So it does show you the code but won't tell you who created the GA?
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Yeah that's a bit over the top, but everyone is free to use their personal blacklist as they see fit. My blacklist will only ever have spammers and beggars and such. In fact I've actually white-listed some people I've had disagreements on the discussions. Everyone is different I guess.
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Well some do it so you do not win from them again so someone else has a chance to win,though they may have done it for another reason
The blacklist i am on the fence about it,on one hand it is nice for those who abuse SG or make fake GA,but on the other hand some people blacklist just because you say something they do not like.
In the end,it can be used for good and can be used for bad
But yeah it should at least allow you say thanks and comment on current GA's
Either way it is what it is and you have to deal with the way it is now
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I wouldn't have a problem with that. If anything, it would remove any residual "guilt" for blacklisting somebody. And it would largely prevent the "power-trip" blacklists. I find the overall topic of blacklisting could be the topic of a Sociology dissertation.
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Would be an interesting topic for a master thesis, and probably just the right extent for that. But in return, think of getting all the demographic data you'll need for the statistical analyses:
"Hey, how old are you, where do you live and whadda you do for a living? I'm writing a master thesis, please help me, data will be held confidential" - "Nah, you're blacklisted, screw your master thesis"
No, thanks! :D
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LMAO! Yeah, fieldwork and data collection would be a chore...and probably disheartening. But, you know...for science! =)
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This wouldn't work, you could always temporarily remove someone from your blacklist just to enter their giveaway and then blacklist again. It has been discussed many times.
I understand if some (or even most) people see it as a personal offense if they are excluded from a giveaway by blacklist. And also I of course would like to know why I have been blacklisted. But I try to see it not as a personal thing but something the person who blacklists just does. it's not that I found out to be on many blacklists anyway (only one so far)
But coming back to topic - I think one should be able to see any giveaway one entered may it be from a group one isn't a member anymore or a whitelist you aren't on anymore or because someone blacklisted you. I know it's easier concerning the programming the way it is now, but it shouldn't be to hard to change that.
Edit: Oh damn - that was an old topic...
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Blacklisting should be bidirectional. UNblacklisting should NOT be.
You blacklist someone, you're added to their blacklist. Probably permanently. Which is fine in most cases; you blacklist someone because they're regifting, or breaking the rules or whatever. You're not going to be missing out on much of anything.
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You could do that but it would be a bit unmanageable unless you're constantly clearing and refilling your entire blacklist just to check for giveaways. I could see it happening with forum giveaways but otherwise I doubt it would get abused much and I really don't see any downsides even if it's only partially effective.
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A simple solution is to have both parties need to unblock each other.
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Wait 7 days and if you don't get the game check not received. Chances are if you do get the game he won't want your thanks anyway.
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it´s possible to comment the creators steamprofile, so if you wish you could say thanks there, cause this uncertain calling out rule, i don´t want to paste the link here...and i cant add you on steam, cause you ask to comment your profile there before we do, but it´s not possible to comment there. G
btw if this is the right GA and you marked it as received, if not never mind
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you are welcome!
Congratulation - and good luck in the future.
Now - I stated my position here in discussion, just a bit lower on the page. If you disagree with me (or anybody else who disagree) - feel free to state your position and opinion, I don't bite (neither my Monsters, real or imaginary).
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One of my monsters bites. Not so much anymore...more pinching and hitting now. =(
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Don't worry - that would also pass... Telling from experience. XD
And believe me - in 10-15 years you would remember those years nostalgically (is it actually a word?) and wish that your Monsters would be little again...
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I'm almost 50 years old and my mother still sees me as her "cute, little baby." It's a life-long thing. )
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Hi Keeper! ^_^
As I said elsewhere: "I don't object to being blacklisted for that reason (really, you should be free to blacklist for any reason, or no reason at all)." You won't get any argument out of me, haha.
