and I've got 1300 cards to get.. this is going to take a while....

9 years ago

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that's a lot of time!

9 years ago

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and games

9 years ago

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and half badges

9 years ago

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Indeed... though i'll probably try and complete a few of those badges... not too far from lvl 100 :)

9 years ago

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yeah, also you can trade to complete, or start your own key bussnies :P

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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Well, that's not too much of a problem - my computer never gets turned off anyway (Off switch? Computers actually have those?)

9 years ago

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Isn't that extremely unhealthy for it though? Or from a more practical point of view, doesn't it reduce performance drastically over time when it never gets to catch a break? I always turn my computer off for the night and if I let it run for 24 hour streaks or more I already start noticing drops.

9 years ago

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You sir have some unhealthy bloatware bugging your computer.. Good healthy pc could work 24/7 for half a year without any performance issues.

9 years ago

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The worst for computers is to turn them on and off constantly. The power supply and the hard disk suffer a lot from that. I've seen servers running for years without interruption and without a single problem. And computers (desktop/laptop) with a broken power supply or failing hard disk after a few months of use.

9 years ago

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nope.. i keep my OS clean and running smoothly.. and it does get rebooted every now and then for updates, etc...
Even so, I don't really notice any slowdowns - even if it hasn't been rebooted in a month (I do have a bit of a beastly machine though, could have something to do with it)

9 years ago

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Still, it is a huge waste of energy.

9 years ago

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PC or Laptop in sleep mode is one of the top 3 home devices with the least energy consumption :)
PC or Laptop in normal mode consumes less energy than a smart phone charging :D

9 years ago

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I thought OP let the PC on on normal mode whole day/night. And that uses way more than a smartphone.

9 years ago

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What? That's certainly incorrect. My PC runs at 90-125 watts for normal use, it's like 30 I think maximum in sleep mode.
My smart phone uses no more than 5 watts when charging, and when it's charged it's almost nothing. CPU's require like 65 watts, obviously more than a smart phone.

9 years ago

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In your profile it says "All day gaming. And night. Basicly anytime." So why are you talking?

I don't know how much energy computers use over a day but if someone can afford it then where's the problem?

9 years ago

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  1. it is a hyperbole. I may be gaming at any time, but- as you can see in my last 2 weeks of game activity- I don't do so

  2. It is not sustainable.

9 years ago

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my small idle-thinkpad, with screen off needs in a hour less energy than a vacuum cleaner in 30 seconds.....

9 years ago

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That is nice, but OP's PC probably needs more ;)

9 years ago

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The truth is that servers work 24/7 for at least 10 years and they do not appear problems, they just become outdated.

So, it's not unhealthy mate, it's normal :)

9 years ago

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A halfway modern computer will have each of it's components run in like 1% state when you're just idling, nothings gonna get hurt by that.

Also please note that a notebook "isn't a real computer" in my books. You're totally not supposed to run them 24/7 as they are bound to suffer from heat issues.

My PC is running nonstop and nothing gets slowed down at all ever. Except Flash; which gets slowed down every other hour (at least if you use a lot of tabs and sites like twitch and youtube). Solved by closing the browser every now and then (usually once a day for me) ;-)

9 years ago

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Ah. Took me a moment to get that one...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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electric bill? whats that? solar panels!

9 years ago

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considering what it takes to run them manually it easily cuts the time required by 75%+
(mostly by time wasted switching, installing, forgetting, possibility [which game runs where])

i farm cards myself on the notebook or virtualbox-pc ...
still annoying, the damn cards should instantly drop when getting a game

9 years ago

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you can sometimes farm multiple games at once if you install and start them all up at once - but I think idle master will be easier.. Less screwing around with installing/farming/deleting (also less off my internet quota -_-;)

9 years ago

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"Less screwing around with installing/farming/deleting"
This was my main issue as well with 700+ cards. It's just not good to download up to 10-15GB size of games just to delete them - defragmentation is also quite a hell, not to mention the actual download/uninstall times.

