Hint for Puzzle 1
Wrote a lengthy reply further down that should help people get started: http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/T9jOBFk
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Music puzzle had a small fix done to it, an error had snuck in somewhere during mid-production of it and neither of the solvers actually bothered to tell me ;) Was not a huge mistake, but it might have confused people trying some ideas that felt like they didn't make any sense because of it.
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Puzzle 3 (elevator), Hint 1:
The binary forms a 4 letter word before the ITH code. First letter of that word is "c". Time to put your reverse engineering skills to use.
As a reminder, you already know every 8th digit (as talked about in the disclaimer), that should help to tell you what signifies a 0, and thus a 1 together with the additional information in this hint.
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Puzzle 1 (Venn Diagram), Hint 2:
Note that the site uses counter-clockwise when adding the colours together in the bottom right corner. I'm asking you to gather them up in clockwise order. If your binary solution starts with "V" you probably used the wrong way around the Venn-diagram. :)
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Puzzle 3 (Elevator), Hint 4 (final hint for the elevator):
The message contains a 4 letter word that starts with "cod", a separator and an ITH-code, which means we are looking at a total of 104 bits (which could have been solved mathematically from earlier hints). It starts at the very beginning of the music sheet and ends on the vertical line called 23.
The only thing that can seem odd are the last 4 bits, but if you've solved everything up until that point, I think you can figure out how they are counted.
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New case? Just saw it.
Nice, hopefully it will be more manageable than the last one which I literally didn't know what to do...
Also, good rewards, gives me motive. xD
Question is the previous puzzle mandatory in solving this?
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No previous experience needed.
However, as always, there are some nodbacks to previous cases, 2½ puzzles are inspired by the bomb and the events around it from two cases ago. For example, a 4-set Venn diagram was used when defusing the bomb, and you're using a 7-set diagram here.
For story purposes you may miss some unimportant details, but the main points are covered in the brief "Previously on"-section at the top.
Also, unlike the last case, you won't really need google to solve this one, I've tried containing all information needed within the case itself, such as a direct link to a wikipedia-article for more information how to understand puzzle 2. There's one question you'll probably have to google, but it's a very easy one and nothing tricky about it. Just a checkpoint question.
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Well I adored the bomb like no other puzzle these last months, so you should know my opinion on the Venn diagram. However this seems much more complex than just a diagram. I did start to decode something with it, but I got a strange result that also has symbols in it, except characters. This is truly strange...
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Read the Disclaimer in the main post. It's got very important information for solving the puzzles.
Bigger sets of Venn diagrams looks very complex, because they need to be to be able to create unique fields. In other words, there is not a single field in the diagram that contains the same combination twice. It's very interesting how it's created.
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Of course I have read everything on your post. :) And yeah the diagram is indeed very interesting.
However symbols as part of results do not help me at all to get either an ITH or a GA code (since symbols not accepted in these formats), so I'm obviously missing something very vital here.
PS: Never mind I think I was looking at it in a complete wrong way due to how my fantasy works.
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And bump for being stuck with no idea on that last music puzzle. Loved the first two ones though.
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:D dog told me she didn't have an immediate idea on the last one, so I took a break before I would get really stuck. Apparently solving it takes more than 5 minutes and I'm trying to act all adult and non-addicted here ... I'll return to it soon enough :)
Edit: I hope that didn't sound like bragging ... wasn't meant like that. The steps before took me somewhat more than 5 minutes each ...
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Perhaps because you can read music sheets that took a short time, but let me tell you, it took hours to get it as good as it was there for me. :) Although I'm quite sure reading the binary would take far less time than actually creating it. Then we're talking single digit minutes. Took some time to actually learn the tool as well. And took me the longest time to understand why I couldn't do anything in Firefox, then it turned out it worked very well in Chrome. Even though simple playback works in both.
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Yep with the right idea reading these really is a matter of minutes ... getting that idea of course can take quite some time :) And I do realize that creating these takes a lot longer -- I really appreciate all the effort you put into this, I really love your puzzles :)
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Overthinking indeed, as I do with almost all puzzles anyway, so it's not really something new for me...
