+1. Not to mention that comments are a cumulative of forum participation and comments on actual gift pages - thus how could you use it as an actual measure of how many times someone says thanks on gift pages?
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You can tell someone's age by how they perceive the notion of giving thanks. I've said it before, and still get a migraine trying to understand why it's so damned hard for people to comprehend. GIVING THANKS IS NOT FOR YOU - IT IS FOR THE PERSON RECEIVING THE THANKS. Based on that, who the f*ck CARES if you think it's necessary, important, relative, appreciated, etc. It is ALL YOU HAVE TO DO. Think about that for a moment - In order to potentially win a game, you are asked to do ONE tiny thing. To type out the words, "Thank You", and click on the Submit Comment button, and the Enter to Win button. Two mouse clicks, and a half-second of typing.
Laziness, selfishness, lack of appreciation. I'll happily be banned for not gifting a gift to someone that failed to offer me a thanks when they entered.
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like i want to do a giveaway someday but i only want to give to someone that enter the giveaway and say something in the comments that a lazy one that just enter because of the game.
maybe its me that like to thanks everyone that have the trouble to make a giveaway that i enter. oh well i guess the world never changes. :)
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A real mature adult wouldn't care if someone said thank you or not. GOOD people do not give just for attention. They give because it's a good thing to do.
The entire idea of forcing people to say thank you use retarded. What purpose does thank you have when people just spam it to enter a contest? Thank you loses it's meaning if you force others do say it just to fulfill your desire for attention.
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Wow. Really? That's stupid on so many levels. What's the point of thousands of soulless, generic "thank you" people didn't even mean and no one will actually read? You might as well just add a line on a page saying that all 574 people who entered your giveaway are thankful. Of course they are.
I say "thank you" either if it's a new giveaway I'm interested in that has only a few other people saying "thanks" or later, through email, if I win.
Oh, and speaking of age, sorry, but I find your demand for a "thank you" quite childish.
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You're like a broken record. Nowhere did I mention how I don't have the time to say "thanks" or how stupid saying "thank you" is. I'm not bitching about me being too lazy to say "thank you". I'm saying that forcing people to say it is ridiculous. Demanding a "thank you" is just mean-spirited. Why do you have this weird need for people to thank you?
Oh, never mind, you basically deleted the whole thing to hide behind the rules (which are just as flawed, let's face it).
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Well, when I respond to comments individually, I'm told I'm being a troll and attacking everyone. Apparently I'm supposed to make one entry, and either leave every point uncontested, or be the "bad guy" and reply directly to them. Which do you prefer?
I agree that forcing people to say thanks IS ridiculous - they should offer it automatically. I believe that giving something to someone that will not even bother to be appreciative equally ridiculous.
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Personally I think having everyone say thanks is not necessary.
I'd rather see comments filled with relevant information, such as why the giveaway may be fake, instead of pages of thanks drowning the warnings
Perhaps a simple "thanks meter" can be implemented where everyone can click on it so the creator knows who thanked them.
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so basically youre just to lazy to write 6 letters?
in my opinion it is necessary because I personaly wouldn't give any games away if there wouldn't be a thanks or another motivation. If there nothing like that I feel like I am forced to give something away..and I'm actually not am I? And the person who is giving away a game gives YOU the chance to win something for FREE and you aren't thankful.. how kind..
but the reason why there is such a difference between entries and comments is probably because we have so many people (won't mention their nationality now, but they almost taken the page over,lol) who just see this as another way to beg for games, I mean it's not only them,no, but I get around 3 adds in steam per day, and yet most of them were you know who I'm talking about :)
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I do like the idea of a Thank You button instead of the comments.
I always thank the user, and often say a little more, but it does fill up the comments when there can be other more relevant discussions going on.
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Maybe you guys should read what CG has to say about this as well http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/30g5k/please-use-the-report-button/page31337
I think it's a matter of respect and appreciation to post at least a "thanks".
