Hey there SG dwellers!

We just recently relaunched our group Movie Addicts as Movie Addicts Club.
What is Movie Addicts Club? It's the group’s way of rewarding those who show effort in the group, whether it's by making good GAs, reviews, participating in events, etc. Our vision is to have a really unique experience being part of Movie Addicts and we consider the Club as a way to make this vision come to life. As a member of M.A.C all your actions will give you Club Points (CP) and at the end of the month the top leading members will be able to win our in-group prizes!

1st Event is over! We had a lot of fun and we hope all the winners will enjoy their new games :)

Do you want to join? Keep on reading!

As you may have figured out by now, this is a group for people who are passionate about movies and series. We share recommendation and reviews and starting this month we’ll have group events related to movies. We are opening our gates for potential members who will also be able to enter some prestigious giveaways. There’s a limited amount spots available so get down to it!

Rules for joining:

  • A passion for movies/series.
  • Level 3+
  • A decent ratio (not have to be 1:1, but please no 30:1)
  • Accepting group rules

To be considered, you need to comment on this thread with a short review for 1 movie or series: It can be from any time, any genre you like, with any amount of information you wish to share. It can be a movie/series you like (or even hate!). The review can be of any length, even just a few sentences.

Note - Comments like “I want to join” will be ignored. Show us you are passionate about movies to be considered.

Here are some highlighted giveaways from our past event:

  • Republique
  • Mortal Kombat X
  • Undertale
  • Stardew Valley
  • Witcher 3
  • Rocket League
  • Plague Inc.
8 years ago*

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Reserved for BUMPS!

8 years ago

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Hey guys, we had a little mix up with a link going to a group GA, now it's fixed and you can keep riding it for even better GAs!

8 years ago

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BUMP and an update:
Reading through the comments I'm getting the sense people are discouraged by a couple of things: The reviews and the rules.

  • Rules: So we took your feedback and made a simpler, concise and straightforward version of them. The new version can be found in the OP.
  • Reviews: We are not asking or expect that you'll be a film critic. The reviews can be a few sentences. A bit about the plot and what you thought about it. That's it. They don't have to be in perfect English either - that goes for all those who commented that the group sounds interesting but they're afraid that won't be able to make a good review because their English isn't good enough.

One more quick note: Writing a review is not as time consuming as you might think. And members of our group can tell you that. You have to make only 1 mini-review in an entire month. Not for every GA you make. Just for your monthly. So it's really not a big issue.

8 years ago*

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BUMPer stickers!

8 years ago

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Bump! 1 Day remains!

8 years ago*

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Bump! Good luck with the train!

8 years ago

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Last 2 hours of our awesome train! :D

8 years ago

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Bump! Accepting new members - Movie lovers, UNITE!

8 years ago*

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Bump! These great GAs are running on Movie Addicts:

8 years ago

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Got Pillars of Eternity or DOOM? We do! :D
These GAs will run until the end of the month for new members to join.

Movie Addicts Club:

  • We're watching movies together each month.
  • Members win prizes (wishlisted games) each month.
8 years ago

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Bump to start a new month of recruitment and a new shiny 🎥 in the title :D

8 years ago

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Well I'm not that passionate, so I won't be trying to join. The train was appreciated though.

8 years ago

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Thank you for the train :) Really glad to see these changes, they are awesome <3

8 years ago

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i like movies but i don't have time to make reviews.

thanks for the train :3

8 years ago

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before joining the group I thought so, too..
but it really isn't that time consuming (you can write a decent short review in ~15min) :P

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the train, too bad in english to make reviews.

8 years ago

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I am not really a fan of movies so i will pass but awesome train! Thanks!

8 years ago

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I liked the train a lot! But more so, I like you guys for making this community a little more attractive and diverse. Good job!

8 years ago

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Rollicking good time on that ride! Bumping to share the joy

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So many rules. But, thank you for the train.

8 years ago

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Dark Floors - review:
Since I knew of the existence of this film, I wanted to watch it. My favourite music band act in this film, the band Lordi. I finally did, and I have to say I am very pleased. However some people seem to have some reasons for not liking this movie. The CGI and Lordi costumes were not bad, you can see them playing, they are awesome. The acting is classic horror inside a hospital, and the story, although it's complex, it's awesome.

