8 years ago

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It will just reward higher level users

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Higher level giveaways are less likely to need a reroll for broken rules or have feedback issues.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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No problem! Welcome to the community :D

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You can look at the thread about making GAs for all levels, and see that is not exactly true.

Also backed up in my experience.

8 years ago

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And someway encouraging low lvl users doing giveaways to get lvl...

8 years ago

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higher level = less entries >> less probability of rule breakers
also, reward people who contribute or just exploit developer keys (*cough*, promoting their games!) to level up and look generous

and you also have users saying "high level people don't need giveaways, they are rich and can buy their own games" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago*

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I agree on "high level people don't need giveaways, they are rich and can buy their own games".

I consider myself rich and I buy most of the games myself, occasionally I buy games just to giveaway especially when they are on sale or when I have a discount coupon. but I still enter high-level giveaways because I like to feel loved. I bet there are more high-level members feel the same as me. I don't really enter high-level giveaways because I truly WANT or NEED the games given away. I enter just because I like the feeling of recognition.

I believe that people who create high-level giveaways create them to reward high-level contributors. Not that they create them for the "people who really wants the game". Like, I don't think people who create a level-10 Fortix expect high-level contributor to enter because they "really want the game but cannot afford it".

But still, feel free to blacklist me if you plan to create high-level giveaways and only want entries from people who "really wants the game".

8 years ago

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lol, i'm not rich by any means.
if i'm lv8 it's because i spend all my money on others instead of going out every weekend, buying games for myself, clothes, upgrading/fixing my pc, etc.

i don't doubt there are users with lots of spare money to throw away, but most are just normal people that enjoy giving instead of spending on themselves.

8 years ago

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Let's say level 7 and above is high level, that's 1579 users on SG. I don't think even 10% of those can be considered rich. But most of them can afford buying their own games on sale I guess.. (I'm not talking about pre-ordering AAA games)

8 years ago

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It's just a matter of perspective.

I have a full time job. I can keep myself sheltered and well fed. I have access to food and clean water. I have easy access to medical care. I am able to keep myself healthy. I buy my own clothes. I buy my own stuff. I pay my own bills. I pay for my own games, and have some extra for others. I have some extra go into my savings. I don't need to beg.

To me, that is considered that rich. At least richer than 90% of the people in poor countries with extreme poverty.

If you own a computer, and also have access to the internet. You are already richer than 75% of the world (internet-statistics. Not 100% hard fact but I believe it is close).

You don't have to be a multi-billionaire to be considered rich.

8 years ago*

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I'd say that if one can cover the basic needs (food,clothing,shelter,med care,etc) and can save something for rainy days, it's neutral level. Below it starts poverty (of various degrees). Above it's well-off. Rich starts when you can afford luxury items (like all-terrain BMW and driving it only in the big city)

8 years ago

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That still depends on your perspective lol.

A good enough smartphone (that can play Pokemon GO) is considered a luxury item in my country. Heck games used to be a luxury item too, that's why piracy was super common here until Steam started regional-pricing.

8 years ago

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Of course it depends. Some think they are poor while living in a mansion because somebody else owns whole tropical island
I think that grading poornes/richness in relation to cost of living makes it more fair and comparable then in absolute $ values. And having income covering basic needs and a little something doesn't make one rich - "just" not poor.

8 years ago

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I'd say that if one can cover the basic needs (food,clothing,shelter,med care,etc) and can save something for rainy days, it's neutral level.

that sounds more like "surviving" (which is how i live), rather than living freely or even being rich. ツ

8 years ago

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We manage to "waste" the time around here, so it's not as bad as "survival" suggests. A little step towards living freely )
And if we can't afford to buy what we want, we have to be creative and resourceful - so there is that )
although I wouldn't mind at all if I had big enough pile of cash to say "I'm not doing that, it's boring" to the employer

8 years ago

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There are university students, poor or unemployed people among high level users, most of them are from first world countries though. So it would be hard to compare with people from "poor countries with extreme poverty".

I guess SG was never meant to be a charity for the poor gamers who can't afford games. Most people are not generous enough to giveaway without any expectations of winning something in return.
I never thought having a pc and internet access put me among the top 25% richest of the world lol :)

Well when someone says he/she is rich I was thinking about at least making six figures a year. And no please don't tell me about your salaries or earnings I'm just talking about my perception of the word "rich".

8 years ago

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6 figures a year? Does that mean like, at least $100,000 a year?
That means monthly income of $8000+ !

That raised the bar for quite a lot. I am not THAT rich. My income is less than a quarter of that, but I still consider myself rich. Rich enough to have "too many games to play".

