I think he was joking... was it really necessary, to be so brutal?
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Yes. Joke begging is treated the same as real begging because time and time again it has inspired idiots who can't tell the difference to think it's okay to actually beg. His suspension fits in line with policy that has been around for over a year.
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Nah I just think you're power tripping. I didn't read anywhere in the rules that sarcasm results in suspensions. I've seen countless giveaway threads that the title would be begging for a game, when in fact all they were doing was giving one away. They joke in THE TITLE of a thread. But yet because they're giving something away at the same time it somehow doesn't equate to this situation?
If "it has inspired idiots who can't tell the difference to think it's okay to actually beg." then suspend THEM when the time comes...not suspend someone because it MAY lead to more work for you, which is what you're saying is a result of his comment. And judging by how fast you suspended him...you seem to like doing it.
Sorry, I hate double standards. I think a simple warning would have sufficed.
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Here. Also, see the actions of every single moderator for the past year. Now fuck right off with your power trip horseshit and find a new bastion of stupid excuses to hide behind. This isn't a slippery slope argument, it's because it has a noticeable impact. And yes, I love suspending people. I'm sorry, should I not enjoy this thing I volunteered to do? Should I give all the people we need to suspend an hour?
As for warnings, no. The chat has recently been having No North Korea Month, just as a PSA for them. We have issued no bans except for the most major offenders, but merely wagged our fingers and warned them like you and other people that don't understand a thing want us to do. Lo and behold, it took only two hours for the chat to start to turn to shit because people don't give a fuck about warnings. There's a whole thread on our Steam group's forum where we did ban someone and they're bitching about it. Near the end of that thread, he starts going on about some other group being much better because they gave him three warnings before they finally gave him the boot. "Three warnings is good" he says. "Why didn't you listen the first time?" we say. Warnings don't do jack for most people. The rules and policies and PSAs are the warning. The suspension is the punishment.
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I was banned for a trivial offense (actually from my stand point I still fail to see the offense) Just so you know, not as if that extrapolated to the rest of the people or was the common rule, but that does happen.
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Calling out does nothing to help anyone. Nice try calling it "trivial" though. We're sick of the witchhunts already. Report them and shut up about it.
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Oh. I meant the chat ban. Not the site ban. That other one was somewhat deserved.
Also I've always been and will always be talking about whatever I so desire. If I have to face any consequences I'd glady do that,but no coercive measures or agressive speech is going to prevent me from speaking up my mind.
PD: What's wrong with the word trivial?
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You might be sick of them, but I'm sure the people that have been banned for dubious reasons are not. I suspect there are even those among the mods that would like to ensure that only truly guilty parties are banned, and that every case is handled in a professional manner.
Also, he did not call anyone out, as he did not name names, or even allude.
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Yea without doing any calling out, anyone can click on giveaway users and see what they are giving away. I noticed one person that has 6 ZC giveaways for example. Meaning making up 6 accounts on AWA, new email address and exploiting the Alienware Area system to get multiple keys. The thing is, the game is labeled as a bundle game here already, so you won't be able to push over $30 CV if that's all you have (which some do, myself included). The people scamming multiple keys from Alienware maybe don't realize it though, no idea.
Admins might be all asleep or away from site atm.
They will probably delete Zeno Clash giveaways from the list like they did (and still is removed) like back when Metro 2033 was given away free.
Additionally, AWA just MIGHT shut down the keys anyway. The giveaway page clearly has written as the first sentence: "Purchase Zeno Clash 2 at 33% off and get a free copy of the original Zeno Clash. This deal is offered through Alienware Arena for a limited time." - which is NOT what is happening atm. That wording means you are supposed to have purchased the game first, then gotten ZC as a gift after. Either someone scred up setting up the giveaway on AWA, or they mean it to be this way, but that's not what the intro says.
