SteamGifts Tools is a tool in a form of a website that lets you do some interesting checks to steamgifts mechanics:



  1. SG Dark Grey Userstyle by SquishedPotatoe thread
  2. Old (deprecated) ones:

User Scripts

  1. SGTools Helper: Help you create giveaways with SGTools typical options and marks protected giveaways on steamgifts giveaway page
  2. Links to user profile: Awesome userscript made by SilentGuy that adds links to the common sgtools checks on a user profile. See his thread
  3. Links on giveaway's winners page. The script will add a link next to each winner's 'Request New Winner' link in your giveaway's winners list, so that you can easily check them for non-activated and multiple wins
  4. ESGST: An all-in-one script to rock your Steamgifts experience. It integrates to and gives quick access to several SGT functionality from inside steamgifts website.


  1. Check real cv value (as we had in steamgifts v1) and it's level translation with a detailed log of every game contribution and how they add up to the final number.
  2. Check real cv for your won gifts, so you can compare with your send gifts.
  3. Check if a user has activated all his gifts, useful if you want to check a little bit the winners of your giveaways.
  4. Multiple Wins. Checks if a user has won and marked as received the same game more than once
  5. Last Bunled Games. List new additions to the bundle list of the last 7 days with a minimum of 50 entries, showing the game (with a link to steam), the date since the game is considered bundled and the date when it was added to the bundle list.
  6. Create, manage and enter giveaways with more advanced and complex filters than the ones in steamgifts.
  7. Deals and their bundle status


  1. Since CG don’t give us an open API, all requests have to parse your full profile to check your sent games, this will take some seconds (more if you gave away tons of games!), so please be patient.
  2. The site uses a cached bundle list, so if you find a recent bundle game that gives you a full value instead of the 15% one, just wait until the next cached bundle list is ready. Cached Bundle list auto-updates itself every 6 hours starting at 3:00AM GMT (3am, 9am, 3pm, 9pm).
  3. The tool will search steam API to get the real cost for packages that has its point value truncated to 50 in steamgifts, but if the package is no longer available the tool will use the points as CV (50$).
  4. It may sound obvious, but the tool can't check not activated gifts if the profile is private.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

This thread contains a Wiki visible with the GHWSGI userscript. If you prefer to see it directly on GitHub instead, click here.

9 years ago*

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Not sure if it wasn't suggested before, but I think a new filter wishlist_date_earlier_than_giveaway_creation would simplify creating wishlist based giveaways (no need to specify date) and would be sufficient in most cases, where the GA creators only want to prevent users from adding a game to their wishlist just to satisfy the filter. This would do it.

7 years ago

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Can i talk with you for deban, i was ban for nothing on steamgifts and sgtools, they deban me (steamgifts) because it was not my fault but i am ban sgtool too, and i want to explain for sgtools. Can somebody contact me for that. Thanks

7 years ago

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Sure, feel free to add me on steam.

7 years ago

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done, thanks 😍

7 years ago

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I'm getting an unactivated win on Hamilton's Great Adventure Retro Fever DLC. I did activate on my account, so I assume there's a problem checking DLC.

7 years ago

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Did you try a SGTools sync SSPssp?

7 years ago

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Thanks. It's not working on my mobile but I'll check it out when I get home! Edit: Ok it went through but it's still showing up as unactivated. Thanks though.

7 years ago*

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Added to the whitelist, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Thank you! :)

7 years ago

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Bump! :3

7 years ago

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Bump! :O

7 years ago

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I was always curious, why is there a 2 step process of checking the requirements and then asking for the link?

7 years ago

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Happy cake day for ya and the bump for the thread. Yes.

7 years ago

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Well there are some reasons to have it in two steps.

First is because people love to know if they pass some rules or not, even if they don't intend to enter the giveaway or already own the game. So this way everybody can check if they pass the requirements without getting the url (there is an option to limit the number of times the url is given).

Second and most important, it's a protection system, so it's impossible to get the url without a clear trace on the db. Infractions are a serious issue for SGT, and to clearly identify them I need a robust system that provides me enough and detailed information to take actions if needed.
In the past I explained with more detail how this worked, I guess you can find it in this thread, since someone was blaming "sgtools didn't record my entry" to cover his rule breaking. Precisely for those cases, the system was built in a redundant way and leaving track of the different states of a giveaway entry to refute this kind of excuses easily.

PS: Happy factorycake day!

7 years ago

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one invalid entry in castle of illusion gib

7 years ago

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Infraction applied, thanks for the report windu!