Honestly, you don't need to be that rich to be generous.

8 years ago

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I think prus666 explained it much better than I could. Being rich means you can afford luxury items and expensive lifestyle. Gaming is quite cheap compared to things like real estate.
I agree, you don't need to be rich to be generous. That's why I think most high level users are not rich ^^

8 years ago

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I can keep myself sheltered and well fed. [...]

You are so full of weaknesses :-)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Can confirm, I'm level 7 and I'm poor \o/

8 years ago

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i felt free to whitelist you. well said.

8 years ago

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Sad fact is that some people are doing high level giveaways just because it's profitable - they're counting on being whitelisted by people who give a lot of good giveaways. You can probably see people who are creating ONLY high level giveaways despite being themsleves like level 4 or 5.

8 years ago

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Some ppl on high level can add you to whitelist and then begging in comments to your old ga's :О

you are my blueheart, i wanna be your blueheart too :(

8 years ago

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"I don't use whitelists." seems to be a really nice way to deflect that. (Especially if one really isn't using whitelists.)

8 years ago

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Hm, is it really profitable? Have you checked theirs won page for WL wins from high levels?
( just curious, I've never checked what happens to WL after high level gibs. Have different reasons for doing them :) )

8 years ago

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Maybe I should say they think it's profitable. I didn't check because I don't care much about who whitelist who and for what :) But I've seen at least one thread with comments that creating high level gibs can get you whitelisted by these users = protitz. It was right after Valisorie's High Level Appreciation event has ended.

8 years ago

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Created by Val's father if I remember correctly (and theirs GAs descriptions). But all that WL for GAs started later, imo negating all of the good event brought

8 years ago

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I think it's counterproductive ;) Maybe they think it will work this way but it does not ;) High level users are generally more active and aware users than your average user (not saying all low levels are clueless newbs, but there are surely much more among them than among high levels). Active and aware users tend to be more picky about their WL anyways, so not likely to add everyone to WL just because this guy made bundle GA for my level ;p

8 years ago

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Afaik there were almost none giveaways for higher levels before Valisorie's event so maybe it worked only at the beginning when suddenly you had a feeling somebody's thinking about me like shauntmw mentioned earlier :) Just guessing. Although I agree with what you've said too :)

8 years ago

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But… but… what about eight bundle games on your level? =)

8 years ago

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you convinced me! (actually I was surprised, thought I WLed you a long time ago ;p) but not for a single GA, but for the flood of GAs you shower us with plus your big community activity ;) it's different than making single or a few bundled GAs for high levels fishing for WLs ;)

8 years ago

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I was just kidding. :P
(Although there is some irony if you whitelist me, considering you were the first one I knew who blacklisted me last year. :D)

8 years ago

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you obviously proved me wrong ;p and I know you were kidding, but I really thought I WLed you already ;p

8 years ago

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nah, just people giving away promotional keys from developers do that.
farm till you hit lv10, then leech free games from all levels/groups/whitelists.

paying from your own pocket to leech lv0-10 makes no sense at all.

8 years ago

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but... but... I never got a single promotional key from devs... I feel cheated... :<

8 years ago

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I believe that people who create high-level giveaways create them to reward high-level contributors. Not that they create them for the "people who really wants the game". Like, I don't think people who create a level-10 Fortix expect high-level contributor to enter because they "really want the game but cannot afford it".

People who create level 10 Fortix giveaways do it as a joke ;)

I agree on "high level people don't need giveaways, they are rich and can buy their own games".

Rich is one of those terms that's going to mean different things depending on where you are. Compare me to someone from the Balkans and I would be considered well off (but probably not "rich"), compare me to the average Swede, and not so much.

8 years ago

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'shauntmw' - I so disagree with your comment - and that is a rare thing - we are not rich, we scrape by in any way we can, and my level is in no way a reflection of being rich - all but four games in my steam account were given to me as gifts from others - family and friends - and the amazing cowofdarkness (from SG) who kindly gifted me some keys to help me reach the 1000 games mark (I know silly, but I felt like achieving it to see if I could - we all have odd goals in life) - but I enter alot of the higher level giveaways (where I can) because I want the games offered - that should be quite visible from my number of gifts received - honestly not sure why I even bothered replying but this just irked me !! - am I rich compared to many in the world - YES - but am I rich when viewing your comment how it is meant - NO

8 years ago*

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I didn't mean ALL high-level contributors are rich. If you don't want to think yourself as part of the rich in the world, then so be it. (you have 1000+ games, you are richer than more than half of my friend list btw).

