what you think will happen when the bundles are banned, yea xactly, people will start creating goveaways on games from bundles,
and what is wrong with giving away bundles anyway, that people bought that bundles... dont snuffle for how much they paid for it, thats not your bussiness
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Who cares whether or not they own it, buy games, they are worth it.
They are intended to spread awareness of the game/game developer with the best customer satisfaction possible (No DRM, Cross-platform) while raising money for the people who made the games and for charity.
If people only buy the Humble Bundles at one cent to giveaway then the whole concept and model is ruined thanks to people like you. Buy the damned games at full price. (Pardon the language, need to get a point across)
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It certainly isn't stealing or piracy, and technically, it is "buying". The problem is that every bundle sold costs the organizers some money. Yes, we're talking about digital wares, but even bandwidth has its price -- so everytime you download a bundle, they pay for the data transfer.
Also, money transactions aren't for free. Every incoming PayPal transaction costs you money. Usually, it's 2.9% + $0.30. Which means that for every $0.01 you give them, you make PayPal take $0.30 from them. So with each of these "purchases", you push the organizers another $0.29 closer to red numbers. It is both "buying" and "riping them off".
(Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.)
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I have entered for quite a lot of HiB's too, but when I think about how they got it, I am not so happy with it.
I think we should do this. There are people like me that don't have a creditcard and cannot buy it, admitted.
But that does not justify to abuse charity. I would happily hand them over 5€ if they would have an adequat payment method.
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I think when Humble Bundle #3 was being sold instead of blocking like they did with Frozen Synapse Bundle people were limited to only giving away 3 bundles, I think that should be restored and applied to all the bundles instead.
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Oh, this again. >_>
Guys, you do realize that people abusing (well, first of all it's not abusing, it's pay what you want) the system and buying bundles for $0.01 doesn't actually hurt them?
Even if 100,000 people buy the bundle for a cent they lose only $30,000, they still earn A MILLION DOLLARS.
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Oh so you feel fine because it would only cost (not earn) the charity and developers a total $29,000 in your mind? You would be better off, morally, to just download all the games from a torrent site. The torrent at least wont charge the charity for you doing so.
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They earn a million dollars? No. They raise up a large part of that sum for charity. Having parasites sucking on their generosity by buying hundreds of keys for a penny each only brings them nothing but trouble, and causes them to lose money that could be going both to sick children and hungry indie developers.
This website allows those exploited keys (Yes, it is exploitation) to be easily distributed, which is fairly odd taking that other keys like the ones for "The Dark Messiah Multiplayer" and "Eets" are banned for the most part.
If you don't have a credit card or if you're too cheap to buy it at a reasonable price, don't fucking get it.
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I meant overall they get >million dollars, so a <$30,000 loss won't really change anything. Balls, fuck, fag, shit! (That's me swearing to sound more persuasive and cool.)
Yes, technically that's exploitation, but again, they don't lose as much as you think. Actually, wouldn't it be better to make a rule so that only bundles that were bought for more than $x could be given away?
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"they get >million dollars, so a <$30,000 loss won't really change anythin"
A $30,000 loss doesn't change anything? Thirty-thousand extra dollars for charity isn't something slightly meaningful? Are you mental!?
A loss is still a loss and there's no excuse, specially if it's a charity campaign.
And there's no way to view how much money was paid for each Bundle. There's no way to filter the legit copies from the exploited ones.
Your logic is flawed and so are your views on economics. Please remove yourself and prevent giving advice when you have no idea of what you're talking about.
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Actually since the money is split charities,devs and HIB lose ~4-5K each. Sorry, I don't think that's much.
"And there's no way to view how much money was paid for each Bundle. "
Except since now you can only give away the link to the humble bundle site, you can clearly see how much was paid for it.
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Wow, worst logic ever. So I can go and make a scheme where I take from charity and I can feel fine about it because sick children didn't "need" that extra $30,000 and the charity and other donors should be able to absorb the loss? Nice try to rationalize abuse of a charity system. Bravo scum, bravo.
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OK, let's remove the word "charity" from this discussion, since babies with AIDS poison everyone's thoughts. The charities don't lose anything. They aren't the ones paying for the transaction fees. HIBIndustriesOrWhatever are... And they're the ones allowing people to pay a cent. If they had any problems with people paying a cent they would have raised the minimal price. They don't, so that means they're ok with it, they get enough money to make another HIB every 3 months, pay for the traffic on their site, transaction fees and salaries to the people working there.
. . .
So now that we got the word "charity" out of the way, established that HIBIndustries are perfectly fine with everything, I have to ask everyone: What's your problem?
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Wow, you're brain dead. Stop pulling things out of your arse.