It was just frustrating to me that I couldn't say thank you, nor even see the giveaway page. Sometimes the gifter will put something in the description ("Post a picture of a cat, or blacklist!"), so I had wondered if I had failed to do something like that. But without seeing the giveaway page I couldn't tell!
Thank you for being part of the SteamGifts community. We are all enriched with your being here.
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Thank you on your kind words.
And I could agree that for giveaways that user already entered blacklist shouldn't "work". Though I'm not sure it could be implemented (my kids learning programming, not me) - especially without breaking something.
Though for that reason I think that in the future I would at least wait with "banhammer" until gifts are received - this would probably save frustration on both ends. Of course regifters and other rule-breakers would be dealt with expeditiously. ;)
cudos if you recognize the reference
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You have received the key for the game that you have won and they have received " Mark as received " on their profiles for that GA .
He/she blacklisted you for " Unknown " reason [ you have any clue about that atm ] so i think it`s better to pass it till you will find a better way to discuss with him/her about their decision .
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If I was the ga creator (I'm not) I would have blacklisted you as well for having an unbalanced ratio. That is the only reason I can think of given the current information.
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people can do whatever they want of course, but that seems like a silly/frivolous reason imo. However, I could also present the argument that someone might blacklist you for only creating group and private giveaways while still continuing to enter and win public giveaways from the very people that you are excluding from your own. In the end this seems no more or less a valid reason to me than the one you gave, so it's all relative.
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Fair enough, though my inv giveaways are on the forums that anyone can see. Again, it is there right, as much as it is my own, to blacklist anyone for any reason. I was merely giving a possible reason why someone would be blacklisted based upon my own standards.
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While that may be true, many people don't visit the forums or want to go digging through them for various reasons, so most are likely to never see them.
Anyway, that is ancillary to the discussion. I also didn't mean to make it sound like I was specifically picking on you, but it's just that the reasons for blacklisting can seem quite arbitrary to the outside observer, and what you or someone else might consider a criteria or standard for doing so could also be different (and possibly even work against you) for others.
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i'm using this way to thank you for your recent giveaway. it happened to me the very situation detailed by OP: i won a giveaway of yours and now i'm blackisted, so i could not see the gifter name (at first) and then contact you. luckily enough i remembered having read your comments in this thread yesterday, so i found a way to reach you.
you have my gratitude for the gift; even if it's evident you're not fully conform with my winning, you decided not to reroll, which i appreciate. :)
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You are welcome :).
I do not like to reroll and I do not mind that you won, but because your win/give ratio is unbalanced, I've decided to blacklist you from future giveaways until that has been fixed. In the future, if you feel that your ratio is balanced and you want to be removed from my black list, just send me a msg and I'll be more than happy to oblige :D.
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"because your win/give ratio is unbalanced, I've decided to blacklist you from future giveaways until that has been fixed."
My advice to you would be to simply blacklist in return anyone who pulls this stuff. You can read between the lines there. It's basically someone trying to force their own arbitrary values upon you and coerce you into what they think you should be doing by going out of their way to wave their blacklist in your face. Personally, I think that is in poor taste and a bit disrespectful.
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Thanks but I'm tolerant. Plus, i don't have a blacklist and I'm not creating one. ;)
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Based on what you've written, it's probably what ramyxne9999 said. It's possible they saw that you won, checked your won/lost ratio, and blacklisted you so that you wouldn't win any more of their games. I'm not saying it's right, but it is their decision.
Edit: ninja'd by Cjcomplex. =)
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I don't object to being blacklisted for that reason (really, you should be free to blacklist for any reason, or no reason at all). But looking at the other comments on the profile, I got the impression that everyone who won was getting blacklisted, probably for the reason ramyxne9999 gave above.
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whoever did that is pure scum... just wait and mark as not recieved. if you really feel damaged, you can even create a ticket. gl tho :/
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aaaaaw... so he gave you the game... oh well, life goes on :D
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Intelligence tells me that someone here is sarcastic, so I should keep my balance.