And as I said over and over again, it's a matter of perspective. One can think he is super poor when you compared to a multi-billionaire, or the one family who owns a resort in 10 places. But, have you ever traveled to country with extreme poverty? Have you seen poor hungry people who can't even have clean water? Their source of water comes from dirty well that dries out twice a year. They don't even have a proper toilet to poop in.

I consider myself rich because I have seen those, and I am consider myself fortunate enough to not live in those country, and have the means to obtain "luxury items, like a smartphone, computer, and internet".

If you are being offended because some random stranger on the internet admitting he does not live in a less fortunate country, and calls himself and others rich even when they are not... _(ツ)_/¯

There is a proverb in Chinese "生在福中不知福“, I'm not sure whether is there an English equivalent.

8 years ago

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i agree with some of your points and disagree with other parts - and I was irked not offended :) (there is a difference, mine was because I believe you might be failing to appreciate the disposable income factor) - remember it is not a simple principle of having 1000 games makes you rich - simply because if I live in russia a thousand games does not cost as much as 1000 games if I live in Sweden - a loaf of bread in africa costs significantly less in some countries than in others and the cost of living is significantly different - as is take home pay and cost of living and monies left over at the end of a month and so on a so forth - using the age old argument of a poor country with a lack of water and extreme poverty and starvation is Disingenuous at best - and yes I have been in those countries I have volunteered in those countries and a proper toilet to 'poop' in as you put it is considered to be hole in the ground - not a porcelain throne that they have no use for nor any plumbing for. As I said in my reply, am I rich in regards to a lot of people in the world, yes, am I rich in regards to your assertion - I believe no - but I also do not believe that one can compare someones level of ''richness' just because of their level on SG - that is somewhat obtuse in my mind :) - but I appreciate that you have a different opinon and I thankyou for your reply - we shall, hopefully, simply agree to disagree and move on with giving to the SG community :)

8 years ago

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compared to most of the world, we are rich. If you can afford a single game on Steam, let alone have the computer to play it on, you are rich.

8 years ago

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compared to most of the world population, a person drinking 1 coffee per day is also rich.

claiming high level users are rich is as pointless as saying low levels are poor.
giving away or leeching is unrelated to levels on sg.

8 years ago

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+1 for mullins shorter and more concise answer than mine above

8 years ago

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It's not a silly question, actually.
Basically, on low level public giveaways, you have higher chances to find the worse users of Steam Gifts.

Now, I'm not saying that all low level users are bad... just that the majority of bad users are low level.
How bad, you might ask? Rule-breakers, script users who enter anything they can, ungrateful winners, regifters, or just people who consider this site as a venue to get free games.

In extreme cases, even things like this could happen: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/KtciX/4-months-and-not-giveaway-feedback
There's no definitive "safe level" for (public) giveaways, although the higher you raise the requirement, the safer you'll be. Level 3 or 4 should be okay.

If you want less hassle, you could make invite-only giveaway, and post them on this forum.
If you want absolutely zero hassle, use this: http://www.sgtools.info/ to filter rule-breakers out of your invite-only giveaways.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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and not all users "approve of it"

8 years ago

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Not all visitors to museums approve of the presence of security guards, but most owners of the artwork (or other artifacts) on display would not allow them to be accessed by the public if there were no guards.

And yes, I'm aware that this is not a 1:1 analogy, but if that's what you're looking for you're missing the point.

8 years ago

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i only meant that he should know it is not something reltated to SG
the approve part is to stress it ;)

i won't get dragged into another argument with you

8 years ago

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Not sure how it stresses it, because many users don't approve of some built-in SG features (whitelists & blacklists to name but a few).


8 years ago

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no arguing

8 years ago

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no, it's the easy way to avoid rule-breakers (so the rest of the site has to deal with them) and set custom filters.

8 years ago

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It's not part of Steam Gifts, but it was made by a Steam Gifts user.

Its main use is to keep rule-breakers out of protected giveaways, but you can also add custom filters to select who will be able to join them: ratio of sent/won gifts, ratio of public/group/invite-only giveaways, a chosen value, minimum/maximum level, even max number of entries.

Its secondary (but not less important) use is to detect rule-breakers, so that they can be reported to support and get punished.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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It doesn't actually make giveaways by itself, you need to make them here first, then use SGTools to protect them.
Mind that it works only with invite-only giveaways (although you can still use the "Rules Checkers" on winners of public/group giveaways).

8 years ago

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SGTools is an external site. You create a filter there to link to a giveaway on this site, and you can use this filter to better control who can join your giveaways.

