No way it's not a glitch. The game on it's own is only at 8,39. And the steamlink sells for almost 55. Like sure, it's a bundle, but no way the price is right.
Edit: Turns out they are legit selling the fucker for $1, someone posted a screenshot of them announcing the bundle. Wow.
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EU here
23e including shipping and taxes. Still a good deal if you want the Steam Link, and what appears to be a decent game on the side. Thanks for the heads up
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Yeah I have amazon prime so shipping would have been free...
Also a hdmi cable to tv from pc would work without the need for steam link hardware..... just I thought you would still have to plug in controllers to computer right? However thinking the steam link you can plug in controllers to there so pc and tv don't have to be near each other.
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Bloody hell, the shipping bumps the price up to 25€...
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You don't need long HDMI cable, you just need good home network, it doesn't work well via WI-FI, but it works well with wired network connection.
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If you can use an HDMI cable, you should do that instead. That's a good rule of thumb.
The Steam Link is great for those that need it but it does add more complexity to something that is fairly simple with a cable. Things such as what router you have, network cables, Wi-Fi, etc. all change how good your experience will be... where as a HDMI cable is plug-n-play basically. The main reason why anyone would get one of these is because the distance between your computer and TV too far for an HDMI cable.
There is a few features such as being able to automatically turn on the TV (and set it to the correct channel) by simply pressing a button on the controller. Another feature is that it has built-in connectivity such as Bluetooth (for headsets, controllers, keyboards) and built-in support to wirelessly connect Steam Controllers.
One thing to keep in mind though is that it most likely won't work over Wi-Fi, at least not well. Even on the Steam store page, Vavle recommends people use a network cable instead. There's good reason for that. Streaming as quickly as the Link requires means that unless your Wi-Fi is absolutely perfect it won't be an enjoyable experience. So most people need to use a network cable or a powerline adapter to connect it.
For the people that specifically need the Steam Link to reach their TV, it's a fantastic product (I use mine almost daily) but it's also something that you should avoid if you can. HDMI cable is easier overall.
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True, you have to do that. However if you have a Steam Controller or Wireless Xbox controller, they have quite the range. Often it's not a problem connecting that way to the computer.
You're right that the Steam Link can be used that way too though. It's even possible to disable video streaming and use it only to extend the controllers, if you want to do the video through HDMI.
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Nice concept and very tempting, but I already have attached my gaming PC to my 50" TV and have the ability to play my games from my couch with my Xbox 360 controller via a wireless receiver using Big Picture Mode, so I don't know what other benefits this gives me.
Unlike with the steam link, I can play games not on steam on my TV without having to add to my steam library as my setup is independent of the steam link. Not every non-Steam game works smoothly when added into Steam.
I also barely notice any noticeable lag with my setup since my PC has an attached wired ethernet link as well as an HDMI cable attached to my TV. I read that the steam link might have more of a lag especially with a wireless link.
I can also continue doing other stuff on my PC while gaming or shift from gaming to watching TV or movies on my blu ray player just by using my TV remote to shift to a different input all from the comfort of my couch.
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Waiting for the Steam controller to go on sale for this price ;)
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Shipping adds $8! I already got one through Gamestop for $15 though and I haven't even opened it.
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14.99€ for shipment? Yeah, I don't think so.
Microsoft, yeah Microsoft, sent me a freaking cable replacement for my Surface free of charge and with no questions asked and it came from a location 1600 km away from where I was at that time and Steam asks 15€ in shipment costs for an item that it's supposedly sold for 1€ ? Are they kidding? It's plain obvious that the real cost of the device includes the shipment cost plus a good chunk from the price of the game that's being bundled with the device.
Anyway, the deal is not bad but also not that good as it appears to be at first sight.
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Buy them all if you want. Just don't be a dick about it. A shipment costing 15 times more than the product is pure BS, regardless of your fanboyism.
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It's not really Valve who determine the shipping cost (blame USA Congressmen for the ridiculous shipping rates increase over the last few years). Microsoft absorbed that cost because it was customer support, not the same as retail.
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It's funny how no matter what, there are always defenders for these abusive practices. I honestly have nothing against those willing to pay for them. But I can't stand defending such practices and making them sound normal.
People, wake up! These charges aren't normal. Shipping takes place in bulk. There's nothing justifiable about such costs. Think about it, I can order a freaking bandage from China and receive it with FREE SHIPPING in about 7 days. And you're telling me that Valve, the almighty corporation is justified to charge those prices? I don't really care about that link device but as long as you advertise a product for $1/1€ and charge 15 times more for shipping that's BS. Do you really think shipping costs them 15€ or more? All the shipment takes place in bulk. It costs them mere cents per item.