It's really sad, if people are even too lazy to do that.
Oh and if you really think you have sth important to say, then just reply to the first comment and everybody will read it.
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@ubermelon: Judging from your first line of response, apparently you cannot read, so i am not gonna bother reading rest of your response because its not on-point.
@Dellmaker: me thinking its "having everyone saying thanks is not necessary" is not the same as me saying "i don't like it". You should learn to read too. The opening statement is not the substitute of the whole message. I learned in middle school to skim first sentences of a paragraph in an essay to get the general idea of what the whole essay says, but that's a really bad idea.
You like to argue with people all the time as you have done so in so many forum posts here on SG, so instead of entertaining you I am going to stop responding to this thread. Learn to do something useful with your time instead of just to incite forum participants.
Just remember, learn to read.
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ok ok you mentiod a few times we have to learn to read but you have to learn to understand. I said lazy because you mentiod the "thanks meter" as it's only a click instead of typing 6 friendly letters. So I dont want to sound rude but you should rather read careful to understand what was behind my message instead of judding people and call them idiots in a "scripted" way.
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Oh execuse me Mr. smart-ass aka kuribo if I do not care how my grammar on unimportant threads is.
And if you would read carefully you would understand my "point".
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Receiving thanks is so irrelevant. I presume that most people are thankful, but why would I expect them to waste their own time when they only have around a .1% chance of winning anyway? They can thank me when they get the gift, for all I care. Other than that, I'm perfectly fine with passive appreciation. Still, if people do want to waste their time by writing appreciative spam, then by all means, let them. It's fun to read it.
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Don't you have anything better to do than personally attack everyone that doesn't agree with you? Not everyone has to share your thoughts.
I don't like simply writing "Thank you." I find it shallow and forced. If I have something to say, I say it and thank alongside it. I think the Cylix's idea of a thanks button is an awesome idea and all of those "Thank you." posts are just waste of space.
Dellmaker, please don't bother replying to this, because I won't read it. I am already annoyed enough by your childish behavior here.
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Compare and contrast it to the number of people that "refuse to read what you have to say." Nothings says "I have the intellect of a preteen" like refusing to hear someone's points, just because you disagree with them. I've acknowledged every point that I disagreed with. I've dignified their points through reading (acknowledging) and rebuttal. The result? They storm off after a salvo of insults. That indicates they realized they don't have any ground to stand on, and wish to save face. -.-
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I've said thanks to the person who I've won gifts from. Actual multiple sentences describing how I wanted the game, and praising their generosity. I think that this is common courtesy. However, everyone saying "thanks" during a giveaway that they only have a chance to win... It seems pretty weak. The people wanting everyone saying "thanks" admit that it takes very little effort to type it out, so really, what's the value of it? Personally I think a heartfelt conversation thanking the gifter, from the gift receiver, should mean more and in comparison 10 pages of single posts of "thanks" hardly seems necessary. I'm sure the thought is appreciated, but complaining about not having enough pages filled up seems crazy to me. Just my $0.02. You can now carry on with your flame war.
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"The people wanting everyone saying "thanks" admit that it takes very little effort to type it out, so really, what's the value of it?"
This, coupled with how spammy it is when people might try to have an actual conversation in the comment section, is why I'm not a fan of it.
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I don't really think it's mandatory for people to say thanks for every single giveaway. It's nice, but I won't demonize people who don't. I do get put off if someone doesn't have a single comment, though.
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Ultimately, if I'm paying for a game to go to someone that just doesn't see the need to throw me a complimentary simple word, then I don't see the need to give them what I paid for.
And if being banned because those people, who couldn't stand having to say thanks, but have no issue clicking "not received"...then I'll happily leave this place to devolve into a feeding ground for dogs. Throw a game out, and let them scramble to take it as quickly as possible, not even aware of who put it out there. Yeah, that'll last a long time.
