Personally, I like that they've added filters for things like "Less than current Steam Wallet balance" and "On sale" for those that view the wishlist.
Though, the design has enlarged the icons, meaning that you need to scroll more. Overall, I like it.

What about all of you?

I decided to list all of the differences I've noticed:

  • New filters for sale percentages.
  • New filters for pricing.
  • Can now remove things from the wishlist without refreshing the whole page
  • A fast search tool instead of needing the CTRL+F and hoping that the required part of the page has finished loading.
  • Can sort by review score
  • The price sorting is back again
  • Allows sorting by the type of product (DLC, Game, Videos, Software)
  • Sorting by top selling games.
  • Moving the list items is slightly more smooth (yet there are some glitches where they switch places randomly when removing DLCs for the same game.)
  • Hovering the mouse over the game icon gives you a slideshow of the screenshots
  • Shows overall reviews, release date, tags and OS compatibilities in the game's box slot.
  • Ranking's now seemingly disappeared.
  • The icons are way larger. (Could be because of the added info on each game... doubt it though)
  • New confirmation window for removing games, so no more accidental removals.
  • A weird feature... the image in the background is of a random game on your wishlist.

EDIT: The issue with SG's wishlist seem to now be fixed to an extent. Some titles seem to still be missing.
EDIT 2: Games removed from the store seem to be removed from your wishlist automatically now.
EDIT 3: A user has noted: "Just noticed that F2P DLC aren't showing up in the client anymore (website and app still do)."
EDIT 4: A compact mode has now been added! No need for buying 50 monitors just to see a single game's icon anymore!
EDIT 5: A thicc boi has noted that wishlists save automatically now.

6 years ago*

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Do you like the new wishlist system?

View Results

Like the extra sorting options (+75% discount sort FTW).
But really dislike the giant giant GIANT space that every single game takes up now, which will make it take ages to browse.

If I added it on my WISHLIST, do I really need to know all the stuff it gives me? Really?

6 years ago

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well... I do XD I often don't remember the games just from the name, so it's nice for me to see easily what is it without having to open the shop page of the game XD

6 years ago

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Well, it always showed the logo too. Not the screenshots though, but aside from that, would knowing the score or release date jog your memory much?

6 years ago

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well, maybe not those two infos in particular, but the screenshots yes, also the tags. Even the 'on which system can you play this' can be really useful.

6 years ago

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Not really on Windows. And they have filters for these, so I don't see them needing to take up so much real estate.
Right on the tags though.

6 years ago

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they have a lot of filters, but I just think it's nice to be able to see eveything you may need just with a glance

6 years ago

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I personally like every aspect about it. More information is always better, I'd say. It's not flooding anything either. The previous one wasn't as perfect as people make it out to be. It wasn't even that functional. Almost everything required a page refresh, the games barely had any info in the wishlist and it was almost as glitchy as the new wishlist. Personally, now that they've basically fixed all the broken and missing stuff, I'd say that this is just objectively better now. The slightly larger boxes can be annoying, but the older ones weren't that small either. Currently, my 1280x1024 monitor can fit 5 games (which is pretty low) while the previous one had less than 10 (8, if I remember correctly). So, the difference isn't massive for me.
I'll take more info and the lack of a need to wear out my middle mouse button over the stuff that was before.

But an argument could be made for either side, so I get your point. :D

6 years ago

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Well, I kinda figure you would use a wishlist for games you know you want. So you should know all available info already (since, well, it's your wishlist) otherwise you wouldn't add them as something you want to keep an eye on.

But I suppose it would be helpful for the apparently many who use it as something entirely different.
(I still think it's way too massive per game)

6 years ago

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Yeah, but a lot of people also use it to mark games that they're interested in.
I was interested in a game called Minimum. Thanks to the reviews, I saw that the tide had turned because the servers had been shut down.
Same goes with any new release. You might see the reviews that call the game amazing, but a few moments you'll actually see non-hyped reviews that point out the issues with the game. For example, that happened with games like Empire TV Tycoon, Sheltered and Darkest Dungeon. If you added those games when they released then you might be in for a surprise because none of those games are even near perfect. The first two are pretty weak overall and Darkest Dungeon has faults that would make almost half the people rethink whether they actually want the game.

So, unless you buy games immediately (in which case you won't be using the wishlist), the reviews are actually a very good source of shallow information.

The UI could've been shrunk down though, that's for sure.

6 years ago

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They have added number ranking back but it's not prominent enough.

6 years ago

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It's a step, but they really, really, really need to bring back being able to press Page Up/Page Down to move entries around. As is, it still takes longer to organize compared to before.

