So my contributor level has been 5.41 for like a year. I did a couple of giveaways of leftovers and it went up to 5.42. Now it's at 5.37.

How did that happen?

9 years ago

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Something you gave away either dropped in price on Steam or was retro-actively added to the bundled list. :X

9 years ago

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But all the above should not have been retroactive. Those things should only occur after a giveaway is created. I.e. Something I gave away a year ago should not get devalued because it was added to a bundle. Only if I gave it away after the bundle price started should it be affected. SO has never in the past reached back in time to before something was bundled.

9 years ago

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I'm just telling you how it works, and that's how it works. :X

9 years ago

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Thanks, something must have changed.

9 years ago

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CV won't go down if the game gets bundled after you give it away, but only if the game should be already marked as bundled when you created the giveaway (then the support can bundle it retroactively).

9 years ago

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Sometimes a price drop or a bundle is missed, and it gets added later with a retroactive date. This may go to extremes like adding it with a date 3 years back.

9 years ago

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game price dropped in the store.
price error from steam api.
game was bundled because it was discounted before you made a giveaway.

9 years ago

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Or great discount in russian store :P

9 years ago

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game was bundled because it was discounted before you made a giveaway.

well, that was covered with that. :3

9 years ago

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Great discount = game considered as bundled.

9 years ago

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What they said ^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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What others 30 or 50 post about this said before

9 years ago

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Probably a permanent price drop for something you've gave away.

9 years ago

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Even reaching back years?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you gave away a AAA game when it's $60 and after a few years it permanently drops to $10 (like most of the Batman series) then you only end up with $10 of CV after a few years.

9 years ago

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That is damn strange. Almost every game will be eventually bundled and because of that everyones lvl gets dropped because of this..

I do not really understand the reasoning behind this at all :\

8 years ago

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Permanent price drop reaches back on all games, no matter the date. Steam doesn't keep any kind of price history data, they just report the game as if it always had that one single base price since it was put up on Steam. This is why it'll be fun to see similar "why my level dropped" posts when Fallout 4 enters the 20-dollar range.

9 years ago

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Not that it would be terribly impossible to just record data from the Steam API ourselves.. The data Steam shows doesn't stop SG from recording price changes and giving CV based on the corresponding price at that time.

But alas, we're probably still going to be stuck with the current system for either a very long time or forever because "it's too hard" or something similar. Every excuse I've been given for why the above wouldn't be feasible all comes down to "We don't want to take the time to patch the [simple] loopholes so the current system is staying".

8 years ago

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Could be, but that would be a huge database that contains millions of records; and considering cg already said that the highest cost on the site is on the current database server already, I doubt he'd be so keen to increase that load and cost even further.

8 years ago

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I'm sure if it was really a cost issue there'd be plenty of people willing to donate to a Patreon or similar in order to get that change going.

8 years ago

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There already are, but cg refuses to accept donations.

8 years ago

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it doesn't matter if it's too hard or too expensive to work on that. cv wasn't thought to be something static, or else most people would sit at their desired level forever and just leech.
cv devaluation encourages people to keep giving away games.

8 years ago

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It only encourages people to give more when people have lots for money.. For somebody like me that can only afford to give a little bit, it's extremely discouraging to know that the little that I'm actually able to give won't even amount to much down the line. I cannot keep giving good games only to have them devalued as time goes on.

8 years ago

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then don't give away $60 games, get $5-20 unbundled titles from steam or stick to $1 bundles from sites like indiegala.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Retroactive bundling all the way. xD

9 years ago

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