WarZ....oh wait missread the post..figured you where looking for a game that is a horror :/
Also, its not decent and over 5$ -_-
Amnesia is worth the money though :)
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5$ that's a tough one without a steam sale. For 5$ I would say Clive Barker's Jericho™, a very unique team based horror game, worth the price in my option, played it on my PS3 and was very enjoyable and lots of fun, plus a good amount of playtime value about a 12 hours more the less if I remember correctly.
If you enjoy games like the Resident Evil series then I would also recommend Cold Fear™ it's also 5$, the controls is very similar to Resident Evil 4, plus you can even move while aiming, recently bought a PC copy of that. It do seems like a fun game tho, donno about the playtime value since I haven't had the time to finish this one yet.
If 9$ aren't out of price range, then I would truely recommend F.E.A.R. 1, if you buy that on steam you even get the expansion packs for free. The expansion pack Extraction Point is also a very fun and creative piece of art in my option, lots of fun and screwed up moments as Alma tends to play her twisted little games with poor Fearguy. Haven't got to Perseus Mandate as of now, the last F.E.A.R. game on my list haha. Also the F.E.A.R. 1 game alone got a huge amount of playtime value, the only downside in my option was the somehow similar looking areas, but that's a very minor point when compared to the quality of the overall game.
Out of all the F.E.A.R. games, F.E.A.R. 1 and Extraction Point are my favorites. Donno why, but for some reason I own 4 copies of the first F.E.A.R. 1 (2 - PS3, 1 - PC & 1 - Steam), don't judge me, you can never get enough copies of F.E.A.R. 1 o_o'
There is also a lot of masterpieces at around 10$. One of the better for that price in my option would be Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth, there is just something about the whole creepiness of the Innsmouth town that makes me all giggly inside, a lot of twisted and creepy moments in this one, very underrated and is truely worth the money.
The Penumbra series is also a great choice, I've played a bit Penumbra Overture, it just got an amazing atmosphere, gonna do a full walkthrough when I catch a steamcopy somewhere, Penumbra Black Plague also seems like a wonderful game.
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Thanks for your reply and the compliment sire. Anytime aye! I hope it'll be of relevance^^
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THX ^^ i bought jericho, after looking at it i realzed i played this long time ago as a demo and liked it but never got it and thx for brining it back to my life :3
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Haha, thats great to hear ^^ I am happy that you found it again sire and I hope you'll have lots of fun with it aye ;D
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Finished Dark Corners of the Earth a while ago, and indeed the game had its creepy moments. A very solid game, with great story and mechanics.
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You sir got a great taste in games! Definitely one of those games that'll stick with yah. I still hear Jack's voice screaming; "It's jammed!" or "Locked!", whenever I close my eyes, poor Jack, trapped in the world of jammed doors - I'm sure people who have played this will catch the hint.
I absolutely agree. I very enjoyed the large focus on the small and twisted details, that's also one of the aspects I deeply admire about this game. Far too few games put that much focus into details, that's really a shame since it's something like that, that helps to create the feeling of paranoia or dread within the player. Can be a quiet sound even a whisper, that stops when you focus in the direction or an image moving out of focus in the corner of your eye, asking yourself, did I just imagine that? Or lets say you find yourself opening 5 doors, thinking everytime, something is gonna jump out and eat me, but "unfortunately" nothing happens, but as soon as you move around an image stands in front of you and disappears in the split of a second. Details like this is horror in my book and that's why I really enjoyed this game.
Also I agree with the mechanics and puzzles, nothing feels out of place on that part. The occult and thrilling storyline is too done surprisingly well, dealing with the work of HP. Lovecraft is long from an easy task, always admired his work (btw). I do think they did a very good job at representing those horrors. I couldn't help myself after I finished the game, I just had to read "The Shadow Over Innsmouth", haha.
It's just a shame and really unfortunate, that the company had to go under, right after the game got published ;/ They had even been planning on a sequel.
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Thanks for the comlpiment, particularly from a big fan as you seem to be. And indeed the "Locked!" was one of the few echos that still ring in my head.
The only problem I had was mostly due to me not thinking hard (the timed event when searching for gold under the warehouse mainly) and the bug with the priests' lights not showing with the canon from the boat). Had a number of "now what do I do?" moments, but those were not the kind of bad moments.
I loved the vision distortion with the (in)sanity meter, it really added a great gameplay element, though a tad uncertain as to how this mechani worked at the beginning.
Funny thing is, I played Cthulhu Save the World (from Zeboïd) just before, and they also had an Innsmouth scene in there.
Just after Dark Corners (which led me to think of it even after finishing it for a little while) I played start to finish Arx Fatalis. Now that si a great game too, but one who has gotten old in a somewhat bad style. Puzzles and method of thinking are a bit ancient time and mostly the difficulty ramps way too high at times, making you need a walkthrough.
