Do you think it would be a useful thing?
Yes. This is a great idea, and I can't think of any way this could cause any problems/abuse more than the current system does. Unless there are any obvious drawbacks, I second this suggestion.
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It sounds like a good idea, but it also sounds like it may be a bit difficult to implement.
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Huh. It sounds like it could be a bit of a pain to implement, and a system'd need to be worked in for refusing giveaways for content you already own.. but, other than that, it's one of the most potentially useful and nifty suggestions I've seen on this site thus far.
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I like this! I think it'd be nice, so you give someone the whole package rather than separating it piecemeal, or not get the CV for the DLC if you give it to the winner off-site.
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Bump. I'd like to know in specific (from a dev perspective) if this would be difficult to implement.
Thanks to everyone that commented, but since there's someone who thinks it's not useful, I'd also like to hear their opinions!
I do am passionate about this idea and would like to not let it die.
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Whats the problem with just writing in the GA that the winner will also get DLC or an extra game etc when they win?
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Not much, in my opinion.
1:You have to wait and contact the guy yourself (this may take a while and maybe at the end you won't be able to contact the guy entirely for various reasons. A feature like this would save a lot of time);
2:(I don't care but) you won't receive the CV "reward" for the DLC unless you gift the DLC to a completely different person with a completely different GA;
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Great idea! I can't believe I haven't seen this suggestion before :O
Whitelisted because of the thread and your ga history ;)
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Uhm... I'm not sure you understood the suggestion.
I'm not asking to add bundles to the games list. I'm asking to let us make a single giveaway with multiple games/dlcs and all the games inserted will be won by the same guy.
Devs would not have to insert bundles in the list as we could create a single giveaway with 2 or 3 games from the same bundle.
In a situation in which I possess a copy of LA Noire and a copy of the DLCs package for LA Noire, instead of giving them away in 2 separate GAs, I can create a single giveaway for LA Noire and LA Noire DLC package and both of them will be won by a single guy, that will then need to activate them both on his/hers account.
As it is now, I either have to create 2 GAs that will be won by 2 different users, or I have to contact the winner of the base game and gift him the DLCs directly, missing the CV reward (not a huge concern of mine, but it still is a bummer).
Either you didn't understand this concept or I completely misunderstood your words. There's a great chance the second option is the true one, so let me know.
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So I did understand what you said after all. This suggestion does not revolve around that, but also aims to avoid exactly what you said.
Instead of creating a giveaway for "Humble Rockstar Bundle Tier 1", an entry that would have to be added by the Devs and would not figure anywhere else (it would require a lot of work to make it figure in wishlist I guess), we would create a single giveaway with all the games in the tier, which will be then won by a single user.
It would require more work to create the giveaway, but it that work will be moved on our shoulders, and let's be honest, it's not a thing we can't do.
On the other hand, creating a single giveaway with 3 games is certainly faster than creating 3 different giveaways. You don't have to input the starting and ending date, region restrictions, group/whitelist data etc. for each game. The average user would have less work to do.
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I disagree.
The developer implemented a lot of suggestions through time.
A feature like this is unfortunately impossible to achieve with a script. I'm also not sure it will be easy enough to manage in the future, that's why I wanted to wait for a response by Cg.
I'm not going to be mad at him if he decides not to implement this on the site because it requires too much work. I don't code but I do understand how much time and effort coding requires.
I don't blame the Dev if he ignores some suggestions. Steam gifts is a free project that more than a million users have fun with.
I don't think Cg swims in mad ad cash either, so It can't be a full-time job.
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That's such a nice idea! I already found myself in this position where I wanted to give everything to one guy but couldn't.
I'm not a developer yet but I think it would really be possible to implement this feature. The other question is if it's worth the effort and if there are really that much people that would use it...
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Alright, I know it sounds redundant.
Let me explain.
I suggest the inclusion of a "+ button" to the giveaway creation page. Clicking it lets you add a game/dlc/package to your current giveaway so that 2 or more (I suggest a maximum of 3 to avoid eventual exploits) games/dlcs/packages will be won by the same person. Of course, this eats up as many giveaway slots as the number of packages included.
Let's say I have a game and a DLC for it and I want both to be won by the same guy. Let's say I have chapter 1 and chapter 2 given to me as a single key (e.g.: The Journey Down 1+2 bundle from Humble Jumbo Bundle 8 was given to us as a single key, yet we don't have an entry on the list) and I can't separate them.
There are a lot of bundles that may be given to us as single keys.
I don't think it's perfect: as we keep finding exploiters and exploits around, this might probably be a problem, as more games would be won by the same exploiter at the same time.
I'm not sure what to improve, though. That's why we are here.
I'm also not sure if:
1: it's been asked before. I tried looking up a similar suggestion but found nothing;
2: it's an easy thing to do. I'm not sure if the amount of things to redesign in the site would be worth the effort;
So let me know. I find it would be a useful and unique feature, maybe you think the opposite.
It probably seems an occasional thing, but it would resolve a lot of occasional situations.
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