But feelings and women's irrational emotionalism screaming to open a holy war...
Would compromise - and go to sleep, that's a best solution for (almost) any problem! ;P
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lol i thought he blacklisted without giving him the game. now that would be bad.
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She. (that's me)
Yes, that would be bad. Though I can imagine the instance where I would do that... but before blacklisting I would report that "winner" to support and ask for a re-roll - and with a good reason, and it would be granted. Regifters - beware! XD
Now - to bed! zzzzzzzz
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I'm even a mother, bro! Twice. (and proud) (insert smug emot here)
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Goodnight, keeper. Say goodnight to the monsters for me. :-D
(and don't rise to the bait above me) =)
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Thanks, it was good. Though both Monsters looked at me somewhat funny when I said that some strangers from forums wish them sweet dreams. XD
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(sigh...) ok. I feel like since I am been discussed - I have to "get out" and say something.
Reasons for why I've blacklisted some people (and not just OP) were already given here by others (namely Cjcomplex and Shad0WeN), but I wouldn't mind stating my position clearly.
I blacklist rude people and beggars (obviously), people who create fake and misleading GAs (not some new user who made a mistake, but those who do it while wholly knowing that they are breaking the rules - and doing it anyway), regifters (!), and leechers.
Now - definition of leecher is quite vague and open to discussion, IMHO. I wouldn't call leecher person who gives away AAA non-bundled games once a few months but win triple or more the amount of bundled indies. I wouldn't even call leecher some user who gives not that much, bundled and/or huge discount titles, but keeps a steady stream - even if he/she wins more than gives (well, to certain point, maybe), RNG is random after all, but you can see that they are giving back to community. If you win/give in the private group - well, I'm fine with that too, whatever you people do in your little circle is your right and your problem.
But then there are people who give only or mostly to groups (and small private groups at that) - but don't mind winning quite a lot from public GAs.
People who give a couple of cheap DLCs or games from bundle list once in a blue moon - but regularly win and their ratio is closing on double digits (if not there already).
People who didn't make any GAs in close to a year - or 2 years! But they still ride on their already earned level and keep entering and winning. I don't even like using that word "leecher" - but what else to call them?
I understand that there can be different circumstances, different abilities for different people. But if I can see on Steam profile that user can afford close to 1k games, badges and/or in-game items - I would think that it's possible to give some back. If you are an active trader - again, you can afford to buy at least a couple of Bad Rats or Detour (this week discount). If you are buying bundles regularly - give a few of your duplicate games to strangers instead of trading them! Yes, nobody required to gift here. Nobody pressured into fake generosity. But then leave me my right to give back to people who are generous, no matter if it's just poor widow's offering or something akin to royal gala in awesomeness.
I thought before that levels alone should cut out so-called leechers, but turns out that's not enough sometimes.
If person that find him/her on my blacklist thinks that it's done unjustly - contact me and we can discuss it. Openly in forums (one person did so in my thread for the train - gave my reasons and didn't hear back from him yet), or on my profile, or add me and we can chat. After all - I'm not perfect and could make mistakes, and in judgement too. I would happily clear my wrongs if I made any.
You can agree or disagree with me - and you are entitled to your opinion as much as I (hopefully) have a right to my own. And yes - blacklisting someone just because we don't agree on some topic doesn't sit well with me. I wouldn't do it, it's just so childish...
As for 2-directional blacklist - I really don't care. Out of about 20 people who got on my "bad" list after this huge train (111 gifts! I was truly not sane making it XD) I haven't seen one that I would mind missing not entering their giveaways (if there are any at all).
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Don't feel obligated to explain yourself Keeper, it is your blacklist and your giveaways, do as you please. I think people, perhaps even the op, take it personally that you are blacklisting them and just is a shock to get excited for a giveaway and find out you aren't allowed to view anything of theirs.
