everyone have more than 300p every day, but there is no so many games from wish list. I usually spend them to random games, even dont read what exactly game i chooose. there a lot of people here who win a lot of games and dont even run them - i m one of them

maybe create some topic with people who rly love some game and rly want it? (i m not bagging, i usually use torrent, and still playing BF3)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago*

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I'd kinda agree... if I would actually touch such a hot topic. :p
All I dare to say is that in those endless copyright 'discussions' the moralizer army is usually equally strong as the self-proclaimed Robin Hood type of people.

9 years ago

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Dude, did I get you right, that you enter any giveaway wether you want it or not, just to 'get rid' of your points?
But now you're tired of winning games you don't want and don't play, so you're asking people to gift you AAA games from your wishlist instead?
And in another thread you propagate methods to cheat the Contributor Level system?
Also you openly admit piracy although this is one of the most common formulas for summoning an instant shitstorm?
I can't quite tell if you're brave or just stupid but I'm heavily leaning towards one.
With threads like this you're basically just volutarily adding yourself to everyone's blacklist while presenting a very illustrating example for why so many people create only Level 1+ giveaways.

9 years ago

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I usually spend them to random games, even dont read what exactly game i chooose.
there a lot of people here who win a lot of games and dont even run them - i m one of them.

Wow dude, you are like pure essence of what's wrong with that site. What make this site great is community and you just spit on it. Not even just spit but you brag about it, acting like everything is okay.

I won't tell you how you should improve your behaviour because I'm not your parent do to things like that. Also, lets asume you are adult. But I will tell you that:

Do not enter GAs when you don't want to play the game

FFS, You are doing that to see spacecat? You can find him on google images. By doing so you are taking chances from people who might actually want this game! Imagine that there is a GA for a game from your wishlist but winner even never installs it. Does this sound fair to you?

9 years ago

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Torrenting, self admitted.

9 years ago

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Because nobody wants the forum to look like this.
Disclaimer: This is only a joke, nobody in this screenshot actually posted these threads.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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well.... at least the thread make by some particular bear look legit to me

9 years ago

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I believe this is the main reason. This would be a scrubpocalipse ;o

9 years ago

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poor rachel is there 3 times!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Photoshop? Ain't nobody got time for that. (F12 all the way)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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F12 is much easier and saves a lot of time.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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is... this topic

real? O_o

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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oh fanta <3 so tasty

View attached image.
9 years ago

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So you want to beg and you admit to using torrents to get video games? You enter GA's for games you don't even want and admit to not playing games you win?

This site is not here to ensure that you get games off your Wishlist, but my blacklist will ensure that if I ever give away a game off your Wishlist you won't be entering it.

Sigh...just sigh...

9 years ago

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