I keep on jumping between all of these 30-50 hour open world RPG's (Kingdom of Amalur, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, South Park... to an extent)/20-30 hour open world shooters (GTA, Sleeping Dogs, Mafia II, Saint's Row The Third, Just Cause 2) and I think I'm finally burned out on it.

My goal is to take a break from those kinds of games and hopefully get my head on straight by the time GTAV is available on PC.

In the meantime, I'm looking for some quick hitter games. 8-10 hours or less. Non-stop action packed thrill rides, minimal stealth or "backtrack and find so and so key" segments that slow everything down, emotional stories that hit fast and hard. A third person shooter would be preferred, as that's my favorite genre... I'm not very good at first person shooters oddly enough or hack and slash titles though they certainly could be good as well. Something like Tomb Raider (2013) or even Resident Evil 6 would be perfect, but I've already worked those games to death.

But really, any suggestion for me to think about would do. Anything out there fit the bill?

10 years ago*

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I was going to recommend Spec Ops: The Line, but you already own it :P

You could try the first 2 Max Payne games.

10 years ago

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I was just rummaging through my library and thought about it as well. It definitely fits the bill, and I'm not sure I've ever really given the game a fair shake... but I've never been a huge fan of military drama, which the game seems to be dripping with.

I've also been very well acquainted with the Max Payne series, enough so that additional playthroughs aren't too enticing... though it has been a few years.

10 years ago

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What about Bulletstorm, I know it's a FPS and not a TPS, but there's a demo, so you could try before you buy. Fast paced action is guaranteed with this game ;)

10 years ago

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i believe you really should play spec ops. The gameplay is third person shooter similar to gears of war. The story is excelent and it has lot of action and last for a few hours. The storyline is really really good, nothing like cod or battlefield.

10 years ago

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You like what I like. Are you my clone?

10 years ago

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What if you're actually his clone?
Dum dum dum.

10 years ago

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I'm pretty sure he is. :D

10 years ago

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maybe risk of rain

10 years ago

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Brutal Legend

Max Payne 1&2

Alan Wake

Dead Space

Psychonauts (although this one may be a bit longer than 8 hours, but still a very good game)

Edit: Beyond Good & Evil

Enslaved Odyssey to the west (I heard good reviews about that one but didn't play myself)

10 years ago

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alan wake was pretty long

10 years ago

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Took me 9 hours, so fits his bill.

10 years ago

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Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is the game for you. I played a non-steam version (You know what i mean) and it glued my butt to the chair that evening. It has a wacky wild west theme and a good story driven by the whisky fueled memories of an old man. Very fun, check it out

10 years ago

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Thanks for the suggestion! Seems like an interesting game.

10 years ago

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+1 Gunslinger is really fun to play.

10 years ago

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Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood.
Probably my favorite shooter actually, I'm under the impression it's under-rated.
The cover system is fantastic.

10 years ago

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No thrill ride as the ones mentioned, but if you're into turn-based games, maybe try out The Banner Saga. 1 playthrough takes about 12-15 hrs and there is absolutely no backtracking of any sorts all your choices are final and impact the story (to some extent)... It's not action packed, rather slow-paced but very story driven, which also seems to be a factor for you. :)

Edit: just going through my library I also found "Dark Messiah of Might & Magic". First Person Action-Adventure with some RPG elements, takes about 10 hrs to complete but warrants multiple playthroughs due to diversity in the combat (ranged, melee, magic, stealth/dagger or combinations of those). It's based on the source engine, so there's some pretty cool physics-based traps to kill those damned orcs :)

Edit 2: another one: "F.E.A.R." series (only played 1 thus far) took me 10 hrs to complete, definite recommendation :)

10 years ago

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play Batman games with possible exclusion of Origins one.

if you like platformers, play Deadlight, it's clunky but very moody and has a great story and two endings if you manage to finish Nightmare mode.

10 years ago

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The Batman games are actually pretty long (took me about 20+ hours each to finish the story). I definitely recommend Deadlight though!

10 years ago

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City can definitely distract you with side stuff, but Arkham Asylum seems to be barely over 12 hours long, i mean that's how long it took me and i'm hella slow.

10 years ago

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Arkham Asylum took me 17 hours to finish, but I also collected all the ridler trophies etc, so I guess about 12-14 hours for the story.

10 years ago

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Alpha Protocol ( kinda RPG but one of the most underrated games of all time )

CoJ Gunslinger

Darkness 2

Crysis 2

Duke Nukem Forever ( so damn bad, I barely finished it but you might like it )


Sniper Elite V2

Max Payne 1-2-3

Metro 2033-LL

10 years ago

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Although you can stealth it sometimes, wolfenstein: the new order is action packed.

10 years ago

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DmC,the new reboot . It's a cool hack 'n' slash game, specialy if you played other Devil May Cry games .
I really enjoyed the fresh new story and style . The combat is fun,specialy if you get that S rank .

10 years ago

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Singularity fits your description nicely. It has an interesting story with time travel. The gameplay is an FPS with a bit of bioshock. It has very few moments without shooting stuff. last around 6-8 hours depending on your skill/dificulty level

10 years ago

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Is Lost Planet 3 any good? Sounds like my kinda game.