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At the rate things are going, they may indeed be deleted, like Defense Grid from the FB promotion and, more so, that Company of Heroes 2 DLC incident
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Called that one: Alienware shut it down asap. Obviously you were supposed to have bought ZC2 FIRST, then get a free ZC as a bonus. Someone screwed the pooch setting the system up.
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Thanks for the heads-up, I was wondering where all these came from. Any idea where it's locked to?
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I don't know if there's a lock on activation, but the game itself is region free.
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You sure they are region locked? Is it a reason to be banned or just have the CV reduced to the previous quantity?
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I guess there could be some modderating on them if they end up with gift not recieve etc .. But ... its always on bundle list.. so no farming here.. just spreading the love!
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"just spreading the love" by taking from a limited quantity of keys thus depriving others of them when they inevitably run out early because people took 10+ of them, making (generic you used for sake of sentence structure not matrixomega)yourself appear to be the source of the gifts when those who easily could have gotten their own are now forced to hope you'll give them a spare key?
thats hoarding the love not spreading it
(and possibly its also doing the 3rd world country thing and stenciling over the red cross logo with "rice provided by your beloved warlord")
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Perhaps not exactly a fitting comparison here, But I love this sentence..
"stenciling over the red cross logo with "rice provided by your beloved warlord"
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If the CoH2 DLC giveaways some time ago that were getting single-digit entries across the board are any indication, no, they probably wouldn't stop
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Just my opinion, but wouldn't this thread be more effective if you said "Idiots, stop making/entering Zeno Clash alienware giveaways"?
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Yea it is really freaking annoying that the front few pages of the site are nothing but ZC giveaways, and a few other games at best. If i refresh, it seems more ZC giveaways spawn....
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Cue a flood of morons trying to give it away as Zeno Clash 2...
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Huh, not a bad solution to the problem really.
When a game is bundled and/or given away for free like this i do not have an issue with handling it this way. If they reopen it giveawsys again in a few weeks, that would be better. (I have no idea how long the keys they generated are good for)
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Someone above from Asia (apparently) said they used a key, even got a key from the site, without a problem
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Where is this region lock info? Someone below says otherwise.
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they just don't know. and because (generic you not you you) took them all to regift rather than tell people where to get one they probably won't have time to find out. these things always run out early because of hoarders many of whom just regift them anyway
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Removed from giveaway list, so you'll have to get one from the site or from one of the currently active giveaways
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and plural
it's bad grammar(syntax?)
anybody who is bothered by gendered words is being silly anyway. besides going by the majority of other languages, and even ye olde english ”he/him” is correct for individuals and or groups of unknown, unspecified or mix gender anyway
generic he is the most correct(well ”him” in this case)
and no sane person gives half a shit if you use generic ”she” either lol
use that if you(nonspecific you not personally directed at pron, more at the reader) prefer, really doesnt matter
but ”they” makes it sound like your target has a hive-mind imo
(and I think even then it's he since it's one being. unless its a nonperson hivemind, then it's it. you don't name your toenails afterall)
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I didn't make anything plural, they/them/their can also be singular, as in this case of an unknown gender.
Actually, you'd be surprised how many people are offended by gender-specific wording, especially when you work in a professional office setting.
Singular pronouns, they've existed for centuries.
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If you don't want the game either block it with SteamGifts Plus or don't apply. It's free games / points! You are worrying far too much about it!!
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I still want to enter in the giveaways of Zeno Clash because i really want this game (I am not begging, ok?!)
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If support has a problem with it, they'll completely removed from the giveaway list based on previous games that were given away for free.
Too many stupid people here who don't bother to read the rules and as such, it's easiest to just prevent those stupid people from having the ability to create them in the first place.
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The code is not region locked. I've given my code to people who were unable to receive a code from Alienware and it worked for them.
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5 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by nguyentandat23496
1,256 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by hymntothesea
26 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by doomofdoom
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93 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by Zipsy
I believe they will take CV that you are trying to greedly get by "cheating" the system.
The code you get is region locked, so you have no right to make a giveaway of the game. (if the code is from alienware)
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