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I'm firm on my opinions, but they are not abundant. I attribute that to discarding the unnecessary ones for living a respectable life. Being thankful is up there. And I don't see how having an opinion on a forum open to discussion can be vilified. Unless, of course, I've touched a nerve. But that would indicate that the anger directed towards me was based on some buried recognition of agreeing with me. If someone does something for you (that they did not have to do) then how can you simply just accept it and walk on by...then turn around and talk about the pros of being selfless?
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"(I realize now that you are not but that was my initial impression)."
Make no mistake, he is a textbook troll. And that doesn't necessarily mean that he isn't ultimately sincere in his opinions, just that his apparent motivation for posting is getting a rise out of people.
I mean, just look at his reply to you a bit closer. He claims people are vilifying his opinion, as opposed to the way he expresses it, and even takes people's irritation as signs that they're half-way agreeing with him but won't admit it. Nonsensical comments like those are not how serious adults argue; instead, they are almost exclusively meant to push people's buttons.
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No, "fatkramer". Here's a troll: Do you say thank you when given something? No? Must be because you are fat, and fat people are too busy eating to say thanks."
Here's me: Do you say thank you when given something? No? Must be because you lack proper manners, humanism, and decency.
The reason you seem to think I'm posting all over, attacking people, would be rectified if their contribution to the debate wasn't spread all over this thread. If I want to address a specific point, I attach it to that point. If I use your "rules" for troll vs. debate, then I could quantify your posts as trolling ME, couldn't I?
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No, actually. It's your way of declaring victory out of hand when people get irritated by your scathing style of "arguing" that makes you a troll. Also, didn't you say something about the age of people who didn't subscribe to your notion of how omitting empty gestures entails a lack of gratitude? That's as nonsensical and inflammatory as your illustrative example of fat-related trolling you posted.
You imply that not spamming the comment section with "thanks" is the same as not thanking you personally upon delivery. Let that sink in for a minute.
I guess I should now apologize for feeding the troll.
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Christ, how simple can this be? Someone offers you something. You have nothing to lose. All you need to do is offer a thanks. Hard? No. Is it a problem? Shouldn't be. If this much bothers you, then what makes you think I would be concerned about your feelings? When the empty gesture is all one must do, but yet they refuse to do so, then yes - it is entirely the opposite of gratitude. You are declaring that you cannot be bothered to do such a simple, harmless task in return for something. So, then, you expect something just for the sake of being given something. Something for nothing - utterly nothing. You simply must not have ever learned manners. As well as anyone else that feels your way.
Let that sink in for a minute. You expect me to pander to the emotions of people that hate the idea of thanking. Pfft.
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"You expect me to pander to the emotions of people that hate the idea of thanking."
This bullshit is why people don't take you seriously. I'm glad I didn't waste time reading your whole post but skimmed over it and noticed this little gem.
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Ah, I got ya. Thanks. However, I'm not too worried about hurting the feelings of people that somehow think it'll cost them their life's blood if they say "thanks" on a free giveaway. Not exactly the type of people that have any sort of ground to stand on when it comes to right and wrong, imo. (eg: How dare Dellmaker talks mean to me! It's not courteous! And no, I don't see a reason to say thank-you for a free game!) =P
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To me, giving away a game is just giving back to the community. I don't need anyone to thank me for it, knowing the gifting is what kept the community existent is the reward itself.
Its about making the community work, not about making you a superstar on the internet.
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well i created this topic because this was something that i dont like to see in the giveaways, was my opinion and i enjoy all the opinions so far but why make a flame war because of what i said or X said or Y said?
even if the the button "thanks" appears next to the giveaway in question people will still not press it thats a fact.
And since in this http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/91wob/site-rulesfaq clears says "Always thank submitters" i just make a comment about what i see everyday in the giveaways, so stop the flames, the wars and the personal attacks.
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I'd much rather see comments like "I really would like to try this game out because of X, Z and Y, so thanks for submitting this", or similiar kind of more elaborate stuff, and not just mindless spam of "thanks". Might as well just add a "Thank you" button to click.
