lol this guy has no problem playing a game that uses magic, and allows the play to shoot people in the faces. but ohhh no, he cant pretend to be baptized... what a moron.
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No, I could see some logic there. If it was say, an alignment choice, then it wouldn't be a problem. But characters are FORCED to be baptized.
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No, because you see, the guy knows for a fact you can't use Skyhooks and Vigors and stuff like that IRL, while baptisms DO happen IRL
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nope, its pathetic.
Arousing pity, esp. through vulnerability or sadness.
Miserably inadequate.
touching - piteous - moving - pitiful - pitiable
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I think the fact that this chap would not accept something into his life unless it was pure in his eyes, and bent to the will of his sensibilities, is the reason this scene exists in the first place.
I also mirror the thoughts of many of the comments on that article. That a virtual simulation of murder, presumably under the guise of righteousness, is perfectly acceptable. A simulated baptism, however, is so wrong it warrants return of the game. I don't even need to argue religion to say that I think this guy is riding a lame and lopsided moral high horse.
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Patricia Hernandez
Why would you do that?
If you want so badly to link the article, make a screen of the whole page instead and share it here. Do not give them any views
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Outside of the poor journalism, the site is a mess looks and feel wise. Everyone complained, but they kept the new designs and lost thousands of readers.
It would be nice if they stuck to video games instead of cross fucking to anything remotely related.... video games, some made in Japan, Japan makes anime, write "article" about anime pillows used by lonely Japanese dudes.
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Giving views=money for the site and Kotaku is one of the tumors of video game 'journalism'
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I am a Christian and I was not offended at all. On the contrary, I was intrigued by the use of symbolism and descent into the distortion of something good that was taking place in the game. It was a plot device much like the violence and I don't think that it was intended to defame or offend any one. I think people need to not take it to such level that puts themselves as the ones making a decision with their own lives in the game. We are individuals, all engaged in culture and the commentary that Bioshock Infinite provides on the human condition is fantastic as far as I have progressed in the game.
I read (half) of a good article on the game from a Christian publication who praised the game's story telling. I had to stop to avoid spoilers. If you want to check it out
Clicky (Caution, Bioshock Infinite Spoilers) I'm sorry the guy in the article couldn't enjoy the game, but not everyone from a similar background feels the same. :)
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I am a muslim and the fact that he states and I quote "If you need further convincing, I will use the analogy that if you were a muslem, it would be like forcing the player into an in-game action of "press x to spit on the face of allah" in order to proceed any further with the game and with no choice or way around doing so. end quote
This is completely moronic as he is just trying to rouse anger and hate in other groups so they support his cause, his statement is wrong, it would be certainly not like that as what he describes would be a direct attack on the religion which it is not, the baptism is used as a story line element on many levels and also represents symbolism that makes sense as you go further in the game.
He is making statements on behalf of another group when he has no right to.
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why is this news, this is not relevant in the least to the game. many what people put up to get views.
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wow, i honestly think that she is the worst writer of all times now. even 50 shade of gray has more relevance and depth than her diary level writing. why is she writing this crap for a game journalism site.
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if I had actually bought it I would have wanted a refund due to the worst save system ever(auto save only)
.. I have accidentally loaded a checkpoint twice.. which means twice I lost progress due to the save system twice(and its an annoyance)
fortunately it came free with my video card(along with tomb raider which was awesome)
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Remove the link please. It's Kotaku.
This is nerdbaiting. They are encouraging you to find a story appalling, so you know why? SO YOU LINK TO IT. Because their pageviews, get them money. And look, it's working, because of people like you. If you really, really must express your opinion on this, link to an IMAGE of their site, NOT THE SITE.
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I didn't say stop linking to them on steamgifts. I said stop linking to them. You think that I only browse these forums? You think that people should only not post these links on these forums? You're well wrong. I just want to get it into people's heads that Kotaku are shite, but are getting funded by people admiring their shite.
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Yeah, very amusing indeed. But don't try to find logic in there, there's none in religion.
And the fact that he has a problem with baptism and apparently doesn't give a damn about very cruel-heads-rolling-blood-everywhere in hundreds of murders...yeah. Sad.
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please dont feed in on this trash writing people can return game for what ever reason the real problem is why are we even taking this half baked article Seriously.
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No. People can want to return it for any reason they want. They can only return it if there is something wrong with it. If you are worried that every game may have a baptism or something related to Christianity in it, then don't buy the game until you are certain there won't be anything that offends you. I'm sure they won't miss your $60.
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can i get a refund on the time i spent reading that garbage. i think i can do some thing more constructive like flossing, or maybe playing forger on the Brooklyn bridge
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It's Patricia Hernandez. It's foolish to expect sane texts from her.
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The guy has a right to his beliefs, and if the game involves something so uncomfortable for him that he can't play through it, he wouldn't be able to play the game. I feel the same way about certain games, many of which were quite popular, and have steered clear of those games because of it. It's too bad there was no indication of this content before the guy purchased the game. You would have thought this would have come up at least once, before, so that the devs would have given fair warning, but I guess not.
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I find this incredibly idiotic.
When you play a game like this, you play a character. Booker, in this case, does not care for the baptism but on the off-chance you do take things that happen ingame that seriously fair enough. Hold to your beliefs, its all well and good however the game in-question is a bioshock game. Bioshock where shooting people, setting them on fire, breaking necks and pushing them off the columbia to their doom occurs about just about all the time.
Do none of those things offend him? Thoughts?
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