You may (or may not) remember my games: this and this. I want to create the third one, but my imagination already ran low on the second game. So...

Post your ideas of plots for the third game. I'll choose three better ideas and their authors will be rewarded with one of these games (they will choose one of the games themselves):

  • Skullgirls
  • ORION: Dino Horde
  • Super Sanctum TD
  • Adventures of Shuggy
  • Velvet Assassin

Well, there were two ideas that I liked. I added their authors on Steam to give them games. Thanks.

10 years ago*

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I played around with the first two links that you posted. Lots of fun to be had. Something similar to a dystopian setting could be kinda cool, play around with something like a continuation of the second game where you could choose to let the cat take over the planet.

10 years ago

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dystopian setting
Thanks for the idea!

10 years ago

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Cat is woken up by a terrible nighmare, only to find out he turned into... a dog!? He must get over the shenanigans humans are doing to him as he tries to reverse this madness.

10 years ago

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Cat has seen the future, one that portrays all of cat kind suffering through human abuses! Follow him to the journey to the moon to shine a mind controlling beam (By the Nazis) on earth to influence humans to treat all cats right and bring back the good old Egyptian times where cats are Gods! A little interaction with some catnip and laserbeams may makes things more crazy than it needs to too ;)

10 years ago

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That's a great idea too :D

10 years ago

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flappy cat, except instead of pipes it is catnip and flappy cat can shoot out nyan cats

10 years ago

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Cat wakes up inside box, must escape. To do so, cat evolves superpowers that play with the foundations of physics. For sequel, cat goes to take revenge on the person who put him in box, a mad scientist named Schrodinger.

10 years ago

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More text adventure for sure, I would love to play more of them :3

10 years ago

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Found yourself stranded on an island and the island has cattibals on it. Eventually you get off the island but you're in the Bermuda triangle and join a pirate crew but these are no ordinary pirates as they have unique abilities.

I don't know .. probably a lame thing but I'm not the most creative nor do I have that much time to be thinking right now xD

Seems fun though, and good luck on your next one!

10 years ago

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you find yourself inside a maze, injured, with no memory what happened. you need to get out and find stuff to help you (first aid kit, compass, ...) and items that help you to find out what happened and who you are.
multiple ways to die (different traps, dehydration, starvation, bleeding, ...)

would require you to implement a minimalistic inventory.

10 years ago

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Antichamber: Cat Edition

10 years ago

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what if you play the cat of Blofeld

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Yusyuriv.