9 years ago

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Cards usually drop within 1-3 hours of game time which means that they will all be dropped far before you are even close to finishing the game.. meaning that for anyone with the slightest interest in the game you will not be missing out on any cards. Why should you get cards that easily if you're not playing it at all? Idling is reasonable, but in the end cards are meant to encourage actually playing the game.

9 years ago

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"Why should you get cards that easily if you're not playing it at all?"

Because one paid for the game -> ergo the cards are yours, only idling/playing
the game solely for cards is unreasonable (esp. if you really run the game manually).

"... but in the end cards are meant to encourage actually playing the game."

cards might be an incentive to play/run even the crappiest of games but in the end its just a way to generate
more profit
and having to waste time only to WAIT for cards is sure as hell not in my interest.

So again ... why would you not get the cards of a game you own instantly or at least when you fire it up once?
You said yourself cards drop within 1-3 hours ... what kind of insult is it, to run/play a game for 1-3 hours for cards lol?

9 years ago*

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Taking the bait....

I paid for a football game ticket, and my team lost...WTF.

9 years ago

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You paid to watch your team compete, and hoped they would win. Just like when someone buys a game, they are sold a product for entertainment and NOT for the cards. The cards are an extra incentive, or in some cases the only, to buy the game, but at the end of the day, buying a game is only a purchase to play said game.

9 years ago

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Exactly my point.

9 years ago

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How does a dead-certain time-wasting card drop of a game you're not
even interested in, compare to a selectively picked football game?

In case you haven't noticed games are being sold in bundles, thus providing far more games
than one would bother to buy self-picked > "more football games one could ever watch duh" lol
(still the cards have steam-marketable-value)

9 years ago*

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The comparison is to your statement that you feel entitled to get the cards right out of the box, so to speak, and that you are insulted that the devs of said game expect you to actually play it in order to get the card drops. Those devs spent a lot of time putting together even the crappiest of games, and the time that you are not investing in the game is designed so that some share of the market would see something that they like in the game perhaps, and look for other titles by that same dev or studio.

9 years ago

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Oh boy ... someone should entitle you to some reading skills. You're ripping my sentences out of context.
How hard is it to grasp > that doing so, is a stupendous waste of time to "one" (user) and an INSULT
to the "other" (game/devs).

While instantly getting the cards equals just having them at once. Which changes
about NOTHING linked with the game to me (either i was going to play it or not).

9 years ago

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I read this...
"So again ... why would you not get the cards of a game you own instantly or at least when you fire it up once?
You said yourself cards drop within 1-3 hours ... what kind of insult is it, to run/play a game for 1-3 hours for cards lol?"

Pretty sure I am not the only one who would take away what I took away from that quote.

9 years ago

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Thats because you and anyone else who'd think so, just pointlessly cut in a conversation they weren't part of:

  1. "considering what it takes to run them manually it easily cuts the time required by 75%+
    (mostly by time wasted switching, installing, forgetting, possibility [which game runs where])
    still annoying, the damn cards should instantly drop when getting a game"

  2. someones post:
    "Cards usually drop within 1-3 hours of game time which means that they will all be dropped far before you are even close to finishing the game.. meaning that for anyone with the slightest interest in the game you will not be missing out on any cards."

  3. "So again ... why would you not get the cards of a game you own instantly or at least when you fire it up once?
    You said yourself cards drop within 1-3 hours ... what kind of insult is it, to run/play a game for 1-3 hours for cards lol"

If i'd be interested in a, i wouldn't give a f* about: cards, achievements, cloud-save or whatever.
Needless to say a game of sorts would be easily played its "full length" and way more - while
cards would be but a mere capitalistic/market distraction, one can't turn a blind eye to out of bad habit.

9 years ago*

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Assuming you'll get a drop every 30 minutes on average, that's nearly an entire month of idling for cards ><

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Oh, my computer doesn't know how to shut down (and if it says it does it's lying)

9 years ago

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I wish mine could say the same. But here we've got this nasty thing called load-shedding...basically not enough power to go around the country so they forcibly turn disctricts/city sectors off at pre-scheduled times to try and stop the power stations from being overdrawn and the national grid going down completely. And a UPS will only get you so far so unfortunately my system does know how to shut down and it's even better at just losing power completely when the damn UPS batteries fail. Aside from that it's run 24/7 though with a restart every 4 or so days to clean up the RAM.