The Humble Bundle team are not okay with people buying them for 1 cent. They let people buy the bundles for 1 cent because it's a way to show they're letting people show how selfless they are by paying any amount for the games, having the largest sum of the income directed towards the participating charities. They absolutely hate people who purchase bundles for a cent each, mainly because people who do so are usually greedy selfish scumbags. Hence why it's defined as exploitation to begin with.
When you try and purchase a bundle for 1 cent, you get a Captcha to prove your humanity, because you have no heart.
Also the HIB staff is mostly formed by the developers of the games included in the current bundle, plus volunteered job. All money can go both to the charities, the maintenance of the website (bandwidth fees) and the developers of the games. You know absolutely nothing.
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Oh, I love random insults.
Fair enough, still, if it was hurting them they would do something about it.
"They absolutely hate people who purchase bundles for a cent each, mainly because they're greedy selfish scumbags."
Lol, that didn't come out right.
"Also the HIB staff is mostly formed by the developers of the games included in the current bundle, plus volunteered job."
. . .What does that have to do with anything?
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There are no salaries from specifically working there, you wrongly stated like if they did.
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So once again you want to relabel to make it not sound so horrid and you want to avoid basic math (and finances).
1) It is a charity so you don't get to remove the word.
2) "The charities don't lose anything." Hmmmm you don't understand math do you? Simple question: If something you or others are doing cause a negative entry into the charity's finances then how does that not cost something?
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I'm trying to make it not sound horrible because when arguing everyone basically screams: "CHARITY! HUNGRY BABIES WITH AIDS! AAAA!"
Oh, god. As I said before in the comment you're responding to: Charities don't lose anything. HIBIndustries does. They are paying those $30,000. Those $30,000 come from the money that was specifically given to HIBIndustries (not the charity) for paying the transaction fees and other stuff. If the transaction fees wouldn't exist, charities wouldn't get those $30,000, HIBIndustries would.
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The HiB industries help charities. If they lose money, charities are losing money, too.
Stop being so obnoxious.
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This is like talking to a wall... No charities don't lose anything.
You know how when buying a HIB there's a lot of sliders there that adjust how much money goes where? The money that goes to HIB is what they pay transaction fees with. The money that goes to charities — goes to charities.
BTW,I love how the only argument against the bundles being given away on this site is that charities will lose money, which they won't lose.
EDIT: Sorry, I'm going to sleep now, so in case you respond to this post, just re-read this post again.
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So it's okay to you if the Humble Team loses money due to exploitation and general greediness just because they're not a charity themselves, but an organization aimed at helping sick children?
Alright. I can tolerate douchebaggery fairly well. I can't really do a thing about it.
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FFS, do you think those <$30,000 are taken by a bully or given some sort of special treatment? They're paid along with the other ($120,000) transaction fees. Yeah, big surprise, those who pay $10 are causing them to pay the same $0.30. By your logic we should all be ashamed of downloading games off steam. That costs them a like half a cent which they could spend developing Episode 3, but no, we scumbags download games causing them to pay money!
BTW, please stop trying to shove dying kids into this conversation. They've got enough problems as it is.
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I don't think you understand the concept. The point is to raise money for charity. That is 30,000 less than the charity could have had due to people's selfishness.
The point of allowing people to pay what they want is not so that you pay 1 penny, but that you rise above your own self interests because it's for charity and pay something reasonable, even though you have the option to be a dick.
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Read my post again then punch yourself in the face.
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Sorry, I worded that sentence wrongly. They wouldn't actually get it, they just wouldn't have lost it. So they wouldn't have lost some of the money that was there specifically to pay for the transaction fees. You can now reread the part of my post where I say something about your logic and how the example I give you sounds ridiculous.
Edit:BTW, returning to what this discussion was about 3.7 billion responses ago... Let's say 300 $0.01 Humble Frozen Synapse bundles are given away on this site. That would mean that this site would cause the Humble team to pay an extra $90 for transaction fees. Considering that they have to pay $70,000 overall I don't think this site is hurting them so badly that we have to ban the bundles here.
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Leave HIB 1,2,3 and Frozenbyte. HFSB and all new bundles should be blocked for some months after being on sale, not for forever. Just some monts ago HIB 2 was pretty common to see. Now it's rare enough. Same for HFSB. Wait some time till it's rare too.
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If you ban the Humble Bundle, there will simply be more giveaways of Humble Bundle games that happen to have the rest of it attached, and I don't think that every single one of those should be banned. I think it's enough to ban the current bundle (when there is one) for a certain period during and following the sale. There is no use banning the ones that have already been sold. Any damage, real or imagined, has already been done.
