Action Indie Pack on Steam

When it is added to your inventory (not library), is it one entry or do all the individual games get place in inventory?

Can you gift and place in library parts of the pack?

If I bought the pack, I would only want to keep 1 or 2 & gift the rest.


10 years ago*

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You can not gift just one game from the pack.
It's all-in-one

10 years ago

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Damn. I was afraid of that. :P Thanks. You just saved me $1.49. :)

10 years ago

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Six games for the price of a 2-liter of soda. Still worth it.

10 years ago

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it is one single gift pack with all the games, if you add it to your library and you already have some of the games in the pack steam ill warn you that you ill not receive back the games that you already have

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by SelectiveOblivion.