Hopefully people will wake up sometimes and realize how things really are and stop defending such practices. If at least one person that reads these messages understands there's nothing normal about these charges then I didn't waste my time for nothing. Hopefully I didn't waste it.
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I am sorry, but your knowledge of shipping costs and procedures is quit incomplete, if not wrong.
You can order stuff from China because they pay less (because of contracts betweeen logistic companys) and more importantly they get heavily sponsored by the chinese gouvernment. Without that you could not do that.
How do you bulk ship stuff to different locations? Even taking into account the fact that they ship alot of stuff getting discount and can substract these stuff from their income paying less taxes it will cost them significantly more than "mere cents per item".
And that is just the money they pay to a contractor to deliver it to your house. They have to have storage for the items and personal to pack them up.
Additionally it's steam, not amazon. Their logistic department is way smaller and therefore works less efficient.
Depending on the country 2-5€ should be around their costs. So yes, they are expensive, but it's not like you describe it. If the package is insured it is even a normal price.
Setting the product value in relation to the shipping costs is plain stupid. The package costs the same assuming same size/weight independently of the product costs.
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I am sorry, but your knowledge of shipping costs and procedures is quit incomplete, if not wrong.
Actually it's not and I'd appreciate not jumping to assumptions. I hope you realize not everyone is a kid here. Some of my past clients have been very big companies (known by pretty much anyone). I had access to raw data and also built complex processing systems having components and analytical modules that made use of such data. I'm very familiar with their inside tactics and practices and also the real costs involved. I consider myself lucky for being able to witness all those things that happen behind the curtain from the lower levels up to the management. But these are beyond my scope here and I won't get into further details.
I simply gave some examples that could be understood by anyone. I had nothing to gain from this except for a bunch of blacklists from frustrated persons. I only tried to raise some awareness regarding a subject that is misunderstood by many and only met with resistance and was even name called for sharing these facts that could be considered trading secrets.
There wasn't even one single person that supported me in any way so maybe my effort was pointless after all. Therefore, I'll simply stop here and not further discuss this subject.
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Have you ever heard of NDAs?
I surely hope you don't expect me to disclose inside data from my clients. Even if I didn't sign an NDA with them I'd never disclose specific data regarding them no matter what. Privacy is very important to me and my clients and that won't change no matter what a random person on the internet might say or do.
If real world experience means bragging to you then I don't see a point in going any further. And logic doesn't mean attacking a person to prove your point. There are so many people here keen on proving me wrong.
Look, I don't need to prove myself to you or to anyone else. I've said what I had to say. You can take it or leave it. It's your own choice. Just do it with decency and learn to respect other people's opinions.
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Look, I don't need to prove myself to you or to anyone else. I've said what I had to say.
Thats the main problem. You have stated your OPINION without providing any facts or even reasoning. You are not replying to my FACTS that cleary oppose your opinion.
You can say what you want, and you don't have to prove anything, but then you are in no position to expect anyone to believe you.
Just do it with decency and learn to respect other people's opinions.
Well yes I respect opinions. But if you state your opinion as a fact and missinform people thats a different thing. And I think I have been pretty decent. You implied I was beeing childish.
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You have stated your OPINION without providing any facts or even reasoning. You are not replying to my FACTS that cleary oppose your opinion.
Also, what makes you think you're stating FACTS and I'm simply stating an opinion? Have a look here for a more detailed explanation.
You implied I was beeing childish.
Then you understood me wrong. You got it the other way around. No, I implied you treated me like a child and made assumptions regarding my knowledge and experience without even knowing anything about me at all.
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I hope you realize not everyone is a kid here.
Why would you assume that?
So you worked for big companys but you use gouvernment sponsored highly non-profitable trades from china as an example?
Or do you have any arguments why the 1$ for 3 hdmi cables sent to me from china would work in any economical system thats not influenced from the outside?
And mere cents per item might have been an exegeration but it's still so far of...
Even big shops like amazon have to pay stuff. And for steam it's even worse.
You say you know your stuff but you claim reducing shipment when reducing the product price is a must.
Further, as typical on the internet, I came with arguments and your answer is "I am smart, you are dumb, belive what you want." I am sorry, but this is not how discussions work.
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I'll explain again, this time in a more detailed manner:
I've already said shipment takes place in bulk.
As long as you think on a smaller scale this is costly. If you deliver a single item across the globe the costs are indeed high. But in reality shipments are aggregated from thousands of customers across countless stores and delivered to regional storage facilities via one single shipment thereby reducing the entire shipment cost per item to mere cents. It wasn't an exaggeration at all. Besides, when a package is delivered from the regional facility it is delivered among many other packages according to a well defined route that minimizes the transportation costs and maximizes the delivery amounts.
