So this is my first time doing it, so might as well do something grand :D
Saw this on a offer, so I went to grab it.

Ratio: 1 in order to join

Good Luck to all. If this goes well, I will try to do something more in the future :D
If you guys like it, please bump it :D

Who here is a fan of One Ok Rock? When did u guys know about the band and how did u all know about the band?
What are your favourite songs? :D

I'm a huge fan of One Ok Rock(OOR) :D Love how their song portray their life, talk about life, etc.

6 years ago*

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Do you know One Ok Rock

View Results

Never heard about that japanese band actually :(

6 years ago

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Damn :(
Hahahah well it's a really great band for me at least xD
Good luck anyways ;)

6 years ago

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Pretty expensive giveaway and not a real fan of cod xD

6 years ago

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It is but I'm not a fan of cod too

6 years ago

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Thanks for the great game , not a fan of COD , but i am sure alot of people would enjoy playing that game.

looked up a couple of songs and they arent my kind of music .

6 years ago

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Thanks anyways for looking up on the song :)

6 years ago

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I'!! Google it later

6 years ago

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Yea sure :)

Hopefully u like it

6 years ago

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Too soft/commercial

6 years ago

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OOR seems a bit too punk for me. However, I'll give them a try with some songs.

6 years ago

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:D hopefully u like it

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thanks :)

6 years ago

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Have a Bump never heard about the band myself but music is ok. and awesome giveaway to share btw :)

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Thanks :)

6 years ago

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Hi, thanks for your discussion giveaway.
Unfornatelly I can't enter and I just wanted to discuss about it. It's not the first time I can't enter (I generally enter most of the SGTools giveaways) and it's not really a big deal but each time it's for the same reason.

I gave (480) more than I won (456). My actual ratio is 1.05 gift. I gave 4,066.2$ and won 3,409.44$ (ratio 1,19$). I'm near level 7, activated all my gifts and never won twice. Never been VAC etc. But I'm not able to enter because of your rule: Minimum ratio using Real Value of gifts Sent/Won on Steamgifts: 1
I'm a kind of big fan of these stats and created a tool to follow them, more precisely than SGTools (my SGTools profile is wrong and nothing can change this). I know what I have to do to be able to enter: give more than $100 non bundle value or a lot more bundle value (and stop winning of course)

I suppose it's your first time as a SGTool creator. Do you know what this rule represents, it's meaning? Is it intentional? What you were looking for with this rule?
Thanks for answer (if any)

6 years ago

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yup my first time :D

Well i created it such that there is a must for no bans in sg before, and for the value that u gave was a total of ($722.31) and the amount that u won was ($822.37) which means that u are unable to join as u need a ratio of 1.

So in order for u to get a ratio of 1, u need to give out the same value as the value that u won

6 years ago

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The RV and CV is different from what is shown, u need to hover your mouse to the value and it will show the value for sg. That my friend is the requirement you need to meet

6 years ago

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In fact i gave more games and more MSRP value than I won. It's what I always try to do. With "ratio raw" or "ratio number of giveaways" I should be able to enter but because of the SGTools calculated value (real CV), it means the reverse. It makes no sense for me. If I'm able to manage number ratio or total RAW value of sent gifts (and even Real CV sent), I can't predict the Real CV won.

6 years ago

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Do you know what this rule represents, it's meaning? Is it intentional? What you were looking for with this rule?

RealCV (ie, your $822/$722 values) represents the value that SG determines games to have (ie, $0 for free games, 15% value for bundled games, 100% value for unbundled games) while RawCV (ie, your $4,066/$3409 values) is simply the unadjusted retail price of the games you've given away. As such, RawCV will always be much higher, unless the only thing you've ever given away or won is unbundled games.
RealCV is the usual standard for determining gifting ratios, as it best reflects a user's actual gifting and winning habits. Nearly noone relies on RawCV, as it typically indicates very little. As Paradoxical noted, you can determine your RealCV values by hovering over your RawCV values in your profile. You can hover over your sent and won values to determine how your CV was adjusted.

my SGTools profile is wrong

The only time an SGT profile should be wrong is when SGT hasn't updated the value of a free game to $0 yet, as that has to be done manually. In those instances, your profile may show higher values than the correct ones you'd get by hovering within your SGT profile. If you ever have questions about using SGT, you can look into its official thread for assistance.

