Add the winner and tell him to make it public for a minute. :P
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If they refuse, you have grounds for a reroll on your winner.
That being said, another option is to just put in a 'Request New Giveaway Winner' ticket and ask SG staff to check for you. They'll accept or deny the ticket and let you know if it's okay to send to them or not.
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Back when I first joined sg you had to leave your profile open for checks, I guess this has since been changed. I won't bother support since they are already inundated with requests that are more important. They most likely have redeemed it I just like to check to make sure they do.
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I was given a pretty clear impression that the winner only had to leave it open for ownership/rule-breaking checks before/during the giving of the game, and if you gave directly through steam chat, for immediately thereafter.
Asking them to keep it public/you friended for an extended duration is simply asking too much- and I say that as someone opposed to the use of private profiles.
I can't say I'm certain on the matter, but either way it'd end up being a SG support ticket, so the end action you'd need to take would be identical.
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That's not quite accurate. A winner does have to confirm lack of ownership (due to the reason Johnm listed above) before you're obligated to send them the game. If they refuse to add you as a friend or open up their profile, then you can ask for a reroll.
At that point, staff checks and confirms their eligibility themselves.
Which is a big, draw-out hassle, so I just send it directly to SG staff for review each time.
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That was categorically never the case. Ever.
Having said that, if a winner has a private profile, it is perfectly reasonable to ask them to make it visible for a couple of minutes.
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I have to agree, although I can understand it partially as someone with a fairly large steam game collection I get loads of beggars adding me with the reasoning being that I have a large game collection so I should be able to afford to give them something for free..
I suspect some people just don't want to get harassed, it's also always the same level 5 - 6 guy with over 3000 k hours in CS:Go, TF or DOTA who beg for stuff.....
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Or you could just do what I do, and ignore the invites tab altogether, unless someone has specifically told you they're going to send you a friend invite/group invite (or you're expecting one due to an event or trade attempt).
Treat the invites page as a junk email account without a spam filter- that is, expect most of it to be garbage you shouldn't bother interacting with- and you'll save yourself a whole lot of grief.
Still, I can at least see some premise to the concept of utilizing private profiles, now. :)
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I always like to check and see if someone is adding me for the purpose of playing some game together.. have over 800 steam friends and have only played games with one of them once... Have really missed the social aspect of gaming since moving to the PC.. on xbox 360 I had 4 - 5 people I regularly could play with.. another 10 - 15 that I could play with occasionally.. On the PC I have yet to find even a single person I can game with more than a single time...
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I find it more intuitive to focus on carefully considering people for addition and developing a rapport, and then moving on to regular gaming together from there- rather than adding every single person I encounter and hoping for someone to jump out of the lot as a good gaming partner,
How can you really make connections easily within that sort of quagmire? That's like trying to make friends at school by waving your hand frantically in a crowded cafeteria, rather than socializing directly with specific individuals among your classes. :P
That seems far more intuitive to me, and has worked well for me on Steam- though I've never done social gaming on consoles and have no interest in casual online grouping, so I'm sure my perspective on the matter differs a fair bit from your own.
Certainly worth noting that there's likely a distinction there, as well-
While people online on xbox/playstation (mind again that I haven't used these services myself, so this is supposition) are logging online with their minds set toward online, casual gaming, Steam makes online status more of a forced element than an indication of mindset, and Steam is likely more often utilized for other functions (trading, chatting, etc) than console networks are.
By adding so many individuals, of whom so many likely have little interest in what you want, you're really just making it harder to spot the ones who would have interest.
Well, that's my expectation on it- again, gaming with random strangers isn't something I personally concern myself with. :P
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Soooo, have you added the winner and he didn't accept your friend request? If something like this happened, then send him an e-mail and ask him to add you. I've done this a lot of times. :P
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You can always ask the good Support team to help you check :)
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I guess you can always rely on them as a final resort. You can try the above suggestions beforehand. Hopefully the winner will be cooperative enough :)
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If you want to check your winner in order to send the game, create a Request New Winner ticket and we'll check his profile before approving or denying the reroll.
If you just want to perform a random check on a user, create a ticket under the User Report or Other category. Ticket won't get an answer but will be closed once the check is performed.
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I have never had this situation and I have giveaways ending soon, so if I have a private profile winner I can ask SG support by way of a requesting a new winner ticket to check the winner with private profile? Just to be sure.
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