In general SGTools provides a very effective way to target a larger group of users (compared to semi-safe high levels), while ensuring that you don't have the pain of dealing with rule breakers. See this post for an example of how many more users you can target with SGTools compared to level-based GAs. To me the choice is clear, which is why the vast majority of my giveaways are now SGTools-protected.

8 years ago

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don't worry, lv7+ also has autojoiners (ignoring whitelist descriptions, awesome).

8 years ago

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I think I saw a couple of level 10 too, no level is really safe from autojoiners.

8 years ago

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There are most definitely a few level 10's using autojoin. Caught a few myself.

8 years ago

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They aren't even difficult to spot, with those "autothanks" scripts they use.
I'm always torn about blacklisting them or not, but I have never done it, it would be silly.

8 years ago

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It's actually silly of them to use autothanks scripts, because there's no expectation to say thanks on every GA one enters. The only thing this does (other than annoy many GA creators) is increase the likelihood of them being caught using scripts, and getting blacklisted as a result.

5,999. One last post before I (temporarily) become mute :-)

8 years ago

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You need now 10 moe wins D : It'd look so perfect :D

8 years ago

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heck, there are even level 10 who joins everything, wins everything, don't let other users win any GAs, spoils all puzzles, blacklist hundreds of innocent users etc etc - there is no safe level!

8 years ago

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D: reported o/

8 years ago

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you talking about yourself Zel ? Blacklist and report

8 years ago

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I can confirm, that guy wins everything. Just yesterday he won a game from me as well. His wins list is so long that it can actually crash SGTools.

8 years ago

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confirmed! I no longer use SGT for Real CV calculation, because it takes few minutes to load a single page... ;p

8 years ago

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I actually started using SGTools after you won one of my giveaways. Before that I used to check manually for non activations and multiwins. :p

8 years ago

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oh the horror! I remember in SGv1 times when we had no SGT I'd manually only check winners if they had 25 or less wins, anyone with more wins I was too lazy to check ;p At the other hand back then most users had much less wins, top winners had like 2-3-4 hundreds, usual users had 50 or less, so it was much easier ;p

8 years ago

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to be fair, autojoiner is the least offences act in SG, a high level still autojoiner still thank you decently (i think ) if they win it

8 years ago

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Mostly. I have level 8+ winners who didn't thank a win. (Then again, I don't really require it or get offended for the lack of it.)
But yes, generally the last 3-4 levels have users who respond to their win, mark it fast, tell if they realise that they already have it, or if they need time to activate it.

8 years ago

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Thank you on behalf of those level 8+ winners and all others who you make giveaways for. This place wouldn't be the same without you.

8 years ago

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for me it's one of the most rude things to do on sg.

8 years ago

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The higher you go, the less people enter, which is given. A problem with high levels is that most people there have large libraries, and, well, they don't really know what is exactly in them. So make sure to only give away single base games or get ready to reroll packs/GOTY editions because people own it without realising it. :)

If you want some ideal middle ground, try level 4 or level 5. Most of the chaff is weeded out by then, but there are enough people to lower the chances of any issues mentioned above.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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10-20% of the time, depending on if you look up both non-activated games and multiple wins or just the first one. The percentage has declined over the past months as the site now tries to filter out people with auto-entry scripts, so they can get into less giveaways this way.

8 years ago

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Depends on how many offences the winners have done. You can check here:

8 years ago

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Levels 5 and below are scrub beginner levels. Like the pyro of steam gifts.

8 years ago

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people seem to whitelist you more and being higher level they have a tendency to be quite generous. high levels really enjoy and appreciate the love you give them of better odds to win and tend to reciprocate in kind.

they also tend to primarily make GA's for non-bundled games.

8 years ago

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My reasons for higher-level giveaways:

  1. To reward people who have been greater contributors.

  2. To avoid people who tend to be rule breakers. People who give more tend to break the rules less, because they have more invested in the community and value it to a greater degree.

  3. To give people a greater chance at winning. The higher the level the fewer entrants, so higher-level giveaways are better for higher-level people. For example, I myself almost never enter public giveaways lower than level 3, and the majority of my entries are level 5 and above.

8 years ago

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I have the same reasons.


8 years ago

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i like to award high level people for their contributions. also, there's usually less problems with high level GAs.

8 years ago

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Higher level gibs Should techinically filter the Leechers and Rule breakers .... SHOULD is the right word ...

Even level 5 Seems to not be high enough @ this point tho .

8 years ago

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not even lv10 is enough...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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For some reason I fell like u r "the thread queen"

good mentioned, y is it stopped at level 10 anyways!?

8 years ago

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That's 5000 US dollars already. Imagine if it went higher? The site is already accused of being elitist (which it is, to a degree), what would happen if not 100+ but less than a dozen guys sit at the top?