7 years ago

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Bump for visibility! :3

7 years ago

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Bump! :O

7 years ago

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Bump! ^^

7 years ago

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Bump! :-)

7 years ago

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Bump! :-)

7 years ago

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Bump! :3

7 years ago

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Bump! ^^

7 years ago

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Bump! :O

7 years ago

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Bump! :3

7 years ago

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Bump! :-)

7 years ago

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Bump! ;)

7 years ago

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Seems John Wick Chronicles changed his pre-release state somehow and now shows as an unactivated win :-(

7 years ago

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Changed release date to February 10th, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Hello! I am having some trouble checking the requirements for a certain giveaway protected by sgtools (unfortunately I can't give the link because it was protected by a puzzle).

When I try to check my requirements it says that "Your account is flagged as having some unactivated Wins or your profile is Private". The GA is level 1+ and the rules are:
Your account must have activated all the won gifts
Your account is not allowed to have won the same game multiple times.
Your account must never been VAC banned.

I don't understand why I get this message, my profile is public and I have activated all my games. I am pretty sure I am not blacklisted by the ga creator.

Can you shed some light on this issue? Thanks.

7 years ago

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Sync with sgtools (Note, this is different to syncing with Steamgifts.)

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot, it worked! Sorry for bothering you.

7 years ago

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Hi Knsys, I'm a bit surprised with a protected GA winner. This person may have been very lucky in a very short time, or may have messed up with GA feedback to pass the rules. Since I didn't deliver the gift yet, the winner name is not public, can I add you on Steam to give your the required info to check this profile (if you want to) ?

7 years ago

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Sure, feel free to add me

7 years ago

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Hi, since yesterday I get this message "You are currently serving an infraction until 2017-03-01 08:19:37 NY Time", but I don't know why, I have a perfect status and never had a problem with sgtools.

7 years ago

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I've been used to SGtools being slightly incorrect for my realCV sent due to a multi-giveaway (50copies) only getting 46 valid received entries & possibly a 4copy same situation. so for the last 3 levels i've always had sgtools tell me i should be a hair higher then i really am.. but ever since i got to level 9 it immediately flipped and sgtools is behind what is telling me i am, which makes no sense at all to me since i was used to the reverse of that for good reason.

as you can see in the photo attached, says i am 11% into level 9, but sgtools is saying i should only be 10%.

anyways, it's not really significant, but i'm just curious what could be causing it to be off in that direction?

View attached image.
7 years ago

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With multi-copies giveaways where the bot can't really calculate the number of sent games, it assumes that you have sent everything and that is normal. So being a little ahead on those cases is just the expected result (that's why we need an api).

About the screenshots, well you are not behind, it's just a matter of rounding the decimals 10.93% is 11% when you round it to no decimals (even 10.51% is 11%). So you don't really know if you are behind or no, it's hidden by rounding applied on steamgifts side.

7 years ago

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Invalid entry for the first two games in the list, same user.

7 years ago

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Infraction applied, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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There used to be a list of available variables for custom rules at the bottom of the page (when creating a filter). It seems to have been replaced with a tool to "help" build custom rules, but I don't find it quite convenient... is there a place where we can find the list of variables?

7 years ago

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I added back the variables explanation on the bottom, just click on Show/Hide variables and they'll appear.

7 years ago

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Thank you :) Much better this way 😎

7 years ago

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I have three new jailbirds:

7 years ago

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Infractions applied, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Got a stowaway and one possible error?

7 years ago

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Infractions applied, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Multi-Tab checking at the same time triggered this error. Simply refreshing and trying again worked just fine, but I wanted to let you know in case its some bug that can be fixed. xD
(both checks had the same rules, both of which i passed)

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I'll look at it, thanks for the report.

PS: It's pointless to do several checkings at the same time, since the cache is only refreshed once and once it's refreshed the results are instant. So just checking the first one, and then the rest would report the same result with less waiting.

7 years ago

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no problem & good to know.

that actually reminds me though, why is there not a small caching on the rule checks? after all my GAs end i check users and sometimes i close tabs too fast without reading them thru and end up having to open the results back up a second time, and it always has to go thru the full check again. wouldn't a 10min timeout cache eat up a little less resources when i make that mistake? it's not very likely for those results to change in only 10mins anyways.
it could even have a timer on the page saying "this is a cache view of the page that will be allowed to update in 7:34 (mm:ss)"

7 years ago*

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The checks are live because people tend to look at them when they change (real cv). It's true that on rule checking a small cache could help, but I'm not sure there would be many "hits", since people usually don't win that many games on 10 minutes :)

So at the end the cache would only waste space on the database.

7 years ago

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to be honest i bring it up to try and play along better with rhSGST script. currently when a giveaway ends, i use his checker to see if it's simply a pass or fail on those winners. when it's pass i don't have to open up the sgtools page (sorry, i know that's not what u want to hear), but when it's fail i open up the page to see the actual reason and date of the infraction causing the extra workload on your servers. cause i personally don't care about a infraction from 2015 or early 2016, but do care about recent rule breaking.

edit: oh and i don't mean on the CV pages at all, those should probably stay live for good reason. just the rulechecks.

also those few times a week someone creates those "why am i blacklisted?" threads, those 20people that instantly check that users rulechecks will all see the same results rather then all of them requesting fresh information.

