11 years ago*

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I think ,,Inhale, Exhale" is the right Awnser!
Thanks for the Giveaway!

11 years ago

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You can just take a drill and make a nice big hole in your hippocampus right away, don't waste the time smoking pot - effect will be similar :-)

11 years ago

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Otherwise we're just making stuff up. Did you know that used motor oil makes a fantastic hair conditioner?

11 years ago

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I thought that it is a great fertilizer ;-) I used to work with some potheads and they all had problems with the memory, not only with the short-term type but also with the long-term one - just like people with flawed hippocampus (for example ppl with Alzheimer's disease). Just my opinion, not a fact of any sort...but I'm not against weed. To be honest I would love to see all the drugs legalized everywhere, including the hard stuff like heroine - everything should be a matter of a personal choice. If someone wants to destroy his brain/health, he should be allowed to do so. It would be better if drugs production would be controlled - they would be 'clean' and their prices would include taxes. Yes, I think the same about prostitution :-)

11 years ago

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we're all killing ourselves with something, cannabis users dont kill half as many people as alcohol users, though numbers of users is probably related but alcohol is so acceptable when its on paper far more dangerous

11 years ago

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.. Cannabis does not destroy your brain / health. During its' effects, your short term memory is impaired, but as long as you're actually invested in something, your long term memory still kicks in and stores data. The only exception might be for people that smoke it very frequently, and thus are caught under its' effects all day, every day. People who smoke one small joint a day, or less, don't have the stereotypical "stoner burnout". Let's say that joint would have a strain of marijuana with about 10% THC, 2% CBD, and about 0.1 - 0.2 grams of said weed in it. Depending on body weight / fat / metabolism.

Source - my own life, people around me, for the past 11 years, as well as actual scientific fact backed by countless studies.

11 years ago

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I don't think about it but i do smoke it.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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+1 for cannabis

11 years ago

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Ugh. Vegetarians..

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You gotta try T-bone steak joints.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Bit too much bone for the meat...

11 years ago

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I thought Sirloin Steak Bongs were The smoked meat ?!

11 years ago

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Good stuff, you gotta try it at least once in lifetime.
Better tho, if you try it once a day.

11 years ago

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I agree and disagree. I smoked to much again, I don't get high anymore :(

Got to take a break.

11 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim.

11 years ago

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all skyrim ne ostalos(

11 years ago

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What do you think about cannabis?

LEt me smoke a porrito while I ponder about that question.

11 years ago

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pasa el porrito

11 years ago

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Keep your filthy Spanish out of the site.

11 years ago

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Compadre, cómpreme un coco.

Compadre, no compro coco porque como poco coco, y el que poco coco come, poco coco compra.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Estas enojado amigo?

11 years ago

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La vida es una lenteja, o la toma o la dejas...

11 years ago

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Are you implying that there's a non-filthy spanish and a filthy spanish, or that the whole language is filthy?

EDIT: Nos podemos falar no português si você quiser...

11 years ago

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I was kidding. Don't try to pull the racist card on me, beep :p

Also my ability to speak Portuguese is non-existant.

11 years ago

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I love it, I try to smoke some haze at least once a week. Always a pleasure.

11 years ago

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it makes me sick... literally, it makes me feel the need to throw out, dunno why

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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Damn, ordinary cigarettes make me feel like that, so I don't even risked to smoke something else.

11 years ago

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Sarcasm? I smoke herb every day (vaporize) and I've never been able to finish a cigarette without feeling sick. Actually, the green stuff really helped my girlfriend knock off the nicotine habit, she hasn't had a cigarette in almost four years.

11 years ago

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Its funny that people think it can only be smoked STILL.

11 years ago

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No, not sarcasm.

11 years ago

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props for vaping

11 years ago

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it could be you're scared, i once got whitey from a joint of a friend, and after that i was scared it would happen again and i felt im going to throw up and threw up twice with about 2 joints only :( but then after a while i got used to it again and i didn;t feel sick anymore :P so if you're scaered try to calm down, and some friends also told me that smoking it the wrong way can make you feel like that (smoke wrong is when you instead of inhaling you sort of do like when you drink water) but i dont know about that as i know how to inhale haha :) sorry for the long answer but i try to convince you to try it again it's great and no one should miss on it :P

11 years ago

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I prefer alcohol

11 years ago

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drugs? alcohol?

try sex and say it again.

11 years ago

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it's okay

11 years ago

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It's mostly harmless unless heavily abused. Legalize it, regulate it, and tax it. People should be able to get stoned without supporting organized crime.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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The only problem is that it is hard to tell if someone is under the influence. There is no breath test for Cannabis. So regulation is hard. And don't say it does not effect the body. you get effects similar to being drunk. driving while high is almost as bad as driving while intoxicated.

11 years ago

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Clearly you haven't done it.

11 years ago

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"you get effects similar to being drunk."


11 years ago

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11 years ago

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lol.. So much wrong with your post.

1) He didn't say it does not affect the body. He said it's mostly harmless unless heavily abused.

2) Regulation has nothing to do with breath tests or anything judicially punitive, for that matter. Regulation is about having registered producers of a drug, in this case farmers, under governmental oversight, with quality control on the product before sale. Also, usually, this would mean a govt. tax on the product, to cover the costs of regulation. Potentially, the govt. might be the sole buyer of the crop, like they now do in Uruguay, to help encourage growth of the crop by guaranteeing a steady revenue stream for the farmers, so they can take production, sale and distribution out of the hands of organised crime, faster..

