I haven't seen any like this, if it's a problem I can take this down.

For me; The Damage

Not clear on the total but I don't want to know, either.

12 years ago*

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The official this is a repeat thread comment

12 years ago

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What makes this one so official?

12 years ago

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I said it was official in the title.

12 years ago

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But you forgot to capitalize the first letter of every word. That subtracts from its officialness score.
Something like this would be better;
What Have You Bought: The Official Thread
The Official "What Have You Bought?" Thread

12 years ago

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True, sorry.

12 years ago

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Because why not.

12 years ago

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That is awesome!

12 years ago

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Not as much as I had expected to. I got mostly DLC I was missing.

Too many of the deals had already been used as daily deals or were repeats from the Holiday event.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Just L4D2.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Nice, zero gear is great.

12 years ago

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commandos collection and AC:R, trying to get money to buy arma II to play dayz mod before sale ends :D

12 years ago

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A decent amount:

The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

Lara Croft GoL: Raziel and Kain Character Pack

Lara Croft GoL: All the Trappings - Challenge Pack 1

Lara Croft GoL: Things that Go Boom - Challenge Pack 2

Lara Croft GoL: Hazardous Reunion - Challenge Pack 3

Fable - The Lost Chapters

From Dust

The Binding of Isaac

Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb

The Binding Of Isaac Soundtrack

Alan Wake's American Nightmare

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

Orcs Must Die! Game of the Year

First time going "all out" on a sale :)

12 years ago

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Had $7; Bought Duke Nukem Forever on Nuuvem; Gave it away.

Nothing besides that.

12 years ago

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Age of Empires III: Complete Collection

Civilization V (x3)

Cubemen (x2)

Men of War

12 years ago

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That list is only complete Dr until you get to the very last game. ZERO GEAR. YEAHHHH

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Trine 1 & 2.

I spent $1.67 more than I need to for both of them though because I bought them both separately on two different sales. Just when I thought I was safe buying only Trine 1 during the first Trine 2 sale, they put the franchise on sale again. Say what you will about repeat deals, but I'm fairly sure Valve knows what they're doing.

12 years ago

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Arma 2 CO(before it went on any sale $28 :()

TWD(for a friend $18)

Driver San Francisco Deluxe Edition($9)

Alice Madness Returns - $10

Penumbra Collection $5

so ~$70 spent, not bad. I had a max of 100 anyways.

12 years ago

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So far Witcher 2 and Ac: brotherhood. Soon, Darkness 2 and Fallout New Vegas Ultimate

12 years ago

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I spent $200.47 total.

I got:

Jagged Alliance Back in Action
Space Pirates and Zombies
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
The Longest Journey
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit
Alien Breed: Impact
Iron Grip Warlord
Dead Horde
Men of War: Vietnam - DLC 1
The Walking Dead
Saints Row: The Third - Genki Bowl VII
Trine 2
Batman Arkham City
Tropico 4: Modern Times
Alan Wake American Nightmare
The Darkness II Standard Edition
Toy Soldiers
Assassin's Creed Revelations - Gold Edition
Sonic Generations - Casino Nights DLC
From Dust
Saints Row: The Third
Naval War Arctic Circle
Dungeon Defenders - City in the Cliffs Mission Pack
Dungeon Defenders: Talay Mining Complex Mission Pack
Dungeon Defenders - Karathiki Jungle Pack
Dungeon Defenders Assault Mission Pack
Wargame: European Escalation
Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai

For friends:
Cyan Collection for a friend who loves Myst,
Dawn of War 2 collection for a friend who loves 40k, and
Fable: The Lost Chapters

12 years ago

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You beat my $150 total.

I think that's a good thing.

12 years ago

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almost got jagged alliance back in action but read that it was a remake of jagged alliance 2. then i watched a video and saw that it doesn't have the turn-based action-point-limited combat i liked so much in the first jagged alliance, so i bought jagged alliance 2 instead.

12 years ago

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For me, only Fallout NV UE and Trine 2. For others, much more stuff :) Expect to see them in the next weeks ;)

12 years ago

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  • Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
  • Fallout 3 GoTY
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • TF2 premium... Found something in the Mann-Co store that was -75% due to Summer Sale, took it on a test run and got 25% off the Summer Sale discounted price - meant I spent like $0.3 in the end for TF2 Premium.
12 years ago

