Good luck. :)
I'm in a similar boat.
I would start off with a bunch of small games at first. Just so I don't commit to a big game and then later find out I don't have enough time to play it and enjoy it at the same time.
Figure out how much time you can move from CS:GO/MMORPG to backlog gaming, then you can plan accordingly.
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Just recently finished playing through one of my most recent wins on this site (Life is Strange Ep 1) and really enjoyed it. I think with clicking literally everything on the screen i managed to complete that chapter in around 3 hours but it was worth it. After that i kind of went back to my habit of jumping on an MMO to grind a bit :D
I guess making a plan is a good way to start off. Then i would have to somehow stop playing these games as much because man, MMOs sure do suck you right in. You log on in the afternoon and before you know it, it's almost morning :D
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Yeah, MMOs do take up a ton of time. @_@
There's also this group too, in case that gives you the extra kick towards finishing some games in the backlog.
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Just in case you don't happen to be familiar with this site:
Very handy when trying to figure out how long those games are and want to choose accordingly.
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According to this website it will take me 125 Days 18 Hours to beat my 211 games. That's reassuring, i guess. That's around 3018 Hours. Considering i might only play for 3 hours per day it would still take me 1006 Days (I probably got the math all wrong here), but from what i heard the site is kind of "flawed" in a sense and everyone finishes games at a different pace too. I mean it gives me 225h for Warframe which probably i will never even touch so i can possibly cut that down by a lot.
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Here, $5 will add about about two weeks to your backlog:
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Games look interesting but damn, that will take some time :D
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Of course, this doesn't include replaying it to choose a different side and to get one of the alternate endings, or to try out a different party mix (11 races, 14/15 classes; party of 6).
7 is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of old-school party-based cRPGs. If you like the old Ultima, AD&D or Might and Magic games (or Grimrock, for that matter), this one beats them all. It's somewhat open-world, in that you can go anywhere at any time, and do everything out of order. . It also has something quite unique, even today. You need to find a number of map pieces. But, you're not the only ones looking for them, and if you take too long, you may find that someone else already took a particular piece, and you then need to track down whoever currently has it - and not only does that npc move around, the npc can also trade it with another npc, or could have it stolen. Which, btw, can also happen to you, and merely asking around about the other pieces can put your own at risk.
8 is a very good swan-song for that style of game, incorporating some modern elements (e.g. movement like an FPS, has enemies that scale, true 3D maps). The story is also very good, and does a better job of blending sci-fi into its high-fantasy setting.
6, on the other hand, is IMO entirely skippable, but which ending you choose affects where you start in game 7, and some items acquired in 6 have special use in games 7 and 8. But really, I only play 6 for massive marathon sessions - and completing the entire trilogy takes months. But if it's your first time playing, you should probably go straight to #8, which is the most accessible for modern-day players. Just keep in mind that perma-death is a thing in this series, so save often.
TL:DR these are great games and you should really play them, especially if you like old-school RPGs. First playthrough, skip #6
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when faced by the same problem, i did what anyone in my line of work would have done: make a spreadsheet.
basicaly, i ordered my backlog according to certain parameters:
1.- first, a general priority, assigning each game on one of three categories: "would play today"; "could wait a bit"; and "why is this in my collection?"
2.- second, have i already started this game? we don'd want to risk a lost savegame, so the more advanced i'm in a game, the bigger priority.
3.- third, does the game have one or more sequels waiting down the line? let's give those some priority too. nothing reminds more of the size of my backlog than the release of a sequel to a game i haven't even started.
then i give numbers to all this parameters, calculate a weighted average, and there i have it: my ranked to do list.
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Spreadsheets FTW!! I use them a lot at work too as they help out a LOT to keep things organised and clean. Might try this out although the question is which games are better than others. Its really subjective and as i didnt play those games yet it will be hard to order them based on just a steam page or a lets play.
Well i tend to start a game but never finish it unfortunetely. It kind of takes away from the experience when you come back to it a few months later. I think i am pretty close to finishing Hitman:Absolution actually although i cannot say for sure but i am definitely closer to finishing that game than any other i started playing.
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yes, i guess you could add the metacritic score to the mix, but it doesn't always agree with my tastes.
what i did instead is add the number of trusted curators that recommend each game. now this has its own problems: it works only for games available on steam, and lesser known/older games tend to be overlooked but, it's a start..
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I am finally trying to clear my backlog, this also includes the non steam games i own such as the free Origin games and witcher 1 and 2. I might add some screenshots later for the lazy people and maybe a giveaway sometime soon so please make sure you come back to this thread (for the giveaway at least :D)
Now for the question. What games do guys think i should play through first, or maybe even give a top 10 games from my collection and how long do you think it would roughly take to finish the campaign since i am not worrying about 100% achievement just yet (unless it's a REALLY good game). I was thinking of also buying a few new games but that would just create more backlog so i will limit that to only 1 new game if there is a game out there that deserves it more!
Since after work i mainly play CS:GO or an MMORPG it is definitely hard to find some time to sit back, relax and complete an actual story mode but i will do my best to finally do it!
Edit: Added a giveaway for you guys, enjoy :)
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