EDIT: Also sucks that I can't Ctrl+F to find games on wishlist anymore, have to use the search field. Finding the game and its ranking on the wishlist is important to some people...

EDIT TO EDIT: Um, Ctrl+F seems to work for games that are on the screen at that moment? Idk what even is this... I guess glitching.

6 years ago*

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For some reason some numbers just skip. Goes from 34 to 36 and so on. Weird stuff.. At least they're giving some functionality back.

6 years ago

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I haven't (yet) found any number skip, but at the same time it tells me that I have 510 wishlisted games and the bottom one has number 501... Where are the missing ones :D??
That's Valve logic for you...

6 years ago

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Thanks for pointing it out, I was cursing about it since yesterday and I almost didn't notice the small numbers even after reading your comment :)
Now, if only the new filters actually worked on my end I'd be quite pleased...

6 years ago

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The one thing I don't like is the HUUUUUUUUGE boxes of each item. What the hell are they thinking? (It's the same with the new youtube page, huge items) I mostly use a small screen with 1366x768 resolution, so I can see just 3 items at a time on my wishlist..

Give me an option to select the box size and we're good again Valve!

6 years ago

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Damn... really hate that games removed from the store are now gone from my wishlist. At least a couple of them are still available elsewhere as keys (or might show up in the store someday). I had hopes of picking up at least a couple of them.

Other items were just fun curiosities. sighs

6 years ago

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The bad thing is, my wishlist count is still the same.
It doesn't even shrink to current number without all the removed games.

6 years ago

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It'd be cool if Enhanced Steam hadn't already done the same things better plus more, and now they fucked up its implementation so the change really sucks :-/

Plus I can't see enhanced steams coloring for ignored/gift etc on the wishlist page, and I had used my wishlist to track a lot of stuff like games where I already own like keys using the ignore button plus wishlist or gifts for but haven't added.

6 years ago*

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The enhanced steam dev said they were working on an update for the new wishlist

6 years ago

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Anyone else notice that currently all games say "There are no reviews for this product" on the store page?
Edit: Must have been a glitch. They were only gone for about 20 minutes or so. Now they're back.

6 years ago

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Currently, I have issue with steam wishlist: it's not loaded if there are more than 500 items in it.
Firstly I discovered that my whishlist is not loaded: no games are displayed, only "progress bar" - 3 vertical lines. I waited 15 minutes and tried different browsers: Chrome (+in incognito mode), Firefox and IE 11.
I checked other people's wishlists and it seems it's loaded fine when number of items is less than 500, for example:

I can see my wishlist only in Steam client.
Did anyone observe such issue?

6 years ago

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I have more than 900 items on my wishlist, mine loaded. So did yours for me. The second example also worked, while the first one didn't.
So, basically for me, the ones that worked for you, didn't work for me and vice versa :D

6 years ago

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I just checked, and the problem is Steam tries to load HTTP content in HTTPS page, and which browser deems unsafe and blocks.

6 years ago

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Thanks for info: it works when I use HTTP and doesn't via HTTPS.

6 years ago

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I hate it. There's no reason why the wishlist should include superfluous infos like reviews score, tags and platforms. I don't need to know that a game that i've added myself is "good story" "stealth" "coop" "action", i know that already. If i wanted to get additional info i'd just click on the game to get on the store page.

6 years ago

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Just noticed that F2P DLC aren't showing up in the client anymore (website and app still do).

6 years ago

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They added a compact mode now, so with that and also adding previously ES-only features like sort by discount and such, I'm changing my opinion from unhappy to happy with the changes.

6 years ago

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Hooray for the compact option!

6 years ago

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Yes, this compact option, along with the new filters, is definitely an improvement.
I'm actually impressed they listened to the "seething masses" and changed things.

Edit: Oh nice - another "quality of life" improvement I just noticed - in the client, you no longer have to "Save" your list after moving items around! That was one of the biggest annoyances I had with the old wishlist. Bravo, Valve, bravo!

6 years ago*

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As with every Steam change over the last years, one only can get used to, it liking it or not.

6 years ago

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I like the re-revised new wishlist, now that Compact mode is here, but I had a number of bundles/collections/franchises (like the F1, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Arma, Total War Franchises/collections) on my wishlist that vanished...yet my wishlist still counts them as "items on the wishlist." Also, Skyrim (Oldrim) is on my wishlist, yet I can no longer see it from the wishlist, which is annoying.

I came fairly close to ditching steam because of the size of the non-compact view. Then they added compact mode, and I was sooo happy! :D

6 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by zeruel132.