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6 years ago*

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Thanks for answer, i know all that.

SGTools is wrong because it rounds some values (date and MSRP values). Some of my giveaways are "bundle" for SGTools but in fact "no value" for SG (without any update) and the game value used by SGTools is rounded (Example: Life is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) is considered as a 20$ game for SGTools but is in fact a 19,99$ for SG). That's what I build my tool who give me the exact stats, like SG.

My question to the creator of the SGtool giveaway was: why the use of Real CV ratio and not number or RAW ratio? and why ratio of 1? In fact, what's the meaning behind the math?

But i don't want to harass the creator, it's just a curiosity question.

6 years ago

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I'm not sure what you're seeing on SGT, as I've personally never seen any rounding on SGT. Likewise, all my wins and sent games list at the proper USD to-the-cent value. Again, if you've questions or concerns specific to SGT, you can get responses targeted to your questions within the relevant thread; in addition to general forum responsiveness, the creator of SGT is very active and has been willing to help out within that thread.

While I of course can't answer on behalf of the OP's perspectives, as I noted, RealCV is the standard reference point used by those implementing SGT filters (or group entry restrictions) [followed by ratio of games won and sent], and nearly noone uses Raw (because Raw is essentially worthless on giving any actual information). It'd be much more curious if they were using Raw, since that would imply they don't actually care about sent/won ratios, but are likely playing more to a numerical theme of some sort.
RealCV, on the other hand, is the data point which gives the most precise determination of how leechy or generous a user is, as far as individual data points go. In other words, if you're not wanting to rig up an overly complex filter, RealCV is the most reliable single option to check against; thus, it's the one that's most commonly used by ratio-based filters.

A ratio of 1 means you've given as much as you've received. It is, again, a standard among filters, as it allows you to target users who haven't (yet) won as much as (or more than) they've given away. A ratio limit that high is basically never meant as an anti-leeching measure (as, once you remove leeches and heavy gifters, everyone'll be a bit below or above 1:1 ratio), but as a way of specifically targeting those users who haven't won as much (relative to what they've given) as others- typically either as a sort of "thank you for all the gifting" or as a "sorry about your win rate, here, have some nice odds".

I'm honestly more curious why you have expectations that anyone would utilize RawCV. :S

6 years ago*

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As you replied with a long message, I'll try to do my best to answer you but please keep in mind english isnt my native langage. Sorry for errors.

Regarding SGTools errors, I already asked knsys months ago. He explained why SGTools use "point" values to calculate CV ("point" values are in fact rounded MSRP values) and how timezone produces some errors.
I found these problems while trying to understand the stats on my SG profile (and all the underlying system), which led me to produce a tool named OSS. This one helps me to track price changes, to have an overview of my level, of all my past, present and futur giveaways, of real costs etc. As you can imagine it was a lot of work (originally for myself) to answer my curiosity. The questions I asked on this thread are the continuity of this curiosity.

Stats are just maths, some values puted on a profile. But the use of these values (on a SGTool filter for example) are sometimes subtle. As you wrote, it could be a way to "thank you" some people etc. Some people use very complex filters and some don't really know what they use and just do some fast copy-paste. I used once these formula on a complex train.

So, I perfectly understand a ratio of 1 (realCV) means people have to give as much as they win (in fact give more) but the creator could have use a "number" (of giveaways) ratio and/or RAW ratio to target these users. "Number" ratio is maybe more specific for targeting users who have less chance or leechers (counterselect). RAW value can be used as well if the creator don't care about number and value-type (bundle or non-bundle). SGTools filters are just a tool to help someone targeting specifics users (as you wrote). As for me RealCV ratio isnt the usual standard for determining gifting ratios (most of the SGTools filters I checked and passed don't use it), and because this is the first use of SGTools by the creator, I asked for the meaning of it.