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You now own The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition, The Witcher 2: Bonus Content, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, World Basketball Manager 2010, Armed and Dangerous, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction - Insurgency Pack - Mac, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction - Insurgency Pack, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction - Deluxe CD Key Mac, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction - Deluxe CD Key, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty: United Offensive, Nexuiz Duel Mode, Farming Simulator 2011, The Maw: Brute Force, SimCity 4 Deluxe, Just Cause, Dear Esther, Dear Esther OST, Railworks 3 Trains Vs Zombies DLC,Battlefield Bad Company 2: Specact Kit DLC, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Bastion Soundtrack DLC, Hitman: Codename 47, Trine 2 Collectors, Batman Arkham City: Nightwing Bundle, Batman Arkham City: Challenge Map Pack, Batman Arkham City: Harley Quinn, Batman Arkham City: Robin Bundle, Batman Arkham City: Arkham City Skins Pack, Theatre of War 2: Centauro, The Maw, Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943, Saw, Tropico 3 - Steam Special Edition, Tropico, Tropico 2: Pirate Cove, Tropico 3: Absolute Power, Zero Gear, Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, Biozone, The Longest Journey, Ravaged, Toy Soldiers, Children of the Nile, Killing Floor - Harold Lott Character Pack, Killing Floor - Urban Nightmare Character Pack, Syberia 2, Still Life 2, Bunch of Heroes DLC, Quantum Conundrum, Starscape, Project Freedom, Fluttabyes, Chrome, Chrome: Specforce, Portal 2 - The Final Hours, Eternity's Child, Swords and Soldiers HD: Super Saucy Sausage Fest, Unreal Tournament 2004, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes - I Am the Boss DLC, Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30, Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood, DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil, Satazius i Gravitron 2.

i hate myself

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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Officially way too much.

12 years ago

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You now own Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout New Vegas CaravanPack, Fallout New Vegas ClassicPack, Fallout New Vegas: Courier's Stash, Fallout New Vegas TribalPack, GECK - New Vegas Edition, Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money, Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts, Fallout New Vegas Old World Blues, Fallout New Vegas: Lonesome Road DLC, Fallout New Vegas: Gun Runners' Arsenal. World of Goo, Star Ruler, Hydrophobia: Prophecy, ORION: Dino Beatdown, Waveform, ORION: Dino Beatdown Dedicated Server. ARMA 2 Dedicated Server, ARMA 2, ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - Dedicated Server, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion . The Longest Journey, Wings of Prey. Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto 2, Grand Theft Auto IV, Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City, Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Just Cause 2: Black Market Aerial Pack DLC, Just Cause 2 - Prima Official Strategy Guide, Just Cause 2: Bull's Eye Rifle DLC, Just Cause 2: Chevalier Classic DLC, Just Cause 2: Rico's Signature Gun DLC, Just Cause 2: Black Market Boom Pack DLC, Just Cause 2: Agency Hovercraft DLC, Just Cause 2: Monster Truck DLC. Source SDK, Source SDK Base 2006, Source SDK Base 2007, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead Authoring Tools, Left 4 Dead 2, Left 4 Dead 2 Authoring Tools, Left 4 Dead 2 Add-on Support, Universe Sandbox, E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy, Oil Rush, Botanicula, Splice. Dead Island, Dead Island: Ripper_2.0, Dead Island: Bloodbath, Dead Island: Ryder White DLC, Alan Wake, Alan Wake Developer Commentary, Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Train Simulator 2012, Railworks TestTraK DLC, Railworks UK LED Signals, Railworks AssetPack01, RailWorks 3 HorseshoeCurve DLC, RailWorks 3 Super Express Train DLC, Railworks 3 Class 325 Express Mail, RailWorks 3 Cologne - Dusseldorf, RailWorks 3 - PRR K4 Locomotive, Railworks 3 AerosoftCommon, Railworks 3 Settle to Carlisle, Railworks DLC range, Railworks 3 4CIG Southern EMU, Railworks 3 LegacyAssetsEU, Railworks 3 LegacyRouteOP, Railworks 3 LegacyRouteBT, Railworks 3 LegacyRouteNY, Railworks 3 LegacyRouteHS, Railworks 3 LegacyRoutesFictional, Railworks 3 LegacyAssetsUS, Railworks 3 LegacyRouteCP, Railworks 3 LegacyScenariosOP, Railworks 3 LegacyScenariosBT, Railworks 3 LegacyScenariosNY, Railworks 3 LegacyScenariosHS, Railworks 3 LegacyScenariosFictional, Railworks 3 LegacyAssetsFoliage, Railworks 3 LegacyScenariosCP.

Oh dear god :(

I also bought the Eidos pack and Black Ops from Amazon

12 years ago

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  • Wizorb - 1.49
  • Trine 2 - 3.74
  • Renegade Ops 4 Pack - 7.49
  • Monkey Island 2 SE - 2.49
  • Dungeon Defenders - 3.74
  • Indie Bundle VII - 9.99 (Vessel, QUBE, Avalon, Dungeons of Dredmor) [Already owned Zombie Driver]

Total: $28.94. I'm happy.

(Actually I spent nearly double that on SG stuff, lol)

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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I supplemented my Steam purchases with some games off IGN Prime.

  • For myself: Portal bundle, Max Payne bundle, Witcher EE, Braid Soundtrack DLC, Q.U.B.E, Choplifter HD
  • For giveaway: Witcher EE
  • For friends: Saints Row: the Third, Payday™: the Heist, Dungeon Defenders

Although I'd say the most interesting thing I've got in the last week is Awesomenauts PC beta. I should really look at some of the numerous games I have beta keys for (oops, my boasting is showing).

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by realdrawesome.