I have a game that entered in the rewards today, it's Borderlands, will I win the credits for the achievements I already have?
EDIT: How much time take for the credit enter?

11 years ago*

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They dont :) Seriously, it doesnt work for me, and Playfire support is plain dumb. Been sending them a screenshot of my rewards page three times before they figured out to check the attachment.

11 years ago

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that support is amazing LOL

11 years ago

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I haven't had that problem with their support, but its slower than friggin steams... I have had a ticket open for over a month and a half and get one response every two or three weeks.

11 years ago

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Same here. In my profile page i get credited with linking my Steam account and 3 borderlands 2 achievements, but my balance still shows 0.00

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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well, one achievement i don't have, so the credit for that achievent i can probably win

11 years ago

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I get given credit for the achievements I already have.

11 years ago

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in 24 hours maybe, you will get reward and it will transfer to gmg.

11 years ago

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Play Thief for First time (Play the game for the first time - £0.50) earned nothing .

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I couldn´t even make the stupíd program to reconize half of my games

10 years ago

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you don't need to use the program. It auto detects my activity on steam o.O

10 years ago

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Does playfire payout if I have differnet currencies? It showing 0.95 pounds atm, I wonder if that will convert to a proper dollar value or just 1 pound = 1 dollar

11 years ago

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It converts at the current conversion rate. The couple times I actually got support to help, the money they credited me was pounds converted to the equivalent $ value

11 years ago

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Their rewards program is heavily flawed (according to me). I've completed quite a couple of achievements/profile tasks but never got credited.
I had to contact support every time to get rewards. I really hope, I don't have to do this again for Thief rewards.

11 years ago

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My old credits disappeared, and my new credits never seem to get transferred to gmg (yes, I linked my account, many times). IMO their reward program is buggy.

11 years ago

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It's super buggy. I know two people that it seems to work for, but myself and an army of others have nothing but problems.
I've had to struggle with copy-paste support robots for quite a while to get any reward credit.

11 years ago

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I don't bother with wasting time with support. It's free credits anyway.

11 years ago

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I don't seem to get any rewards either but yesterday I sent support with the asked for info (gmg email and account, playfire email and account, steam url and screenshot your rewards page) I listed the rewards missing and they credited my gmg account in a few hours.
Will probably be sending another ticket for a few more missing rewards.

11 years ago

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That thing has got to be the worst kind of service I've ever used. It can somehow track my Steam games and time, but I still don't have my credit for linking my Steam account. Seriously, how is that even possible and how are they that bad? I've also played Lords of Shadow 2 but haven't gotten shit for that either.

11 years ago

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write to support mate. They updated my rewards credits after like 2 god damn weeks of fighting and shouting at them. But still, Playfire doesn't count god damn rewards for playing thief, xcom ufo defense and other stuff.

11 years ago

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Took me 2 months to get transfering of credit fixed :P

11 years ago

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I only got rewarded for subscribing for newsletter, no achievements or linking to steam got rewarded, so i sent a support ticket and they sent an automated email back to me saying that it's beta and telling me to send them a support ticket with the stuff i actually did include in the first ticket. I really don't know how does it work.

11 years ago

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Let's see if they payout these

If they payout these then they're legit

11 years ago

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Lol, I'm going to do something similar later today. There's a number of current rewards I need to bust out. At least for the "play for the first time" ones. Easy money.

10 years ago

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I already earned around 7€ thanks to this program.....most of it with steam achievemnt hack software.

11 years ago

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10 years ago

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Give it time.

11 years ago

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I've said it before, but I wish they'd get rid of these. It's my perception that the GMG store coupons have become much less attractive since they started this. Less % off, coupons less frequent, less games that they apply to and now minimum spends to be able to use the coupons. I don't remember seeing much of this in the previous months, you could just about always guarantee a permanent 25% off coupon that would work on almost anything.

Feels like customers who already bought stuff in their store regularly are subsiding this venture to a degree.

PS - I could be wrong about the coupons going downhill, I haven't kept a statistical record or anything like that. It seems like they have though and I'm ever so slightly butthurt about it. :p

11 years ago

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Playfire is utterly useless for me and from what I hear many others. It hasn't registered a single reward since signing up for the newsletter and I've had a ticket open for literally 43 days. It's weird that they keep regurgitating that it's a beta, but they continue to advertise and pimp out the service.

10 years ago

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Just reply to the ticket and it bumps it back up on their list :P i always do that :P if they close it just make a new one.. mine usually get answered within a week

took me 3 tickets to get credit for lots of achievments total about 7 euros.

The client is still not registering anything though, i have to mail them every time.

10 years ago

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that's weird, are you sure your steam account is linked? I'm racking so much virtual dollars there that I'm 12$ away of being able to purchase dark souls 2

10 years ago

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It just wont work for some people. Works for me, luckily..

10 years ago

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Same situation here...

I have about 40 rewards that haven't registered. They register on the 'recent activity' page, but not the reward page.
Still waiting for 'support' to get back to me.

10 years ago

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Same. Got £0.50 for signing up to the newsletter on Jan 31st and that's it so far. Don't get me wrong, I haven't purposefully tried to unlock many/any, but there should have been something for playing Thief for the first time and £0.50 for linking my Steam account that I'm aware of.

10 years ago

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I've earned about $5 in total since I signed up for it a few months back, but I've been unable to earn anything new for the past couple weeks. Oddly enough, I stopped earning new credits after I spent some of my reward credit on GreenManGaming.

10 years ago

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It works fine, I just need to submit a ticket every time I want to transfer the credit, which takes about a week or so.

10 years ago

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They don't really work, sorry :)

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Henrickin.