9 years ago

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my pc has been constanly on for over two months and still has not finished!!

9 years ago

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Sort out the games in your backlog maybe? If you're going to play them at some point anyway you won't need to spend time idling them now. It doesn't hurt to have some potential cards saved up for later (unless you really want to sell everything right now).

9 years ago

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Oh noes. That avatar is too cute!!!

9 years ago

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188 I have ^^

9 years ago

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It took me month to get 400 cards using Idle Master and overall year and a half to get 600. Still got 40 cards to idle. But It's too hard, even if I'm doing nothing :)
Good luck with your 1300 cards, mate.

9 years ago

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Has anyone ever gotten banned or had their account flagged for using this? I'm just soooooo paranoid about F'ing with my steam account.

9 years ago

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Not as far as I know.. besides - from Steam's point of view all it is doing is loading a game and idling it.. just like you would if you were doing it manually (without the added hassle of downloading and installing each game). It's not 'hacking' steam's files in any way (and actually saving downloads on steam's servers, so valve should be happy about it.. heh)

9 years ago

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Nope the only problem you could get is if you play a VAC enabled game and Idle Master is running at the same time. Golden rule is to let it run only when you're not playing and there's no problem to be had this way.

9 years ago

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Nah, ive used it many many times. Just as an extra precaution, I NEVER play another game on steam while the idler is running. If you really want to play a game, pause the idler and then resume when you are done playing :)

Happy idling!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Luckily I only need to farm 600 cards or not considering I'll buy more bundles I guess I will never go below 300 cards

9 years ago

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Good luck with that!

I let things slip too, and have 3157 card drops remaining. Might give this a try one day.

9 years ago

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3157? ouch...

9 years ago

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good luck, kek

9 years ago

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Just go sleep for one week and you will wake up happy :D

9 years ago

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Sleep is for the week... oh wait... :P

9 years ago

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when i have card drop from a game, i just farm them directly so i don't have 1000 cards to farm in a row ...

9 years ago

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Good luck...It took me literally 3 days to farm 165 cards despite having medium end pc.....might be my internet connection though since i live in a 3rd world country.

9 years ago

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Why do people wait till they get a shit ton of cards before they decide to drop the cards i do not get it.I would get it if there was no such thing as idle master as you would have to install them and run them.

Unless you care about showing how many hours you log you can still play a game while idling,just start the game you want to idle then run the game you want to play so you can still play and earn drops they say it slows down the rate drop but at least this way you can still play and get cards.Just make sure your not running anything vac to be safe from a ban.

Then just idle t he rest when your not playing.The good news is you seem to be a badge collector so you will not lose anything if you do not get them all for the summer sale as far as selling but if they did like they did last summer might tie item drops to badge crafting.

Anyhow have fun idling lol

9 years ago

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Well.. I used to keep on top of it, usually saving up the drops for the steam sale events to craft my badges. I've just let it kinda lapse this past year or so (plus I kinda only got really into the bundle scene this past year too.. so my games library has exploded in size since then)

9 years ago

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Actually farming cards in advance of the big Steam sales is one of the reasons my backlog drops... but I try everything at least for a while to see if it's something I want to play all the way through. If it's crap, I just let it idle and go read a book OR hang out on some site - oh wait, I'm doing that now :-p

9 years ago

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Holy. Shit. lol

9 years ago

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1380 cards remaining... Drop every 20-25 mins, I think I'll be ready for summer sale

9 years ago

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That's pretty much my plan as well.. heh

9 years ago

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1300... what...

9 years ago

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I farmed my 1600 cards a while ago, i got like 100€ of it...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Thats alot best advice,before getting the idle master you shoulda install those and play games first,but well,you delayed it,and now you see what happend....

9 years ago

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wow amazed..

9 years ago

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