Does anyone actually ever win a non-CV requirement, non-DLC, public giveaway? I mean, I realise SOMEBODY wins every time, but it is so hard to wrap my head around it bots or something? Do you even attempt to enter a giveaway for a game which shows something like 0.01% chance, if it is a game you really want? What if it requires something like 50 points? I'm thinking about filtering everything below 0.1%. Is that a wise course of action? What's the magic number, you think?

11 years ago*

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The last time I won a non-cv non-dlc public giveaway was over 3 months ago, though I don't enter many.

11 years ago

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Last time I won the above reference entry was just over a week ago. I was excited until I never received the game. :(

11 years ago

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I just enter giveaways for games I really want, I already won some public GA´s

11 years ago

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Think this is the best advice you will ever see. It's possible to spend your points on random games just to pad out your steam account, but if you don't want to play a game, why not leave it for someone else? Maybe that bundle junk is the game they've been wanting for years. :)

Try for games you want to play, then (assuming you remember to play them) when you win you're genuinely happy, and not just pretend happy so they don't feel bad. :)

11 years ago

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0.02% here. One of the first GA's I've won and that's the only no CV, non-DLC, public GA I've won.
Not complaining, tho ;)
And yes, if the game is below 0.05 or even 0.07 I enter it only if I really, really want it.

11 years ago

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If the game is on my wishlist, i will enter no matter what the win %.


11 years ago

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i only enter for games that i'm a bit interrested in. no point in entering for games i don't like/know i won't like/just don't feel right, that's stupid. better let them there to be won by people who wants them. and if there is nothing interresting i just keep the 300 points and don't spend them.
sometimes for a same game i will enter, then not anymore, then will start to enter again. i won 2 times more game than the estimated chances. i'm kinda lucky on steamgifts. i enter no matter the % win chances displayed

11 years ago

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I play my chances as much as my games...

11 years ago

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I just enter for the games I really want, and then I'm happily surprised when I actually win something. (Low expectations FTW! D )

11 years ago

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This. I have too large backlog to enter giveaways for games that don't interest me.

11 years ago

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As small as the odds are, because the only thing it costs you is time (I'm not counting points since they regenerate) and the time needed is so little, it's still worthwhile to enter GAs for any game you wouldn't/couldn't buy immediately. But you should definitely see it as more of a game and not expect to get anything out of it any time soon, because yeah, that's not going to happen for public GAs (excluding the occasional developer GA with thousands of copies where you have somewhat better odds). It still beats buying a lottery ticket.

11 years ago

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Having almost 300 games in my inventory, there aren't many games I am looking for. I installed SteamGiftster to keep track of my profile and enter contests for me.

11 years ago

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i won a game with 0.08 % no cv ~1300 entries, but i dont enter in giveaways where are like 3-4k entries its just a waste of the points

11 years ago

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How do you calculate the win chance?

11 years ago

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Steamgifts plus addon does it for you.

11 years ago

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Ok thanks for the tip.

11 years ago

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I have a win with .00017% chance. It was not received of course.

11 years ago

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A small chance is still better than none and if it's a game i really want i'll definately take the chance.

11 years ago

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Well, i already won once, so its not bots

11 years ago

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I just enter games that interest me regardless of how low the % chance is cause you never know, might get lucky. I know a long while back I won a public giveaway for Fallout New Vegas Ultimate that had like, 3k entries or so and that was before CV giveaways if I remember correctly.

11 years ago

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Most of my wins are non cv, non dlc and public.

11 years ago

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Yes, I did. And yes, I enter ALL giveaways for games I'd actually play. During those rare point shortages I also look at the chance to win, but only then.

My 2 cents is: install Steamgift Plus so it's faster to enter giveaways you care about (no matter how small the odds) and use the extra time to hang around in the forum. Not only you'll spot more private giveaways, you'll also have some fun and gradually stop caring about the giveaways by themselves. :)

11 years ago

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Yup. 5 times actually :-P And all amazing games.

11 years ago

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What's the point of not entering giveaways when the chances are below 0.1%? That doesn't help you at all to get said game if it's a game you (and many others really) want, but it's only being given away like twice a month (example, Reus, Skyrim).

I usually 'skip' GAs of games I want that appear often when they have more than 1500 entries (and I'm really happy if I'm able to get in these if they are below 1000 which mostly is when the GA only lasts for 1-3 hours).
But for Super AAA titles like Tomb Raider or Fortix 3 you can not do that if you want any chance at all. There my threshhold is about 4000 entries. I do not touch those 7000+ entry GAs (that's usually SR4 running for a week from Elefantopia^^).

Setting a filter for a specific win percentage chance with sg+ is imho a bad idea.

11 years ago

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Sure. I won public Nihilumbra giveaway with 2749 entries a month ago.

11 years ago

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Most of my wins are on public giveaways. Hell, i won legends of aethereus which had 300 copies and 17k+ entries :D

11 years ago

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I've won twice, both on public GA with 0 CV requirement. I guess that's mostly luck, though. I tried entering GAs that I want and have less than 200 or 300 entries.

11 years ago

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Just won Dwarfs!?, but that wasn't really hard to win :D

Checked my winnings. Also won Super Hexagon on 275 entries and no CV requirement

11 years ago

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I never pay attention to what the chance is. If I want a game, I join the giveaway. The chance to win is 0% if you don't join at all.

11 years ago

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I don't usually enter GAs if they have over 1000 entries (especially if its a lot of points) unless its something i really want and/or its for multiple copies.
Most of my wins have come from group GAs

11 years ago

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I never won a public GA, it's either a private or a group one with less than 100 entries.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by babloyi.