It took me 2 minutes to find 3 random profiles which could meet the requierments (see images). They sent around half what they won. I don't say they are leechers but a simple "ratio of 1 (RealCV)" cant be use to "target users who haven't won as much as they've given away."
PS: And of course I found users who give more (number) but cant enter. See yourself, you are lvl8, sent more than 4 what you won and you are near the limit with a 1.02 ratio (RealCV)

Again, I'm not arguing about the best way to determines the "perfect" filter (which is probably a combination of different rules like "number" & RAW or RealCV etc.) but when I found that the few filters I couldnt passed used this "ratio of 1 (RealCV)", I'm a little bit curious about the targeted users.

Whatever, I'm aware of this strange rule and could use my tool to plan giveaways to meet the requierments (but I can't predict the giveaways I'll win).

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6 years ago*

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I'm new here and at the start I wanted to do a more complex and harder requirements but I thought that since its my first giveaway then might as well do 1 that is not too hard to meet but yet not to easy.

6 years ago

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No worry, there is no problem at all. You are free to do what you want and thank you again for your nice giveaway.
It's just a discussion about "the system" and as you can see, there is always someone disagree. Welcomme to SG! :D

6 years ago

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Ohhh ok. Glad that u like the giveaway

6 years ago

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Heard about it because of an anime opening/ending and searched for the full song ^^
Have 19 of their songs on my music list :)

6 years ago

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Nice. :D

Which was the first song u heard?

6 years ago

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That's a good question, let me listen to them all and see if I remember.

Found it: OnE oK ROcK - Naihi Shinsho (I think it was from Naruto?)

6 years ago

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mhmm that's my favorite song too ;D

6 years ago

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Haha good! Love that song! I think I even have it on my MP3 player and sometimes even listen to it multiple times in a row ^^

6 years ago

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yea xD glad to find someone who like them too. Here's a blue for u

6 years ago

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I have another ongoing giveaway, see if u have it or not ;)

6 years ago

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Added you in mine as well ^^

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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First I've heard of them. Bump!

6 years ago

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Thanks :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Ohh thanks:)

6 years ago

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Bump, never heard of them but I love the offspring :D

6 years ago

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Glad that u like it

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Congrats, Paradoxical and thank you for your first (SGTools) invite only giveaway! ^^

Sorry, I don't know that band but I looked them up.

6 years ago

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Thanks :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Take my bump

6 years ago

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thanks for the gib, paradoxical, never heard of the band, but i'll check them out :)

6 years ago

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Welcome :)

6 years ago

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Don't know about band...
I just know japanese singer - KOTOKO.
Impressive voice!

6 years ago

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Oh i will go search it up :D

6 years ago

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Thx for the gib ! Bump :)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I only know the song "The beginning" :)
Probably heard it in an AMV a long time ago :D

6 years ago

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Yea same. That was my first song I heard too. Fell in love with it instantly

6 years ago

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I too found out about them because of The Beginning. Heard it during the ending titles of some action movie, then went on to check out the whole album (which I still dig after 5 or 6 years!)

6 years ago

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Cool :D

And yup it was from a movie: rurouni kenshin

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Have another bump! ^^

6 years ago

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And thanks for giving out to the community :)

Nice level you have there mate :D

6 years ago

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You're very welcome, buddy! :-)

It was a long road but with a lot of fun, enjoyment and a few bumps here and there. ^^

6 years ago

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Failed in sgtools check, but have a bump
¯ \\ (ツ) / ¯

6 years ago

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Damn :( but Thanks for the bump :)

6 years ago

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0.96...well, so so close XD
Anyway, have a bump =)

6 years ago

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Try to push up :)
You can do it ;)
Thanks for the bump:D

6 years ago

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Knew about OOR from Aimer, my fav singer. Not really a huge fan, prefer scandal as a band

6 years ago

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Mhmm the collab song : Star in the rain?

6 years ago

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I like aimer songs too such as ninelie

6 years ago

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no, it was Falling alone

6 years ago

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I think I heard that but star in the rain left a stronger impression

6 years ago

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