I was going to add you to my whitelist but just saw that it's impossible, sorry :(
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this can be abused tho ...there are many bundles that cost like 2 euros and gets you 10 games its not against the rules to give the game multiple times so someone can spend only 20 euros get 100 of games and till now thats fine with the current system in place but if they do what you are suggesting that person would have higher chances to get a game in the next days while another guy spends 60 euros on a brand new triple A title and gets 1 game and basically other than money cv gets nothing....he could feel like he is being punished for some reason
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That is still technically favoring people who can and do spend more money on gibs tho .
We already have the level restriction for people who want to target their gibs at the more generous
Also using SGTools you can manually add a minimal ratio of won/sent .
Making that a future will just be unfair towards the people who cannot afford to make many gibs .
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I dont think you get the point here ... you kinda need to have money in order to be generous you know :)
Then let me give you another example .
Person A . Sent 50 Won 40 . Guy sent 50 High value games and won 40 games he was genuinely interested in.
Person B. Sent 500 , Won 100 ... guy just throw away bundle trash at people ... you know those 25+ games for a dollar .
Based on your suggestion The second guy should have higher chances then the first one.
Yeah , still nop sry ... there are flaws in your idea . If you want to mage gibs targeted at people with Nice ratio just use SGtools .
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Well , as i said several times you can either just restrict the giveaways by level , or alternatively just use SGTools and add as many specific restrictions as you want .
The system right now may not be perfect , but taking away the equal chance of everyone to win is not really an improvement on it .
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Those people probably join some elite groups, don't worry ^_^
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So we can massively improve our chances regardless of level, just buy buying several 20 to 25 games for a dollar bundles and having a high sent to won ratio?
Not going to work.
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Bump and a suggestion to include a link to the thread in the GAs so it's easier to bump :) Thank you for the nice selection!
As for the topic, I think that above level 4/5 it starts to get a bit more serious, so I generally don't do any GAs below that unless they are late at night or early in the morning and I want to get a bit more entries since they are mostly one hour flashes anyway.
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There's user levels, sgtools, whitelists, groups, forum giveaways; basically there's already tons of ways to tailor your giveaways.
Not to mention that your system would make it (even) more likely for people with means to win more giveaways than others and I think that's the wrong mentality to have in a site like this. I give when I can (which is sadly way much less often than I'd wish) and I never expect to win anything, although it is nice when I do-- but I just see winning as a nice, cool bonus, not the objective.
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Nope, main reason because CV can be extremely abusable and exploitable.. also everyone should have equal chance of winning games, even if you are poor (or greed) or you're rich (or/and generous).. If you don't want people who don't donate to win your giveways simply raise up the level restriction, I don't think you should only give games expecting to receive others
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I can use sgtools to make it impossible for anyone I want to enter
You do realize everybody can do that already, right?
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This site is based on everyone having an equal chance in any entered giveaway, your idea would go against that.
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I think everyone should have equal chance to enter and win a lottery no matter how much money he won before. However, you can always spend more money to enter a lottery with higher chance to win.
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That comparison falls short. A more apt comparison would be to get higher chances with putting more points into an entry, like some other gift sites do.
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sgtools is already good enough for anyone who wants to make ratio-based giveaways. Or groups with ratio systems of their own.
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Generous people are already rewarded, here. They give because they want to give, not because they want to receive. Sure, those who are after a "net gain" may end up disappointed and leave, but they are not the generous people. Generous people get noticed by other generous people, and they get invited to giveaway groups and special events because of their generosity. This greatly increases their chance of winning something nice, something from their wish list, and that is fine by them. Generous people do not feel compelled to collect 1000+ games; they are satisfied with a modest number of good games which they enjoy playing.
While I admire your desire to reward contributors to the site, it seems to me that the current system works fine. Making the change you describe would probably cause many more problems---and of a more serious nature---than leaving things as they are.
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