8 years ago

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Another one whos to find in many Threads ^^ "Heir of Threads"
(read about your "tests" interesting as well ;) )

Sry didnt ment to change the GA LVL
I´d like to raise the Level (Like the Steamlevel thing) without in the GA rule..

And you ask what would happen , well It would feel like in RL?
But for me its the case of giving in another matter.

In my mind this Site could invent a new method of GA!

Lets sort the games automatically into LVLs 1-10 as a info of its "quality"
(In order of its releasedate, reviews, price, bundled or not etc.)
But the creators are free to set the GA level of their own!

Despite of that the Gifters keep going on with their level thing...but withou limitation to 10,
who cares that he raises his giving level, if he can enter the same way as it is works now?
There will be always elitist equal of how we do it, when or what rules.

I just want to honor those whom are willing to give,
without overthinking their background or ideal of what maybe behind the reason of it at all.

BTW I buy the most games/bundles myself so no leecher here! xD

("English is not my main language, I hope I was able to express myself correctly without getting somethings wrong")

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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If I learnt one thing on here it's that levels don't matter.
The ratio of scum compared to decent people stays the same. Only difference is that it gets proportionally smaller the higher the level is.

8 years ago

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That is not completely true. Level 0 and 1 and somewhat more troublesome than the rest, and the ratio of potentially problematic users seems to decrease over levels.

8 years ago

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That depends on what one would see as troublesome. For a cynic like me that might be more than just not activating games or multiple wins that you often find among level 0 and 1 users, but I agree with what you said. Especially with 'completely' being italic. :D

8 years ago

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For me, troublesome also means I have to chase around the winner, reroll the winner because no response, or send a force activation ticket because I am more than slightly sure that he ran away with the key already. I have an entire email account set up just for SteamGifts-related things, and now I have over 300 emails in the Sent folder that are each a "please activate the game already" type messages.

8 years ago

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It doesn't help so many level 1's are level 1 due to re-gifts of mass giveaways (hello drunken wizard or now Fake Colours).
Fake Colours actually puts a pin on it since it was a level 1 mass give-away to start with.

8 years ago

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Well, why not keep making level 0 giveaways? It gives everyone the chance to win. :D Other than that, there's no difference, although it's true that it's more possible that a level 0 user will break the rules.

8 years ago

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I did a level 6 giveaway for an unbundled game in hopes of increasing the chances of it being won by someone who really wants to play it. That doesn't mean lower levels don't have people who would truly enjoy it but I thought putting a higher level requirement "might" lower the chances of card farmers, bots or simply collectors who don't even play the games they win. Well lesson learned, my game was wasted nonetheless. I'm keeping it to 2-3 now, sometimes 0 it kinda depends on my mood :'(

8 years ago

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Level 6 and above seems to be the area where the collector type starts to dominate. Level 0-1 is full of people who just see the "free" tag on the game (I have sent an AAA game to a level 0 who still hasn't touched it after more than a year). Mid-levels seem to be where you may have a better chance to find someone who'd play it (but even then, it is just a chance—I have met really enthusiastic level 0s and level 8+ users as well).

8 years ago

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I don't remember what level I was when I won my first game, possibly 0 or 1. There were about 1700 entries. Since then I have finished that game 100% and enjoyed it a lot. I might have even sent the host my TrueSteamAchievements profile as proof, I don't remember if I did that specifically for the first game I won but I'm known to do that :P

So I just hope that the winner will be someone like me who enters the giveaway if they plan on playing the game. There is no way to guarantee that your game will be played so I can only hope at that point. I personally prefer to mix it up with my giveaways. I will not focus on one level or one type of giveaway but try to offer everyone something. I'd like to highlight "try" in that sentence :P

8 years ago

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Why send TSA profile when you can show your Steam profile?

8 years ago

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I play a lot of games so recent activity changes frequently. I can't know when the host will click on the link so by that time the profile will show the most recent games I played with their respective achievements which would have replaced the game I won from that host. I don't know if you can show achievements in any other way on Steam. I think it only shows the amount of time you played the game on Steam library, is there a way to send the achievements for that game alone?

8 years ago

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You mean like this?

And wow 99 perfect games! With 90% average completion rate. Man you're dedicated!

8 years ago*

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I have absolutely no idea how you've done this. I should have figured that out myself, thanks a lot :) I think you edited your answer by the way, I have 87 hours in Mafia II, that's how long it took me to 100% it. Drive for 1000 miles achievement alone took approximately 20 hours ;)

8 years ago

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Yeah, I saw the wrong hours spent for the wrong game. You noticed my reply too soon! :P

Just go to your game list
and click on view stats.