Honestly you have no idea of how good some of the shipment contracts really are, depending on the shipped amount. Maybe a small store with tens of products shipped over the year will have to pay a lot for shipment but bigger companies have extraordinary deals costing them mere dust per item.
"I am smart, you are dumb, belive what you want."
Nobody said that. But you are free to believe whatever you want. Just don't try to convince me that things I've worked with and seen with my own eyes are plain wrong just because you say so. That's not how things work. You just refuted my experience and claimed it as misinforming people.
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But in reality shipments are aggregated from thousands of customers across countless stores and delivered to regional storage facilities via one single shipment thereby reducing the entire shipment cost per item to mere cents.
Yes, that is from production to distribution. NOT as you claimed from production to end user.
Besides, when a package is delivered from the regional facility it is delivered among many other packages according to a well defined route that minimizes the transportation costs and maximizes the delivery amounts.
That is indeed true, but it is not optimized to "mere cents" it's way more expensive.
You can just take the real wage (what the employer pays) and see how many packages can be delivered. In my country (assuming the lowest legal wage and one minute per Package which is veryvery optimistic) we are at about 20cent per Package and that is ONLY the wage of the last person touching it.
Storage/Sorting facilitys, cars, fuel and so on not included.
Further (as explained before) steam is not big in the hardware buisness. So their storage facilitys are wide spread (or oursourced). And if there is none in your country there is nothing with bulk sending, just (even for companys) single item cross country sending.
And the fact vs oppinion:
You stated:
Fact: real transportation costs are only mere cents which I have told you is wrong.
You support that with two examples of "free" shipping where just someone else pays the fees.
So every Fact you claimed before this comment was literally wrong, every example missleading and what remains is your opinion. Opinions can be argued about, but yours lacks reasoning.
As mentioned before. The shipping costs do not depend on the product costs in any way.
So to wrap it up:
Yes the shippment here seems pretty high and increasing the product price by increasing shippment is wrong. But there are real costs wich are provably significantly higher than mere cents. Further it is not wrong to take shipment fees for cheap items. Valve could probably take half of what they ask for without running into a loss, but not much more.
EVERY free shipping, free send back, etc. Is paid for by the company sending you the item. Either they deduct it from their earnings or get it sponsored by someone else.
PS: I never assumed you to be a child. But I nevere assumed you had any work or insigth in any logistic related buisnesses, since your claims are unreasonable.
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Let's just agree to disagree and leave it like that. Otherwise this will go on forever.
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And... standard reply number 124...Nothing personal, but this discussion is like a textbook example
You can not disagree on facts not everything we discussed is a fact, but some points are.
But yes, I as well don't see this leading anywhere.
Have a nice day.
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You say 'nothing personal' while all your replies had some personal attack on me including the last one. You just couldn't resist landing one more blow. Look, my time is limited. Unfortunately, especially these days, I don't have enough of it to lurk around the forum and engage in tiresome and limitless debates with everybody feeling like throwing shit at me. From the start my point wasn't to create any debate. I stated my view on this subject and I have been insulted, blacklisted and rudely contradicted as a result.
I tried to defuse and deflect each time but this widespread toxic attitude is becoming really tiresome (don't get me wrong there are lots of great people here but the toxicity abounds). I see it all the time. There's an endless supply of users looking to argue on every single thing while getting personal on every occasion. I wish I had the luxury to enjoy that much spare time. What bothers me the most is many replies on this forum contain a personal attack of some sort. Lots of people seem to be full of it and love to argue non stop. How about being more considerate and understanding with each other and stop acting like that? Please think that maybe, just maybe, not everyone has the time to involve in lengthy debates and stop making false assumptions against each other.
I'll take a few more minutes and expand on the subject of third party shipment for the last time:
Yes, that is from production to distribution. NOT as you claimed from production to end user.
Don't bring production into a third party shipment discussion. Economics 101. Don't be confused about costs reflected in the end product. Third party shipment happens according to a contract between the vendor and a third party shipment provider. Please reread my statement again with third party shipment in mind.
That is indeed true, but it is not optimized to "mere cents" it's way more expensive.
According to whom? To you? Again, let's not be unreasonable. This depends on the contract. I never said this applies to every possible shipment. This can apply to big companies/corporations, like Valve why not, although I don't have any knowledge of Valve's shipment contracts nor of their shipment volume. I extrapolated my statement based on my knowledge of existing contracts.
You can just take the real wage (what the employer pays) and see how many packages can be delivered.
