémon for a long time. Had a collection of Pokémon cards for a year, till it totally got out of hand and I had to sell them. Collecting steam games is still one of the main things I am doing since 2012 and since I still live at home the best thing with collecting steam games, is that parents will never know how many games I got. :P
My recent collection is books right now. Started, because I wanted to read more. Old Picture of le books
And I managed to collect some things from Lootcrate over the years :)
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Yeah I've spent a lot of money recently on pokemon cards... Ally just bought a booster box (the ones you get in the shops full of like 50 packs) for the new set! he got a few nice pulls like secret rares and GXs! I'd love to get a few graded to sell later on!
Exactly, my mum always used to moan at me with all my physical games, now she can't complain cause she can't see them haha! What was your most memorable game you've purchased?
Ah books yes! I've been buying a lot more with my university funds for having a low income family, I went a little crazy and bought a bunch of them... Like £200 worth in one go haha! Nice collection you have also! I like how you've set them all out and a few I need to get like a couple of the Stephen King books :O
I got it once and got a Vault Boy bobble head and stuff, I would buy more but I forget about them all the time D:
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Hmm. Memorable games are The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and Left for Dead 2. Those are the 2 games that introduced me to steam. + The Elder Scrolls is still high on my rank of favorite games. Especially cause my pc is a potato, and the Witcher 3 etc I can't play yet. Think that otherwise the ranking goes a bit lower :P My favorite game is not even on Steam (Which is sad) But it is Mass Effect 3 :D
Haha, I always need to set my books from small to large or the other way around, Depending on where the wall is or a window. I have a problem with those things. Same with dvd's, they need to be alphabetical. I need to get myself more shelving spots, because I recently got a bunch of books as well. The picture is a bit older like maybe 3 months old or so and there is no more space for the amount of books that I got. So they are lying around in boxes at the moment. (Even tho I hate boxes) I also got my English books by English books and Dutch books by Dutch.
I had 2 year subscriptions on Lootcrate, The gaming and the normal box. At a point I had so much stuff, That I didn't know where to put them, So some are still in the box they arrived in 🙃
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Shoebox-worth of MtG cards because I really liked it
A sticker album with Harry Potter stickers from the time before the movies (so all are concept art / drawings)
Pretty much that. I'm having OCD tendencies about getting all of everything or being obsessed about systems (can spend dozens of hours on wikipedias - FO, TES, Terraria, Dark Souls, Stardew Valley, WH40k) so as s self-defense, I don't really collect things with the goal of getting all of them. More like filling an infinitely tall glass with water - doing as long as I enjoy it, without really caring "where" I am and how far the end is :)
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Steam badges, maybe? I mean, I do have a large shelf of comics (trade paperbacks or hardcovers, I hate the magazine-like format), but only those I re-read every once in a while, the rest I sell. Heck, even the Steam badges are for games I finished, so not just collecting them to get more.
I cannot even say porn, I deleted over 2 TB of it a few months back. Quite the opposite of collecting.
Probably snowglobes can be an answer, albeit I never buy more than one a year. The only actual things I buy because they are knick-knacks and not serving some real purpose for me.
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A DVD and blu-ray collection.
personalized shirts i don't wear outside, because it makes me look like a walking billboard.
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I used to collect a kids magazine called K-Zone.
Then K-Zone recommended me a board game called Monopoly in one of their toy articles and that's how I got into playing and collecting board games. (plus my mother's influence to play Chess)
I also collect a bunch of stolen photos of my friends in high school and college :D. I have various dropbox folders specific to each of my friends that I share to them privately.
My favorite game right now is Tooth and Tail. It's the go to game for me, my cousins and nephews. It's a lot of fun with the bantering, betrayal and saltiness.
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Currently I have about 1000 books but that's only because I sold some of them xD
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Currently we have about 7000 books (exact count was lost at about 5000). But, to be fair, that's a result of 3 generations of hoarding :)
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How do you store them? I have small problem with it xD And I have a lot less than you :)
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Honestly, it's a nightmare. There's a whole corridor with bookshelves from floor to a 3 meters high ceiling and 4 rooms with different degrees of being filled with bookshelves and bookcases. And the sadest thing is that nobody really reads in here anymore (except for visits of my 4-year-old niece, this one is still a book junkie).
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I have read about half of all my books. And even if I will keep my current reading speed (1 book per month) that's still too much xD
And it would be easier if I didn't borrow books from library xD
I have read book by Marie “KonMari” Kondo about tiding up. Her theory about gathering books is poor blasphemy xD According to her we should throw up every book that we haven't touched for last 2 years xD
So avreage bookshelf should look like this:
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It is blasphemy indeed. Hasn't she ever returned to a book many years later? I tend to re-read stuff that I enjoyed in my youth (or didn't because I was too young) from time to time, and I don't think I'm unique at that. And anyway, throwing books away just feels wrong, I can't even make myself throw away an actual trash that no one will ever touch (liker a collection of Soviet detectives).
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I am a data hoarder. Movies, music, games, series, ebooks, podcasts,.. I hoard it all because ... you never know when you will need it again and you wont find it on the internet anymore ok?
Other than that, jigsaw puzzles I guess? I just very recently got another one I really needed (and I had to stop myself because I was about to buy 2 more) even tho I ran out of space for them years ago. No actual images since I am not home, but this is the last one I got:
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I just started a new manga collection, not much yet because I don't have much money and space to store them. I have one back at my childhood home too. I love manga and one of my goal is to have a big collection shelf and merchandises (which is harder because they are damn expensive) too.
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Beyond my Steam library - collecting visual novels, point and click, RPGs and walking simulators - I have a modest but beloved figma/nendoroid/statuette collection and my girlfriend and I have gotten back into collecting Disney pins (I have more on order that I'm waiting to arrive in the mail!)
I collected Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards when I was in elementary and middle school - I ADORED collecting cards with really cute and appealing art. I recognize some of the cards you have! I didn't even like playing the games, I just liked looking at the pictures!
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And that's correct. You do need the link to the image itself though, not to the site that's hosting it. Then it won't show up. So.. right click on the image and "view image" and then copy the link ^^
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So, these photos are a tad all over the place, but we are working on it with more storage! Collection is pretty small but I've just started collecting Pop! figures and Pokemon cards! All the tins are pretty much full and in my first pack I got I got a full art GX which was incredible and started my addiction! There are also a few Witcher statues which I need to finish getting!
I won't ask for a weird format or ask you to post giveaways, I just want you to show off your collections big or small!
Steam libraries are DEFINITELY welcome and tell me your best purchases! You should never be ashamed of having the money to buy games to play or +1, what you do with your life is all for yourself and nobody else should judge you. They are probably sad and poor and want to play your games ;)
I've also recently just hit 700 games in my steam library! My favourite purchases would probably be The Witcher 3 because its my favourite game, Rocket League because I met a lot of people and basically got to know Ally through it <333 and Dead by Daylight because I've had a blast streaming it and I've recently just got affiliate and almost at 150 followers on twitch (will not plug my twitch since people will report and suspend me but you can find it on my profile!)
When support brings drama to the thread...
My collection!
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