Weeks of planning and preparing content only for you to finish everything in an hour. I really hope you will stick in the movie hall. The most difficult question panel is located there after all. On a serious note, you are doing amazingly good, just wow!
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i don't know how to solve this kind of puzzle all the doors are closed no item and no way out
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thank you the problem was images didn't appear for me then fixed
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Well... i completed the books and paintings although i have no clue what to do with the last answer thingy, one missing the movies/games/songs
Overall pretty good with the emojis and some of them were really smart
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This is a good puzzle, but I'm annoyed that I got everything except for 1 on the movies, 1 for the games, 1 for the paintings and 1 for the books.
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As for game character, I fucked up a bit, but should be still doable. As for movie character, it is indeed the most tricky panel of the event. Maybe you will need to spend a little bit more time on this. The dungeon is tested by my friends who are good puzzle solvers, and eventually they figured out the movie character. I am a bit annoyed that they did not point me to my little mistake with game character, but maybe this is because they solved this one less than in one second.
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Can you save your progress ?
I'm only missing the character in movies but I'm afraid to leave :).
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I'm still stuck on that damn movie character, I'll probably sleep on it, but thanks this is a really fun puzzle :)
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I had a bad idea today! I looked at puzzle section and now I'm embarked in a new puzzlemania! It seems interesting as always so I will have to come back to work in puzzle section a bit! :D
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Nice puzzle event. Movie segment is much harder.
Edit: ok, only movies left.
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I can't believe I'm stuck on the calendar/clock movie puzzle. And I've seen and know a lot of movies, but this one just isn't clicking with me at all. Someone please tell me I'm not the only one. Urg It's a movie I overlooked many times because I thought it didn't fit, but it was the one I was thinking about all along.
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So far, I've only finished music. (I'm one or two away on most categories, and stuck on the final for books.) Thankfully, that's the game I want the most, so I won't stress it too much about not completing the others. Yeah, I'll just keep telling myself that.
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Just the finals for the books and art left for me now.
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[UPD 27.05] After several hours after the event started I already decided to make two hints. For now, I do not have any plans to make more hints during the event, but we will of course see how it goes. These two hints are here because one riddle is too complex comparing to other riddles in this event, and I do not want people to feel bad or annoyed due to this. The other hint is because I made a small inaccuracy, which went unnoticed during the testing phase. My first hint is about the movie character, which is the question panel with four arrows. You need to transform each arrow into one letter and then somehow get rid of duplicating letters. My second hint is about the game character, which is the question panel with a mushroom and a snail. Although having a snail emoji is somewhat correct, it was more logical to place a turtle there instead.
[UPD 31.05] For all of those who is still stuck on the movie character, here is a bit more detailed version of the previous hint. 1 arrow = 1 letter. The number of characters after removing duplicates equals to the number of letters before removing duplicates.
[UPD 10.06] The event reached its middle point, and I decided to drop some more hints.
* Hint for the book, which is often referred by players as depicting a king: he is not a king.
* Hint for the book, which is often referred by players as depicting a lightning and a trophy: this book is a part of a very popular franchise.
* Hint for the book, which is often referred by players as depicting books above fire: by these two emojis the plot is riddled, not the book title.
* Hint for the books final: this book is well known by two titles. The original one is riddled in the puzzle and contains a word, which is considered offensive/racist in the USA, that's why it was never published there by its original title.
* Hint for the song, which is often referred by players as depicting nail polish: when originally released, the title of this song by mistake contained a comma. Because of this comma, people thought that the title was racist, so it was gone in later releases.
[UPD 20.06] Russia qualified for the knockout stage at the world cup for the first time in 32 years! I think this fact very well deserves some hints! Some of them are new, some of them I posted in this thread earlier and now added here the links to make them more discoverable.
* Hint for the painting, which is often referred by players as depicting skulls and birds: this is the painting, which does not have a dedicated wikipedia page. So, in this case correct wording and google images search are your two best friends.
* Hint for the movie, which is often referred by players as depicting calendars and clocks: this riddle contains a small mistake. It is not like it changes a lot, but fourth clocks were supposed to be at 9 o'clock instead of 3 o'clock.
* All the emojis used in the riddles are more or less of the same size. There are two exceptions though. In both those cases the size actually matters.
* When you escape the dungeon, you get a link that takes you to the grand prize. Keep in mind that by using this link you can eventually find three grand prizes, not just one.
* Hint for the painting, which is often referred by players as depicting a red building: read this comment and this comment.
* Hint for the movie, which is often referred by players as depicting card suits: read this comment.
* If you are not sure what to do about final question panels, which do not have any visible riddle, read this comment.
[UPD 02.07] The solution has been posted! Also, extra giveaways were created. You can find them at the grand prize page (you get this link when you escape from the dungeon)! If you did not reach it yet, now is the best moment!
It was almost one year since the last Puzzlemania took place. And I must say I am very excited and proud to start Puzzlemania 8 after such a long break! I hope you will enjoy the event as much as I enjoyed preparing it, which was definitely tons of fun thanks to SErVER51 and brand new Dungeon Sandbox!
Puzzlemania 8 is all about emojis. A certain professor once compared emojis with hieroglyphs because both of them can mean dozens of things depending on a context and you can actually express really a lot using just one image. Indeed, that's the case when a picture is worth a thousand words.
Puzzlemania 8 dungeon consists of five halls. In each hall you will have to solve several question panels which depict famous movies, novels, paintings, songs, games. All those things are riddled using emojis. The names of those famous things will be the answers for question panels. Sometimes, it is about the name of a book for instance, sometimes a plot of a movie can be hinted, sometimes it is just my association or even imagination. Please consider a couple of examples at the end of this post to better understand what I mean. Hover over the images to get the answers.
A nice part of this event is that you do not have to solve everything before you get treasures. In fact, when you solve any question panel, you immediately get a giveaway link as a prize! If you solve all the panels in any hall, you get one more link to a more valuble non-bundled giveaway. Finally, when you escape the dungeon, you get the link to the grand prize. I am not telling you what this prize is, but I think this is a very special game, and I hope you will enjoy it. There are 46 question panels in the dungeon in 5 halls, so there will be more than 50 giveaways in total! Some of the games that are given away:
Please remember to check your answer against English wikipedia. Each answer has a dedicated wikipedia page (except one painting whose name can be only found at its author wiki page). The header of the page will be an answer to the question panel. Wikipedia sometimes adds a text in brackets for disambiguation, this text should not be copied because it is NOT a part of answers. Also, make sure you did not enter leading/ending spaces into a question panel when copying text from wiki! Last but not least, articles are important! So, pay attnetion if there is 'a' or 'the' in the name you are copying.
The difficulty of the puzzles in this event is normally average or below average. Each hall however has 1 or 2 question panels with the difficulty above average. Don't feel bad if you cannot solve them at once! In this event Google can often be your best friend when you can enter the correct search phrase. In majority of cases your search phrase will be exactly what you see.
All the giveaways end on the 25th of June, so you will have about 4 weeks to solve the event. I made it so long because I do not want people to miss the puzzlemania event taking into account how rare nowadays I hold them. The giveaways for solving question panels are for level 1+, while the giveaways for completing the halls and the event are for level 2+.
Remember that this is individual event, so avoid sharing answers with other players! Discussion of questions can be done at corresponding giveaway pages once you solved them.
I think you now know everything you need before entering the dungeon. So, good luck and have fun!
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