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I'll admit, I've only made one giveaway, but I didn't read every comment in it because I was already sure that every person who entered was thankful. There were only 75 comments out of 1057 entries. If I didn't read the 75 comments when they were voluntary, then why would it be more likely that I would want to read 1057 generic forced thank yous.
And from the commenting side, a thank you should be sincere. If saying thank you was made mandatory then it would become difficult to tell the difference between the people who are genuinely thankful and the ones who are just saying it because they have to. Eventually, even the people who once gave heartfelt thanks in their entries would become frustrated at having to say thank you in every single giveaway they enter.
Think about it this way. If you are playing Russian Roulette with a group of people and only one person will survive (not the brightest image and I apologize for that), do you thank the owner of the gun because you have a chance of "winning" or do you wait until the last chamber is empty before being grateful?
That being said, people should certainly give thanks if they actually win the giveaway because that's just plain common courtesy. If a person gives you something for free then you at least say thank you.
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You, by being the one giving, are the recipient of any and all thanks for that gift. As I said before, the value of those thank-yous is entirely up to you. However, people seem to have some value placed on their gratitude that supersedes the value of your gift. I'm arguing that being thankful isn't about them and what they get out of it. It's about you and what you get from it.
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I think the winner must thank as a rule, thanking by entrants must be optional. I know that giving a giveaway is a good feeling but that's not because I received pages of text saying "Thanks.".
I think the comment area must be mainly to discuss the submission. And I hope that Dellmaker replies to me "Base Rules: ... • Always thank submitters" proving my point that the same text pasted over and over to the same page just lowers it value. Not that it had any.
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Also important information or suspicion of fake would be drown on pages of thank you. I see your point Dellmark since there is just 120 entries on your giveaway but imagine the ones with 1000 entries. I wouldn't be happy to receive that spam, but if you like sure go on.
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I truly believe that I could've made my point much easier and more understood, had I chosen to use a specific country as an example...But that would've created more of a shitstorm than this. Not to mention, it would've sounded like it targeted the Russians that read these, who aren't anything like the Russians I would've used as an example. Not that I'm saying I would've used Russians as an example...
But to the specific point you make: All the speculation of a giveaway being fake shouldn't really be throughout the comments, anyhow. There's a button to click if you suspect it's fake. Beyond that, reply to the first comment about your wariness. It'd stay right there up front, generally.
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According to fatkramer, you're being a troll, FYI.
I removed my points and replaced them with that text, where it seemed that the target audience had already stormed off. If you wish to plug up your ears and so forth, go ahead.
I cannot make this any simple, without resorting to crayons and construction paper: Offering thanks is not about what you get out of giving thanks. It's entirely the giver's choice, on what kind of value and message thanks given holds. If you prefer to think that the nameless hordes scrambling to win your giveaway are truly thankful, then so be it. Say that in the description that nobody will read - it'll be a win/win. In the meantime, go out into the real world, and interact with people. Avoid thanking them anytime they do anything benefiting you. And then pat yourself on the back for not having wasted precious seconds saying "thanks!" where it was deserved. Is that what you people think being a decent person is?
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I am just trying to prove my point. The repeated thanks doesn't mean anything, it's like over inflated money. You probably heard the story about hyperinflation in Germany when you found a bag of full of money you would dump the money and take the bag because it was more valuable.
With a giveaway of hundreds of entries it would take pages of thanks, most of them invisible and stuck forever in those pages. I'd agree that seeing thanks would boost the ego but it's a futile exercise. I think the maximum amount of comments on a giveaway should be two page, nobody will bother reading beyond that.
"Avoid thanking them anytime they do anything benefiting you." You must change this to "may benefit you" since it's a chance. I know that you paid money for that game, everybody, except the fakes and dirt 3 people, did. But it's still a chance. So you can still be decent.