This is not how it works. You cannot take a static example that suits your needs and apply it to a dynamic environment.
Shipment takes place according to a contract. Contracts imply various costs depending on multiple variables. Shipping companies have a constant flow and every possible long term loss is usually covered by less efficient contracts with smaller companies. That's not to say they operate under losses. Not at all. The best contract I've seen was in the realm of mere cents per item and it was still profitable. How is this possible? Because you're forgetting basic things that affect the end price of shipping, like item volume and weight. It's not the same thing nor price per item to ship 100 items vs 1000 items vs 1000000 items by using the same shipment volume. Plus, shipments aren't always delivered on a one by one item basis. So yes, mere cents per item is possible, is achievable and is even profitable regardless whether you like it or not.
Now, does this apply to Valve? Maybe, maybe not. I cannot know for sure without having access to their internal info. It's achievable but without having real data I cannot know for sure.
Leaving that aside, I can guarantee it doesn't cost them 31€ to ship that device to Bulgaria, an EU country, like one member reported. But you and everyone else are free to believe 31€ is a fair price and they are actually paying it for shipment.I cannot prove they're pocketing X% of it as well as others can't prove they're not. Either way it's very expensive and unreal especially if you have inside knowledge from other companies.
Have a nice day as well.
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Well with nothing pesonal I meant that I only attack your statements and not you as a person.
If you want just read after the last quote, that my most important question.
Don't bring production into a third party shipment discussion.
What? We have a place where the product is produced. Afterwards it gets shipped via bulk shipments mere cents per item, as you mentioned to storage facilities in different countries. From there it is packaged and and sent to the consumer using a third party delivery service.
The shippment costs include at least the last part. Yes big companys do not pay as much as we do, when we send a package, but it's still significantly above 0.
According to whom? To you?
Yes. You get prices of cents for simpel letters that are delivered to all houses but not for packages that do not fit in you postbox. No company would do such a contract, since:
This is not how it works. You cannot take a static example that suits your needs and apply it to a dynamic environment.
Thats exactly how it works. My example is an absolut minimum. That means even with ONLY taking the LOWEST legal wage of the last guy and a insane rate of 60 packages per hour we get a minimal cost for the DELIVERY company.
So what you are telling me these are all being charitable and just throw away their money?
There might be flatrate contracts or similar, but still... No company would sell their product (delivery in this case) way under the production costs at least not on the long run.
So unless you explain me how a profit orientateted third party delivery service can provide his service for mere cents per item whithout going bankrupt or in case other branches pay the bills why it should do that in the first place my example stands just fine.
A MINIMAL example holds in every environment. Static and dynamic.
Because you're forgetting basic things that affect the end price of shipping, like item volume and weight. It's not the same thing nor price per item to ship 100 items vs 1000 items vs 1000000 items by using the same shipment volume.
Yes of course it's not. But lets say you want to buy screws. It's does not matter how many you buy, you will never get a price lower than the value of the steel used unless some other contracts depend on it.
like item volume and weight
Didn't you say before only the price of the item matters? Thats an opinion I still didn't got and you haven't picked that again.
Plus, shipments aren't always delivered on a one by one item basis.
What. You mean if I order 2 links? We are talking here about shippment to the enduser. The last path is always single item.
So yes, mere cents per item is possible, is achievable and is even profitable regardless whether you like it or not.
There is literally one situation where these can be profitable. If the guy delivering them, has spare time, room in his car and it's on his route. Which is never the case. ~As mentioned before. For letters to every house, yes. But not for packages (what we are talking about).
Now, does this apply to Valve?
No, it does not. Valve is a small fly. It does hardly sell any hardware at all.
I can guarantee it doesn't cost them 31€ to ship that device to Bulgaria
But you and everyone else are free to believe 31€ is a fair price and they are actually paying it for shipment
As mentioned before. We started with 15 as complete bullshit. And I never said that the price is fair.
Either way it's very expensive and unreal especially if you have inside knowledge from other companies.
Ok, then I have one final question. You say the bigger the company and the more items they ship, the cheaper it gets, down to mere cents. Further amazon is one of the biggest companys.
Why do the make BILLIONS loss in their shipping? $7.2 billion in 2016, So including the billions they charge for shipping, we end up with a shitload of money and (assuming amazon does not sell 1trillion products a year) costs significantly higher than mere cents...
They could just hire you and make instantly 10billion more profit? Why do you thing are they building drones and stuff?
Yes I know amazon also has really big items that cost a lot shipping , but on the other hand they have a lot of stuff that gets dropped into mailbox.
So to wrap it up:
Delivering something to a person is an expensive thing. For letters /advertisment/everything that fits in the mailbox you can get down to "mere cents" if you increase order size, that is correct.