3) "Driving while high is almost as bad as driving while intoxicated." Well, first off, "intoxicated" means "under the influence of a chemical substance" - not necessarily alcohol only. Second, if that were true, you'd see a lot more weed-related deaths and claims at insurance companies. The reality is that alcohol has a far more subtle effect at its' onset, and gives far more of a sense of confidence in your ability to drive, react fast, etc, than marijuana does. When you're high, you know you're high, and can feel precisely how much of an effect it's having on your motor skills, etc. Aside from that, the effect it has on delaying sensory input is far less, you could even say senses like touch, smell and hearing get heightened. On alcohol, you might look left, and your actual perception might only catch up to that movement a half second later - while you're chanting about how that third beer did nothing to you and you're fine. Go look up the figures, in cold hard dollars, for yearly damage caused by alcohol related traffic incidents. And while you're at it, why not broaden your search and look up damages caused by alcohol related incidents in general, as well as crime where alcohol was a part of proceedings. Lots of spousal abuse, battered wives (something like 80% of domestic abuse cases have alcohol as a part of the problem), bar fights, people in the hospital from those fights, broken bar equipment and stools, vandalism. Now compare that to all the people that at the time these things were going down, were calmly sitting at home smoking a joint with friends, relaxing and giggling, or maybe driving on the highway, all the way on the right lane, slowly but safely, knowing they were high.

11 years ago

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Its depressing to read how many of you think its acceptable...

11 years ago

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Give us good reasons to think the opposite.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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agree, but alcohol being legal, in my eyes, is the same concept as guns being legal in America. they both damage the county and are stupid to be legal. but I still think cannabis should be illegal. its pretty much a gateway for people who get no 'high' off it to try heavy stuff. the world economically would be a lot worse of a place if cannabis was legalised

11 years ago

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It depressing we still allow selling ethanol and nicotine...

11 years ago

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I'd rather see people smoking cannabis than drinking like there's no tommorow. No, I don't smoke nor do I drink, but I still despise everyone who seeks fun in being drunk.

11 years ago

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I'd rather see people do neither of those.

11 years ago

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Well it's really none of your business what other people do.

11 years ago

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I wish people would get this...world would be a much nicer place.

11 years ago

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so long as you dont interfere with my life i care little about your poison of choice, alchohol users tend to negatively affect others using street corners as toilets, being violent, clogging up hospitals when injured, i dont think it should be banned but abuseive behaviour should be fined harshly, that goes for all poisons of choice if you drive high you should be fined, getting high in your own living room doesnt hurt anyone but you why is it the governments business

11 years ago

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Yeah poison...I disagree, agree with everything else you said though. Personal choices should be just that, personal, everything is way to controlled.

Honestly if people can eat at mcdonalds people should be able to smoke weed, I personally think mcdonalds is poison though :-P.

11 years ago

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i dont mean poison in a literal sense i mean something that on balance is probably not healthy for you but is pleasurable. i drink soft drinks to excess thats my poison of choice, i know the ingredients arent health and ill likely die 10-20 years earlier from a heart attack cause of my crappy diet but theirs precious little joy in my life and i aint hurting anyone but me

11 years ago

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People have through use of entheogens and hallucinogens (as well as barbiturates and depressants, as well as a host of other groups of chemical substances) sought consciousness expansion, wisdom, revelation and even simple relaxation and recreation for as long as people have existed. A world without weed, alcohol, and other substances would already be burning down by now as we were savagely smashing each others' heads in with pointy sticks due to frustration, stress, lower empathetic response and less advancement as a species in general.

11 years ago

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It's legal here, what's your problem with it?

11 years ago

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same i think about alcohol - both are for people, but only for responsible adults. Both great in reasonable ammounts, not so great when there's too much / too often.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I never met any cannibals, but once, i met a man who ate cannibal.

11 years ago

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cannibal brownies are the best

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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It makes me miss my medical friendly home state.

11 years ago

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Is it some kind of video game?

11 years ago

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the funny thing is most of these people posting are 12-14 and never smoked before...

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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you're right, it is a fact.

11 years ago

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Fuck yeah, I get to be 12 again! Someone hand me a joint, all I have on me are cigarettes.

11 years ago

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From where did you get that statistics? Oh right, 63,54% of all statistics are made up.

11 years ago

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statistics?? its fact , all these kids you hear going "420 420 got so high, got so drunk 420 420" they are lying.
so you can keep crying to your computer
you are one of these kids im betting.

11 years ago

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Do you know what a fact is?

11 years ago

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Shh I'm high 'n drunk, it's a fact 'n shit. xD

11 years ago

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This just in:

Fact: you're an asinine moron.

In other news, I don't see anyone on this thread so far loudly lauding the cool-ness or super duper goodness of marijuana in a "yolo 420smokekush4LIEF" way, at all. I've seen people defending cannabis with fairly well thought out and in many cases quite eloquently worded statements, yes. So far, you're one of the few idiots here posting unsubstantiated and/or useless garbage, or posting opinions as if they were fact, without any form of argumentation whatsoever.

In other words,


11 years ago

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Please, give this guy a medal, and some pot!

11 years ago

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Daily pot smoker here, for 13 years and counting. AMA.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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i bet he already forgot he did an AMA :D

11 years ago

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It's alright. I don't smoke it very often, but it should be legilzed everywhere for people who want to smoke it. I mean hell, it's like asking someone who doesn't drink what he thinks about alcohol. "Meh, whatever" should be the answer.

11 years ago

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here we go, i remember last time...

11 years ago

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good thing, but id prefer alcohol

11 years ago

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I do not know!? I guess cannabis does not think about me!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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one of main true

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Sneezin.