Last point, you can't force people to thank you. You can force them to say so but you can't force them to be really thankful. Yet I think with less fakes and somehow increased chances everybody will feel more thankful. So we must try to achieve this instead of forcing them.
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I have no issue with people not saying thanks for a giveaway, hell, I don't even really do it.
It's only when they don't say thanks upon winning and recieving the gift is where the issue resides - you don't send a thank you letter to the national lottery every time you buy a PowerBall ticket, do you? Same should go here; forcing people to be thankful for a giveaway is just pure egotism. Is your life so empty of fulfillment that you feel the need of thank yous from strangers to make yourself feel better for offering them the small opportunity to win a gift?
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I think many people are happy to recieve a lil'thank you if you give them something you know. As ETD mentiod below with people who literary just say cool,gimme (met one too) it is not funny at all to give away stuff, doesn't matter what. It's just a kind gesture. I already mentiod it but I personally would feel forced if there wasn't something like that. And why should I give games away then? I mean the gifter is kind enough to give you a chance to get something for free in todays ignorant world, and you aren't even thankful.
OK if there would be 1000entries/1000 thanks, then I'd say it's not necessary because the people would probably be forced to do it, I like it as it is know.
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It's not a matter of being thankful; you aren't gifting the game for me. It's not for me because I don't know if I'm going to win or not. If I win, then I'm happy and grateful. You should be gifting to help keep the community growing and to give back what you get (when you can afford it, I'm not saying anyone should stop paying their bills just because they won). You shouldn't be gifting games because you yearn for the thank you's from complete strangers.
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The opportunity, however, IS there for you. At no cost to you. I've given more than I've gotten, btw. Every game I've offered was bought and paid for from my own pocket - not some throwaway game key that I obtained for free somewhere else. Given that I've put my own well-earned money into those games, and those in the future, why shouldn't I want it to go to someone that truly appreciates the chance to get it without the same effort I took in procuring the game? Kapish?
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And how are you different than the majority of the site? I like how you troll around, subtly implying that I'm one of the people who game the system with Dirt3/HOMM/Humble Bundle giveaways. How is your money more valuable than mine, or anyone elses for that matter? Why should the entire system change because you feel slighted because some random stranger doesn't say thank you.
You never answered my original question: do you send the Nation Lottery a letter for every ticket you buy? Do you thank the dealer at a casino for every hand they deal? This site is a gamble, every entry is you gambling your points away for a possibility to win. I don't know of anyone who thanks their bookie, from the bottom of their heart, as they give them their money.
Also, you've given away a whopping THREE items worth $20 (and that's being generous since I'd imagine you probably paid less than $5 for that Humble Bundle). Stop putting yourself out there like your Glapos or something.
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Your original question? I don't play the lottery. If I want to gamble, I do it proper at a casino.
If I'm at the casino, I thank the waitresses that offer me a drink, despite it being free. I thank the dealer as I leave, with both a "thanks!" and a tip. I don't have a bookie. Happy? No?
It is entirely a matter of being thankful. Seriously, how are you not getting this? ALL you are expected to do is say thanks. But you have a serious grievance against it. You'd rather assume that the person offering something up for free, that they didn't have to offer, knows you are grateful. Anyone can be grateful for a freebie. Sensible people would realize what made that opportunity, however.
It isn't a gambe, by the way. Not unless you paid for your points - which you didn't. Or maybe you paid for your invite, and that's why you equate the giveaways as being directly relative to a crap shoot. I'll also take this moment to mention that my meager three items worth $20, is more than you've offered to the community...so, not sure what you're trying to imply there. And my SG profile only shows the games I've gifted through this site - nothing about games given freely beyond here. I'm not comparing myself to GlaPos, nor did I ever. I'm representing my firm belief that people who hope to have something given to them for free could make the tiniest of efforts in showing that appreciation. You obviously have the motivation to bitch and moan about it - how about spend a fraction of that energy and say "thanks" for once, without having to win something before you do? No idea where you got that I was implying you are one of the bundle-gifters. Meh, you're likely high, so whatever.