7 years ago*

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I created a short term cache for multiple wins and not activated checks, it's good for 20 minutes.
The second point that you explained convinced me :)

7 years ago

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sounds excellent thank you! =)

7 years ago

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At least one invalid entrant. Might be others.

7 years ago

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Infraction issued, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Is there a way to simply search up a game and see the prices on the different sites(like the sgtools gate) as well as the real cv it'd get on SG?

7 years ago

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That doesn't exist currently.
A game page was planned at the beginning, but I didn't find a reason why anyone would use it.

7 years ago

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There's a lot of discussion in this thread about whether SGTools-protected GAs encourage people to fix their past infractions. Do you have some stats on this to share?

Thanks! :-)

7 years ago

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I don't have stats on this, since I don't follow the evolution of rule breakers. Since it's not a potentially "cheating stat" by itself.
That being said, several people added me to ask how to clean them though.

7 years ago

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I remember a post by SG support that since the coming of SGTools a lot of rule breakers were flooding SG support to fix their non-activated and/or multiple wins but I haven't been able to track it down, yet.

7 years ago

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Knsys, I have a new SGTools train running and I was wondering if you have updated stats like those you post in your main post of this thread? :-)

7 years ago

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STATS (06/02/2017)

  • Number of users: 25.801
  • Number of users that are giveaway creators: 1.169
  • Number of users serving infractions: 30
  • Number of banned: 18
  • Ad-block Activated: 59,92%
  • Ad-block Not Activated: 40,08%
7 years ago

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Thank you so much Knsys! :3

7 years ago

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Invalid entry from the same user on all of those GAs.

Additionally I found something weird on 5e8cad3b-e876-11e6-a31e-fa163ee2f826 - the winner had multiple win in January and yet got the URL as he is on valid entries list (entered on 2017-02-05 15:11:56 UTC). Have I messed up the rules (they were supposed to stop from entering if someone had multiple wins in last two years) ?

7 years ago

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I just finished investigating the weird winner, you can ask for a reroll.

7 years ago*

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Thanks, I already did, because he broke the rules. I just thought you should know, as it is a bit weird for me he managed to slip through SG tools.

7 years ago

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Hi, the winner of my last GA has, according to 5 unactivated games. What should I do ?

7 years ago

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Hope you did not sent the key/gift yet.
Request a new winner. Give as reason other, write something like "User did not activate the following games:" and copy the links of the giveaways your winner did not activate.
If the last non activation was less than 30 days ago, give "did not actiate a win in the last month".
Wait for support to handle your ticket.
If the winner already served a suspension, support will tell you to send the game.
If the winner has not served a suspension yet, you will get a new winner.

7 years ago

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I guess that your giveaway wasn't SGTools protected?

Don't send the game, yet!

Request New Winner => reason: Other => Did not activate wins => Wait for the answer of SG support (could take a few days time).

They will either grant the re-roll or if that user has already been suspended for those non activated wins they will deny the re-roll.

SG support advises to always sent a re-roll ticket in this case.

7 years ago

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Thanks. Will do that

7 years ago

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Turns out the The suspension was already served. All good than. Thank you both.

7 years ago

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You're so welcome Jerminel and I'm very sorry to hear that. I don't have that problem anymore because I use SGTools protected giveaways so I don't have very wonderful winners like you had one. :3

Using SGTools protected giveaways is a very nice and pleasant way to avoid such very wonderful winners. :-)

7 years ago

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Can you use it for public GAs ?

7 years ago

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No, every SGTools giveaway needs to be an invite only giveaway.

7 years ago

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i can't enter sgtools giveaways anymore because i've "unactivated" gifts. That's not right because i've won a censored version (German Edition) of 'Wolfenstein: The Old Blood'. Both versions have different Steam App-IDs.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood:

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood German Edition:

Is this problem fixable?

7 years ago

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Added to the equivalence table, thanks for the report!

7 years ago

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Thank you. :)

could happen with Wolfenstein: The New Order too.

Wolfenstein: The New Order:

Wolfenstein: The New Ordner German Edition:

7 years ago

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Yes, this one was already on the equivalence table :)

7 years ago

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I'm removing games from my account and checking SGTools if I removed a game that I won from here. It's worked well over the past weeks but today the rule checker isn't refreshing and I keep having unactivated games even though I reactivated them. Problem with syncing?

7 years ago

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try 20mins later now after sync. knsys added caching to the rule checks pages that lasts 20mins before a fresh check can happen.

7 years ago

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Ahh.. Alright, gotcha. Thanks.

7 years ago

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thank you. this fixed for me too lol.

i was getting annoyed for a sec there, didnt even notice the site had a sync option

7 years ago

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