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I'll take that as a compliment as well. Indeed the gold puzzle were tricky and had to be timed very well, since you would most likely fail "the test", if you ran to the wrong direction once, that was one of the puzzles I had some struggle with myself.
I sadly also had that bug with the lights not showing up, when trying to fire the cannon on the boat. If I remember correctly it was up to one guy alone to import the game to the pc, so in a way I feel like, I really can't complain if the game should have a couple of bugs. That was also the only bug I experience in an entire walkthrough, so I'm not really dissatisfied.
I get your point and like you say it's not that it is a bad thing per se, I like having to think to progress and not just blast my way through abominations mindlessly. I agree the sanity meter is a nice twist to the game. I think it was one of the games like Resident Evil 4 that really spread the whole thing about puzzles in action games.
Uhh, tasty spoilers ;D! Can't wait to get going in Cthulhu Save the World now, I love the sense of humor used in this game, it's just such a fun game.
Thanks for the recommendation of "Arx Fatalis", I don't mind older games at all and this looks absolutely glorious, added it to my wishlist. About the last part, I too have encountered some of the rather high difficult and rather cryptic puzzles from games like Silent Hill 1 or even in Dark Fall: Lost Souls which is current my walkthrough and through I don't mind having to struggle a little, I still don't like to be "stuck" at the same part for an eternity. But I do like my game with a good amount of cryptic haha. Tasty tasty cryptic, quiet Darkweaver 2, be quiet, I say!
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Ah I was gonna say Penumbra, but I guess I got it when it was on sale for $5, tis currently $10.
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It's just the visuals that make the piles of feces, blood everywhere, freaky monsters, satanism, walls of flesh and gore and a mother trying to kill her naked child "not scary and disgusting" :).
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It's more silly than scary tbh
The only truly scary things are some of the bosses.
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Get yourself Half Life 1 if you don't have it already and download a free mod for it called Cry of Fear. There's also Afraid of Monsters by the same guys.
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If you play HL1 Multiplayer it might get you VAC banned, but it only affected a small amount of people as far as I know.
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There are threads all over the internet.
Here is a quote from this thread about what gets you banned:
Using the Paranoia Mod, Cry of Fear Mod, Half-Life FX Single and Half-Life FX Lost in Black Mesa (contain modified opengl32.dll) The modified opengl32.dll must be deleted or otherwise removed before playing secure games with golden source (HL) engine or you will get banned. (moved from not ok) It seems this dll was mistaken as causing bans when it was a seperate dll that allows bloom in HL1 engine that causes the ban.
Use at own risk still till I confirm this myself with testing, but I am sure it's ok."
Many people have said on various threads they have received VAC bans after playing the mod.
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No, both mods run on the GoldSource engine, not Source.
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Get Amensia or any Penumbra game when they are on sale.
Metro 2033 is also a fun survival horror game too.
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i agree with him on the metro :3 i too am looking for horror games so ill be stalking this thread today xD
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Grey is bad. It's too hard, short, there's nothing scary about it and the story makes no sense on your first playthrough, cause they decided to make you go through the hard mode to get the real ending.
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uhm so what if its hard or too short? what do you want to have as a story for a horror game? its like always the same anyway, well, most of the time. you wake up somewhere, you dont know how you got there or who you are, you are either escaping from monsters or wondering why there are monsters at all.
well, i did like it, even though i only played it for like an hour, and compared to some other stuff people are posting Grey actually is scary. well, everybody has their own taste i guess
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If you think horror games have bad stories or not have stories at all play some Silent Hill. The story is the most important part of any horror game. It sets the mood, it may lead to symbolism in locations and enemies (which is a better concept than just having plain zombies or ghosts), it makes you care about the character and therefore get more scared since you want the character to survive.
Grey wants to have a story, but fails badly at it. Some people say it's scary, yes, but there's also a lot of people that say Slender is scary. Pure jump scare game is not a horror game. Horror is made by the atmosphere and the tension, not just plain monsters, boring locations and stuff jumping at you.
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oh, fear collection! the fear games are scary as fuck imo but not for 5$ cheap btu its worth it.. ive only been able to play the first cuz its nervewrecking since i only play at night so i get scared xD
currntly on the first dlc of the first game ~ loving it
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these tend to go on sale during most steam sales so if op is patient can get a good price and yea they are freaky.
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Not $5, but System Shock 2 is coming out tomorrow for $10. One of the best games ever made. People need to play it.
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Home is worth the 2$ it costs. Sure it's not a horror game in the Resident Evil meaning.
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That's a tough price margin, son. Scratches is a good call if you're into adventure games. It's double your price limit but worth it in my opinion.
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How about just finding clean gameplay videos for the sake of OP's mental and physical health?
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Hi guys, I'm looking for a decent horror game for under five bucks. Any suggestions? By the way, there will be another Lucky Duck giveaway soon.:) Quack Quack
Edit: Decided to buy both penumbra games Thank you Steam For Linux Sale:)
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