Because I can't make a giveaway on this site out of this, I guess I have no choice but to make a post about it and see who wants it.
...but it won't be as simple as: "I want it" ...and boom! there you go... no!

I will pick a random winner from the list of youtube subscribers... if you don't like the idea, you don't have to do it.
now then, this is the link to my pitiful excuse of a youtube page:

The winner will be selected at random (really) and he will be sent a mail just to make sure... after he replies, he will be sent the CD key. Winner will be selected on MONDAY !! (Jan 30 2012)

This idea was approved by CG, so no need to ban me (again) or delete this post :P

13 years ago*

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if it's truly random then I'm assuming you're using Thanks for your generosity, it's much appreciated among ppl with youtube accounts

13 years ago

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I'm a computer expert, I could slap together a program that does that in my sleep... tho, I was just going to use the "ini mini myni moe" method... I guess yours will do fine

here is the advertising vid

13 years ago

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saw it, loved it and good luck

13 years ago

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You do have a nice youtube channel. I have to watch your vids :) Thanks for the giveaway

13 years ago

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I'm having trouble with making/uploading videos... don't have any good video processing software and I donno what the .avi size limit is... I heard it's 2GB but that's impossible

13 years ago

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It's 2gb if you pay or verify or whatever. I tried it but I kept getting errors so I gave up.

13 years ago

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Does Youtube accept Mp4?

13 years ago

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I'd assume so (if by MP4 you mean H.264.)

13 years ago

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Yes, or any other format. I edit my casual videos on Sony Vegas, and always render it as .mp4. I believe it's a small and great quality format!

13 years ago

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Have a look for a program called "Super". It's not really any good for editing but it can encode/re-encode in almost any format, all codecs built in. Free software too.

13 years ago

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I believe VLC media player will convert video formats quite handily. It's not an editor either, but it does that, plus it plays every video format I know of. Oh, and it's free, too, so there's that. I mention it mainly because I think it would be easier to search than something named simply "super."

13 years ago

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bumbing so more people can have a chance to win.

Btw,I don't get payed for my shitty videos and I will probably never get payed but who knows, you might find something you like... I also do requests

13 years ago

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I would be greatful if someone woulcd send me a coppy of the game :)

13 years ago

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subscribe and you might win... there are only 30 subscribers so far so your chances are high

13 years ago

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I have one I raffled, but if the winner does not claim it soon, ill just give it to someone who wrote in this topic.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Nice Channel. I have Subbed and am looking forward to the winner.

13 years ago

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Alternatively, go here.

13 years ago

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if this is anything like Dota2 beta keys... then the winner will be receiving 2 bonus keys to give away along with his... but I donno if will work like that... but I didn't activate my key & the winner will have to find out for himself

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Awesome, good luck to everyone

13 years ago

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Thanks for this chance. I have subscribed under TheSpg1996.

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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Fun game, will be even better when fully polished up!

13 years ago

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I now have 50 subscribers... cool.
For me it's not important to get subscribers... because I know I will never be payed by youtube... but I do try to make a lot of Gameplay vids so people can see what new games are like and can then tell if they want to play it or not.

Now that I have more than the ~20 subscribers I had before.. people can start making requests... if a certain game gets enough "votes" I might then try to make 1 or more gameplay vids of it or even a boss fight people are interested in.

I guess I am trying to get my net-rep up... going to start doing some live broadcasts soon... and maybe some day, in the future... one random player will recognize me in a game and say: "hey, are you the real Akalonian? ...I'm a fan" ..that would make my day.

...and that's my story

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Akalonian.