8 years ago

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That is absolutely amazing, I genuinely had no idea :D Thank you so much, I'll definitely use this if I decide to spam a host for completing their games :D

And yes I try to get as many achievements as I can, I give up on some of them, though. For example if Witcher 3 didn't have Deathmarch difficulty achievement I'd get 100% on it too. WoW Legion also slowed me down considerably, I need to get back to Steam at some point :D

Whitelisted you for all the help you provided :)

8 years ago*

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This is my goal right now, 100 percent my won games. Two are broken, and one without achievements is unplayable. But otherwise so far, so good.

8 years ago

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I won 9 games, I'm keeping 2 for winter (one will most likely not be 100%ed as requires too much FPS skills which I don't have), I 100%ed 6 and am at 98% on one of them. I don't think I'll get the last one to 100% as 2 achievements I'm missing need platforming skills that I lack. I basically lack a lot of skills :P

Good luck with your achievement hunting, it feels truly satisfying once it's earned :)

8 years ago

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Yea there is one bullet hell game I fear I won't get a majority of achievements for. Good luck to you as well.

8 years ago

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Seems like u dont like collectors.
Well what is it we want to find when we give a game away.

Do you want it to get played , find itself only idled for cards in someones library, gettin dusty on someones backlog?
Does it really care us where it goes (do everyone check a winner of its behaviour, to we avoid regifters=?)
Those things shouldt and cant be predicted when giving away games..or do u stalk ur winners?

We all can try to minimize the not wanted case when we try to give games away in groups or whitelist, check the entries etc...

But y than give it away on this site? for the possibility to raise level to get myself into some better GA?
Y not just give games away without GA level description, with the ease to check everyones "gamestyle" in looking into there trading behaviour, gamelibrary or profile useage--- I could find a better place and gift it in chats randomly^^

I think we give games away cuz we want to advertise something, giveaway bundled trash which noneed of, share the feeling of gifting itself, or the feeling of what you got playing these particular games.

And because of that u set a level in hope to find a player who cares this same feeling, but we all need to be clear that we cant set this as a priority. And some of us want to find something also of the named reasons, which is y we also want to raise our level
(I knwo not all of us, and thats totally fine to me)

If we just dont accept these "rules" of how it works right now, its better to gift the games in private to friends, and not lie to ourself ;)
those who are here to just gift games, have 0 wins and multiple GA
(I honor those users the most, except developers ^^ cuz it is somekinda advertising job isnt it XD)

To be clear I like giving away games, I like the feeling of rewarding users, advertise for a game, channel or group.
I like to be in groups giving away games with particular rules, or giving away not needed games with somekinda own set of ideas,
but I dare to find myself judging about the other winner or gifter equally.

Dont set a PublicGA equally to its GA LVL if you want the gift handled in whatever case or
would we like to be allowed to reroll if we dont like the winners "gaming" behaviour?

("English is not my main language, I hope I was able to express myself correctly without getting somethings wrong")

8 years ago*

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I don't have a thing against collectors but if I'm giving away a game that is special to me, something I enjoyed a lot I'd like the person who won to have the same experience and they can't have that experience if they don't play the game. I am not a collector of games, I collect action figures, I don't have a problem against collecting. But if I'm giving away a game I paid a lot of money on despite my current unemployment I'd like to at least know that it was played or given a chance. This is not the case for every game I have given away, but that game alone cause it's a very special game to me. I still hope that the rest of the games are played too.

I joined this website because I buy bundles and have extra games to giveaway as I normally don't activate more than half of them and I refuse to let them go to waste by either being unused keys or gathering digital dust in my library as you mentioned. Despite only buying bundled games (which I don't consider as trash) this website actually motivated me to push myself to buy unbundled games to giveaway (only 3 so far but I'm genuinely struggling financially), so it isn't so bad is it? I don't understand why my motivations are being questioned here though.

Ps, I don't lie to myself I'm quite an honest person and I already gift games to my friends ;)

8 years ago*

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No wait please, I didnt want to attack your reasons of giving nor the purity of your own motivation!

When this site give ya the chills to push yourself into giving away a game, with the hope/reason to get the winner the same expression like you got while playing it, it is "TOTALLY" acceptable and a proud presentable example of how it should be!