It's not a large review, but well, It's all I can say about that movie :)
Could I join? ^_^

8 years ago

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Thanks for review. Your name will go into the list. There's not a long turn around time, so you'll know soon enough. . Good luck and I hope you enjoyed the train as it is. :)

8 years ago

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I enjoyed it, thanks! :)

8 years ago

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sounds interesting, lordi is the band that once won the eurovision songcontest right? :D

8 years ago

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Exactly! :D

8 years ago

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Awesome train and I'm a huge movie/series addict, see screenshot of my latest views & ratings on imdb. But I fear that I can't justify joining even more groups. At least not currently. ;)

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thanks for the train! Nice initiative! The rules to join are interesting, but I'm not that much of a critique. Good luck on recruting!

8 years ago

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you don't really have to be an experienced review writer, just shortly explain why you liked/disliked a certain movie/tv-series
(it really isn't that hard) :3

8 years ago

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Thanks for the train. I am big movie fan but my English not good for review. Thanks again!

8 years ago

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Thanks for train :3

8 years ago

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Wow, what a jaw-dropping train!
Group itself lokks quite inteseting and ambitious, but unfortunately, my English is too weak to write a valuable movie reviews.

8 years ago

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the reviews don't have to be 100% grammatically correct, as long as you can explain in a few sentences why you liked/dilsiked a certain movie that's fine :)

8 years ago

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What a train!

8 years ago

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I could review something, but I prefer if someone else could join your group, lately I watch less than I should.

In the meanwhile I will enjoy your train, thanks!

8 years ago

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My English not good enough to write reviews (so I'm not applying), but recently I remembered how much I love Zatoichi series with Shintaro Katsu.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Awesome train! Thanks a bunch!
Fingers crossed for stardew valley. :)

8 years ago

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What a great train. Not sure I would be a great group member (despite a passion for film) but have a bump for visibility

8 years ago

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Can I join your train or do I need to write some review? My level of english is not enough to write deeply a film. I can tell you I saw recently Warcraft and Zootopia and both are ok

8 years ago

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You are welcome to join the train without a review. If you fancy writing a short review, you'll be considered for membership to the group which gives you access to the group giveaways.

8 years ago

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maybe i'll try but I don't think able to do it correctly

8 years ago

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If you want to try, write me your opinion on Warcraft. You say it's okay? What did you enjoy? Which parts were lacking? Is it just cg or is there a good story underneath? It's not difficult to write a review. You just give your opinion on the movie and a little bit on the story. That's it. :)

8 years ago

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Well, its based on the first videogame and not "world of warcraft" which, imho, its nice and better. They keep things simple, Orcs vs Humans. There is a lot of things that are like in the videogame, specially areas, places, names, etc. and some things ain't like that. Lots of stuff about Medivh, an importan character, the magical powers, some "origins" of situations, characters, etc.

Anyway, script is enough good to be a nice summer movie and a nice adventure film.

Music is ok except from the "main theme", which is really appropiate for the film.
CGI and other special effects are really good. It's not like "avatar", I guess technology has really improved, every character looks real, and the scenarios look colourful enough to be like the videogames. Its not "real", its "fantasy". Its very suitable, but everything trying to be part of the same picture. It works.

Ending appears to be screaming for a second part with more Orcs vs Humans stuff and probably an alliance with dwarfs and elves. If its based in Warcraft 2 could have an epic finale.

For me its a 6/10, interesting movie. People who likes the games will be satisfied, wow annoying kiddos would expect another thing but would be satisfied too and people who want a fantasy movie will be satisfied aswell. I hope you like the film.

No need to invite me to the group. You asked for warcraft impressions and i gave you my poor opinion

8 years ago

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Fair enough. If you'd like a spot, your review is plenty good enough. If not, thank you for your impression of the movie. I'm always worried about movies based on games, as it's really difficult for me to remember a good one. But 6/10 sounds reasonable. If I get a chance, I'll give it a go, for sure.

Thank you.

8 years ago

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I guess videogame movies are getting better, at least a little bit. Group entries are up to you, I'm glad if you invite me but, really, don't feel like an obligation. Thanks for reading :P just that

8 years ago

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Here's a silly train question - if you already own the first game, then is there anyway to see the rest of it?

8 years ago

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If you get the link from sgtools.info, you can click on it to see the first giveaway. There's a link to the next item that you can access without entering the giveaway for Bioshock: Infinte.

8 years ago*

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bump thx for train

8 years ago

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