But for everything where the delivery guy rings and waits for a signature there is a minimal price which is significantly higher than "mere cents". No contract in the world can change that. If it could big companies would not pay so much for shipping... It's not only amazon. Literally ever company that publishes their shipping costs can be checked.
Therefore your initial statement It costs them mere cents per item. is just plain wrong. You only support is "I have insight, I know my stuff", when literally everything common sense, laws of labourforce, EVERY availiable data proves otherwise.
PS: Yes, not everybody has time for lenthy discussions... I should be sleeping for a while now. The thing is I am pretty sure that I am right. I am happily beeing proven wrong, but so far you have literally made not a single argument or explanation how this should work. You never replied to my explanations why china is a very bad example of shipping costs or why your statement "shipping costs should depend on item price, not on weight/form" makes any sense.
PSS: Again. I do not want to attack your personaly. I do not know you, therefore I can't rate unprovable claims. I can only react to what is written here. Therefore I try to limit my "personal attacks" to objectivly valid stuff If someone writes 1+1=3, I can say "You are bad at math" and especially in disscussions on the internet experience shows that there is a certian regularity in some behaviour patterns. If I recognize some of these patterns I tend to jump to conclusions that might or might not be true.
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You keep twisting my statements and adding stuff to them as you see fit and you even quote me on things I never said nor claimed.
You changed the content of my statements multiple times and added them in a different context to alter their meaning while stating at the same time I never replied to your explanations although I did it and also in depth. It's funny how for things I claimed, you claim I didn't and for things I didn't, you claim I did.
At the same time you're clearly ignoring basic economics and end price components while taking things out of their context and changing them to suit your purpose.
I'm not sure if you're doing these on purpose, if it's a language barrier of some sort or if it's simply a troll post that aims at escalating things without resolution. Either way I won't continue this discussion anymore.
The thing is I am pretty sure that I am right.
Then let me agree with you that you think you are right and end this discussion here.
All the best.
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Well the thing is, you keep your statements always very general... nothing specific, nothing reliable.
You keep twisting my statements and adding stuff to them as you see fit and you even quote me on things I never said nor claimed.
Which one?
... I never replied to your explanations although I did it and also in depth.
I claimed that you did not reply to a PORTION of my comments, which you didn't. e.g. you still didn't acknowledged why China or customer support is a bad example.
At the same time you're clearly ignoring basic economics and end price components while taking things out of their context and changing them to suit your purpose.
You can check ANY availiable data, divide the total shipping costs by the amount of items send and you get a good estimate, what big companys pay. And I am not sure if that does even include the money needed to run the storage facilities. And... oh wonder, it's way more then "mere cents".
And well if someone ignores economics, it's you. You can not provide a service/product for a (very very) small fraction of it's raw cost... At least not on the long run and for a big portion of your total volume.
Then let me agree with you that you think you are right and end this discussion here.
Again. Thats typical. I even stated in my last comment that you can ignore EVERYTHING but the stuff about amazon... I brought arguments, sources... You brought a general "your wrong, you don't understand me, your either dumb or trolling, I'm right, see you".
Finally, I don't really care if you already "accepted" that your initial statements are wrong but continue to defend them (typical for the internet) or if you still believe if, but dont want to / can not find arguments. But you stated your "goal":
Hopefully people will wake up sometimes and realize how things really are and stop defending such practices. If at least one person that reads these messages understands there's nothing normal about these charges then I didn't waste my time for nothing. Hopefully I didn't waste it.
It's fine if you want to do that, but please do so without (provably) false statements and (provably) missleading examples. And reasonable claims They pay factor 0.2-0.5 for it vs they pay mere cents for it-
All the best as well.
PS: As stated above I don't care if you take the time to answer.
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Ha ha, you're hopeless. 15€ means 15 times the selling price and 31€ (like someone else reported) means 31 times the selling price, for a $1/1€ advertised product. You continue acting like a dickhead and even resort to name calling me because I don't agree with your twisted normality and when confronted to the facts, your only reasonable action is blacklisting me to prove me of how right you are?
You actually did me a favor. I don't want to waste my time with people like you. Maybe some day you'll understand people can have different opinions than you and not everybody has to comply to your normality viewpoint.
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Explaining highly expensive shipping is pretty easy.
Have you ever send a package to another country? This stuff is expensive.
I assume they have some fixed "start" for their handling, etc. And then add the costs they have to pay to a contractor.
If they do not have a storage facility inside of your country that can easily escalate.
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$16.68 including shipping. bought one, for the luls.
thanks PraiseRhllor!
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~10€ + 10€ shipment costs
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