If I walked into a restaurant and started telling all the customers inside that their food sucked, I would be removed immediately, regardless of whether or not what I was saying was an opinion. If you want to voice a negative opinion of something without repercussions or censoring, you need to do so in a forum/environment that is not governed by the people you are speaking bad of.
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You badmouthed a thing on the fanpage for said thing, they probably assumed troll.
it would be like me walking into a rockstar games thing and telling them why i didnt like GTA 4 or red dead redemption and wondering why people got pissed at me.
or walking into ubisoft, telling them my honest opinion about AC 3 (that it was a broken, buggy, poorly written mess of a game that it looked and played like they barely put any effort into) and then wondering why they were not happy with me.
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This. People forget that you can't walk into a store and start chasing away their customers. You can't walk into someones kitchen and piss on their clean dishes.
So likely, they thought you were some idiot trying to troll and start some big to do that would disrupt their community. Go figure, they banned you.
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Well to be fair you totally could walk into someones house and piss on their clean dishes if they werent around...or were "into" that kind of thing.
piss is sterile so if it has time to dry they probably would only notice that their next few meals tasted weird.
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Was this talking about random "complaints" (more so telling you how to do your job and not really a complaint) with no basis in reality on a facebook page or was this about a proper realistic complaint in the proper venue for such things? Because if in college, they didn't teach you the difference, you need to get your money back.
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Silly you. You have to think of this game as an MMO. You can only play MMOs online so I’m okay with this! Only losers like to play alone. We should make friends with all Sims players for a better gameplay!
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OMGLOL "it is likely to be a massive content filled game that EA needs time to work on, especially if they are planning to allow offline-play without any internet connection hassles."
Now they are making it look like "hey, making a MMO is easy, but making an offline game is terribly hard"... pfff...
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"i said in a comment that the next chapter of "The Sims" will be a complete failure if it will have an online DRM like "Simcity 2013" and fully bugged like "The Sims 3"."
This is not an opinion, it's false statement, you don't know how it's gonna be. I'm not surprised at all about ban, I would do same on their place.
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He said it will be as if he were stating a fact, not an opinion.
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Not defending the OP's decision to post that on their fan page but you do understand that people talk about their opinions in a fact-like manner all the time, right? If people followed your strict speaking guidelines then one must always put "I think" before all opinion based statements. "I think The Sims 3 sucks" vs "The Sims 3 sucks." "I think apples are disgusting" vs "Apples are disgusting". It's an accepted colloquial format to state opinions in this manner.
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its discouraging business, you're an idiot for thinking it was appropriate.
Thats like me going on a rockstar fanpage and saying you guys suck and gta is a horrible game dont buy the next one coming out... I'm discouraging business and people from buying their products, facepalm to YOU op not to EA.
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Ma infatti chi se ne frega del ban. Il thread l'ho creato per il "perché" lo hanno fatto. Il "mascherare" le opinioni altrui quando questa non aggrada non è una cosa positiva per come la vedo io, poi altri qui dicono che hanno fatto bene, io non sono d'accordo! ;)
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Eh ma sai, di gente permalosa ce n'è in giro, come per esempio poppanti (admin di gruppi per SG) a cui scende ancora la goccia di latte dalla bocca, che si crede chissà chi, ma che ancora non ha capito che non conta una beata minkia sulla faccia della terra ahahahahahaha, nulla cosmico per intenderci. Quindi esprimi sempre la tua opinione sapendo a cosa vai incontro, ma fallo sempre con rispetto, poi se ti bannano anche quando lo dici con cortesia, beh, allora non ti sei perso nulla, hai solo evitato un'altra testa di cazzo con cui parlare ;)
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No wonder why. I would do so too. If you want to give your opinions about something learn to do the nicely and constructively.
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So you joined the page to badmouth EA and troll them, and you got banned?
Wow, huge surprise, try doing that (badmouth Valve) on the Steam Forums and see what happens, I bet you can't guess!
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these days everybody cites free speech and thinks their opinion is sacred. (and something to be spewed everywhere regardless of context and nobody can say boo because "its my opinion".) All that rule says is that you can say what you like without government interference, doesn't mean random people who aren't the government have to let you do it on their site or in their business. Its their page and they figured you were trolling.(which it kinda was to go to their like page with that (well at least before it inevitably happens lol)) and they had every right.
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Everyone's an attention whore too, I would bet the OP knew this would happen, and just wanted the attention from fellow EA Hate bandwagon members. Hell, maybe it didn't even happen.
I'm getting tired of all these douches. I swear to god I see a new "I HATZERZ EA!!111!" thread anytime I view a gaming related forum.
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God... that would be like eating a cheese burger wrapped in bacon that was deep fried in goat blood in PETA headquarters.... why do you think the fanpage wants to hear negativity about a game they are fans of? Granted, what you said is true... still shouldn't be surprised.
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If I walked into your house and started bad mouthing you, you would probably kick me out, even if you invited me.....
And it sounds as if The Sims 4 will be DRM free.
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Like i said, the official italian fanpage of "SimCity EA" on Facebook banned me 'cause i said in a comment that the next chapter of "The Sims" will be a complete failure if it will have an online DRM like "Simcity 2013" and fully bugged like "The Sims 3".
Moral of the story: Forbidden to say our own opinion of any product/brand linked to Electronic Arts.
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