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I don't really care if people thank me for my giveaways, because why should they? The chance is really small they'll actually win something. What is important to me is that the winner actually is happy about winning.
I always add the winner on steam and talk to them before i gift the game. I'm always really happy if they say thanks and tell me how much they wanted the game and how awesome it is. One time i had a guy just go like "Cool, gimme." and then instantly unfriended me. THAT pisses me off.
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I've never organised any giveaway, but I agree with you.
I comment only on giveaways which I like (short timed one / multiple copies / game which I would love to have etc.) and when I feel like doing so.
Forcing people to post simple "thanks" is forcing them to soulessness.
But gosh, I assume that a giver is motivated by feeding himself with a happiness of a receiver.
I love principles of objectivism philosophy, so I expect giving to be a pleasure and happiness for me. If it's not, I'm not into it.
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In my opinion having loads of comments saying things like "Thanks" and "Thanks for x" is just in the way of actual comments that have something to say. Sure it is nice saying thanks but personally having 100+ people just saying the same word is stupid, and most people probably don't want to bother typing "Thanks" on all the 500 giveaways they will enter.
If it's such a big deal with everyone having to say the same word over and over again (most of them without really meaning it too probably) why not just make it automatically add a comment saying thanks whenever you enter a giveaway? It's essentially the same thing!
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Again: It isn't up to you, if you're the one giving thanks, to place the value on that thanks. It's for the benefit of the person receiving the thanks. Not for your benefit. If they don't care, then so be it - at least you'll have done the least you could do by offering it. By saying that you don't even want to do that (the least you could do), you're literally saying you COULD do less, and by default, don't care about the giver's gift. You just want it. To hell with them.
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So if a "thank you" is expected, isn't it more like the empty thank you that you give, say, your teacher when she gives the class less homework? Wouldn't it be exactly the same to respond to each giveaway you enter with an excerpt from GhostBusters? Or with a smiley face? Or nothing at all?
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Back then, my teachers didn't ever give "less homework." They either assigned the homework from the book, or more. It's neither here nor there, but I can kind of see a line between the less homework thing and the hatred of saying thanks...For me, if you took at least some minimal effort of acknowledgement, then you've done all that I have asked for: an extremely simple, harmless, effortless attempt to signify gratitude. Get it? People have a problem with that, though. I don't know - I was raised better, I guess.
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The opposite, though, displays utterly disregard for someones' effort, unless they get something out of it in return. In other words, they should deserve something for being thankful. That's not only vanity, but also selfishness, greed, and sloth. It virtually takes nothing, and costs nothing. And yet, it's perceived as too much.
If I offer you money, and all you have to do is walk around a 1ft-stick, would you step around it? Or would you plow through it and tell me, "Yeah, I'm not bending to your power trip. So where's my money?"
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I usually comment if there is 1 page of comments or fewer. Once it's over that, it seems like it's not as big of a deal. Some of these games would have >1000 comments if everyone commented. The ratio of comments to entries does seem to be going down though. I find not commenting to be far less rude than all the people belittling and yelling at gifters on the forum when they are scammed into gifting to the wrong person.
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1,073 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by diehard
10 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by t0b3berlin
16,583 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Kenruyoh
67 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by nahemot
10 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by Inkyyy
204 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by Hawkingmeister
47 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by jzone55
134 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by PunishedStig
751 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by DinoRoar
9,908 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by Sno1
8,417 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Almostn33t
114 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Mayanaise
60 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Noodles91
120 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by refat17
for ex: 1000 entries and only 75 comments?
why no one says atleast thanks when they enter a giveaway takes like 2 seconds to say thanks. people that dont say anything in the the comments (even a simple thanks) of the giveaway shouldnt be allowed to win.
this is my humble opinion ;)
ps: no need to fight because of this
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