10 years ago

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it's not your type of game it has a lot of cutscenes and a lot of talking and many zones without action.
That aside it's an average shooter. I prefered the first LP. It had an amazing SP! however it also has a lot of cutscenes

10 years ago

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Keep in mind, I said Tomb Raider and Resident Evil 6 are perfect examples of what I'm looking for. Both of which I don't feel are terribly far off from Lost Planet 3 based on what I'm seeing... albeit they may be better experiences overall.

10 years ago

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i played LP3 and tomb raider and they are very diferent. The cutscenes in tomb raider and the exploration are reletevely small compared with LP3. An example in the first levels of LP3, you have to repair something outside the base. you have a 5min cutscene, then you have to go board your mecha, go to the tunnel have a loading screen, go to the location try to repair the generator and fight for a 10 mins then return to base. In all for every 10 mins of action there's 30-60 mins of backtraking/cutscenes.
Singularity, MaxPayne, Darkness 2 and a few other games from these thread have 5-10 mins cutscenes and then it's action for a 5-30mins. They are games that fit your description nicely. LP3 is by no means a bad game, it's just average and has a lot of unecessary backtraking/cutscenes.

10 years ago

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Max Payne 3, Bulletstorm, Singularity, Crysis series, Battlefield 3, Hard Reset, Syndicate.

10 years ago

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He's already played MP3 (which is a great suggestion, though), but Bulletstorm and Singularity are both solid choices. Both are surprisingly solid FPS that aren't terribly long, but very enjoyable.

I've heard Prince of Persia (already in the OP's library, but unplayed) is really good and kind of short, so that'd fit the bill. Costume Quest isn't exciting, but its absolutely lovely, as is Stacking.

Another one that jumps out at me from the OP's library is Alpha Protocol. Its got some bugs, but its exciting and has a great story and really evolves depending on your choices. It has a dialogue wheel (ala Mass Effect), but your choices are a bit more vague and you have only seconds to make your choice, so it really keeps things popping and forces you to make a lot of split-second decisions that really matter.

10 years ago

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Pretty much all of the games I would recommend have already been mentioned. One thing that hasn't, however, is a multiplayer game of Borderlands 2. When everyone knows the game, it's brutally fast and action-packed. Plus, when you play with friends, they tend to do weird things, which adds to the entertainment. )

Just make sure that nobody in your group is a "scavenger" or they'll be spending lots of time deciding which loot to keep and which to leave.

10 years ago

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I love Borderlands to death, but I could never call either of them "8-10 hours or less"

10 years ago

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There are speed runs of the game. Apparently it could be from 2 hours to like 7 hours.

10 years ago

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Surely you wouldnt actually suggest someone attempts a speed run on their first playthrough of a game...?

10 years ago

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"When everyone knows the game, it's brutally fast and action-packed. "

This is what I'm basing this off on. From this quote, it seems to say that it isn't exactly their first foray into the game.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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You said You prefer 3th person FPS but I'd definitely suggest You Serious Sam games. Mostly killing nd killing, a lot of fun and action... Even those older ones of course (well, maybe even better than the newest). Also, as other people said, Max Payne would be good for You. I haven't played Max Payne 3 yet (unfortunately D: ) but Max Payne 1 and 2 are very nice 3rd person view games.

10 years ago

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I'm thinking about one game, not that long, but might be fun to play right away if you just want some action:

Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae, also, on a %75 sale

10 years ago

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Metro games are great fun - and pleasing to the eyeballs.

10 years ago

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Spec Ops the Line was so incredible, left me devastated.

2 games that haven't been recommended yet:

The Bureau: Xcom Declassified - Was pretty fun, with a decent story, a good way to kill 8-10 hours, not to slow assuming you don't spend forever in the base.

Binary Domain - Basically underrated Mass Effect, but more linear. Pretty good story, super fun. One of my favorite underrated games.

10 years ago

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An emotional story that hit fast and hard? Action packed too? Lol, try deadpool :P

Shame is not on steam anymore.

But its more like 5 hours, although you could replay it. After you finish it, the next replay allows you to complete it with all the upgrades.

10 years ago

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Noone mentioned Painkiller yet. Why?

Or Serious Sam HDs, as far as I can remember, you can play those in TPP too.

10 years ago

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give dishonored an other try.
Also timeshift

10 years ago

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Timeshift is indeed great - play on something easy difficulty, use timetravel to ruin everyone's day with guuuns. :D it's entertaining.
Or you can try Hard Reset (FPS) - it's quite like the old FPS names: hidden items behind containers, destructible walls with secrets behind it, and loots of shooting. It's a great game, and you can find it in a bundle too at Bundlestars :)

10 years ago

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-Singularity is a great game! Fantastic story, atmosphere, and world and action packed gameplay with some nice mechanics. Also lots of loot. I've heard that it's around 5-7 hrs.

-Warhammer 40k: Space Marine is another great title. Non-stop hack & slash action with both melee and ranged combat. 7-10 hrs. (This is the closet game to your description of a game you wanted) (HIGHLY RECOMMEND)

-Far Cry 3- Blood Dragon is an over-the-top 80's style FPS with great action and a semi-open world 8-12 hrs.

-Shadow Warrior- over-the-top 80's style FPS with fantastic combat and lots of collectables and loot. 6-10 hrs.

-Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death: Currently $1 and worth every penny. Cheesy 1990's story with hilarious dialogue, acting, and characters. Non-stop God of War style combat. Lots of combos, collectables, and powers. 3-7 hrs.

-POSTAL 2: Ridiculous game that's sexist, racist, and religionist. It has lots of weapons and lots of ridiculous action.

10 years ago

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