Whole story:


My fiance started her own company 3 weeks ago. Last week she received a mail - inside was something looking like an official letter from government, with official stamps etc - calling her to pay 195 PLN (46EUR) for mandatory registration in "Polish Companies Registry. Below was a blanket to send money via bank transfer. On the other side of sheet of paper there was written with small letters that "This is just an advertisement. No payment is mandatory. We are not government agency, but just private company".


We went with that letter to police to report a fraud attempt. 1st policeman told us it's not a fraud, because there's this text on the other side. We said we'd like to report anyway and let a court decide if it's a fraud or not. He told us we'll have to wait for his supervisor.

His supervisor comes, we tell whole story over again - he says he cannot take our statement cause it's no Police work and we should go to civil court if we want to. I take out my smartphone and google through polish law codexes and show him a point that it's not a matyter for civil court but for the police. Very unhappy he writes down a statement then he asks me for a smartphone I just googled it on. I think he wants to copy what paragraph number it is or something, but no - he puts a smartphone into an evidence bag. WTF? - I ask. "You used your company's smartphone for private matters, which is against the law.". "It's not company's smartphone! It's my private phone. Plus I bought it over 1.5 year ago while company is up for just 1.5 week!". "In this case we will have to verify it - if it's really private smartphone, not a company one. You can take it back in 24 hours". "Can I at least have my SIM card back?". "No, SIM card is part of protected evidence now". He gives me piece of paper to come back tommorow for my phone.


I go to pick up my phone. They give it back to me - batterry dead. I go back t home, charge it - and what do I see? 26 calls made while phone was there, whole internet package used, shitload of some useless shitty apps from "money-for-download" pages installed. I go back to police to report it. What do I hear? "You probably made all these calls and downloaded all this stuff right now, while changing phone clock, just to blame police". For next few minutes I try to calmly resolve this issue - but I hear that if I don't stop talking I'm the one who they will arrest for fraud on them - as I obviously try to scam them for compensation right now. The moment I hear it I break - I scream on an idiot who tells me this that he must be a moron, that the fucking Android would change all timers the moment I'd change time, and that some fucking asshole from their fucking police station is just a thief that decided to use smartphone which was suposed to be evidence to save himself some money and earn some fucking credits on some shitty website for downloading shitty aps.

Next thing I know I lie on the ground handcuffed behind my back. They take me to prosecutors and I find out I'm charged with insulting police officer (because I used vulgar language) and resisting an arrest (yeah - me fat, unhealthy nerd resisted 3 bigass muscled cops who were lying on me and handcuffing me). And I hear I now face a threat of big fine or up to one year of jail time... So yeah - that's my story - if you read up to here the GA cove is hidden right after Thursday.


OK... idk why the hell someone necroed such an old topic, you're an idiot dear sir, but as for update how things ended up:

  1. Prosecution refused to drop charges and insisted about getting case into court.
  2. Then to make the whole process longer they insisted on psychiatric evaluation - deciding it one month after the case started o.O then waiting 2 weeks for a visit to a doctor so the doctor after 15 minutes can tell that no, I'm not a psycho.
  3. In the meantime of all this bullshit going on the year ended.
  4. Right at the start of the new year prosecution suddenly drops charges because of "low level of harm towards society".
  5. Seems that it got so long, because t was easy case to booost statistics. Apparently they results are evaluated not solely on number of cases they solve, but rather on number of cases and how long they work on them. They had no case, but they were running a case anyway, so in stats they were working hard for society.
  6. I did not file a civil case, because the expenses I'd have to pay were just silly compared to almost nothing I could get. Return of my 2 days salary because that's how many days I couldn't work.
9 years ago*

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Oh it is REALLY easy to prove it. Get a good lawyer and you should be fine. And be sure to get lot's of money and try for news coverage. It's the police we are talking about so milk these bastards and use the money for GA's! Ok not all of them. Or charity. Or whatever. Anyway. Get a good lawyer and everything will be fine.

9 years ago

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maybe it's like this in US or UK - here I can charge them for my phone bill they used and that's it. And still face insult/resist charges.

9 years ago

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I wish you luck, that is a really shitty thing those cops did to you.

9 years ago

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Unreal situtuations. Good luck...

9 years ago

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So sorry to hear that, zelg. That's truly messed up. :(

9 years ago

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Sounds like you're going to court. Get a lawyer (or whatever they use in your country), and learn from this entire experience. There are times to take a stand and bear the consequences of doing so, but you have to pick your battle wisely. There's a saying in the military.... "Ask yourself if this is the hill you want to die on." If the answer is "No," then just move onward.

9 years ago

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I can confirm this from experience. The amount of retards in the military is unreal.

9 years ago

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Bad deal all the way around; sorry it happened.

Hope things work out!

9 years ago

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Fuck the police anyway

9 years ago

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That's bullshit, to say the least. Lawyer up.

9 years ago

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woow, it made me angry just reading this! bastards!
i hope you get out of this with no penalty

9 years ago

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I'm sorry but that's what you get for mingling with the police. You've got to understand that they are not there to help you.

9 years ago

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This is so f...ed up. I hope the best for you. :'/

9 years ago

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Hey dude, I'm really sorry to hear that and wish you all the best.

9 years ago

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No no no! I won't accept it!! We must FIGHT!!!

9 years ago

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lol ;p I forgot all about posting this photo on forums ;p

9 years ago

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I was actually quite surprised I found a photo of you by searching zelghadis with Google, I was expecting an avatar.