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Here's an idea: Ban every humble bundle until the next two are released. That would currently enable giving away HIB 1-3, but block Frozenbyte and Frozen Synapse. When the next bundle comes out, Frozenbyte will be unblocked, etc.
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Definitely need to do something about the Humble Indie Bundles, but I do not have an opinion on banning them completely. Might be the way to go though.
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We'll just wait and see what are the Mods' comments
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You know, I hate to say this(Omg I can't believe she is going to say this) but I actually agree, I am tired of the problems with the Humble Bundles and I am tired of hearing the fights, tired of the people complaining. I just wish they would be taken off. With the ability to give them away on this site, it gives those penny people an incentive to buy a whole bunch of copies for a penny.
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yeah in the end, blocking them indefinitely would be best for both SG users and the Humble devs
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Not sure if any or all of this has been done, but how about making it so submitting humble bundles to the site gives the submitter absolutely no benefits? Doesn't generate any points, and doesn't add to the number of giveaways the submitter has created or the value of gifts the submitter has given.
While I do agree that it is not nice when people only buy the bundles for a cent, it is pay what you want, and if the creators of the humble bundles saw the amount they were losing from the 1 cent sales as a problem, they could easily set a minimum amount per bundle. And there are also people who buy the bundles for reasonable amounts for the sole purpose of giving them away (or buy them for friends at a reasonable price, end up with some left over for whatever reason, and decide to give them away here).
As a final point, some people are legitimately unable to buy the bundles themselves. Whether they found out about the bundles when it was too late to buy them, or they have no way of buying them (no paypal or debit/credit card or whatever), they were unable to get them. While removing them from the site altogether doesn't entirely stop them from being able to get the bundles (I've seen codes being given away in chats and various other sites, although a lot of people try to trade them which may not be an option for the ones who missed them), it does reduce their chances.
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Actually submitter don't get points for their own giveaways :)
When a giveaway is setup, all users, excluding the creator, now receive 5% of the gift's value in points.
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Yeah, I meant generate no points site-wide, so no one gets any benefits from humble bundles being submitted, other than the winner of the giveaway (and possibly the submitter, feeling happy about having made the winner happy xD). I'm not sure whether humble bundles actually do generate any points though, as I know it's been suggested quite a few times that they don't.
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I think this might be a good solution. No benefits whatsoever to submitting these bundles (or possibly extending it to the games that are included as well). It would also decrease the points flow, reducing the amount of giveaways people can enter and thus increasing people's chances across the site for the ones they do pick.
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I agree. As I said in another thread some time ago, the HIBs are more trouble than they are worth, and it's not like they have something exclusive in them. They are supposed to be a one-time offer: if you managed to get them, good for you, if not, you still can buy/get the games one by one (or wait for the next HIB, or wait for a steam indie bundle that has the games you want).
Even people that pay a decent price for extra copies, should instead just get one paying all they can.
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Though I'm in the agreement camp, it's never going to fully work since others will continue to do exactly as they are now and start giveaways for a single game in a bundle and just keep quiet about that fact for the giveaway duration. Then it's left to mods/etc. to hound them about the giveaway.
People should be focusing on trying to convince Wolfire to set a minimum payment of at least $1 or more though so this penny garbage can finally be put to rest.
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Its the HIB fault for allowing this exploit to continue, I think that humble bundles should still be allowed.
Besides, the abuse will continue either way and I'd rather get Frozenbyte HIB.
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It's better that they're gifting it than selling the bundles at a profit. If the contests are shut down I think those people will sell their copies. :(
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People are selling their copies regardless. It is cool that they want to gift them, I don't think anyone's dumping on that, it's more the fact that people are just giving away parts of it - say "oh it's the Steam keys only" or the Desura/etc. keys only or from the most recent bundle "SpaceChem only". It shouldn't be a piece of it if you're going to give it away, it should be all or nothing.
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Your mocking attitude is not appreciated, especially since you are wrong. HIB can be bought for 1 cent.
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219 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by ErhanT
19 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by Calibr3
I think the block of Humble Bundle should be extended from when it's on sale to permanently. Now the block is over, it's clear lots of people abused the Humble Bundle offer and bought tons of them for only 1 cent.
Eg. some of the top "contributors" for this week looks fishy with a lot of giveaways for HIB's.
Humble Bundle exists because enough people don't abuse the system and want to support charity. This great site sadly gives some people with low morale an incentive to abuse the Humble Bundle deal and that just not fair to the humble bundle guys, plus it's not exactly great for SG's reputation either.
I know some people don't abuse it and have payed a fair price for it and there will always be people who will abuse the Humble Bundle deals. But sometimes you just have to do a sacrifice for "the greater good".
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