I may just only ask you, how you find this particular winner, that you want to share the same feelings.
And if it is a collector, profitz guy, or backlog dude, rules breaker who grabbed the game, ae you satisfied with, or do you feel betrayed!?
And yes gifting in private is at best ^^

This site on its purist is fine, but without GA rules you setup on ur own, we cant reach the aim we r looking for
To my mind thats the reason y many users get into sgtools lately, cuz they want their games to be honored, more than a LVL setup can do. Or they get into fitting groups ;)

And I´d like to say that SG.com isnt needed to fullfill the wish to get the games onto the right user.
(While checking rulesbreaker gettin easier banned or whatever)
They are just a platform which have this good idea, and let the users do their stuff on a somekinda fixed ruledbased stage.
As long as the outcame is fine with ya (except rulebreaker "wut")

8 years ago

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I didn't feel attacked but I felt like I was questioned so I wanted to explain my reasons :) I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding ^^

As for your question, I once got a rule breaker as a winner on one of my giveaways. I asked for a reroll and learned that the person was already punished for that. I didn't feel betrayed, I gave him the game after learning that. I guess I can't really say which factor would make me feel satisfied with the winner. I personally don't want to put a bunch of rules with SGT, SG itself already has rules. I only hope the game will be played eventually.

One might see a game as bundled trash that could be farmed for cards or be +1 in library if it doesn't have cards, another person could see the same game as something they can play and enjoy for a couple of hours. My hope that the winner will be in the latter group. As I mentioned many times in my earlier replies, I can only hope :) If the former wins, well I hope they enjoy the cards then and utilise these cards to sell or trade for a game they WILL play and enjoy :D

8 years ago

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Yeah the "trash" is maybe another ones wished game.. didnt mentioned that, tottally agree with that whole statement of yours , nice to see that we got the same idea in mind!
Thanks for a good discussion and share some impressions with ya!

8 years ago

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I don't care about collectors as long as they don't enter to giveaways only with the sole purpose of a +1. I never made a secret about it, but I learnt to live with it. I earned a good chunk of my blacklist spots when I said that I value a level 0 user with 50 fully played wins more than a level 10 with 10 untouched wins.
But one cannot control who wins without limiting a giveaway to exceptionally few people, and then it is easier to just send the game directly. So I just do my giveaways and hope. :)

8 years ago

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Agreed 100% :P

8 years ago

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I totally agree without any hesitation! But y so many Blacklists entries, well also a theme we cant play a role in it ^^
Since we all got older and family stuff goin on, my backlog is growin hard...

This Steamaccount got familysharing on with all places filled!
Aditionally I got this Account from my brother who stopped playin cuz of some reasons..
when he wants to play I need to stop my business, thats the rule ;)

So we can´t , (in some we can xD) predict what will happen afterwards ^^

8 years ago

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If its that lv 6 giveaway of you which ended 4 weeks ago I'd say give it some time. (He did play a little though, even got an achievement)
You cant expect people to immediately jump into the games they won.
I've won non-bundle games which I didnt play for some months but eventually I will. Maybe its the same case with this user? Maybe he played some and decided to finish it later?

If you REALLY want them to jump right in you could make a private giveaway (make topic on steamgifts, let people tell you why they want to play it desperately, etc.) But even then, you never can be sure.

8 years ago

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I honestly hope that's the case. I never expect them to be played instantly, there are some gifts of friends I got a chance to play after 8-9 months. But after seeing 1.2 hours played and some achievements earned I thought he was gonna play it right away. When it remained the same for 4 weeks without a single change I didn't really know what to make of it. Again, there is only one thing I can do and that is "hope" :)

8 years ago

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Yeah also we cant forget the plump reason of some gifts... they are bundled leftovers ^^ and we dont care bout. But when we spek about games we share some affection with, its another case.. so well said than.

8 years ago

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Finding someone on this site that actually plays their wins is like finding a four leaf clover. At least 90% are game collectors and/or card farmers on any level. And a lot of them will lie and cheat to get access to a free game, even if they have no interest in playing it. The best chance to find people who would actually want to play a specific game is hand picking them and hope you get lucky, hide it behind a difficult puzzle or a jigidi puzzle with a lot of pieces.

8 years ago

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Fewer problems, fewer leechers, winners actually play the games, fewer need to reroll, feeling of rewarding good users etc.

8 years ago

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When I have to give many games I like giving 1 for each level 0-5 total 6 games.I saw a person do it and I followed his example as his reasoning behind this was undeniable very good.I do make though from now and then level 4-5 level giveaways..depends how broke or not I am to buy full bundles.

8 years ago

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I did 4 giveaways for lvl 0 (two for a group).

