in my last giveaway i had again an hidden fallout 4 giveaway. i got 18 entries.
for the moment i will reduce my giveaways so it will be (or not^^) my last fallout 4 ga for the moment
its the same way hidden as in this thread:

why the same way? cause im to lazy to find a new way to hide it and i want you to look for the bad hidden link^^
but if you cant find it or if you are to lazy, here at laest two cheap games from humble:

cause many people are telling, they dont fit the requirements after they found the fallout 4 giveaway:
lvl 4
real cv ratio: > 0.75
activated all wins, no multiple wins, no vac

8 years ago*

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good. great. I'm lvl 3

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Keksinator.