His Original Tweet - - Basically to leave kids alone Nothing homophobic or no attack on someone but still punished. That only tells one thing, Activision fully supports kids' indoctrination.

I believe that schools should not show anything sex related to children (be it straight or gay) until the kid is at least a teen. However, the US of A disagrees, and literally, porn-based (books)[] are available in school libraries, accessible by anyone!
I mean seriously? Just look at this video of a Monther reading from the book β€œQueer” which is available to students in the school library-
There are many more and they will not be shown in mainstream news, don't worry. All going according to the plan in the US (and in some years, the world)
If there is anything related to Sex is going to be discussed, it should be by the parent and/or guardian, not the schools.

So, did Nick say anything wrong? What do you think? Do you think this stupidity will stop anytime soon?

I'm sure there will be many justifications in the comments and I'll be called a Nazi, Bigot, Homophobe, and more. Perhaps my thread will be deleted again by totally "Liberal" and "Tolerant" Supermod because he lacks reading comprehension.

Before anyone else has any reading comprehension issues, No, I'm not against LGB people existing or having their preferences. You have the same rights as everyone else to live your life (as long as you don't hurt somebody, just like us straights).

The issue is that this movement of LGBT+++ has a clear agenda, a forceful show of stupidity for a whole month, that shows up in our faces even when we are not interested and targets kids without their parent's consent (Yes, a kid cannot consent. Shocking!)

I think many normal people (the majority?) in the LGB community are not happy with that as well but can't do anything because this has been taken over by the wrong actors. I urge the sane people of the LGB community to speak against the stupidity because if you don't, then the actions of some will shit over all of you! The progress made in the last few years will be wiped out clean and you guys will have to start all over again. Kind of like Feminism, which is just Misandry nowadays.

Peace out.

1 year ago

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Did Nick said anything wrong?

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for many many many centuries gays have been persecuted tortured and murdered. now that they have a leg to stand on and others at there back the scale of social justice is dipping in the other direction. what comes around goes around. in time homeostasis will take hold, but for now the pendulum is swinging in the other direction. 1 extreme has led to another extreme.

1 year ago

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One of the worst takes on this subject

1 year ago

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What the hell are you talking about mate. Who is Nickmercs and why should I care about him?

Oh, I just checked. It's some no-name CoD player from a walking corpse of a clan that should have died years ago. Probably just trying to stir up some "controversy" to not fade into obscurity.

1 year ago*

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that what wondered

1 year ago

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...another reason to focus on the development of time machine...

1 year ago

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If there is anything related to Sex is going to be discussed, it should be by the parent and/or guardian, not the schools.

Why not schools? They have the educational mandate and that includes biology, anatomy and sex education. Best case would be if both is happening, but there are many parents not talking about sex at all or if so, only in form of warnings and "Don't"s.
Not even talking about parents who fail at education in general.

We had sex education for the first time in what you call elementary school, 3rd school year iirc. That was in the 80ies. Noone got hurt.
Information and enlightenment isn't bad. It's about what you do with it.

1 year ago

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Get a hobby.

1 year ago

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This must be a very important discussion, but it began because some nobody from a dead clan that plays braindead game, said something on a platform i dont use. And i cant force myself to read any further.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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why is everyone so fast to shove it in your face?

Because the entire point of sex ed is to teach kids about sex and sex-related stuff before they unwittingly get into sex-related trouble and that goal is massively complicated by the fact that the internet exists. From a purely objective standpoint, I'd argue 10 might be too old.

1 year ago*

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10 is a good age, as girls usually get their periods around 11-12+ and it's good to know what that is before it actually starts so they don't freak out. It's also better for an adult you trust (the teacher) to tell you about this stuff at that age because kids are still learning to not trust strangers on the internet, and it's full of weird stuff that isn't necessarily true.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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why are you so against educating kids? so you can abuse them freely with no consequence, e.g. without them knowing what's going on? seems to be a pattern among conservatives who support this kind of thing, i wonder why...
also, it's pride month, cope harder lol

1 year ago

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You might want to make clear what you're trying to convey here. Is it about Kindergarten kids not knowing all nuances of life and some people's world view apparently never growing out of that state? Is it that in 90s mainstream action comedy movies, diversity rarely was a subject matter, let alone represented in a somehwat factual way? Or is it that you have been educated about the subject matter by a Kindergarten kid from a 90s mainstream action comedy and still believe that's all there is to it?

1 year ago

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You have the same rights as everyone else to live your life


There are still 30+ states with bans on same-sex marriage and that shit is just a small stepping stone towards equal rights across the board for LGBT. Hell, conservative lawmakers have been pushing to strip what little rights we have or worse, imposing harsh regulations against similar groups that are yet to be protected by the federal government. The LGBT community is treated like we are 'the Others'. We are constantly marginalized and ostracized. We're told to fall in line or risk losing what little progress we've managed to claw back from conservatives. I will NOT stand idly by while my friends and neighbors are assaulted just for asking to be treated like human beings.

So don't you DARE try to play the victim card for some dumbass, toxic, CoD-player wow that's a lot of redundancy. At best, he's trying to make himself relevant again. At worst, he's advocating in favor of ...(checks notes)... a video showing domestic terrorists attacking a peaceful demonstration. You can take your "bUt He DiDn'T sAy AnYtHiNg WrOnG" and shove it.


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1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Eefrit.