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My puzzles are so evil, they are even making people harass their old girlfriends. >:)
You really don't need a music degree. As I've mentioned several times, I'm clueless when it comes to music. The only advantage when it comes to reading music sheets is something I didn't even know about. Appearently one note sounds exactly the same as another (c and #h if I remember what mandrill told me correctly), so it's weird that it was written in two different ways. That gives a clue on that there's something hidden, but I think most people understand there IS a message in the notes by now. :P I don't know the difference yet or how they look though, perhaps this is a hint that I'm yet again unaware of. ^^
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I know what I'm supposedly looking for, but I have no idea "what" should be translated as "what", in that complex music sheet...
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You realize you have 4 of the 5 games, and really don't want the other one (tried the beta and hated it), and move on. :)
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That's a hard question to answer, and it differs from each puzzle. There are a total of 5 puzzles and in each you're looking for binary sequences that gives you either an 8 letter code or a 5 letter code.
Using the two links in the story-part of the main description you need to find 8 sets of binary numbers, one for each number on the rainbow coloured image. Now since it's a 7-set Venn diagram you'll only get 7 binary numbers from the image, so you have to add a 0 at the start of each set, as written in the Disclaimer.
I've attached a 5-set Venn diagram. If, for example, we look at the area with AD near the top. That means you are inside circle A and D, but outside of circle B, C, E. Now, the key is how to figure out how that translates to binary numbers. As a hint, the very center area is ABCDE = 11111.
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So should I assume that there are 2 more puzzles after the music one? :O
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There's still a long way to go then... I thought of something in the music puzzle, but it got me nowhere after all... :/
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I get what I have to do now. So easy, how the hell have I been stuck on this for so long...
But I'm still getting gibberish with the 2nd and 6th characters. Don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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That's very confusing though, that the inside order is different than the outside order. :)
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Indeed, it's the only thing that has kept me so far around here. As usual I'm probably overthinking everything...
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Original title: [PA4]The case of the emergency lockdown[Level 2][Ends: Apr 1st]
Story: The Case of the Emergency Lockdown
"You did what?", your boss screams at you. "You're telling me you solved the last bit of the note Cipher Bin Ary left behind without telling anyone, just so you could get your 15 minutes of fame?" Not the direction you had hoped this conversation would go in.
"You should be glad I'm activating a lockdown of the Puzzle Agency to trap this mysterious man you followed, so I can't kick you out. No, instead I'm going to put you on desk duty. There's lots of paperwork to be done."
You sit yourself down at your desk and start researching Venn-diagrams. "Start at red... clockwise... 7 colours...", you mumble to yourself.
Small guide
Previously on the Puzzle Agency.
You have become an agent at the Puzzle Academy. Shortly after proving your loyalty to the agency in the Case of the Secret Ruler, a hacker managed to plant a bomb in the building. After defusing it, you found a compartment with a mysterious note. You were able to decrypt the final bits of information before the rest of the agents and set off on a hunt for Cipher Bin Ary that led right back to the Puzzle Agency through a hidden door where you just saw someone enter the building.
All binary codes that decodes into alphanumeric characters starts with 0. If you get a 7 number binary code, add 0 at the start to make it a complete set of 8. While last case was about what to do with binary numbers, this case is about finding the binary numbers. All decoding is Binary to Ascii.
This case involve use of a lot of different sites. For 8 letter codes it uses ITH. It also uses GA codes which 5 letter codes can be used on.
Earlier cases (optional)
Prelude: the Puzzle Agency entrance
The Case of the Secret Ruler
The Case of the Terrorist Hacker
The Case of the Mysterious Note
There's also a Puzzle Agency steam group where news for upcoming cases are shared. Bonus giveaway to agents: PixelJunk Shooter.
Never Alone: Arctic Collection
The Talos Principle
I am Bread
Sunless Sea
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