I got the key in an official ARK: Survival Evolved event.
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It's not invalid mate, check the "Supply Drops" section of the official event post made by a game dev, please. It's 100% a free ARK copy.
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You can message the source of your key to see if they can issue a new one and revoke the original - I've done that with PS4 keys that scammers tried to do and Steam may actually block the account based on the mountain of proof provided (Sony did on 2 occasions in my past scam encounters). Regardless of how you address this issue, in the future screenshot/video all conversations and save receipts for the key sources, and last but not least - remember that 10/-3 does not equal 7/0.
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It doens't matter. You could still try - Steam can deactivate any Steam key from any account they want.
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You never had a working cd-key. You grabbed a dupe cube.
the cube is still in the game so for people looking to find these you may find cubes which have codes already used.
Never make a giveaway or a trade for a game you don't actually own. (i.e. never trade games you "won" unless it's a tradeable item like a Steam gift)
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Please stop this or read the entire thread. We've already been over this man, it's very annoying to get accused of something I've already sorted out.
[ http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/ZsMlU/scammers-giving-bad-rep#HIVW7dI ]
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Thanks for assuming I didn't read the entire thread. But it is obvious you didn't read mine. My post isn't invalidated by anything else posted. If you won the key in the few ARK:SE events you'd have proof. You can screenshot the item. You've provided 0 proof and will likely be ignored by SG staff.
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I don't see any screenshots in your posts.
Even the devs of the game screenshotted it so people would know what to look for when they announced it.
You could at least screenshot the item with the code revealed to provide an iota of credibility.
Even then, the key can already be used because you can pickup already used cubes or jacko's.
I'm just trying to help you understand that you shouldn't be doing it the way you're doing it -- how you made the thread with no proof of your claims and initially trying to trade a key you didn't own.
Hope you fair better next time, good luck.
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So you really didn't read the entire thread...
And for the second point:
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Ok, I understood what you were saying, somehow the quote was visible for me only after refreshing the page. It wasn't a used code because: I was the only person that found it in the drop and after it got revealed (which was about 1 or 3 hrs, I don't remember, but you had to wait a few hrs for it to get revealed) It stayed the whole time in my inventory where noone else could have seen it, after it got revealed I made a screenshot of it and dumped it and waited for it to despawn (while no one was around) So there's absolutely 0% chance of it being used before.
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What people should do:
What people shouldn't do:
What people are doing:
What people are not doing:
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Not always the case. Go and have a look at my rep here. I wasn't even aware of it till a trade partner pointed it out and it's clearly per-pubescent spam. I reported misuse of trade feedback almost a month ago and haven't had a response yet, and it's misuse regardless of the content as there was never a trade with that user.
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You basically stated that anyone who doesn't have flawless rep isn't safe to trade with. I don't have a massive amount of feedback here as I only trade my bundle leftovers and rarely buy bundles anymore.
Go and actually look at my trade feedback and tell me how that one negative I have even remotely implies I'm anything but an honest trader. Anyone who holds that against me isn't worth the hassle of trading witg and as j pointed out earlier, I didn't know I had it until a trade partner mentioned it.
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Probably a lot of true scammers are making the same kind of tickets. So I guess it's hard to make a difference between liars and people that really need to have their rep removed. But his reputation is obviously like he called it "per-pubescent spam". So I don't understand why his didn't get removed...
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I'm no oracle but imhpo: the time between that a scammer is reported to SG support and the time that SG support reacts to that ticket is the time that a scammer is getting away with it and very possibly makes new victims.
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I have one dating back three years. I could close it but I don't know whether it's been actioned or not as we can only see current/permanent suspensions
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Isn't there only Rinarin working on them? Or did they change that?
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I certainly wouldn't know, but that seems likely, from what I understand of their dynamic.
My point was more that it seems to be a low-priority category that you can effectively assume won't get addressed, regardless of the reasons behind that. Wasn't a criticism, persay, just a "Oh, I've given up on it". :P
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At least it's better than Steam support...or is it? xD
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It usually take ages for support to deal with trade feedback :S
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As far as I know - 100% proof is impossible. You provide all the proof you can and hope that enough reports from other honest users will do the trick, I guess (of course if you are the only one scammed, that wouldn't work well, but that's rarely the case).
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It seems like they had it already though. They could have tried to activate it on another account and failed. (not saying I think HoreaM is lying, just that by itself it's not much).
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tl;dr version for approaching steamgifts:
When in doubt, always make a support ticket.
Use the 'Other' or 'Request New Giveaway Winner' categories when in doubt, as those are the only two categories that all staff members can see [and thus are far, far more likely to get a speedy response].
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Geez, the guy came here asking politely for help and suggestions and some old members just answer with sarcasm and downright accusations (for which, once proven wrong, no apologies were made too)?
I'm not a very active user of the comminity here yet, but I gotta say... some people doesn't seem very friendly despite all the love they give with the GAs they create.
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It happens in every thread similar to this one. I can sort of understand it when the thread is basically just "I got scammed :( give me sympathy", but if the person is legitimately asking for advice, there's really no excuse for bitching at him or her.
"You should have done this or that" is pointless, it's already happened and they already regret what happened. Just politely advise them on what to do in the future, or ignore the thread.
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Yeah, this is the downside of the system here, hope you can solve this problem.
The only thing you can do is make sure you won't get scammed (I know, easy to say). Don't take chances and only go first if he has more +rep than you (and no -rep at all ofc).
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Yeah, but now, according to your post, I don't have many trade chance in the future (as I now only have -1 rep). I'm only a bit mad about losing the key and allowing him to fool me, but I'm very mad that he also had to destroy my trading rep, before it even started.
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Yeah... In my opinion it's really not the best system right now... Because scammers and scammed people have the same right to post feedback, they naturally each post - feedback on each other's profile. We both posted negative feedback for each other, so there's obviously a scammer between the two of us. The scammer must be found and one of the feedbacks should be deleted for this feedback system to keep it's integrity.
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So my first trade and I get scammed off of my ARK: Survival Evolved cd-key by this guy that has +10/-3 ( now -4 ) reputation. So naturally, I wait for him to respond, and when I know I got 100% scammed, I gave him a negative feedback. But no, it doesn't end there, he gets to give me a negative feedback as well, claiming a whole other story. I want that negative reputation from the scammer gone from my profile. He claims on my feedback that I never gave him the cd-key and it was invalid. There you go: exact same cd-key I have him, ARK: Survival Evolved, "duplicate product" : 9H33H-3HQQ8-PL7AN
Now I want to make screenshots of what we talked on steamchat, but I can't find the chat with him because he blocked communications with me after scamming me. What can I do?
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