  • 2 were okay
  • 1 was wrong : the winner was a member for 1 or 2 days and he never came back, despite my attemps to contact him (oh and he had some VAC bans). I had to ask for a reroll.
  • 1 was meh : the winner marked the GA as "received" but didn't add the game to his library, I had to contact him about that. Then he added it to the library but changed the GA as "awaiting feedback". I had to contact him again to mark it as "received".

I guess I'm unlucky, with 2 issues for 4 GA. No more GA for lvl 0.

I did 19 giveaways for lvl 1.

  • 18 were okay
  • 1 was wrong, the guy already had the game (a DLC actually), but entered anyway. I had to ask for a reroll. It was a lvl 1 with a single (crappy) GA and quite a lot of won.

A way better ratio issues/GA.

I suppose I will do lvl 2/Blue/Group giveaways now.

8 years ago

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I start setting some giveaways level 1 or 2, just to avoid users that only come here to get.

I don't always put a level, but I think I will start doing it since yesterday I took some time to look to users that re-give games they won but still get away with that. So they can be level 1 or 2 easily..until boom. BLACKLISTED.

8 years ago

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Thats another reason I really dont like, the leech and breakrulers.
Maybe there are gamers with really less money but how can we find the difference... no chance..

And rule breakers? well as you wrote it down.... they still get away with it to easy.. (like in RL) the punishment needs to be higher!

Got Blacklisted just right now ... It would be so satisfying to know y!
Suggestion note (Blacklist reason)

8 years ago*

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I don't have that much to spend too, I only do bundled games..
And one my first year I had two games that I didn't activated and traded (my bad). But still, I managed to get the games again(buy/trade) to undo this and clean my profile.

Good sense, that's all people need to have.

edit: good suggestion. I got 2BL. I have no idea why since im quiet here most of the time.

8 years ago*

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I do high level GA just so i don't have to check all the winners all the time.

I usually don't check using SG tool for any GA i did that's either for a group with people I know or GA that's above level 7.

For level 7 publc GA I only pop into the winner profile to see the win/give ratio. If the ratio is really bad then i do a SGtool check.
When I do low level GA 0-2. I nearly have problem with every winner that won the game which made me check everytime and check reroll winner everytime.
For level 5 or above is usually much safer and for level 7+ I havn't seen any issue at all.

8 years ago

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that a bit overkill really, in most case, just lv4+ is way enough to be trouble free, well, if you dig deep enough you still can find lv4+ do regift,,,etc but i doubt there is a lot of them

8 years ago

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Well yes but if I do level 4+ GA then i will have to check.. While I do 7+ I can be lazy and don't do SG tool check.
The extra times i save, I can play games!

8 years ago

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Give up wany, no matter how much time you try to save, you will never can finish your backlog.........we never can.. finish it........NEVER

8 years ago

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according to my data. If I play 44 hours a week on my games. I will finished all my games 5 years before I die. Since i play about 60 a week. I have high hope!

8 years ago

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Thanks for the link. I never knew such thing is out there. :D

8 years ago

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There's this fallacy that low level users are leechers while high level users are generous and better people, while in reality the low level leechers either aren't clever enough or don't care enough to get a higher level, while the high level leechers are more crafty and devious, and are more likely to maintain a fake image of being a good person (due to white- and blacklisting). There are plenty of dubious ways to get a high level. It also makes sense that people who win a lot of games are more likely to give away more games. There are some truly generous people on this site, but they are quite rare, most people just like to maintain a positive image (in hope of being white listed or in fear of being black listed). Be cautious of who you trust to tell the truth on this site I would say. I'm not a generous person on this site because I believe 90% of them are card farmers or game collectors, so I just play the game of giving away bundled games. I would give away better games if I knew they would go to people who aren't trying to make a profit and just wanted to play the game. Personally I only enter games I really want to play.

Level 0 and 1 are very easy to attain so they have the largest amount of dubious people, starting from level 2 people actually have to make an effort. Like many before already said there are unscrupulous people on all levels. I personally find the whole level system quite elitist, that's why I only make level 0 give aways. But I'd advise you experiment with different levels and see what you're comfortable with.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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If by "a lot" you mean "never, not even once" then yes :p I think you may have mistaking me for someone else, my avatar is one of the default choices, so it's somewhat common. Also I only use the name Fallen Kal online lately btw.

I don't mind them if they join for crappy games that no one would play (and there are a lot of those), I'm only disappointed if they win a game someone else would have actually played. It doesn't even bother me as much when they're good people, it's mostly the people that enter everything just to make some measly cents profit.

8 years ago

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I generally stay around my level but I can see how that makes an issue for you. I'd say stick to around level 4 for a while. Less scammers and nicer folks.
You earned my whitelist for being generous in your first 2 ga's

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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