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Imo people do have a right to feel sad about it (no duhhh). But if they deserved it, nothing that you can really do other then doing better next time and hope that the blacklister forgives u.
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llllooool... thats one huuuuge opinion right there :D
i wonder what you would write on the topic of abortion or world hunger xD
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Believe me - you don't want to thread there... XD
Though I don't have that much time now for flame wars as in my 20s... Ah, Fido-net in Ukraine in mid-90s, dial-up on Zuxel, pirated Windows with blue screen of death at least once a week... Monthly meetings of city's forum's geeks in cafe with beer and/or hot chocolate and/or lemonade (and Cola for kids)... All programmers and/or wives of those...
But I still have some gunpowder left in me! ;P
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Blacklisting is the one thing we have as users to try to bend the will of the RNG Monster in our favor-- that is, for our giveaways. Everybody has different criteria for blacklisting, and any criteria one wants to have is completely one's business and one's prerogative, IMO. I hope you don't feel like you "have to" defend/explain yourself, though doing so is also your right, of course.
If nothing else, after that explanation, nobody can accuse you of frivolous blacklists, FWIW.
Be well.
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Eh, I just not used to hiding when I'm discussed, and in this case that "cat" was clearly out of the bag even if nobody named it. ;)
And thank you - I will try.
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I have a similar blacklist standard and almost without exception you will never have to worry about them blacklisting you back, (and you losing any opportunities) as they either don't do any give aways any more to begin with, or only do them in small groups and therefore they have already essentially "blacklisted" everyone but their small group.
I, myself tend to not worry overmuch about ratios though as long as they are still active in sending some out.
I've never been able to "get" people bitching about who you choose to allow to win your money. How presumptuous of them.
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I rarely come across people who I share an opinion with on Steamgifts. You're absolutely right and you restored a little of my faith in this community. Have a whitelist and hopefully I can come up with a game that you'll want some day!
Have a good one.
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Thank you, nice to feel that I'm not the only one "weird" out there (along with others - we are more than one!) ;)
And a good one to you too!
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That's my main issue with the concept of blacklisting someone based on a win. In theory it sounds fair, but you don't factor in the feelings of the other person. I'd imagine it's not a good feeling to be blacklisted and feel like you did nothing wrong. I understand the leeching reasons and the spamming/begging, but just blacklisting a person for winning something makes me sad. In the end it's totally a personal choice on how you use it, so I'm not one to judge. It's just how I personally feel.
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People can use the blacklist anyway they want, but it's definitely better when it's made clear up front and as you say short term. I totally understand the reasoning for blacklisting a winner, but it seems like a lot of work when the chances are slim that they will win a second time, especially since your potentially removing them thereafter.
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Sadly if anyone noticed KeeperOfMonsters the giveaway creator was banned permanently. And her contributor lvl was 8.7 o.o. Maybe someday I will be able to reach that just someday but more importantly we lost a great member of steamgifts :( .
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HER - sigh.. guys, get a clue - not everyone her here is a guy. Some of us are women -even mothers of guys like you :-p
KoM, if you read this, please know that another Momo groks you... I won't say why here but feel free to add me on Steam if you so wish. My SG profile doesn't show my gifting as it hasn't been my main purview but I get it... anywho, hope all is well.
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lol wrote about her in early post and put she but in this one I accidently wrote his so will change that lol.
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What? Why? Noooo!
I really don't see Keeper as the kind of person who'd do something to warrant a ban, so this is a shock. I wonder what happened.
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Log in today to find that I've won a game. Hooray! Go to game discussion to thank the giver, and I can't see it. I'm blacklisted. I can't even discover WHO gave me this game.
I understand not being able to enter giveaways when you've been blacklisted. And I can understand not being able to SEE giveaways that you've been blacklisted from (probably you were blacklisted for a reason, and shouldn't be allowed to go in and harass people).
But winning a giveaway should trump that, right? I should be at least allowed to say thank you?
This blacklist system is a mess.
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