Didn't actually submit anything, just did it for the preview ;-)

9 years ago

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heh - I onced posted this same photo (over a year ago) in some topic "show your faces SG users" or sth like that ;p That's why I thought you got it from here ;p

9 years ago

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You would think the letter would've been addressed towards the company, and it's the company which is reporting this, so looking up law on this "
"company phone" on where to report this, was clearly business use, no?

could you go to head of police about this matter? going to the same corrupt station probably was a good idea so said people are made to fear police

also sorry to hear this bullshit that has been put on you

9 years ago

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the thing is it's not even a company phone - company is just 3-weeks old, we don't even have company phone yet - we will get ones next year when our private contracts end.

9 years ago

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Do you have a lawyer? Didn't he/she suggest that you should counter-sue? Thanks for Skyrim?

9 years ago

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Welcome in Poland

Jeśli chodzi o listy to spodziewaj się ich wielu. Ja przy każdej zakładanej działalność uzyskiwałem ok 15. Co do Policjanta to jest to przykład górowania Policjanta nad zwykłym człowiekiem, ponieważ podważyłeś jego decyzje. Jako, ze jesteś z Wrocławia to może nie będziesz miał pecha, ale jakby Taki Policjant dostał pozew o używanie prywatnego telefonu i czytanie wiadomości ( który z nerwów bym wysłał i wynalazł pierdyliard paragrafów na to) to po tym nie miałbyś życia, bo byłbyś zatrzymywany za każdym razem i mandaty leciałyby codziennie. Jeśli chcesz iść do sadu to nie lokalnego + jak powiedział kasztoix narób afery. I to jak najszybciej, póki są wybory i zapewne jeśli coś takiego trafi do gazety to wyborcy nie beda mogli sobie pozwolić na takie numery i dostanie po łapkach.

9 years ago

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Po tej całej jeździe mimo, że chciałbym skurczysynom dokopać to wolałbym również mieć już z nimi jak najmniej wpólnego, a juz najlepiej nie mieć nigdy nic wspólnego - już się pobawiłem w bojownika o słuszną sprawę przychodząc z tym listem i co mi z tego przyszło? Nawet nie chcę myśleć o ilości bullshitu, przez który musiałbym przechodzić sądząc się z nimi o ten telefon :/

9 years ago

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Dlatego napisałem, ze teraz miałbyś siłę rozgłosu, bo są wybory, ale później to może odwrócić się przeciwko Tobie, więc nie warto. niestety Prawo nie jest dla normalnych ludzi. Ono służy po to, aby być obojętnym. Jak widzisz zgłosiłeś i chciałeś dobrze, a tutaj jeszcze miałeś komplikacje, bo jakiś Policjant poczuł się obrażony, że znasz się na paragrafach lepiej, niż on. Dla mnie tacy ludzie nie powinni pracować z petentami, ale wujek, ciotka, szwagier nie wywali go przecież, a dokopanie często obróci się przeciwko Tobie. Wiem, bo kiedyś kumpel podpadł jednej policjantce i potrafił przywieść mandaty w wysokości 1000 zł przez tydzień i nikt z tym nic nie zrobi.

Mimo wszystko życzę powodzenia z własną działalnością. Najgorszy jest 1 rok. Później najgorszy jest już tylko ZUS :D

9 years ago

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Z samą działalnością nie będzie nawet takiego problemu dużego - została założona dlatego, że nowy pracodawca mojej lubej jest w IR i tam mają inne rozliczenia i bardziej się mu opłaca ją na działalność w PL zatrudnić i nawet opłacać przez pierwsze 2 ulgowe lata wszystkie zusy-srusy etc w ramach firmy-podwykonawcy, niż zatrudnić ją na umowę o pracę na ichnich prawach. Proste porównanie - za tą samą posadę w tej samej firmie od polskiego outsourcera na umowie o pracę na rękę dostawała 60% mniej niż robiąc jako polska firma robiąca outsource z Irlandii uwzględniając że firma jej ZUS, zdrowotke, rentówke etc i tak opłaca...

9 years ago

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Well, short solution. Cops suck and will always suck. Have a vodka, calm down and let it go.
Long solution, just call your phone provider and ask for a complete print of calls made and if possible internet data useage. The list of phone calls made have exact date and time stamps so you have proof to make a case against them and make them dicks pay.

9 years ago

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I wish you the best of luck, Zel. I have no idea how the court system and law works in Poland, but I hope you come out well in the end.

9 years ago

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sad story

you shouldnt do that phone thing......

you were sure so first you had to hire a lawyer and none of this would happen....

and right no i suggest you to get a good lawyer or at least talk to one see if there is any loophole or something.....(ah man in cases like this Saul Goodman would really comes in handy)....


next time put a lock or something on your phone + you can always lock you phone (and maybe monitor with some apps) remotely ......

9 years ago

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Holy fucking shit.

Holy.. fucking .. shit.

I cant believe that. That is one of the most CRUEL things i have ever read in my life! ;-;

9 years ago

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Sadly it isn't for me if it goes about asshole cops. Especially not after watching TV yesterday...

9 years ago

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post this on reddit.

9 years ago

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You should have called Colby. He would raep them, raep them hard

9 years ago

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You should go to the medias!

In Denmark, if shit like this happened to ANYBODY, they would go to the medias. TV, Magazines, Internet News Websites, they will take a case like that. When the case gets exposed, people will get mad and show their opinion, resulting in your case being dismissed.

Go to the medias.

9 years ago

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Same in Poland. That's one thing you can definitely do. It can be brought to the papers. They love this sort of sensations.

9 years ago

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+1, put pressure on those motherfuckers.

9 years ago

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it's not like this everywhere, many places have controlled media

that said..I should move to Denmark LOL

9 years ago

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i would get some guns and kill them all. stupid fuckers. for justice.
These are no real policemen.

9 years ago

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God... anyway if you go to court you will have all the evidence to proof not only that you are inocent but also that the cops are and that company are bullshit

9 years ago

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